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Suspicious Men Near School Were Playing Internet Game

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"Neighbors watched as the men sprinted through yards, hid in bushes and hung out near the school. They apparently were all wearing black pants and no shirts.


It looked suspicious, to say the least. Why else would grown adults be dressed in black and appear to be hiding? But it turned out it was part of an online "war" game."


Anyone find out what this game is? Sounds bizarre.



Anyone find out what this game is? Sounds bizarre.


Since they were apparently throwing eggs at each other (which, incidentally, is most likely why they weren't wearing shirts; egg washes off of skin better than out of clothes :) ), it sounds to me like a low-rent, not-well-thought-out variation on paintball.


IOW, eggs are cheaper than paintball guns/ammo, and running around a residential neighborhood was cheaper than renting a paintball arena. Where it becomes not-well-thought-out is in the apparent silly assumption that nobody would notice them. :laughing: I have a sneaking suspicion that they play too many such games online, and didn't give thought to the fact that in RL, they're not the commandos or whatever they get to be in the computer world.


When my younger sister and her friends were playing games like that in middle school (IIRC, they used fingerpaints poured into ballons; I don't think paintball had been invented yet), at least they had the sense to use a wooded area in the neighborhood away from houses....


I have had a similer experiance were people were jumping fences, walking around near the school in our subdivision, and other stuff. I have been thinking these guys maybe have drugs around there.


Erm- who do you mean by "these guys"? The people jumping fences etc. in your subdivision, or the ones that this thread is about?

If you mean the ones the thread is about, it's pretty clear that they were just young guys playing a game something like paintball or "Assassin"- they were just dumb about where, when, and how they chose to play it.

If you mean the ones in your neighborhood, have you talked to your parents and/or teachers about it? If there really is drug activity around the school, someone should let the police know (if they aren't already aware of it).


I think you should probably report them.


The thread wasn't about something that happened to any of the posters here, so there's nothing for anybody here to report. The OP read an article about the incident, then posted about it because he thought it was interesting that they used GPS units as part of the game, is all.

If you click on the link in the first post, you'll find the news story, which gives the details about the incident - it happened about two weeks before you posted - including that the guys playing the game WERE reported by the people who lived in the neighborhood.


"Neighbors watched as the men sprinted through yards, hid in bushes and hung out near the school. They apparently were all wearing black pants and no shirts.


It looked suspicious, to say the least. Why else would grown adults be dressed in black and appear to be hiding? But it turned out it was part of an online "war" game."


Anyone find out what this game is? Sounds bizarre.

Note if they had no shirts look at the area. If there was a creek nearby they were probably going skinnydipping :(


I just reread the article and below is a quote from it:


"Neighbors watched as the men sprinted through yards, hid in bushes and hung out near the school. They apparently were all wearing black pants and no shirts."


It states clearly that the kids were witnessed running through yards.



Why do you refer to them as kids when the article calls them men?


I call them kids cuz I'm an ol' fart who takes certain liberties when I type. They were between 18 & 23 years old.


Yup. They're old enough to be ID'd as "men" by the police and news media, but young enough to be referred to as "kids" by anyone pushing 30 and upwards... especially given that they were not exactly behaving in a mature manner. **

In fact, I originally typed "kids" in my last post, then changed it to "young guys" because I was replying to someone who apparently hasn't read the news article. (Although I wouldn't refer to myself as an "old fart", I AM old enough to be a parent to the "men" in question. :D )


**By which, incidentally, I don't mean the game they were playing, but in the fact that they made a poor choice of where and when to play it.

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