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I just sent Garmin an e-mail about a goofy limitation of the C-330


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This isn't new to many of you, but the C-330 (and I suppose all of its related models) won't let you input Lat. Long. coordinates as a waypoint. Boy, this is stupid. One of the core functions of a GPS is imputing coordinates. It really frustrates me that there isn't an option to enter coordinates directly.

Oh...And by the way, you can't find your current coordinates either! They aren't shown. I hope I never need to call 911 in the middle of nowhere on a remote highway someday.


I can just imagine the call going something like this:


them: "911 dispatch...What is the nature of your emergency?"

Me: "There has been a bad wreck happen right in front of me."

them: "What is your location sir?"

me: "I'm not really sure...My GPS says "north on highway 25", but there is nothing around here. I have no idea where I am exactly".

them: Can you give me a mile marker sir?

me: "No...I don't see one, and I haven't been looking at them."

them: "You have a GPS sir? Can you give me coordinates"

me: "Uhhh...No, I can't."


You get my point...This is just goofy.


I do have one and love it! Granted the ability to enter and read cords would be a great asset along with a compass screen so one could Geocache with. This is, if one wasn’t worried about destroying it. For what it is designed to do it does very well. I have almost 5000 geocaches entered as custom POI’s. I can drive down the road and view a screen that shows me how far the closest ones are and points in the direction. If I touch the screen it will give me name, difficulty, terrain and part of the hint. I touch the “Go” and she gives me voice guided directions. Once I find a place to park, I can hop out with my 60CSx and find it.


I concur.


Though we did do 10 caches today with the help of my 330. I had uploaded all of them to the 330 with the PC and used the 330 to get us to the area, then the 76CS to finish them off. The 330 really made driving to the caches nice.


Another annoyance is you can't delete a group of waypoints (like found GCs) at once, only one at a time with about 5-6 strokes needed for each. That was a major bummer when I accidentally uploaded about 100 unwanted wpts.


Is there a way to do a system reset? I've looking through manuals from Garmin and all over the web. There must be a way. I too uploaded too many waypoints and now have to delete them manually. Stupid me. Stupid Garmin.

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