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Geocaching Purple Heart


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I am a vet who was injured whilst on active service, your so called Purple Heart should be called the "Dumb a**" award. If you can't geocache without hurting yourself, then stay at home. Or better still join the idots who collect geocoins and imagine that they are caching.


Many have given there lives to us and the only Honor that they have received is the Purple Heart. This idea does nothing but insult.


Hummer H1 ex 22nd Reg SAS


SO, what do you recommend?


Now that's uncalled-for, Hummer. Accidents happen, at a time and place not of your choosing, often times beyond your control completely. People have been seriously injured while attending to our geocaching hobby, just like in other areas of life. That said, this was in no way intended to be comparable to the real US Purple Heart Medal and not intended to be degrading to the honor of those of us who have served, whether or not they were injured, disabled, or wounded in the course of that service. Back in February, there were no objections in the forums. At the same time, I want to err on the side of not demeaning anyone, whether they serve or not, so I will pull the picture from the web site. Thank you for those of you who have weighed in on this issue in an intelligent manner.


Try not to earn the dumb a** award yourself, Hummer. Being so judgmental about those hurt while geocaching will not honor those who were injured or died while in the service of their nation. Instead of criticizing, try geocaching....


Team Maccabee

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I am a vet who was injured whilst on active service, your so called Purple Heart should be called the "Dumb a**" award. If you can't geocache without hurting yourself, then stay at home. Or better still join the idots who collect geocoins and imagine that they are caching.


Many have given there lives to us and the only Honor that they have received is the Purple Heart. This idea does nothing but insult.


Hummer H1 ex 22nd Reg SAS


SO, what do you recommend?


Now that's uncalled-for, Hummer. Accidents happen, at a time and place not of your choosing, often times beyond your control completely. People have been seriously injured while attending to our geocaching hobby, just like in other areas of life. That said, this was in no way intended to be comparable to the real US Purple Heart Medal and not intended to be degrading to the honor of those of us who have served, whether or not they were injured, disabled, or wounded in the course of that service. Back in February, there were no objections in the forums. At the same time, I want to err on the side of not demeaning anyone, whether they serve or not, so I will pull the picture from the web site. Thank you for those of you who have weighed in on this issue in an intelligent manner.


Try not to earn the dumb a** award yourself, Hummer. Being so judgmental about those hurt while geocaching will not honor those who were injured or died while in the service of their nation. Instead of criticizing, try geocaching....


Team Maccabee


Thank you!



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Ok, I deleted the picture from the log, but it still shows up in this forum topic. And I cannot edit my post for some reason. I've done what I am able.


Sorry for inadvertently hijacking the topic. By the way, I really like that Purple Camo Heart -- great job!


Happy New Year, everyone, and Happy Caching!!


Team Maccabee

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Hmmmm...interesting topic. I am a vet of the first Gulf war...didn't get hurt, didn't get any medal, one that was actually due...the aircraft carriers took more than allowed or some other silly reason, I forget....and while I am one who knows about the Purple Heart medal and honors and respects those who have earned it, I find it great that a topic like this is brought up. One or two more folks have learned about the medal from reading here. I am a mother of three kids now. Do I mind that someone told another cacher that they have received a purple heart of geocaching or that they gave them a cute little rendition of something that looks similar? No way. If you have ever seen or held a real Purple Heart medal...you know the difference and the meaning. If I saw parades and big hoopla over it, then I guess I would be worried. I would be more appalled at the idea of SO MANY people not even knowing what medals are given and for what events in those people's lives. If you have a Purple Heart, or know a story of one, do you regularly share that with the family friends and community you are in? My own personal medals of honor are constantly walking around getting into things...like an occasional cache....they are constantly changing and have stories of their own. My thanks goes out to fellow veterans who have risked everything and continue to do so as well as to the family and friends who also make sacrifices so that they can.

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This post pretty much reinforces what I've learned in a few years of caching. Anything you do or say is bound to offend someone in the caching community.


So another cool idea succombs to the inevitible in-fighting of the caching community. Totally predictable.


Happy New Year.


weather sure is whatever you like it to be today.


how 'bout them whatever your favourite team's name is


your cache is great unless you meant it to be lame in which case it is lame but only in the eye of the beholder


pardon me while i go puke!


(hope that doesn't offend too many)

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This post pretty much reinforces what I've learned in a few years of caching. Anything you do or say is bound to offend someone in the caching community.


So another cool idea succombs to the inevitible in-fighting of the caching community. Totally predictable.


I'm also a veteran of the first Gulf War and a military retiree, and up until now I've managed to stay out of this, but I think the post above overstates the reaction here.


When I first started reading this thread I was bothered not at all by the idea that someone would develop/propose a Geocaching Purple heart. I thought it was kind of a cute idea, and a way to promote camaraderie among local groups. I DID, however, think it was unfortunate that someone would take a photo of an actual Purple Heart and photoshop signal the frog onto it. I was disappointed, but I wouldn't go so far as to say I was offended; witness the fact that I wasn't even moved to post at that point. In hindsight I'm glad I didn't, since the poster has since done away with the image as much as he can. Problem solved, and I salute Team Maccabee's flexibility and respect.


Looking over the reaction of those who did choose to post in response to this I would have to say that I only see one poster who was truly angered by this, and I suspect his objection was on much the same grounds as mine; we only differ in degree. I can fully understand his reaction, given that it has somehow become OK to question the service of people if you don't agree with their political position, as happened to McCain in the 2000 election, and more recently to Kerry and Murtha. In any case, I'd hardly say there's widespread opposition to the idea, nor is the idea necessarily dead.


So, go ahead and create a Geocaching Purple Heart, in fact I can see a possible opportunity for someone to mint a Geocoin and maybe a little money on this. Just please don't pattern it after the real thing.

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I letterboxed for years before I started geocaching and found out that there was a Letterboxing Purple Heart Award that someone was the "caretaker" of. This person was not identified specifically but had an anonymous trail name associated with the "heart". Apparently whenever someone posted in the forums about an injury they sustained (or knew of someone sustaining) while in search of a letterbox the "award caretaker" would decide if they deserved a "purple heart". The "caretaker" felt that it had to be a very serious injury..go figure...and as a result rarely awarded it. Many felt that if you got seriously injured you were being irresponsible for continuing on the search..geocaching is a hobby and no hobby is worth your life!


I was totally unaware of the "award" until I experienced a really bad reaction to stinging nettle brushing my knuckles while retreiving a letterbox. I am talking about my entire hand swelling up with giant hives that extended up my whole left arm. I ended up using my letterboxing buddy's epi-pen to stop the reaction...we were 8 miles from our car in the mountains, about 45 miles from medical care. My letterboxing buddy posted a comment about it online a few weeks later to see if an allergic reaction would actually qualified as a reason to get it. She got a reply from the "caretaker" of the award that it must be a serious injury such as a broken bone or something.


Years later I found out that the "caretaker" was a veteran letterboxer and he only gave the award to people who were veteran letterboxers and wouldn't even consider anyone who had letterboxed for less than 5 years in order to weed out the Newbies as he put it. He figured it was his award, he created it and he created the "aura" around it and as such no one had any say!

Edited by MiniBullyMom
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... I am not necessarily against it, but I suspect there might be some veterans that would be offended by the prospect. Certainly if logging fake finds "cheapens" the achievement of cachers who log fairly, calling a geocaching award a "purple heart" could be construed to "cheapen" the real medal and what it stands for. ...

I think that most veterans are big boys and unlikely to take offense for such a silly reason.

Apparently, my sphere of comrades is not a representative sample. All veterans are neither 'big' nor 'boys'. ;):anitongue:


I'm not a big fan of the photoshopped image. However, there are many cachers who have artistic talent. Perhaps one of them will whip up an original image. Certainly, I have no problem with continuing to call it a Geocaching Purple Heart (or geocaching purple heart).

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With the mass of creative minds in these forums, why not call it something clever that is Geocaching related? Does it really have to be a take off of a highly respected military award for members of the armed services who were wounded in combat? I seriously doubt there would be many complaints at all if it had nothigng to do with the military at all.

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With the mass of creative minds in these forums, why not call it something clever that is Geocaching related? Does it really have to be a take off of a highly respected military award for members of the armed services who were wounded in combat? I seriously doubt there would be many complaints at all if it had nothigng to do with the military at all.


Like a big band-aide or a person wearing a cast on their foot, cutch under one arm and holding a gps?

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With the mass of creative minds in these forums, why not call it something clever that is Geocaching related?
How about 'Geocaching purple heart'?
Does it really have to be a take off of a highly respected military award for members of the armed services who were wounded in combat? I seriously doubt there would be many complaints at all if it had nothigng to do with the military at all.
I find it interesting how much my view is different from yours. You see, when I read 'Geocaching Purple Heart', I immediately knew exactly what we were talking about. At the same time, it reminded me of my Brothers who have been injured or killed in service to my country. The two ideas did not clash.
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With the mass of creative minds in these forums, why not call it something clever that is Geocaching related?
How about 'Geocaching purple heart'?
I don't care for it being called anything purple heart. My opinion, but none the less, people will do what they will. I see nothing wrong with the concept, just don't know why it has to be military formed.
Does it really have to be a take off of a highly respected military award for members of the armed services who were wounded in combat? I seriously doubt there would be many complaints at all if it had nothigng to do with the military at all.
I find it interesting how much my view is different from yours. You see, when I read 'Geocaching Purple Heart', I immediately knew exactly what we were talking about. At the same time, it reminded me of my Brothers who have been injured or killed in service to my country. The two ideas did not clash.

*It often appears, and once again my opinion, that people who have never served tend to relish in the idea of playing soldier. To this extent they create icons, awards, and even further compare things in normal life to that of combat soliders who have real risks. On some levels it almost cheapens the image of the real soldiers and what they are doing. If it is taken for granted then people start thinking they are just playing war games. Why do these two things need to be paralled at all is something that I will never understand. There are other options and better ways to pay our respects.


I liked the camo heart with a band aid on it. Seems enough to me, but am sure others will disagree, and that's fine.


*This was not directed at sbell111 or anyone else. It is merely my opinion and was a fitting place to voice this.

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I am a vet who was injured whilst on active service, your so called Purple Heart should be called the "Dumb a**" award. If you can't geocache without hurting yourself, then stay at home. Or better still join the idots who collect geocoins and imagine that they are caching.


Many have given there lives to us and the only Honor that they have received is the Purple Heart. This idea does nothing but insult.


Hummer H1 ex 22nd Reg SAS


SO, what do you recommend?


I guess I am one of those idots who collect geocoins, but wait my find number is WHAT and your find number is WHAT? :anitongue:

Edited by Team GCHound
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Back in February, I "awarded" a virtual geocaching purple heart to a cacher who injured herself while pursuing one of my caches. rvrhippy worked up a great purple heart and I wrote the text. I felt bad that she injured herself by slipping on ice at my first waypoint, and I wanted to recognize her tenacity. Here it is below -- feel free to use it, but please credit rvrhippy with creating it.




Here's the link to the log in which I awarded it to the cacher:

Awarding the Geocaching Purple Heart


Team Maccabee

Wow, I just read the report and the geocacher had to go to the hospital after slipping on ice! I'm not sure how serious geocaching injuries tend to be but climbers get serious injuries, lost limbs and loss of life often enough in the pursuit of their chosen activity. At least one skier has died on a backcountry ski mountaineering route I descended and 7 people died in a single season on a mountain the season I climbed it. I've also participated in the rescue of an injured climber that slid/fell over 200 feet on Mount Hood. When coming back from an ice climbing trip, I met a retired ice climber who said she quit the hobby after too many of her friends died doing it. However, even with all of that, climbing is still a hobby and, as such, is different than defending one's country. If the men and women who defend this country are upset that the people they defend want to use the design of their medal for those of their own that get injured (and may possibly die one day) in hobbies, that is something to consider. Edited by Moun10eer
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With the mass of creative minds in these forums, why not call it something clever that is Geocaching related?
How about 'Geocaching purple heart'?
I don't care for it being called anything purple heart. My opinion, but none the less, people will do what they will. I see nothing wrong with the concept, just don't know why it has to be military formed.
Does it really have to be a take off of a highly respected military award for members of the armed services who were wounded in combat? I seriously doubt there would be many complaints at all if it had nothigng to do with the military at all.
I find it interesting how much my view is different from yours. You see, when I read 'Geocaching Purple Heart', I immediately knew exactly what we were talking about. At the same time, it reminded me of my Brothers who have been injured or killed in service to my country. The two ideas did not clash.

*It often appears, and once again my opinion, that people who have never served tend to relish in the idea of playing soldier. To this extent they create icons, awards, and even further compare things in normal life to that of combat soliders who have real risks. On some levels it almost cheapens the image of the real soldiers and what they are doing. If it is taken for granted then people start thinking they are just playing war games. Why do these two things need to be paralled at all is something that I will never understand. There are other options and better ways to pay our respects.


I liked the camo heart with a band aid on it. Seems enough to me, but am sure others will disagree, and that's fine.


*This was not directed at sbell111 or anyone else. It is merely my opinion and was a fitting place to voice this.


I agree with pghlooking. Out of respect for our military it should be something else.

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I agree with pghlooking. Out of respect for our military it should be something else.
I disagree because I don't find the mere calling of this thing a 'geocaching purple heart' to be disrespectful of anything. I also rather doubt most other veterans would care about this issue.


I rather think that they would fall into a few categories:

  1. Don't care.
  2. Reminds them of the 'real' purple heart. Any reflection in this area is good reflection.
  3. Hey, it's free speech. Most joined to protect these freedoms. Therefore, it's all good.
  4. Some will be offended, but will have trouble articulating the reason for it. Certainly, it can not be because it reminds them of the real deal. Until these individuals can come up with a good reason to be offended. I will be behind the idea.

Edited by sbell111
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I agree with pghlooking. Out of respect for our military it should be something else.
I disagree because I don't find the mere calling of this thing a 'geocaching purple heart' to be disrespectful of anything. I also rather doubt most other veterans would care about this issue.
I do find the virtual Signal Purple Heart to be somewhat disrespectful because it looks like a joke or parody to me, even if it is awarded to people who have sustained true injuries. If you know someone who has died or who's life was changed by loss of limb, a more serious looking award might make more sense.


It seems like there are enough people on both sides of this issue that calling something a 'geocaching purple heart' will always be controversial. So people need to decide if they want to participate in that controversy or compromise with the offended men and women who defend the United States and call it something else. If it were me, I'd call it something else out of respect to those who serve.

Edited by Moun10eer
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I agree with pghlooking. Out of respect for our military it should be something else.
I disagree because I don't find the mere calling of this thing a 'geocaching purple heart' to be disrespectful of anything. I also rather doubt most other veterans would care about this issue.
I do find the virtual Signal Purple Heart to be somewhat disrespectful because it looks like a joke or parody to me, even if it is awarded to people who have sustained true injuries. If you know someone who has died or who's life was changed by loss of limb, a more serious looking award might make more sense.


It seems like there are enough people on both sides of this issue that calling something a 'geocaching purple heart' will always be controversial. So people need to decide if they want to participate in that controversy or compromise with the offended men and women who defend the United States and call it something else. If it were me, I'd call it something else out of respect to those who serve.

While I agree that I would prefer a better looking image (as I explained in an earlier post), I find the rest of your post to be a red herring and personally insulting.

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I agree with pghlooking. Out of respect for our military it should be something else.
I disagree because I don't find the mere calling of this thing a 'geocaching purple heart' to be disrespectful of anything. I also rather doubt most other veterans would care about this issue.
I do find the virtual Signal Purple Heart to be somewhat disrespectful because it looks like a joke or parody to me, even if it is awarded to people who have sustained true injuries. If you know someone who has died or who's life was changed by loss of limb, a more serious looking award might make more sense.


It seems like there are enough people on both sides of this issue that calling something a 'geocaching purple heart' will always be controversial. So people need to decide if they want to participate in that controversy or compromise with the offended men and women who defend the United States and call it something else. If it were me, I'd call it something else out of respect to those who serve.

While I agree that I would prefer a better looking image (as I explained in an earlier post), I find the rest of your post to be a red herring and personally insulting.
It seems like people on both sides of this issue are feeling insulted/offended when there is no intent to do so. People against the 'geocaching purple heart' are offended that it's being considered. People for the 'geocaching purple heart' are also offended.


If I may ask, what specifically were you personally insulted by in my post? Are you personally insulted that I don't want to offend US service men and women who object to this?

Edited by Moun10eer
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... If I may ask, what specifically were you personally insulted by in my post? Are you personally insulted that I don't want to offend US service men and women who object to this?

First, your post suggests that my service for my country is unimportant because I am not offended by the idea. Second, you suggest that my not being offended is disrespectful to those others who served (and, I suppose, myself). Third, you again state that the idea is offensive without explaining why.

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... If I may ask, what specifically were you personally insulted by in my post? Are you personally insulted that I don't want to offend US service men and women who object to this?

First, your post suggests that my service for my country is unimportant because I am not offended by the idea. Second, you suggest that my not being offended is disrespectful to those others who served (and, I suppose, myself). Third, you again state that the idea is offensive without explaining why.

I think you are reading too much into what I wrote. If you read my posts carefully, you'll see that I make a distinction between service men and women who are offended by the proposal and those who are not offended. I did not criticize those who are not offended by the idea and don't believe I even suggested it. If you think I did, I apologize as that was not my intent. I said my personal approach would be to seek not to antagonize those who are offended. I did not say you or anyone else should feel the same way and indeed, if you read my earlier posts, I did say people could move forward with this proposal if they did not mind the controversy. I did not make a judgement on your point of view but simply stated my own. If you choose to be insulted by that, that is your perogative though it seems a strange one. As to why I choose not to support the idea, I did state it is because some who have served object to it. Edited by Moun10eer
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Perhaps if you could explain why one would be offended other than 'too military' or 'because the real purple heart stands for...'.

Perhaps you should address this post to the one(s) you expect to answer. I'm assuming you are directing this to me but I'm not sure why this would be the case as I have not used either of those phrases in my posts. Perhaps those that have used those phrases will respond. Edited by Moun10eer
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Perhaps if you could explain why one would be offended other than 'too military' or 'because the real purple heart stands for...'.

Perhaps you should address this post to the one(s) you expect to answer. I'm assuming you are directing this to me but I'm not sure why this would be the case as I have not used either of those phrases in my posts. Perhaps those that have used those phrases will respond.

It was directed to anyone who finds the idea offensive. You appear to be one of those people, so you are welcome to take a stab at it.

Edited by sbell111
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Perhaps if you could explain why one would be offended other than 'too military' or 'because the real purple heart stands for...'.

Perhaps you should address this post to the one(s) you expect to answer. I'm assuming you are directing this to me but I'm not sure why this would be the case as I have not used either of those phrases in my posts. Perhaps those that have used those phrases will respond.

It was directed to anyone who finds the idea offensive. You appear to be one of those people, so you are welcome to take a stab at it.
Wow, you really like making assumptions don't you? I'm not sure what you are all bent out of shape about but I wish you wouldn't jump to erroneous conclusions. I said I'd rather not antagonize people who find this offensive. Do you take that to mean I find it offensive myself? Please read the words that are typed and do not make assumptions for which there is no basis.


I really don't understand why you seem to be so upset about this. It seems rather simple. Do you think everyone has to agree with you? Do you think everyone will agree on this? If you do, I suggest you rethink the issue. In the United States people don't have to always agree and so they won't always do so. I assume you know this but it doesn't seem to be showing in your posts. As I wrote above, if you want to do this, go ahead, just accept the fact that there are certain service men and women that won't appreciate it. If you want everyone to agree with you on this, you may be waiting a very long time. The great thing about the United States is that it's OK to disagree. This is one of the freedoms that makes this country so great and why it is worth defending.

Edited by Moun10eer
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... The great thing about the United States is that it's OK to disagree. This is one of the freedoms that makes this country so great and why it is worth defending.
That freedom that you are tapdancing around is called Freedom of Speech. It is the freedom that allows a silly thing like a 'geocaching purple heart' to exist even though it is not THE Purple Heart. That very freedom is why I doubt that very many veterans will have any real problems with the concept. Many (most?) will think it's silly, but I doubt that they will be actually 'antogonized' by it. In my experience, veterans have come to realize that there are very real things to be concerned about. This is not one of them.
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That very freedom is why I doubt that very many veterans will have any real problems with the concept. Many (most?) will think it's silly, but I doubt that they will be actually 'antogonized' by it. In my experience, veterans have come to realize that there are very real things to be concerned about. This is not one of them.

Several vets have objected to the posted image.


You seem to be quite certain about how we think... did I overlook your post in the "How did you serve?" thread? Other than the one that said 'It's dangerous out there' or something?



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That very freedom is why I doubt that very many veterans will have any real problems with the concept. Many (most?) will think it's silly, but I doubt that they will be actually 'antogonized' by it. In my experience, veterans have come to realize that there are very real things to be concerned about. This is not one of them.

Several vets have objected to the posted image.


You seem to be quite certain about how we think... did I overlook your post in the "How did you serve?" thread? Other than the one that said 'It's dangerous out there' or something?



You might note that even I suggested a different image.


You might have overlooked my post. I have discussed my past in a few threads. If you have something to add about my past, either post it or send me an email. Otherwise, back off.

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That very freedom is why I doubt that very many veterans will have any real problems with the concept. Many (most?) will think it's silly, but I doubt that they will be actually 'antogonized' by it. In my experience, veterans have come to realize that there are very real things to be concerned about. This is not one of them.

Several vets have objected to the posted image.


You seem to be quite certain about how we think... did I overlook your post in the "How did you serve?" thread? Other than the one that said 'It's dangerous out there' or something?



You might note that even I suggested a different image.


You might have overlooked my post. I have discussed my past in a few threads. If you have something to add about my past, either post it or send me an email. Otherwise, back off.

This is not the time to back off, it is a time for decencey. Most vets I know will object quite strongly to anyone making a farce of this medal. It is real easy for those that have not served or members of families that have not suffered to mock this recgonization. This is the only medal that is given by the military that no one wants to receive. To mock this in any way is ludricious and completely insensitive to those that have served and given all or have been injured.


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This is not the time to back off, it is a time for decencey. Most vets I know will object quite strongly to anyone making a farce of this medal. It is real easy for those that have not served or members of families that have not suffered to mock this recgonization. This is the only medal that is given by the military that no one wants to receive. To mock this in any way is ludricious and completely insensitive to those that have served and given all or have been injured.


No one has suggested mocking the real Purple Heart or any member of the military. Edited by sbell111
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This is not the time to back off, it is a time for decencey. Most vets I know will object quite strongly to anyone making a farce of this medal. It is real easy for those that have not served or members of families that have not suffered to mock this recgonization. This is the only medal that is given by the military that no one wants to receive. To mock this in any way is ludricious and completely insensitive to those that have served and given all or have been injured.


No one has suggested mocking the real Purple Heart or any member of the military.


Any use or distoration of the real medal is making a mockery of the medal and those that have received it. Yes I am pissed at this whole thread and the subject. I have 99 shipmates that received the medal the hard way, a brother after losing the use of his arm, that received one and by the grace of God his name is not on the Wall, and a Step Son that was shot down in Irag and has recieved one. Yes I am sensitive about the medal.


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I take offense to the virtual image of Signal the Frog on the Purple Heart, but I love that I am able to provide the freedom that allows it to happen. Personally, I prefer the giant purple camo heart with a band aid on it. Just my 2 cents.

I think I missed that image, but I agree that a purple camoed heart with a band aid on it would make a good image for this.

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Any use or distoration of the real medal is making a mockery of the medal and those that have received it. Yes I am pissed at this whole thread and the subject. I have 99 shipmates that received the medal the hard way, a brother after losing the use of his arm, that received one and by the grace of God his name is not on the Wall, and a Step Son that was shot down in Irag and has recieved one. Yes I am sensitive about the medal.
Again, no one is trying to make a mockery of the actual award or any current or former service member. The image that used an actual medal as a starting point was simply a suggestion. Many prefer to use a different image.


I can see that you are pissed off. If you'd like to talk about it, shoot me a PM.

Edited by sbell111
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I take offense to the virtual image of Signal the Frog on the Purple Heart, but I love that I am able to provide the freedom that allows it to happen. Personally, I prefer the giant purple camo heart with a band aid on it. Just my 2 cents.


I agree with Team Hall-JTSJT i would rather not have the Purple Heart used in this way.. Why not just make up our own symbol for something like it.. Why not just a Band-Aid.. that could work!

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Never wanting to complain with out giving an option, here is my thoughts....


Out of respect to my fellow combat vetrans (especially those who have recieved this honor) I'd prefer to not see it (The Purple Heart) used in this manner.


I like the idea however, of recognizing those who suffer for the game. If you cache in MD, you will donate blood to the surrounding thorns no doubt. Also for the one who broke her leg...yet she still caches (good on her!)


Perhaps a "Cache Survivor Medal" could actually go from virtual to a real coin.



Edited by Falcon Loader
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I wonder if olympic gold medalists are offended by the "special olympics?"


I think this is quite similar.


The olympians are aware i'm sure that their coveted gold medal is being awarded to people who cannot even walk. Similar medals are also awarded to kids participating in all kinds of sports with many getting "gold" medals for just being one of the top three because the sponsors of the event are so afraid to offend the "silver" and "bronze" winners.


MOST of these medals are patterned after the "olympic Gold".


Do these medals cheapen the real olympics? NO! Are the real olympians offended? I don't know, but I seriously doubt it. I would rather suspect that most are quite HONOURED that their medals are the standard by which those of the lesser contests are awarded. I would bet that most olympians are PROUD to be associated withthe special olympics.


It has been said that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery". Shouldn't vets be PROUD that their hallowed medal is the "standard" for such awards?


"It is too military?"

Do the same people object to organizations like the police departments, the Salvation Army, and many other organizations organized by military rank? A "Major" in the Salvation Army certainly hasn't "earned his rank" the same way a combat soldier has. So is THAT offensive to the same people who find the GC purple heart offensive?


IMO the GCPH is a "joke" award. Even if it is only awarded to players who DO sustain serious injury, I don't think anyone would really believe it is equivalent to the military medal.


Does anyone have a sense of humour anymore?

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The Purple Heart, I would guess, is a medal soldiers don't really want. But if they are wounded or killed in battle, they receive this medal. And God bless them.


As to geocaching, I think giving out the same medal would be in bad taste. So if you wanted to give someone a medal for being injured while seeking a cache, come up with another name. Maybe the "Damaged Ammo can."

Edited by JoesBar
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This is not the time to back off, it is a time for decencey. Most vets I know will object quite strongly to anyone making a farce of this medal. It is real easy for those that have not served or members of families that have not suffered to mock this recgonization. This is the only medal that is given by the military that no one wants to receive. To mock this in any way is ludricious and completely insensitive to those that have served and given all or have been injured.


No one has suggested mocking the real Purple Heart or any member of the military.


From M-W online dictionary:


Main Entry: MOCK

Pronunciation: 'mäk, 'mok

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English, from moker

transitive verb

1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE

2 : to disappoint the hopes of


4 a : to imitate (as a mannerism) closely : MIMIC b : to mimic in sport or derision


Some folks here seem to interpret the Geocaching PH by definition #4a, as a playful variation on a widely recognized device.

Others, including both veterans and non-vets see any 'play' on the Purple Heart as a mockery by definition #1.


Since it is so obvious that there are strong feelings both ways, why fuel any discord here or in the GC family by pursuing the idea of a "playful" Purple Heart?

That seems dumb.


Most cachers are proud of their trinkets and coins and bugs and sig cards and such; of the few veterans I've met that have been awarded THE REAL Purple Heart they don't really want to talk about it, they may be (rightly so) proud of their actions/service that was involved in the awarding of the PH, but they sure as heck don't flash around their PH or brag about it.


Just look at some of the topics here: What's your worst GC scar?, Who's been hurt worst while caching?, What's the worst fill-in-the-blank you've encountered while caching......

Mark my words: If a Geocaching PH is created, people are gonna seek it out and brag about it.


And that is where I see the mockery of one of the highest honors one can be awarded (formal recognition that they gave blood for me and you and everyone's freedom and safety), it is shameful that anyone would desire a real or "play" PH.


Call this 'toy' medal a Stubbed Toe or a Squished Frog or Skinned Knee; but for goodness sake keep the words 'purple' and 'heart' out of it.


What some suggest as a fun addition to a sport/activity could have consequences they cannot even conceive.

Similarily, you don't want to wear something that could be mistaken for a Hells Angels vest if you are not a Hells Angel. They won't see the humor.



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From M-W online dictionary:


Main Entry: MOCK

Pronunciation: 'mäk, 'mok

Function: verb

Etymology: Middle English, from moker

transitive verb

1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE

2 : to disappoint the hopes of


4 a : to imitate (as a mannerism) closely : MIMIC b : to mimic in sport or derision

Thanks for the definition, but I disagree that it fits this situation.
... Mark my words: If a Geocaching PH is created, people are gonna seek it out and brag about it.
Ummm, you might want to take another quick read of this thread. The 'geocaching purple heart' already exists. I haven't seen a bunch of threads pop up regarding seeking out this item or bragging about receiving it.
And that is where I see the mockery of one of the highest honors one can be awarded (formal recognition that they gave blood for me and you and everyone's freedom and safety), it is shameful that anyone would desire a real or "play" PH.
No one desires either one because it means that he/she was injured.
Similarily, you don't want to wear something that could be mistaken for a Hells Angels vest if you are not a Hells Angel. They won't see the humor.
First, let me state that the behavior of 'Hell's Angels' is not something that I base my actions on. Also, your inference that veterans would be expected to behave in a manner similar to Hell's Angels is insulting to all veterans.


Finally, I think it is damaging to the Country to insist on so much separation from military-related issues. Take a look at our current situation, for example. We are in a war that has taken thousands of our military men and women and injured tens of thousands. Strangely, most people aren't affected by the war in the least.


For me, calling this item the 'geocaching purple heart' does a service because it requires most of us to think about the 'real' one for just a second. The fact that some have gotten upset bears this out. If we have a few things in our lives that serve as a reminder of the work that our military does and the price that is paid, I'm all for it. That is true even if it is a silly, little thing in a silly, little game.

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