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New Coin

kimba off track

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Depending on colour and other artistic concerns* you can count me in for about 2 or 3.


*Round or square coin? 2D or 3D - 'd great if scroll was raised in relief. Go for the gusto.... you'll find no lack of enthusiasm where pirate or treasure quest motif is used.

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This is a great design . Love the fact it starts with pencil and paper as well. I would be interested if you mint them.


One side note. Both sides of the coin are shown rolling up. To be more realistic the back should just show the curl edges as a back view of map instead , get it flip it over :laughing: It looks like a mirror at this point is this planned ? If not and you are seeking design input this thought would also allow for more room for the back canvas of the coin allowing more detail and larger font etc. , Just some friendly thoughts.



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