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Sweden Geocoin


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Posted (edited)


I have searched for a long time, but unfortunately there seems to be no geocoin for my favourite country Sweden. :)

I'm a big fan of Sweden. I work for a swedisch company and so I'm often in Sweden for business trips and for holidays as well.

Here is my design proposal for a swedisch geocoin. :D





The backside could either be in 2D or 3D. What do you think about it? Any ideas?

It should be possible to mint such a coin for costs of 6€ or 6,50€ per coin instead of the expensive norwegian coin, which costs 12,50€ (thats too expensive).

What Do you think about having a swedisch coin?


Greetings from Germany,



Edited by SwedenHawk

when I click on the link, I get the error message mentioned above

but when I refresh the error page, then the image appears :)

(My webspace seems to have a failure)

Does anyone know a place, where I can upload the image.


Posted (edited)

Birdman beat me to it, but :D


Regarding your idea for a coin, I would like to propose that you make it much more prevalent that this is your personal coin, rather than a coin representing Sweden. Especially since you are not Swedish (or Swiss for that matter) :)


The concensus opinion of geocoin buyers and collectors is that a coin representing a state or country should be initiated by a group from within that state or country. There is no "rule" saying so, but it's a common sense credibility issue that will affect how your project is perceived.

Edited by YemonYime
Posted (edited)

Link doesn't work for me.


Just as info, there was a Swiss coin made last year.


I may be confused but Switzerland and Sweden are different countries?


LOL, nah, it's me who is/was confused. Little early in the morning for the brain to be firing correctly.


I like the coin design by the way.

Edited by AtlantaGal

Birdman beat me to it, but :)


Regarding your idea for a coin, I would like to propose that you make it much more prevalent that this is your personal coin, rather than a coin representing Sweden. Especially since you are not Swedish (or Swiss for that matter) :huh:


The concensus opinion of geocoin buyers and collectors is that a coin representing a state or country should be initiated by a group from within that state or country. There is no "rule" saying so, but it's a common sense credibility issue that will affect how your project is perceived.


That's my idea too. It happened also with a fake Denmark geocoin (made by a US cacher) and the real Denmark coin, made by Dannish cachers. But there's more trouble water like the Portugal and Luxembourg coins. They were also not designed by a "country"group but by an individual outlander (sh**t me if I'am wrong :P ).

But....I like the colors, maybe more Eland and less sort of pole in the middle :D


thanks for your input.


It seems that you think it is better to have no geocoin for Sweden than a coin made by me. :)


Ok, maybe I should better concentrate on my own geocoin project.


But it seems that the we will have no Sweden-Coin the next years, because the discussion on geocaching.se is going on for more than a year without a result.





I'd buy a couple of them for sure, I like the coin design . Are there moose in Sweden? :)


Yes, there are moose. SwedenHawk, I suggest that you present your design to the Swedish forum and say "Since you can't make up your mind, may I suggest that you adopt my design (well, maybe with more tact than I have! LOL)?"


I'll buy it because 1) it has a moose and 2) my hubby is an American born of 100% Swedish blood.

Happy Trails,


... It happened also with a fake Denmark geocoin (made by a US cacher) and the real Denmark coin, made by Dannish cachers. But there's more trouble water like the Portugal and Luxembourg coins. They were also not designed by a "country"group but by an individual outlander (sh**t me if I'am wrong :unsure: ) ...


BANG. The "outlander" of whom you spoke worked with Portugal and Luxembourg to design their coins. In fact, he didn't really like the final results of either and tried to get them to change them.


In general, I find that I must take geo-gossip (re: coins or otherwise) with as much salt as any other, because in most cases it has just as little basis in fact.



Happy Trails,


I am really stupid and will probably kick myself once you tell me, but what is the thingy on the pole supposed to be? I was thinking it looked like a gallows but that didn't seem right...or is it...


I'd defintely buy 2 swedish geocoins if they arent too expensive. I did buy the Norwegian geocoin & love it but as my dads family is swedish & I doubt theres enough interest to do an Aland Islands coin soo..


Yes, his family considers themselves swedish but are from the islands, which are sort of under Finnish rule, sort of. Oh well.


Swedish, Finnish, Aland Islands, heck even Danish coins would be cool, love my scandianvian roots.


Yes, delightful countries, and I have geocached in several of them. I will issue a Personal Geocoin for Sweden and Denmark soon. Have a look at my site www.ellandel.com and you will understand why...


Happy geocaching



Posted (edited)

thanks for your input.


It seems that you think it is better to have no geocoin for Sweden than a coin made by me. :grin:


But it seems that the we will have no Sweden-Coin the next years, because the discussion on geocaching.se is going on for more than a year without a result.





This is too bad, isn't it SwedenHawk. I am a big fan of Sweden too (I'm still gloating over the Olympic Gold Medal for Mens Hockey last year :D ). I stuck my nose in geocaching.se to try and help them along, or at least let them know that there is some interest from the outside world. Their progress was slower than a snot stream trying to climb up the North Pole during the Winter Solstice. I offered to help them in whatever way possible to turn the project into reality (i.e. help with U.S. distribution, front some cache for the project, etc.), but I ended up with a Swedish Boot in my rump for even voicing my interest (note: it was a single swedish boot, about size 13...not sure what that is in mm; please don't take this to mean that the Swedes in general are a mean people...generally they were quite friendly, but there was one large-footed fellow I'd recommend avoiding unless you've got padded trowsers). It was very clear that they wanted to do it themselves with no contact from the outside world, even if it took them till the end of time. Hopefully we'll see an official Swedish Geocoin at some point in the future, but I have a feeling we'll just have to wait until the Swedes are ready. :unsure:


As for the Swiss, I don't know much about them, except I'm not a big fan of their cheese. I prefer a nice mild provolone, or some strong greek feta (I couldn't resist). :grin:

Edited by Redwing_dave


It seems that you think it is better to have no geocoin for Sweden than a coin made by me. :grin:



Don't take any comment like that personally. There are some (myself included) that believe that an area should have a coin IF the people in that area want to do a coin. For someone outside that are to do a coin for that area just because they think there should be one is somewhat self-centered. (Again, a general comment, not directed toards you).


I liken it to some of our US policies - we think that others should behave a certain way so we decide to go and make them. This may be a stretch and I certainly don't want to get into a political debate - it's just the correlation that came to mind.


It sounds like the Swedes are working on SOMETHING. I agree - offer to help in anyway you can if you want to be a part of it. Jsut stay clear of the boot taht got to Redwing Dave! :unsure:


I would like to get a coin that represents Sweden, as a nice compliment to my Norwegian coin. I'm part both, and have always had an interest in my heritage. That said, whomever makes it, that'd be cool. Nicer if someone from there made it, but better to have one than not.


That of course doesn't mean if 5 different parties all decided to make a different coin that I would buy every one out there, as I've learned there's so many coins being made these days, just for the sake of making a coin to sell. Alas, that's not what this topic is about though.


Since it's the first time I've heard of a Swedish coin being discussed (I honestly don't have time to look through all the forums to see if it has been before or elsewhere) I'd get one of these if they're made.



That's my idea too. It happened also with a fake Denmark geocoin (made by a US cacher) and the real Denmark coin, made by Dannish cachers. But there's more trouble water like the Portugal and Luxembourg coins. They were also not designed by a "country"group but by an individual outlander (sh**t me if I'am wrong :unsure: ).

But....I like the colors, maybe more Eland and less sort of pole in the middle :grin:


Yes, you're wrong. The Portuguese Geocoin design was made after several proposals sent by portuguese geocachers. Then we got to a short list. Everyone took a round a voted the best one. The design is 100% Portuguese!


Then it was sold by someone more experienced in geocoins. That was it. :grin:


thanks for your input.


It seems that you think it is better to have no geocoin for Sweden than a coin made by me. :unsure:


Whoa there Nelly. Why can't you do a Swedish coin with your name on it and still have it be a personal coin? :grin:


thanks for your input.


It seems that you think it is better to have no geocoin for Sweden than a coin made by me. :unsure:


Ok, maybe I should better concentrate on my own geocoin project.


But it seems that the we will have no Sweden-Coin the next years, because the discussion on geocaching.se is going on for more than a year without a result.





Please don't take the opinions as an effort to stop you from making a geocoin. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that you should make a personal geocoin that celebrates your enthusiasm for Sweden, rather than one that specifically represents the entire country. That may be difficult to understand, but there really is a distinct difference.


Here's an example: Like most Americans, I've got a mix of various European heritages in my family line. Let's pick one...say, Italian. I really do cherish my Italian heritage, so if I were so inclined, I might wish to make a geocoin that focuses on that. Maybe I put a picture of a gondolier in Venice, or maybe I use the outline of the country with a mark where my grandfather was born. No matter how I would do it, I'd make it personal, and I'd be sure to stop short of calling it an "Italian Geocoin". I don't live there, and it's not quite right for me to claim that distinction from an entire country full of Italian geocachers who live and breathe "Italy" everyday.


I hope you can see that I'm not discouraging you at all. I'm simply stating my opinion on what makes an "official" geocoin from a state or country, as opposed to a geocoin made in honor of that state or country.


I'm sure I've totally confused some, but I think some of you will know what I mean. Again, there are no guidelines here, just opinions.


Thanks for your time, and please don't be discouraged from making a coin!

Posted (edited)

I agree with the common view that it is important to make clear that it is a personal coin.


I haven't seen any mention of the icon.

I think an icon which looks like the Swedish flag should be left for a local to use.


With that proviso, I think it's a great idea. :unsure:

Edited by Bunya

Really nice coin! I hope swedes don't get mad if german does their coin. Anyway go for it :grin:


It seems that they are not happy about my idea.

My post in the swedish forum www.geocaching.se has been deleted without a comment after half a day. :unsure:

So I think they don't want a coin or a discussion about it.



That's my idea too. It happened also with a fake Denmark geocoin (made by a US cacher) and the real Denmark coin, made by Dannish cachers. But there's more trouble water like the Portugal and Luxembourg coins. They were also not designed by a "country"group but by an individual outlander (sh**t me if I'am wrong :grin: ).

But....I like the colors, maybe more Eland and less sort of pole in the middle :grin:


Yes, you're wrong. The Portuguese Geocoin design was made after several proposals sent by portuguese geocachers. Then we got to a short list. Everyone took a round a voted the best one. The design is 100% Portuguese!


Then it was sold by someone more experienced in geocoins. That was it. :D


OK, it's part of the game and I say sorry :unsure: .


Really nice coin! I hope swedes don't get mad if german does their coin. Anyway go for it :D


It seems that they are not happy about my idea.

My post in the swedish forum www.geocaching.se has been deleted without a comment after half a day. :D

So I think they don't want a coin or a discussion about it.


Did you post in German or English?

Anyway. Deleting without comment is also "not done".

I think the Swedish coin is almost ready now and they'll use your design :D


Did you post in German or English?

Anyway. Deleting without comment is also "not done".

I think the Swedish coin is almost ready now and they'll use your design :grin:


I post in English, because my Swedish is not good enough for longer discussions.

If they want to use my design, fine.

But it seems to me, that swedish geocachers are not interested in geocoins. :unsure:


Anyway, I will concentrate on my first and only personal geocoin (with a complete different design). :grin:

But this one would be mostly for trades or use in caches. I will only sell a small amount of them.




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