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Is there a dedicated GPSr (not a PDA/SMartphone) that can give you a paperless system.


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Hi...have been caching for a couple of months using my Axim X30 PDA, a bluetooth GPS, GPSBeeLine and GSAK. All with relative ease.


I am concerned about the fragility of the PDA in the field, and was wondering if there was an "all in one" dedicated GPS device that would give me the same paperless flexibility with a more rugged device.




Posted (edited)

I have always been concerned about the fragility of PDAs also, which is why I use a cheapo one for geocaching. I am on my third geocaching-dedicated PDA, but haven't paid over $40 for any of them (paid $10 for my current one). I would be sick if I broke a $300 PDA by dropping it in the woods.


I would probably recommend either getting a good case, or just a cheapo PDA to use. Unless of course you want to get the Recon as someone mentioned earlier. I can't really think of other GPS's that would do what you're asking off the top of my head.

Edited by ThePropers

I have always been concerned about the fragility of PDAs also, which is why I use a cheapo one for geocaching. I am on my third geocaching-dedicated PDA, but haven't paid over $40 for any of them (paid $10 for my current one). I would be sick if I broke a $300 PDA by dropping it in the woods.


I would probably recommend either getting a good case, or just a cheapo PDA to use. Unless of course you want to get the Recon as someone mentioned earlier. I can't really think of other GPS's that would do what you're asking off the top of my head.


Geez the Recon is 1200$. I'll look into a better case. Just wondering if Garmin or others made something like this, or if this was in the domain of the operating system based PDAs only.




I don't think there is a GPS that would do everything that you want. The closest affordable GPS would be the 60csx. If you use GSAK and program correctly you should be able to get the cache rating and at least part of the clue. With City Navigator you would be able to auto-route to a parking spot close to the cache. You still would not get the last 5 logs, and the clue would probably be truncated most of the time. It still would be less likely to be damaged then your setup.


I am using a pocket PC and a 60CX. I have the pocket pc in a zippered protective case and only take it out when I am stumped. I am using easygps to upload the caches to my gps. This eliminates clues, cache type and difficulty, but it does give me the cache name which many times is enough of a clue to find the cache. I have City Select which is similar to City Navigator so I am able to drive as close to the cache as possible before I put the GPS in off road mode and start hiking. This arrangement has been good enough to get me more than 1200 finds and I haven't had and problems with my pocket pc.


I have had my 60CS take a swim in a river though, but it survived and is now my backup GPS.




Cheap pda is the best way top go. I just got the eXplorist 500 with DirectRoute for $259 at Crutchfield and it has SOME of the info downloaded to the handheld (short hints, ratings), but not as much as a pda.


Along the same line as the paperless inquiry, I too am new to geocaching and would like to include the clues and other info, if possible. I have a Garmin 76CSx with a 2 gig microSD card, which should have as much room as most PDAs. Is there a way to upload the clues and other info into this setup?

Posted (edited)

I have always been concerned about the fragility of PDAs also, which is why I use a cheapo one for geocaching. I am on my third geocaching-dedicated PDA, but haven't paid over $40 for any of them (paid $10 for my current one). I would be sick if I broke a $300 PDA by dropping it in the woods.


I would probably recommend either getting a good case, or just a cheapo PDA to use. Unless of course you want to get the Recon as someone mentioned earlier. I can't really think of other GPS's that would do what you're asking off the top of my head.


Sure ... banging up a PDA gets him all upset, but losing a $300 camera? Nah ... he doesn't sweat that! (Sorry, inside story there -- TheProper's camera was I believe last seen floating down the Susquehanna somewhere).


In all seriousness, I don't think there's any true all in one setup. I have found that the 60Csx with it's point of interest capability will allow me to download all the cache parameters AND the hint (see the GSAK site and check out the macro section), but there's really no way to get the description portion.


For that, ThePropers is right ... a cheap PDA is the best way to go (unless your work happens to be buying you your PDA or Blackberry).

Edited by Lasagna

It's always interesting to see discussions like this where there is clearly a pretty good demand for something new in the marketplace. Often, the manufacturers in the concerned arenas aren't even aware of the demand. Occasionally, you will see the requested item on the market a few months or years later. Moreoften, you won't.


There is a new company that is using a special software to put an entire OS on a USB memory stick. You simply plug it in, run the program on the stick and VIOLA!, you have your "home" PC and all its software for use where you are. Talk about saving money on licensing of software!


With these capabilities, there has to be a way to run PALM or PPC on the microSD in one of the Garmin x-series GPSr's (GPSMAP 60 and 76 series). An even easier and more direct solution would be to have Garmin buy something like the GPSSonar program (A Pocket PC application that reads .gpx files) and have it ported to work on their proprietary OS. It would be a utility just like the calculator or the games. Then, you would simply use the program to open the .gpx that you store as a regular file on those big, hunkin' multi-gig microSD cards you can get for cheap now.


Now THERE is an idea! I think a Garmin 60CSx that runs a GPSSonar-like (.gpx reading application) program to access flat .gpx files on the memory card would be THE standard for Geocaching. Sales would trounce any and all competitors.


...at least that's what my leprachaun's crystal ball says!



Posted (edited)

I agree, a trimmed down or even dedicated purpose OS on the GPSr that could process a GPX or other form of GSAK extract with the cache writeups in them and allow navigating to read them as well as using the coordinates to "goto" would be an instant sell to every Geocacher.

Edited by Lasagna

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