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A true Prize Challange


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I'm thinking of the longest word I know.


Hint: Its around 40-49 letters long. And yes I learned this from a book a long long time ago.




1: Guess the longest word I know and win a coin.

2: You also have to tell me what it means in lay-mans terms.

3: You only have 7 days! Ends November 21st at 10pm cst.


This isnt supose to be easy. In fact I want this to be a real CONTEST. Search the web, search the net. Can you guess my word? You dont even have to spell it right, just come close and to a point that I know you know what I know :laughing:!


I minted 13 (ONLY ) of my Unity Coins in copper. I have 10 left.


The Winner will get one of these coins.



Posted (edited)



(Lung disease caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust.)


Model Citizen - Zero Discipline


P.S. By the way, apparently this word was invented for the sole purpose of being a very long word.

Edited by ModelCitizen



Sorry Steve, I thought of that one and it's not even close to enough letters. There is a place in Mass. that has 45 letters, but the made up lung disease is supposedly the longest.


I'm thinking of the longest word I know.


Hint: Its around 40-49 letters long. And yes I learned this from a book a long long time ago.




1: Guess the longest word I know and win a coin.

2: You also have to tell me what it means in lay-mans terms.

3: You only have 7 days! Ends November 21st at 10pm cst.


This isnt supose to be easy. In fact I want this to be a real CONTEST. Search the web, search the net. Can you guess my word? You dont even have to spell it right, just come close and to a point that I know you know what I know :laughing:!


I minted 13 (ONLY ) of my Unity Coins in copper. I have 10 left.


The Winner will get one of these coins.




That means it is time for dinner in Came Man

(Yes my father was a caveman :unsure: )


OK, this is way to long but I thought it was interesting:




Mediaeval scribes used this word (and variations of it) when writing about superstition, to refer to a deluded human who indulges in superstitious practices

Posted (edited)

Game Over!


I seriously underestamated you people!


Winner - CastleMan


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis = Lug disease


Congrats Guy!


Please PM me your mailing address and the coin will ship out to you when they get to me on Tuesday next week.


I'll come up with another one of these, perhaps a bit harder next time. I accualy thought this might stump a few. I think 4 people got it but CastleMan had the quickest fingers.


Stay Tuned- I will return with another. (and this time it will last more then 10min's)


*Walks off mumbleing*


Edited by princeshoko

I know this isn't the answer but imagine trying to fit this towns name on an envelope,


Taumata whakatangi hangokoauau o tamatea turi pukakapiki maunga horo nuku pokai whenua kitanatahu!



It's a true place name here in NZ, so keep it in the back of your mind for next time you are thinking of a question for a quiz night :unsure: or just baffle someone with a random piece of trivia.


Mark (Elmo)


Osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary, also spelt osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary, is a term that describes the structure of the human body. The term originated in the novel Headlong Hall by Thomas Love Peacock, where you will also find the similar term osteosarchaematosplanchnochondroneuromuelous.




After reviewing a bunch of emails I am also going to give away 1 more coin: not a copper but I will be sending a Unity coin to




They came in just behind castleman by 40 seconds. That is so close they have to get a prize of some kind


3BUBBAS pm me your address and expect to receive a coin for being runner UP.



COPPER = CastleMan

Antique Silver = 3 BUBBAS


Thanks For Playing


Posted (edited)



email sent and my first WIN at one of these contests.


A big thanks to the Prince! :ph34r:

and may we know the big word please? is it a word that means "big word"! :huh: oh and did you really win after all of 11 minutes!!!:unsure::laughing:

shameless plug - more games


Edited by forthferalz

Winner - CastleMan


pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis = Lug disease


and yup he won after 11min


Crazy isnt it

I still have a left over game from the aussie forums - wasn't very popular! ?too hard? Even with HUGE hint :huh:

it's "20 questions" everyone gets 20 yes or no type and you can't guess unless you have asked a question before the guess. No peaking at the other forum if you want to play!


viz "I am thinking of a cache....which one is it?"

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