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Sad news for one of our own


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I received some sad news today that Glenn's (Glennk721) father passed away last night. People who have had the pleasure to know him may have known that his father was in poor health for some time now. Glenn is a tremendously generous person and a good friend to the community. Please take a moment to send him and his family your support at this solemn hour, thanks. :)




May it help to know how many people share your sorrow and stand with you in your time of need.


From Your Geo Friends


Seabeck Tribe, you could not have said it better.




May it help to know how many people share your sorrow and stand with you in your time of need.


From Your Geo Friends


Thank you for posting this. This says what we feel.


Glenn - You and your family are in our thoughts & prayers.

Posted (edited)

Thank you Chris for starting this topic, Also to folks who have sent email's and posted, One of my personal Jeep Geocoins will be making the eternal journey with my Dad . It will be placed within his casket. TB1848Z . I will place the cordinates at a later date on the coin page . By visiting this location and emaling me the name of the funeral home/ Mausoleum . It would honor me that you could log the find of the coin at this peacfull place of rest (Cache to be ?) I'm not sure where this fits within the guidlines of Groundspeak, hope not to be breaking any rules, perhaps I will place a small Cache here at a later date as there is a place for one , once life starts to settle down. , My heart is filled with your warmth. Glenn and Family.


Geocoin to be placed::



Edited by glennk721

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. ~Kahlil Gibran


Your loss deeply saddens me. I will be thinking of you and your family.

Sincerely, Jolene




My prayers are with you and your family during this hard time.


Your geocoin memorial is a great idea in rememberance of your father. I look foward to logging it in his honor.


Take care......Stacy and John (aka Anthus)



I must admit that your personal message to me this morning....stunned me. As others here have said, you have been a very honest and generous person. No doubt that these traits were passed along to you by your Dad. Sounds like he was a great man.


As I told you earlier, I do plan on meeting you in person sometime, and it would be an honor to visit your Dad's final resting place with you.


Please keep in touch...as I have told you privately, this time of the year is also a poignant one for me and my wife, since both of our Mothers passed away in December right before Christmas many years ago.


Thank you to "fox-and-the-hound" for bringing this topic to the fore-front, so that we may try and comfort a fellow Cacher/Coin Collecter: Glennk721....


If we don't hear from you for awhile, we will understand...





I must admit that your personal message to me this morning....stunned me. As others here have said, you have been a very honest and generous person. No doubt that these traits were passed along to you by your Dad. Sounds like he was a great man.


As I told you earlier, I do plan on meeting you in person sometime, and it would be an honor to visit your Dad's final resting place with you.


Please keep in touch...as I have told you privately, this time of the year is also a poignant one for me and my wife, since both of our Mothers passed away in December right before Christmas many years ago.


Thank you to "fox-and-the-hound" for bringing this topic to the fore-front, so that we may try and comfort a fellow Cacher/Coin Collecter: Glennk721....


If we don't hear from you for awhile, we will understand...




Reading this, and now my eyes are filled with tears...JayBee.

Very nice response.


Wow, with all the good deeds going on here lately this was really a shock to read.


Glenn, I don't know you nearly as well as a lot of folks in here, but based on our exchanges I can tell what kind of a person you are.


My thoughts are with you as well.


Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,

love leaves a memory no one can steal.

~From a headstone in Ireland


In tribute,



Very well said.


I'm Sorry to hear the new Glenn, as I said in our last email.


I hope you fell better and can fell some happiness during the holidays here.






You know I appreciate you even though we have never met - my heart and prayers go out to you and this comforted me a while back when I lost a close relative so I share it with you with my prayers




Death is nothing at all:

I have only slipped away into the next room.

I am I and you are you;

Whatever we were to each other,that we are still.

Call me by my old familiar name.

Speak to me in the easy way which you always used.

Put no differance in your tone;

Wear no forced air or solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed at the

little jokes we enjoyed together.


Play,smile,think of me,pray for me.

Why should I be out of mind because I

am out of sight?


I am but waiting for you,for an

interval, somewhere very near.

just around the corner.

All is well.






You have mentioned in e-mails several times that your Father was dealing with serious health issues and each time I was reminded of the frailty of life and that with the age of my parents I too will soon face this. My prayers are with you and your family. I know that you will continue to carry him in your heart.




Oh Glenn... I so sympathize with you. My own father was just diagnosed with melanoma cancer tumors all through his body, but mostly in his brain. I just returned from California to spend as much time as I could with him.

My family and I send our sympathy and love to you in this time of sorrow. We will keep you in our hearts and prayers. You are a good person, Glenn, as we've done business and traded before and you've always been caring, level-headed and fair in my dealings with you. I can only imagine that you learned this from your parents and I salute you and your family.


Funerals and sympathies are for the survivors, as those who have departed are in a far better place...

Take care!

Lori, Eric, Matt and Sean

The GeoGadgets Team

Posted (edited)

Greetings to all. I would like to take a moment to thank everyone for the lovely posts, and flood of email received. and once again for the Fox for starting this topic. This thread , the kindness from the community has been quite overwhelming. My heart is filled with the warmth showed to me from all in the geo-community that I am indeed proud to be a part of. To the folks I know , have traded with, from the vendors that sell coins, and those whom I have never had the opportunity to have dealings with, thanks go out to each and everyone that has had my family and I in their thoughts and prayers, Fondly Glenn


Edit:: To take note that its my 443 post , These numbers are always in my life, as most know I collect these numbers in coins in any combination, once again they appear in a very special post : - )

Edited by glennk721

Glenn, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I was sorry to see this post, but I will always be thankful that it was you who steered me here. Thank you and my sincerest sympathies to you.

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