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Vinyl is Back! Well, BN Vinyl that is!


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i'll ask this again, are dies already made for the sample(s)?


if not, then i would say bigger coin not just bigger inner label.


No, dies aren't made yet. They're using 1 coin for a Sample at this moment

while we get our Artwork Finalized... and sent to Oakcoins.


Dies are needed to make a physical sample.


Based on fluttershy suggestions the coins would look like Vinyl Sizes, the first is currect size, the second just being current artwork at 1.75 and the third being 1.75 and bigger inside demensions. If viewed at 100%. This is rough scale and proportion.


I like the current scale but would pay extra for the larger coin. Artwork should not need to change.


The second image that shows existing artwork at 1.75" is what I would be willing to pay extra for also.



The small additional cost would be fine with me in order to get a more legible size coin. I hope that the overall size vs. label size will be proportional to an actual "45"...otherwise it won't look right. Does anyone have an old 45 to measure for proportions?


I see that wsgaskins has already addressed this issue while I was writing...


Not completely... you asked the original 45rpm single album dimensions.


A quick googlresearch turned up:


"That's why a 7-inch single has a label 3 1/2 inches in diameter."

and "1 1/2", plastic-capped center spindle"


And a whole wheelbarrow full of info here:



So the proportions are

Diameter: 7.0"

Label: 3.5"

Spindle: 1.5"


Diameter to Label Ratio: 7 : 3.5 = 2:1

Diameter to Spindle Ratio: 7 : 1.5 = 14:3


So to keep it totally proportional, a 1.75" coin would have to have a label area that was exactly

7/8" (0.875") in diameter.


But that said, everyone who has approved their artwork already has done so with a slightly off proportion of 1.8:1 so we are already not strictly proportional, but we are definitely in spirit, artistically speaking.


If we strictly scale the coin up in size to 1.75" such that the artwork doesn't change, but just goes on a bigger coin, then the center label area would be 0.950" according to my measurements.


This jargon is out of my league <_< !



The small additional cost would be fine with me in order to get a more legible size coin. I hope that the overall size vs. label size will be proportional to an actual "45"...otherwise it won't look right. Does anyone have an old 45 to measure for proportions?


I see that wsgaskins has already addressed this issue while I was writing...


Not completely... you asked the original 45rpm single album dimensions.


A quick googlresearch turned up: .....


This jargon is out of my league <_< !


Well, let's just leave it at this:

These coins will not play on your old record player.


Posted (edited)

Well, let's just leave it at this:

These coins will not play on your old record player.


What do you mean these won't play? :laughing:


I was going to use mine as an adapter and get a custom 45 of my songs.



That is if we are going to keep it at 1.5 inches.

Edited by Atwell Family
Posted (edited)

It won't actually play,


but if you put it under a real record spindle and manually spin the record yourself,

It will tell you who TGF is, and where the secret Yime Orchard is. :laughing:

Edited by Fluttershy

Hey We could get a 2" coin and the center adapter would have to be .43" and the center label would be 1" and that would keep the proportions listed above. I know it is farfetched but it would be in proportion and it would be easier to read.

Other wise I agree that we should go to the larger diameter of 1.75" accordingly the proportions would be, .375" diameter for the adapter and .875 for the label. That is of course if you want to keep it proportional which really doesn't matter. But I say the bigger the better.


P.S. I have always thought larger coins were cooler.


Someone just proposed by email that we go with the 1 1/8" Center like the Oakcoins and push up the Size of our coin to 1 3/4"


Which would be around $12.00/per 50 coins.


This would be the medium of having A larger center, and still having a bigger border around it.


If there were a handful of people who couldn't pay extra, I could try to pay for them, myself.

I just couldn't pay $500.00 out of pocket.


All i want is for it to have the right proportions. If that is going to add only $12.00 that is not going to make too much of a difference to me. I'd rather have a something that looks like a tiny record, than a big label & just a few 'grooves'.


It won't actually play,


but if you put it under a real record spindle and manually spin the record yourself,

It will tell you who TGF is, and where the secret Yime Orchard is. :laughing:


Hey, I've been to the secret Yime orchard. Brought back a Golden Yime (prominently displayed in my collection)!


If we're still voting, my vote is to increase the size of the label and the coin if we can truly do it for about $12 per 50. I would like a chance to review the proofs if this will affect proportions.


Ok, got a response! Thank you! <_<


It's 10.00 per 50 coins.


(I know I'm talking $$ in the forum, but it's such a small amount)


I think this is well worth it. A little more room to see things a little clearer. :laughing:


Option 1. $10 is an insignificant amount.




i think the 2nd option looks more like a tire than a record...


Option 1 for us also.


Hummmm a tire.......Have at it fluttershy...so many options...... <_<


Noooo Tires.... BUT I AM Tired. I'm closing out Secret Santa, so that took a while.


Now, time for bed!


Night all! :laughing::unsure:


And again, I'm sorry that I stirred up so much today, but I am driven sometimes...


Someone just proposed by email that we go with the 1 1/8" Center like the Oakcoins and push up the Size of our coin to 1 3/4"


Which would be around $12.00/per 50 coins.


This would be the medium of having A larger center, and still having a bigger border around it.


If there were a handful of people who couldn't pay extra, I could try to pay for them, myself.

I just couldn't pay $500.00 out of pocket.


All i want is for it to have the right proportions. If that is going to add only $12.00 that is not going to make too much of a difference to me. I'd rather have a something that looks like a tiny record, than a big label & just a few 'grooves'.


I second what ~tasia~ said!

Posted (edited)

Option 1. $10 is an insignificant amount.




i think the 2nd option looks more like a tire than a record...


Option 1 for us also.


Hummmm a tire.......Have at it fluttershy...so many options...... <_<


You want a tire?




Hot off the presses, haven't even got a pic taken of it yet. Turned out great though. You may recognize a few names on the coin (DAMNMENACES name was changed to protect the guilty...I still wish I could have gotten a good pic of him snuggling up with a GARMIN in the back seat of the van :laughing: ). What an adventure! The 104 hrs on the road left me so worn out, that it took 6 months to finally get the coin minted.


Oh, yeah, back on topic. I like the 1" label, and the $10 is very little to pay to make things a little bigger.

Edited by Redwing_dave


You want a tire?




Hot off the presses, haven't even got a pic taken of it yet. Turned out great though. You may recognize a few names on the coin. What an adventure! The 104 hrs on the road left me so worn out, that it took 6 months to finally get the coin minted.


Oh, yeah, back on topic. I like the 1" label, and the $10 is very little to pay to make things a little bigger.


I go with the 1" and the 10 as well.

P.S. Is there a list for the "Tire"?

Posted (edited)

I go with the 1" and the 10 as well.

P.S. Is there a list for the "Tire"?


No list for the tire. Only 100 made and distributed to those who went through the joy and agony of the Extravaganza. No tracking, since there were only 100. Your best bet would be to contact someone whose name is on the coin, since they're the only ones that currently have any of these (except the one I just sent off to the Secret Yime Orchard). I know that several of the 100 coins will be dropped in local caches and distributed to local cachers to thank them for their "Homebase" support of our operations, so trades will likely be tight.

Edited by Redwing_dave
Posted (edited)

So all the artwork has to be changed because of the new proportions? Is there an estimate on how long this might delay the coin production? Just curious... :laughing:

Edited by Team Macha
Posted (edited)

Umm I can't remember. When are the coins going to be started and bout when when will they be done? I can't remember if this was posted or not. I am just wondering cause if it is a while away. I will just put half of it in savings now and the rest in next pay. But if it is soon I will just put all of it in savings now. Just wondering.


Found out today that my boss wants me to stop at work on Sat. @ 8am and noon to take care of some people at work. I only have to be there for 45 mins at 8 and bout 5 mins at noon and is paying me for the time in between. What a dream getting paid to geocache.

Edited by GeoSmurfz

Hi everyone!


The artwork is being finalized by the weekend, (I have to confirm this with Jamie)

Then everything is going to Oakcoins.


From there, it's immediate dye art and off to the Mint.


I was told that Yes, People would be able to have their coins as early as the Coin Fest,

specifics to be worked out...


I know you have several questions that we haven't been able to answer.


Joelene and I will get more detailed information as soon as we get all of the art to Oakcoins.






Ok, Jamie has altered all of the Records to the New Size.


Please take a look using the link I provided last time.


I believe all of our Artwork is Approved, except UOTrackers, who will email me later.


If you have any changes, please post in this thread, Today!

I'd like to get all artwork to Oakcoins ASAP.


Thank you!!!! :D


Ok, Jamie has altered all of the Records to the New Size.


Please take a look using the link I provided last time.


I believe all of our Artwork is Approved, except UOTrackers, who will email me later.


If you have any changes, please post in this thread, Today!

I'd like to get all artwork to Oakcoins ASAP.


Thank you!!!! :D


I don't know if you need confirmations, or if you just need to know if we need changes, but my Artwork looks great in the new dimensions. Thanks! :D

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