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What's your Best ever find

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Posted (edited)

Hi All,

New to the boards and just got my first finds last week and planted one to. It was a Total Blast. My wife and I loved it and are going out tomorrow for a little hunt. Looking to have some great times ahead in this hobby. And was wondering what was some of the Board Member best finds are.


Edited by seaglasspirates
Posted (edited)

Hands down: extremophile


Whoa. Not sure what to make of that cache page. One of the most bizzare I have ever run across.

Ah, that was some local sadness. :laughing: But I only linked to my log, which was more happy. :)

Edited by Ambrosia

Family Favorite Finds: Our top 10 11 favorites. (I had to add one this week.)


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Posted (edited)

This one: Where The Green Fern Grows. It should be self evident what an epic this one is by the number of folks watching it. It is one of the most watched caches that I know of. As far as I am concerned it is considered a rite of passage around here. Just my $.02 :laughing:


(edited for fat fingering error)

Edited by Mr. & Mrs. Lighteye

Spinning Wheel is one of my favorites.


This one: Where The Green Fern Grows. It should be self evident what an epic this one is by the number of folks watching it. I is one of the most watched caches that I know of. As far as I am concerned it is considered a rite of passage around here. Just my $.02 :laughing:

"Lost it 2" claimed a find even though they only found the first stage. Gotta love that. :rolleyes:


My favorite is one of the first few I found, Pig Iron, a simple ammo box hide at the base of a tree that changed my life!


It was a real eye-opener!


After over a half-century in this town I thought I knew the place.


Pig Iron is in a small park I had never heard of, in the middle of our city's most affluent neighborhood. I have driven or bicycled past it a thousand times and never seen the small sign or almost-hidden dirt access road.


I had casually wondered all my life why the streets in this area were all named after battlefields - Appomatox, Shiloh, etc. but had never been curious enough to find out.


So I look at caches in my area and see Pig Iron is at a Civil War-era iron foundry site. Huh, never heard of it.


My little etrex Yellow takes me to the place, where I learn that a fellow named McElwain had a foundry in Mississippi that made cannon and other implements for the war effort. Late in the War Of Northern Aggression he got word that Wilson's Raiders were headed his way to destroy his foundry as part of the North's effort to destroy the South's war infrastructure.


Now, an iron foundry is no small thing, but he dismantles it, including the homes of fifty employees, loads it all on wagons and sets off for a dale he had only been told about that supposedly contained an easily-accessible seam of iron ore in central Alabama, hundreds of miles away, through little-known territory with no real roads!


Now, I have studied history in various school environments, am a prolific reader of historical books, but sitting there in the grass looking at the remains of his hand-built rock furnace, carved out of a hillside, history came alive for me.


Think for a moment what moving an iron foundry by hand on carts and wagons entails, not to mention fifty families and homes!


I had driven to this site in ten minutes in an air-conditioned car. These people worked their fanny off to get here, to build this furnace, to mine the ore and get right back to producing the implements their countrymen needed so desperately.


Stunning, and it really made me aware and grateful for the society I live in! How easy we have it!


Appreciation of what we have often comes from not having it. I have been blessed in this life in that there are few things I wanted, and nothing that I really needed, that I didn't have or couldn't get. In this case it was hard for me to envision such an effort. It made the few troubles I have seen trivial. It made me feel so lucky. Grateful to be born now rather than then!


My kids went to McAdory Elementary School. I live in a town named Irondale (iron dale, who knew?)... yet I had never questioned where these names came from.


Neighboring Birmingham went on to become the Steel Capital Of The South, in part because of these people's efforts.


Now, by golly, to me that was a real education!


I instantly fell in love with this game that takes me to so many interesting places!


Cemeteries where I learn about folks I have heard of but know litle about lead me to reading up on them.


Virtuals take me to places I have read about - or haven't! Just two days ago while picking up an aunt in Mississippi for the holidays I found a virt at a battlefield memorial just a mile from her house that neither of us had ever heard of, where Major General Nathan Bedford Forrest (bless his name!) had put a whuppin' on the Yanks!


Yes, the little ammo can in the woods led to a love for (and addiction to) this great game!


After thousands of finds and caching in 23 states finding an interesting place through geocaching still thrills me, but Pig Iron will always be my favorite!




'Sandhill' cache, not because it's crazy difficult, inaccessible or hard to find. It's not. But because of the view from Sept-Dec every year when the sandhill crane migration occurs. To avoid a duplicate post warning, This link is the forum topic I posted on the Midwest forum, and has some of my pics.


More pics can be found on the cache site linked on the Midwest forum post.


Here's a teazer:



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