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Crayons? You want Crayons!


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We would be interested... if you are already wanting color reservations... we would take Black... Midnight Black to be specific :(


I would be willing to go with lazer etching of the names if that is an option to hold down the costs, even though we have a long name and it would probably end up the same cost for ours either way.


I have a box of the State Colors crayons that Crayola did a few years back... that would require one participant from each state though, so that may not be a good idea...


i'm interested in the project so far... might not get to be blue, seeing as that must be everyone's favorite color!


I have a box of the State Colors crayons that Crayola did a few years back... that would require one participant from each state though, so that may not be a good idea...


i'm interested in the project so far... might not get to be blue, seeing as that must be everyone's favorite color!


I love red! I'd really have to have some shade of red. (Sammy Hagar fan from way back!)


We would definitely be interested in this. Certainly we would be interested in getting more info when you have it. And while we know that you aren't taking color reservations yet, we just gotta say, "Dibs on Forest Green!" :laughing:


This idea is neat and all....




What use is it getting only 50 of the exact same color crayon?

(Even if you wanted to trade with people to get a full set, there's no way that you could do it!)


Unlike the other ongoing group-coin idea, maybe the crayons should come as a complete set of 64.


Also there will be no way to be 'fair' on color selection. Referring back to the list of color categories in a previous post, there is only 1 of certain colors..... *wham* automatic LE coins.


(BTW - I want to reserve Copper, regardless of the fact that you requested that we not post color requests in your initial post... :laughing: )


They also renamed a lot of the colors. I'm not sure what it means to have a 64 pack of crayons with 100 names for the 64 colors. Heck I don't even know what your project is other than it's in the geocoin forum...


Speaking of renaming colors, here's some history.


That's too bad about Prussian Blue. Ack! They retired one of my favorites colors!


Yep, mine, too! :laughing:


Fun Fun FUN!!!! We want GREEN!!



That's just too cute, that little Digi Color is addictive too, I've been playing with it quite a bit. Try the water color, it's fun! For those who haven't founs it yet: DigiColor!


It's especially nice to play with the colors to see which color you may like...As for us, we like "Tracker" (Indigo) blue!


It just amazes me how most people absolutely cannot follow instructions. You say from the outset that you DO NOT want anybody requesting colors at this time. So 3/4 of the posts are trying to reserve colors. Typical post: I know you are not taking requests for colors BUT I want blue or orange or red or green <place a color here>. I actually think that this whole 'pick a color' idea might be a huge problem so I suggest you put the colors in one hat, the names in another hat and pick a color to match a name. That way no favorites will be played and we all have the same chance at getting a good color. I'm partially color blind so this is of little interest to me anyway, just thought I would put in in $.02. I'm done now! :laughing:


It just amazes me how most people absolutely cannot follow instructions. You say from the outset that you DO NOT want anybody requesting colors at this time. So 3/4 of the posts are trying to reserve colors. Typical post: I know you are not taking requests for colors BUT I want blue or orange or red or green <place a color here>. I actually think that this whole 'pick a color' idea might be a huge problem so I suggest you put the colors in one hat, the names in another hat and pick a color to match a name. That way no favorites will be played and we all have the same chance at getting a good color. I'm partially color blind so this is of little interest to me anyway, just thought I would put in in $.02. I'm done now! <_<


I don't think anyone means any harm. I think we are just excited about this project. I think we all know that what we want as stated above holds no water until the "color requesting" begins.


And I still want red! :laughing:

:laughing: OOOO what Mustang Joni said. We are all excited about thios pproject. I mean crayons are cool. It seems that when they're used though that black is hard to find- I know, different subject- It makes sense as to what Rubiconlwb said about selection! I hope you can pull this off... Would there be any problems with the Crayola company?!?? <_<

It just amazes me how most people absolutely cannot follow instructions. You say from the outset that you DO NOT want anybody requesting colors at this time. *snip*

Trust me, what you see on this forum is only part of the requests for colors! This is why we are NOT taking color requests at this time. I am however going to ask that anyone with an interest in this project to please send an email to GeoCrayons@yahoo.com (even if you've already sent an email to Jolene or I). Let me start by saying that this project will likely have a minimum cost of $250, we do not have any quotes yet, as I just sent out email to vendors. I have asked for quotes based on 2 things:


Option A: 1 common side for everyone with the obverse side being personalized with their GeoNick and crayon color name. Each Geo Crayon design will have a different overall color.


Option B: Both sides being common and the same as far as a die goes. Each Geo Crayon with a different color fill and laser etching for the Team Name.


Also I asked for a quote based on 2 different numbers, 64 "Crayons" and 32 "Crayons" just in case there aren't enough for 64. This will also determine the color selection.


It just amazes me how most people absolutely cannot follow instructions. You say from the outset that you DO NOT want anybody requesting colors at this time. So 3/4 of the posts are trying to reserve colors. Typical post: I know you are not taking requests for colors BUT I want blue or orange or red or green <place a color here>. I actually think that this whole 'pick a color' idea might be a huge problem so I suggest you put the colors in one hat, the names in another hat and pick a color to match a name. That way no favorites will be played and we all have the same chance at getting a good color. I'm partially color blind so this is of little interest to me anyway, just thought I would put in in $.02. I'm done now! :ph34r:


I don't think anyone means any harm. I think we are just excited about this project. I think we all know that what we want as stated above holds no water until the "color requesting" begins.


And I still want red! :laughing:


I know full well nobody means any harm, this post was to meant to poke fun at my fellow geocoin addicts. If anybody took this to be criticism, it was not meant in that way. I too am excited about seeing this project unfold and am saving my spare change so I will be able to participate.


... I am however going to ask that anyone with an interest in this project to please send an email to GeoCrayons@yahoo.com ...


Done! Now we'll sit patiently and wait for your response :D


We're just waiting too. There are not 64 people yet, and since we are planning this to be a late summer coin we've got plenty of time. We're talking with some vendors and I'll be working on prleminary art this weekend. So I guess that's where were at. The emails help me to create a database that's eaier for me to maintain then going through posts everyday. We'll update everyone as soon as we have more information to update with. This project just isn't taking off as quickly as the LP records did, but that's ok!


We're just waiting too. There are not 64 people yet, and since we are planning this to be a late summer coin we've got plenty of time. We're talking with some vendors and I'll be working on prleminary art this weekend. So I guess that's where were at. The emails help me to create a database that's eaier for me to maintain then going through posts everyday. We'll update everyone as soon as we have more information to update with. This project just isn't taking off as quickly as the LP records did, but that's ok!


Hopefully we have made it before you have the 64 people. I will send an email to the posted email tonight once I get back from work.




I am still interested and will send an email. It sounds alike a lot of fun. My problem is I am not that great with the computer! I am still trying to figure things out. I'm slow, but I'm still having fun (at least most of the time).


Hey everyone! Here's some preliminary art with a couple options. This would be for the personalized Option of this coin, since most seem to want that. We don't have 64 people yet, and I would like to remind you that if you are interested and have NOT already done so, please send an email to GeoCrayons@yahoo.com. PLEASE do NOT include a color choice, as it will not be accepted at this time.







Two and a half inch coin


Two inch coin


Please feel free to throw out any opinions!

Posted (edited)

It looks a bit chunky - I presume that the shape was designed to allow the vertical text to fit, but it still seems a bit odd in the large version.


A few other questions come to mind. How many letters will fit from the cacher's geonic? Mine is rather long and I would want to be sure that it fit. Also, how would the name be applied? I'd guess that laser etching is the easiest, but it can be very hard to read. Likewise, please be sure that the tracking numbers are relatively large. (This is a pet peeve of mine. There are some nice coins out there with barely decipherable tracking numbers.)

Edited by tokencollector

I also think it is a little out of proportion. I know you don't want to get it too large but perhaps a little less wide and a little longer would help the proportions some. I'll be watching for more details. Thanks for doing this, it is an exciting project and a way for me to get my nick on a coin without the huge expenditure that comes with doing your own coin. Any idea how many of each color will be minted or a ballpark expense estimate per coin so I can have an idea of how much money I will be responsible for. If you don't get the full contingent of 64, will you continue anyway or perhaps drop to 32 colors? Just a few random questions that you probably don't have answer to yet (I know this is a late summer project so no problem if you don't know yet).


I also think it is a little out of proportion. I know you don't want to get it too large but perhaps a little less wide and a little longer would help the proportions some.

I would LOVE to make them more proportionate to the actual thing, but I have a feeling it would hike the cost quite a bit. I would love to have made them 3"x 3/4" but I don't think it will work cost wise.

Thanks for doing this, it is an exciting project and a way for me to get my nick on a coin without the huge expenditure that comes with doing your own coin.

This is EXACTLY why I think coin projects like this are great. I know crayons are a little out there, but I also know that the cost of minting your own coins is high, and not easy for a lot of folks. So things like this that allow you to get a small amount for a reasonable price is awesome! I would love to work on other similar projects in the future or even just produce art for them!


Any idea how many of each color will be minted or a ballpark expense estimate per coin so I can have an idea of how much money I will be responsible for. If you don't get the full contingent of 64, will you continue anyway or perhaps drop to 32 colors?


I've been a bit lazy on this project since it has so much time. So I haven't counted the actual amount of people interested so far. I know it's over 32 but less than 64. Maybe a 48 crayon box? I seem to remember having one of those in grade school.


Although I sent out for price quotes I neglected one little detail...SIZE. so until I have figured that out by playing with art I wont be able to get any good estimates (sorry vendors I know I messed up there :blink: ) I'm pretty sure we will go through this regardless of a full 64. Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted at every turn.


I also think it is a little out of proportion. I know you don't want to get it too large but perhaps a little less wide and a little longer would help the proportions some.

I would LOVE to make them more proportionate to the actual thing, but I have a feeling it would hike the cost quite a bit. I would love to have made them 3"x 3/4" but I don't think it will work cost wise.

Thanks for doing this, it is an exciting project and a way for me to get my nick on a coin without the huge expenditure that comes with doing your own coin.

This is EXACTLY why I think coin projects like this are great. I know crayons are a little out there, but I also know that the cost of minting your own coins is high, and not easy for a lot of folks. So things like this that allow you to get a small amount for a reasonable price is awesome! I would love to work on other similar projects in the future or even just produce art for them!


Any idea how many of each color will be minted or a ballpark expense estimate per coin so I can have an idea of how much money I will be responsible for. If you don't get the full contingent of 64, will you continue anyway or perhaps drop to 32 colors?


I've been a bit lazy on this project since it has so much time. So I haven't counted the actual amount of people interested so far. I know it's over 32 but less than 64. Maybe a 48 crayon box? I seem to remember having one of those in grade school.


Although I sent out for price quotes I neglected one little detail...SIZE. so until I have figured that out by playing with art I wont be able to get any good estimates (sorry vendors I know I messed up there <_< ) I'm pretty sure we will go through this regardless of a full 64. Stay tuned, I'll keep you posted at every turn.


Yes, thanks for doing this. I suspect it might be the only chance to get a coin I can at least partially call my own.


Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping us informed.


Fun Fun FUN!!!! We want GREEN!!



That's just too cute, that little Digi Color is addictive too, I've been playing with it quite a bit. Try the water color, it's fun! For those who haven't founs it yet: DigiColor!


It's especially nice to play with the colors to see which color you may like...As for us, we like "Tracker" (Indigo) blue!


cool web app for the kiddies -- and for me too !

So I haven't counted the actual amount of people interested so far. I know it's over 32 but less than 64. Maybe a 48 crayon box? I seem to remember having one of those in grade school.

Can you post a list of participants to reassure us we have registered properly and to get to know each other? We are going to share a box soon, <_< you know!

So I haven't counted the actual amount of people interested so far. I know it's over 32 but less than 64. Maybe a 48 crayon box? I seem to remember having one of those in grade school.

Can you post a list of participants to reassure us we have registered properly and to get to know each other? We are going to share a box soon, <_< you know!

I sent an email asking some things but havn't heard back.


As of right now, this is the list of interested participants. Beside each name is the method by which interest was noted. I have been asked quite a few times if someone can get their pick of color in. The answer for right now is still no. We'd like to be as fair as possible, so we are working on this still.


1. PennyPacker post

2. Princess Lisa post & email

3. Ryder3 & Better Half post

4. AtlantaGal post & email

5. Crowesfeat30 post

6. GPX Navigators post

7. Fluttershy post & email

8. Wij Drie post & email

9. lindsychris post & email

10. Cashe Crusaders post

11. Team Macha post

12. creacher post

13. Rubiconlwb post

14. 1NatureMom post & email

15. rivercity post & email

16. cainrcc post & email

17. ParentsofSAM post & email

18. wigoweb post & email

19. Blue Power Ranger post & email

20. MustangJoni post

21. RattlingCrew post

22. crazycavelover post & email

23. GeoSmurfz post & email

24. HiDude_98 post & email

25. Son of Cyclops post

26. Not So Lost Puppies post & email

27. Rick618 post & email

28. Galaad post & email

29. sfwife post

30. ~tasia~ post & email

31. CachingCoins post

32. chaosmanor post & email

33. wsgaskins post

34. Degai post & email

35. fairyhoney post

36. keewee01 post & email

37. JLAM-D post & email

38. Mike May (cacher name?) email

39. Token Collector email

40. GlennK721 email

41. Sandy N (cacher name?) email

42. pghlooking email

43. Moosiegirl email


I would like to join in. Email sent to the crayon lady. Thanks, Jennifer.


I think we would need to just do a lottery for color choices. Number the cachers, then draw numbers to set the choosing order.

Posted (edited)
I think we would need to just do a lottery for color choices. Number the cachers, then draw numbers to set the choosing order.


I second this opinion! I mentioned this a week or so ago (a couple times) but never got a response. I have the feeling that some of the colors may already have been promised but don't know for sure. A luck-of-the-draw method is the only way that would end up being fair to all participants. Otherwise, some people will get special treatment (so what else is new). As always, this is just my opinion, I could be worng!


Edit: Removed irrelevant content.

Edited by Rubiconlwb
I think we would need to just do a lottery for color choices. Number the cachers, then draw numbers to set the choosing order.


I second this opinion! I mentioned this a week or so ago (a couple times) but never got a response. I have the feeling that some of the colors may already have been promised but don't know for sure. A luck-of-the-draw method is the only way that would end up being fair to all participants. Otherwise, some people will get special treatment (so what else is new). As always, this is just my opinion, I could be worng!


Edit: Removed irrelevant content.


I'm sorry I didn't reply. We've been moving kinda slow on this project to allow it to fill up, and also because it's planned for later in the summer time. As far as I know, no colors have been promised to anyone, including myself, even though I am particular to one color as used in the preliminary art. I will be as fair as I possibly can be. There will always be someone who gets upset or feels left out as I noticed in my mailbox coin. But I will do my best (and if it's not good enough I'll likely keep trying till it is.)


I'm definitely getting the cart before the horse and I'm way too ready for more action considering it is still a long time before anything really happens. I'll do a lot more reading and observing and a lot less commenting. This will be interesting watching the progress. :)

I think we would need to just do a lottery for color choices. Number the cachers, then draw numbers to set the choosing order.


I second this opinion! I mentioned this a week or so ago (a couple times) but never got a response. I have the feeling that some of the colors may already have been promised but don't know for sure. A luck-of-the-draw method is the only way that would end up being fair to all participants. Otherwise, some people will get special treatment (so what else is new). As always, this is just my opinion, I could be worng!


Edit: Removed irrelevant content.


I'm sorry I didn't reply. We've been moving kinda slow on this project to allow it to fill up, and also because it's planned for later in the summer time. As far as I know, no colors have been promised to anyone, including myself, even though I am particular to one color as used in the preliminary art. I will be as fair as I possibly can be. There will always be someone who gets upset or feels left out as I noticed in my mailbox coin. But I will do my best (and if it's not good enough I'll likely keep trying till it is.)


Not only are you creative and artistic, but you are such a caring and sensitive person! I loved your comment s to Rubicon. . .Thank you. :huh:

Posted (edited)

I apologize to Jennifer for my comments. They were not meant to be as accusatory as they sounded when I read them later. I guess I was just a little frustrated from making a suggestion that seemed to me to be a solution where nobody would be accused of playing favorites, yet it wasn't even addressed. I can see right now most people are going to want the more popular colors which quite obviously cannot happen. Hopefully it will not be a problem. I don't know Jennifer personally but it is quite apparent she is an honorable person who likes doing things for the geocoin community and I will allow her to do that without further negative comments. Once again, thanks for taking on this project, it will be great when it gets done. :huh:


Edit: spelling

Edited by Rubiconlwb

I apologize to Jennifer for my comments. They were not meant to be as accusatory as they sounded when I read them later. I guess I was just a little frustrated from making a suggestion that seemed to me to be a solution where nobody would be accused of playing favorites, yet it wasn't even addressed. I can see right now most people are going to want the more popular colors which quite obviously cannot happen. Hopefully it will not be a problem. I don't know Jennifer personally but it is quite apparent she is an honorable person who likes doing things for the geocoin community and I will allow her to do that without further negative comments. Once again, thanks for taking on this project, it will be great when it gets done. :huh:


Edit: spelling


:huh: No Worries! I didn't take anything as offensive! I totally understand the excitement! This will just be a building excitement, due to crescendo around summer time! Anny and all suggestions are greatly appreciated and welcomed! :huh:

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