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are you bothered by people using their own termonology

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hello all. i am a geocacher who has been caching for a little over 9 months. i have 290 finds. i have placed 9 caches of my own. i am still see myself as a greenhorn. not because of my numbers but because i know i still have lots to learn about the life of geocaching.


i come to the forums group to help me decide wether or not i should continue using a word for a geocache. it is my own little word i thought was cute and something of my own. depending on how ya'll feel will make my choice. the last time i wanted to know to help me make a choice was if people preferred logbooks or logsheets. most preferred the logbooks so i now use logbooks when i can. so now i want to know what ya'll think about my word


GEOPLANT: definition - a geocache placed by myself. a cache that i placed with loving care for others to enjoy and to watch grow with logs. a refernce to a geocache that has been placed/planted/hidden.

ie. "we went out to your geoplant and had a good time. i got the message of a new geocache in the area so we made our way there. thanks for placing a nice geoplant in a great location. tnlnsl thanks for the hide"


the word plant has many definitions: Definitions of plant on the Web:


put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"


implant: fix or set securely or deeply; "He planted a knee in the back of his opponent"; "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"


buildings for carrying on industrial labor; "they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles"

establish: set up or lay the groundwork for; "establish a new department"


a living organism lacking the power of locomotion


place into a river; "plant fish"


something planted secretly for discovery by another; "the police used a plant to trick the thieves"; "he claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"


place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive; "Plant a spy in Moscow"; "plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"


an actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience


put firmly in the mind; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"


i ask because i appearantly upset a veteran geocacher by using the word geoplant instead of geocache. i am not trying to take away from geocaching in any sense. 9 times out of 10 i say geocache instead of geoplant. but occasionaly i use it in a log and also on the pages of my own caches. i do not want to make ripples because he is a nice guy when i met him at an event and we have talked in emails. but i didn't think using a termonolgy of my own would upset him or others as well as i do not want to confuse newbie cachers. he informed me that other vets were not to the liking of my word. but he has been the only cacher to confront me about my word. of course, i wish the one who has made the point of not liking my word would have said some thing to me in an email rather than making me sound like an idiot in the post he makes when he logs his finds on my caches' page. i have all the respect in the world for him. he has been around for way longer then i and is well known by many cachers.


i'm sorry. it's just me. i have always, all my life had nicknames for peolpe and things that i think remind me of them. i have never had anybody tell me "don't call me that, i don't like it" and believe me, they would not hesitate saying some thing.


so i ask the forum people. geoplant..... in or out. :laughing::laughing:


Sure...keep it. I kinda like the term. Besides, well play the game our own way so we should be able to call certain aspects of it our own nickname if we want.


BTW...tell that "veteran geocacher" to lighten up and have fun! :laughing:


Man, that’s a lot of words.


I have a definite aversion to any nonsensical use of the prefix, “geo”, including, but not limited to, GeoVan, GeoDog, GeoPack, etc. unless it was already a word prior to 2001.


So I guess that's a yes. :laughing:


Wow! You are really "into" naming things and making them your own! I can tell by your verbose explanation! (I'm quick! :laughing: )


I suppose if you want to call a "geocache" a geo....geo.....what was that again? Oh well, let's just

say you want to call it a "GeoThingy"!!


Well, that's alright! You can call it a "GeoThingy" if you want! Like one poster said, you need to have

a little fun in life!


"GeoThingy".....I kinda like it!


Go for it!! :laughing:


thank you for the responses so far.

i understand where he is coming from with the idea that it might make others (newbies) think that it is planted but that is the reason i posted the definition of plant i found doing a google search on "definition plant" to plant does not just mean to place in the ground. these cachers are my peers, the people i enjoy experiencing their caches.

i am one who is willing to compromise. maybe if i leave the definition for geoplant on my caches' pages and if i use it in any logs.


i would forsure stop using the term if the jeremy says he does not like it!!


Please tell me you didn't dig a hole to place your geoplant. :ph34r:



no, i try to adhere to the guidelines of Groundspeak. i am not a lawyer and some times the terms and wording confusses me but if i question something, i ask my local reviewer.



it's not really about him. maybe i shouldn't have mentioned him but i wanted ya'll to know why i posted this thread. i know, i talk alot....(you should read some of my posted logs) but i want to play my way and be his freind. i enjoyed talking with him. and i bet he can help me find some of the ones i can't. my hope is for me to see how others felt and if the reponse was in my favor, then i would have something to show him of what others feel. he visits the forums and i'm sure he'll see this post.


GeoDang....Use whatever you like. Seems silly to argue over something like a simple term for your hobby. I think the GeoGrouch should worry about alot more important things in life!


I vote for a big Yes, use Geoplant if you like!!! :laughing:


are you bothered by people using their own termonology, when refering to things pertaining to geocaching


Well it doesn't really irrate me, but it certainly could confuse me. I can see making up words when there isn't one that fits already, but just creating additional words to use instead of existing/well known ones would probably just cause extra confusion (unless you like explaining 'geoplant' all the time? :laughing: ), but whatever floats your boat.


Create your own sniglett. If it catches on, it's part of the lexicon and you have made an impact that will outlive you. If it doesn't you will explain to every cacher you meet "geoplant, that's a cache I plant, GEO-PLANT...get it....?"


For every word that catches on a bazillion will die, or transmogrify into something else. No guts no glory.


My wife knows what Zug Zug is and I didn't have to explain it. Whoever the heck coined that got it to stick.

Posted (edited)

are you bothered by people using their own termonology, when refering to things pertaining to geocaching


Well it doesn't really irrate me, but it certainly could confuse me. I can see making up words when there isn't one that fits already, but just creating additional words to use instead of existing/well known ones would probably just cause extra confusion (unless you like explaining 'geoplant' all the time? :laughing: ), but whatever floats your boat.


I agree with welch. I think it's a bit confusing. As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.


Anyway, while I think it's silly for someone to argue with you over your choice of words, I do think you may find yourself explaining it a lot. Have a very geo day.


How about cacheplant? :laughing:

Edited by IfIOnlyHadABrain

I use "big board" in reference to these forums when I'm on my local geo-board.

I'm pretty sure some people know I'm not talking about the NYSE.

It seems to me geo is just shorthand for the "in" club. So, here's a geo- :laughing:


PS. I LOVE geo-humor!


I agree with welch. I think it's a bit confusing. As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.


Anyway, while I think it's silly for someone to argue with you over your choice of words, I do think you may find yourself explaining it a lot. Have a very geo day.


How about cacheplant? :laughing:

i don't mind explaining. in an earlier post i said that maybe i would add the definition to my cache pages. i will also add it to my profile page. if some one ask, i will refer them to my profile page. i just think that learning all about geocaching takes a while. it took me a few months to understand some things and some i still don't understand after 9 months.

ohww. how about they add it to the one page that has geodefinitions and meaning of all those letters i see and some i don't understand. tnln, i get that one... ftf, i am a junkie. dlmao, ???? some cachers i have seen post a whole story with just letters. like tnlnftftiafuctiwnrta. is it that hard to type the whole word. some cachers do that on their post and even though i don't understand it and i think it confusses me and i know confusses others, i don't complain to the people who post them or make snappy logs to their cachepages.


way off topic. cacheplant.... i like that one too. i think i will name my next geoplant that.


are you bothered by people using their own termonology, when refering to things pertaining to geocaching


Well it doesn't really irrate me, but it certainly could confuse me. I can see making up words when there isn't one that fits already, but just creating additional words to use instead of existing/well known ones would probably just cause extra confusion (unless you like explaining 'geoplant' all the time? :laughing: ), but whatever floats your boat.


I agree with welch. I think it's a bit confusing. As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.


Anyway, while I think it's silly for someone to argue with you over your choice of words, I do think you may find yourself explaining it a lot. Have a very geo day.


How about cacheplant? :ph34r:


I think "geoplant" is fine, I agree with some of the others that you may have to explain the tern or make sure people know you didn't actually dig to "plant" the geoplant. On a side note, as someone who works in law enforcement and corrections, "cacheplant" has a different meaning to me than it would in the geoWORLD :P Could you imagine... "But Officer I was just checking on my cacheplant!" :laughing:


Anyway, whatever floats your boat, be happy with it.


I think "geoplant" is fine, I agree with some of the others that you may have to explain the tern or make sure people know you didn't actually dig to "plant" the geoplant. On a side note, as someone who works in law enforcement and corrections, "cacheplant" has a different meaning to me than it would in the geoWORLD :ph34r: Could you imagine... "But Officer I was just checking on my cacheplant!" :laughing:


Anyway, whatever floats your boat, be happy with it.

i had to reread that to understand. ok, cacheplant.... bad name. :laughing:


At first I couldn't understand why you needed a different word other than geocache for the caches you hide. But then I read that you plant your caches with loving care for others to enjoy. I suppose some people don't take as much pride in the caches they hide. You might call these caches "geoweeds". If you had two words: "geoplant" and "geoweed" that might catch on. Just remember that one man's geoplant is another man's geoweed. :laughing:


At first I couldn't understand why you needed a different word other than geocache for the caches you hide. But then I read that you plant your caches with loving care for others to enjoy. I suppose some people don't take as much pride in the caches they hide. You might call these caches "geoweeds". If you had two words: "geoplant" and "geoweed" that might catch on. Just remember that one man's geoplant is another man's geoweed. :laughing:

as per DSine, i think geoweed may also be a hard one to pass to an officer. geoweed, is that like some type of new hyrdoponics weed?? :laughing:


I've always wanted to snip that little r from GPSr. It's annoying. I don't mind your bit of verbicide, beacuse that's how words get started, but don't get too creative or no one will understand you. They can get snarky around here, you know. Verbal creationism might at originissimo appear to be very ingeniousic, but then it leaves geople feeling a bitty confussed. See, now, I can make up words too.


I've always wanted to snip that little r from GPSr. It's annoying. I don't mind your bit of verbicide, beacuse that's how words get started, but don't get too creative or no one will understand you. They can get snarky around here, you know. Verbal creationism might at originissimo appear to be very ingeniousic, but then it leaves geople feeling a bitty confussed. See, now, I can make up words too.

indeed. i'm not trying to start a new geolanguage, i just wanted to have something of my own to make me a little different from everybody else. i still want to be like everybody, just a little different to help me stand out. so when people go to events or meet up with other cachers, they can say, "hey, you know that geocache placed by that guy who calls them geoplants...."


i did the same thing with cellphones. cell went out and was replaced by digital phones. people still refered to them as cellphones and not digitalphones. i like poke-man so i refered to my phone as a digi-phone. in cellphone forums and others alike, people knew who i was by what i called cells, digi-phone. all ready i'm sure people who have read through this post will think of "geoplant" on their next geoadventure.


As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.

What's geodashing? ;)


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :D I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). :D


What's geodashing? :D


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :D I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). :D



Let me help you out with the term "geodashing"...............'


It is when you are far, far, from home hunting a "geocache" and you have forgotten all about

the Chinese supper you had last night at "Quong Hou's"


With amazing speed and agility you make a "geodash" to the nearest secluded spot so you can

deposit a "geodump"!


Should anybody see you making tracks on your mission they respond with a statement like......"Oh! See

that guy run! He is "geodashing"!


Hope this helps! ;)


As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.

What's geodashing? ;)


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :D I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). :D



Posted (edited)

on the other side of the discussion, I once had a somewhat crabby geo-curmudgeon tell me that I was mis-using some geo-lingo when I referred to an underwater geocache as a hydrocache...I was geo-markwelled to "THE" geo-lexicon site which made very clear that a hydrocache is a geocache that you paddle to...


I disagree...a hydrocache is in the water, a paddle-cache is one you paddle to...and that's the way that I play...that is the way that people up here use the terms, and I'm quite comfortable with the terms and usage...


I have trouble accepting dogmatic definitions in a field of play that is only a couple of years old...the language of geocaching is still in the early stages of its evolution, and will likely be in flux for years before settling into general acceptance...

Edited by NFA

You ask a couple of different things.


The title asks if people coming up with new terminology bothers me: No, not really. It happens spontaneously all the time. Language evolves.


You also ask if the word "geoplant" is to my taste: I have to say it is not because it lacks clarity.


People add the "geo-" root to a lot of things. They do it to mean "this thing used in the context of geocaching" --and to me "geoplant" means a plant that is used to geocache.


You point out yourself that the word plant has multiple meanings. I would guess that the average person would think first of an organism that uses photosynthesis to get it's energy. And that comes loaded with all the references to soil, and digging, and so forth.


Is your cache going to grow larger? Is it buried in the ground? Is it a container with trinkets and a log book, or is it some photosynthetic first-to-find prize? Since we already have a word for container with logbook (geocache or cache) then "geoplant" must be something else, right? No? Oh?


I think you can see how it would confuse me. Of course, you can still do as you please. ;)


As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.

What's geodashing? :D


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :D I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). :D




This is a great game! Changes every month. It is definately the most popular game over at that "alternative" website, and has a strong, loyal (albeit small) following. I know famous forum poster Markwell is a big fan. Not as famous as the guy who provided the link above, but famous enough. ;)


call it what you want. it appears that you rather prefer to be known as the guy who uses bizarre language where existing words might just as well suffice, so why not just rename everything?


put your exchange items and a mark maker in your gear carrier and get on out there to the recreational facilities and locate some of those geoplants.


are you bothered by people using their own termonology, when refering to things pertaining to geocaching


Well it doesn't really irrate me, but it certainly could confuse me. I can see making up words when there isn't one that fits already, but just creating additional words to use instead of existing/well known ones would probably just cause extra confusion (unless you like explaining 'geoplant' all the time? ;) ), but whatever floats your boat.

I agree with welch. If I saw the word "geoplant" in a cache description, my first guess would be that it was a cache with some fake-vegetation camouflage, and I'd be looking for a fake fern or fake shrub or something like that. Once I found the cache (assuming I did find it), I'd probably be confused. "Why did he call it a geoplant? It's just rubbermaid!"


Unlike Welch, though, I am easily irritated :D, so I probably would be annoyed by it. Not annoyed enough to write a rude log about it, but annoyed enough to laugh in wry agreement at such a log if I read one.


If you're going to make up a new term, it seems that it would make more sense to create a word for something that exists but doesn't have a name yet. It seems kind of pointless to take something that already has a name -- a geocache -- and just start arbitrarily calling it something else. Especially when the new term is so ambiguous that it can conjur up quite different images in different readers' minds.


Nothing against making up words, but if they're your own private terms for things that already have widely-used names, just use them privately. For instance, in our house we refer to the TV remote control as "the buttons". But we know that most other people don't, so if we're somewhere else, or if other people are at our house, we will call it "the remote", out of politeness. We don't want to intentionally confuse people, and we don't expect them to be able to read our minds.


There are plenty of ways to be "unique" that don't involve confusing other people. You probably already have a unique logging style; maybe you leave trade items that everyone associates with you, or stock your own caches with stuff that is easily identifiable as "JDubPooch swag".


But to me, just replacing existing words with other words isn't one of them. It seems like the lazy person's path to "uniqueness". Kind of like the guy who wants to have a really difficult hide, but but doesn't want to take the time or effort to do a good camo job, so instead he just publishes it with the coordinates intentionally 80 feet off. Yes, he'll get a lot of DNFs, and a lot of people who take hours to find his cache -- but is really "difficult"? Or just annoying?

Posted (edited)

all responses from every one has been great. thank you.


i am not trying to create my own language for geocaching or rename everything. and no, it is not like adding geo to a word as in "where are my geokeys for the cachemobile." but many things have many names. if not, we would still be saying "automobile" instead of vehicle or car or even s.u.v. so should i not call myself a geodude because geocacher is the proper term? no, not if i am telling someone about geocaching that never heard of it before. but to even a newbie, they should understand. it of course depends on the person on how they see things. when someone mentioned "cacheplant" i thought, cool name, i like it. and to an officer of the law, his first thought was marijuana. (i think) i can see why but i didn't until it was brought to my attention.


i am not trying to confuss anybody by using a different word but there are some things i am still confussed about when it comes to geocaching.... and even things in life. if you are around long enough and do research, then you will understand.


but doesn't just the name geocache confuss people?? when i first started, i kept calling it "geo catch." and i have even noticed others (newbies) posting it as catch in their find logs. and when i tell people the word geocache, they think "geo cash." it's up to people, lifestyles, how you were raised; on what things mean to you.


(capitolized by request :laughing: ) My goal with this thread is to accomplish many things by how the forum (the voice of geocachers) respondes, opions and coments. Ya'll have been very helpful. How about I will type it out like

"geo(plant)cache" that way I get it in there and it is not as confussing.?.? I will add the definition in my profile.

ge-o-plant [jee-o-plant] -noun (see "geocache")


something to add also is something in the geocache FAQ


"Are there any other names for Geocaching?


The GPS Stash Hunt, Global Positioning Stash hunt is interchangable. Geocaching has become the standard for the game, however.


The word Geocaching broken out is GEO for geography, and CACHING for the process of hiding a cache. A cache in computer terms is information usually stored in memory to make it faster to retrieve, but the term is also used in hiking/camping as a hiding place for concealing and preserving provisions."

Edited by JDubPooch
What's geodashing? :laughing:


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :ph34r: I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). :)



Let me help you out with the term "geodashing"...............'


It is when you are far, far, from home hunting a "geocache" and you have forgotten all about

the Chinese supper you had last night at "Quong Hou's"


With amazing speed and agility you make a "geodash" to the nearest secluded spot so you can

deposit a "geodump"!


Should anybody see you making tracks on your mission they respond with a statement like......"Oh! See

that guy run! He is "geodashing"!


Hope this helps! B)



As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.

What's geodashing? B)


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :P I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). B)




As a very new geocacher, (32 finds) I am still trying to make sense out of all the different aspects of this game, ie geocaching, letterboxing, Waymarking, geodashing, virtual caches, puzzle caches, micros (yuck), lions & tigers & bears,...oh wait, that's something else.

What's geodashing? B)


See, as an older cacher, I'm still trying to make sense out of the different aspects of the game. :) I assume it's a more local word (or I'm just out of it....which is also very possible). B)




This is a great game! Changes every month. It is definately the most popular game over at that "alternative" website, and has a strong, loyal (albeit small) following. I know famous forum poster Markwell is a big fan. Not as famous as the guy who provided the link above, but famous enough. B)

Thanks, everyone. You learn something new every day. B) In my case I learn a lot of things every day. Sometimes more than once. :unsure:B)B)


"Geo" means earth or geography, so why do people insist in naming everything geo-dog, geo-truck, etc?

Earth-dog? Geography-truck? I realize they're trying to tie in stuff with geocaching but its a bit of a reach and gets old pretty quick.


But in anycase, use whatever term you like. Its a free country.


"Geo" means earth or geography, so why do people insist in naming everything geo-dog, geo-truck, etc?

Earth-dog? Geography-truck? I realize they're trying to tie in stuff with geocaching but its a bit of a reach and gets old pretty quick.


But in anycase, use whatever term you like. Its a free country.


Shut your geo-trap.


"Geo" means earth or geography, so why do people insist in naming everything geo-dog, geo-truck, etc?

Earth-dog? Geography-truck? I realize they're trying to tie in stuff with geocaching but its a bit of a reach and gets old pretty quick.


But in anycase, use whatever term you like. Its a free country.


Shut your geo-trap.



"Geo" means earth or geography, so why do people insist in naming everything geo-dog, geo-truck, etc?




Personally, I don't care for the term "geo-dog"; I generally either just refer to "the dogs" or "my canine caching companions". :blink:


Side note:


Earthdog =

1. A sport/test of hunting ability, also known as Go-To-Ground and/or Superearth, in which small hunting terriers compete to find rats (safely caged) in underground tunnels

2. A hunting dog which goes to earth, and/or competes in the above sport; otherwise known as terriers. The word terrier comes from the Latin word "terra", which means "earth".


At first I couldn't understand why you needed a different word other than geocache for the caches you hide. But then I read that you plant your caches with loving care for others to enjoy. I suppose some people don't take as much pride in the caches they hide. You might call these caches "geoweeds". If you had two words: "geoplant" and "geoweed" that might catch on. Just remember that one man's geoplant is another man's geoweed. :unsure:


This sounds like a lot of "geofertilizer" to me!! :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Having read through the thread twice now, and despite the distance it has dropped on the active list, I will now reveal myself as the crabby Geo-curmudgeon who has been badgering the OP.


As I see it, the field is pretty much evenly split.


I wish I would have been INVITED to participate in this discussion, but that is another matter. I DO appreciate that my identity was left out of the initial discussion.


Geocaching is supposed to be a fun activity, and I really wouldn't want to stifle anyone's enjoyment of it. I have certainly used unique word combinations in my logs, but it has usually been a one-time thing. Unique, witty, creative logs are highly desirable!


Some of the posts to date have brushed against the real issue I have with the OP's habit, which is how the terminology could be viewed by non-cachers, and particularly land managers.


I have done some gardening in my day, and if I didn't know anything about Geocaching I might assume you need to dig a GEO-HOLE to place a GEO-PLANT, so it's GEO-ROOTS can get a good start. Of course this contradicts what is indicated on the Geocaching.com website. Naturally we geocachers know no hole was dug (right?), but what might an until-today-geocaching-oblivious land manager think?


This is the meat of my contention, the issue of my irritation with the use of new terms (when we already have perfectly good ones) and the potential of newbie confusion, are secondary.


A year ago, who would have thought a few photos of some Geocachers frolicking in a cemetery could nearly result in a statewide ban on Geocaching?


I know where the SHIFT key is! :huh:

Edited by AZcachemeister

i did not intend to leave you out of the discussion azcachemeister. i just wanted to see what the people thought about it before i responded to the last email you sent me. i mention in one post that you probably would read this thread because i know you frequent the forums. when i made up my mind on the choice i would make, i was gonna email you what i came up with and place a link to the thread incase you had not read it yet. if you notice that with peoples post, i actually argued both sides of the topic.


i did not want to name you off because (well isn't that in the rules not to name people?? in most cases) it really isn't about you. it's more of the fact that, should i stop doing something just becase one person doesn't like it? i don't like a lot of things people do but i don't get on them about it, i just let people be who they are. (unless it is something moral or affects me physically or harms my life.) i try to get to know people to help me know why they do what they do. besides, no one ever emailed me about it or ask me what it meant. some people in this area that have been to my geocaches use the term.


if i stop being with my girlfriend because of my one friend (and a couple other but never said anything) who didn't like her, then i would not have married and had my children with her. and most of my friends tell me how lucky i am to have her and my family. if it feels right, then do it. but in this case, i wanted to know what the cacher community thought. and they responded. though i must say that to what i added up, i came up with

17 people either said "go for it" or "they didn't care" but only 4 people (5 counting you) said "they didn't like it"


but in the cases of most who said they didn't care, they made good points. and i came to the conclusion that "geo" when used with another word ie. dog... geo-dog. then it is just associating "geo" to an item. but my word "geoplant" is a replacement word to "geocache" but used in less refernce. but regardless of how others feel, i decided to stop using it. but on one condition.


but what bothered me the most is that i am an easy person to talk to. ask any one who has ever recieved an email from me and has talked with me. but instead of emailing and discussing it with me, you write some nasty, insulting find logs to my geocaches. even to go as far as to insult me and post that you left me a screw driver. that was wrong. i would mention a screw driver to a person if i was refering to them being crazy and have a screw loose in the brain. why, just because i don't agree with you? as i posted earlier, go back to saying automobile and thinking the world is flat because unless your open to new thoughts and ideas, then we'll never get any where. but as i said, geoplant is not a word ready to be used. i will keep it to my self and people i know and not in my post or caches. (just like the remote "buttons" :huh: )


i want to keep a friendship with you azcachemeister i know you have a lot to teach this "geo-greenhorn" just please, play nicer.


moderators..... please close this thread as it has served it's purpose.

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