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whats in your geocaching bag ?

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Posted (edited)

Mine keeps getting bigger and bigger as time goes on..




-Plastic Bags,(Ziplock various sizes and small trash bags)


-Spare Batteries




-Marker, Pens, Highlighter

-Tape (Scotch, Duct and Masking)

-Super Glue (Have no idea why I would ever need it)

-Ace Bandage

-Sun Block

- Bug Spray (Actually fresh out)

-Swag Bag


For longer trips i bring water and maybe a few granola bars or small snacks. I don't wanna carry too much food and draw wild life friends lol.


There is more that keeps adding and adding but I can't seem to think of what else without looking


Things I would like to get soon

-Small fIrst aid kit

-Extra Log Sheets, Geocaching Labels

-Some Spare Micro and Nano containers..

Edited by shawnshamrock

This thread makes me wonder, what size bags do you guys use? Daypack, backpack, school bookbag?


I personally try to carry as little as possible, in other words I use a small daypack and it gets full more often therefore I clean it more often.




Going out for my first trip in a while, so I figured it was time to get the bag ready. I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things, so I don't have a lot to go in the bag just yet. Right now I've got:


-Magellan Triton 200

-USB hub

-USB cord for GPS (can get power off the car now!)

-8GB SD card with music

-Whole bunch of pens (I tend to lose them)


-Trash bags

-GPS holder for my belt (Surplus Army grenade pouch)


-Not seen: Fuji FinPix S2550HD camera

-Also not seen: DeLorme Indiana Atlas. That always stays in the car.


Eventually need:

-Extra batteries

-Extra batteries

-Some swag

-Extra baggies (ran out tonight)


This is my "high terrain" bag :)






extra logs

sunscreen / bug spray

mini first aid kit



hand sanitizer / wipes

slingshot (to launch lines)

fishing line

etrier, 200 ft rope, grigri, ascender



climbing helmet


spare shirt


My "low terrain" bag is just the first 10 items...


I am still building up stuff.


LED flashlight (had for years on same batteries and kids have left it on all night on multiple occasions)

4 bottles of water

2 packages of pretzels

the occasional medicine bottle

a box full of golf pencils

assorted swag items


The nifty thing is that my bag (backpack) folds out into a stool so I can sit down while logging a cache.


Ready these lists made me redo my bag and even ended up getting a new bigger bag.

2 flashlights


extra batteries

date stamp

personal logging stamp

tb I need to place

geocoin to place



whistle with compass/thermometer


camping roll of TP


insect repellent

cortisone cream

aquafor ointment

plastic grocery bags for trash


folding knife

extra logs/small memopads

ziploc bags in multiple sizes

granola bars/mints/gum

first aid kit



plus pistol and clip/ammo if I go into deep woods


Hm.....lets dump out da bag and see:


1 Large first aid kit with OH SO MANY band-aids, bug spray, and itch relief spray.

1 Small camo-d tupperware container full of swag to plant, and the container can be a cache plant if I have a really good spot for it.

1 large carabiner with my keychain collection.

1 Survival Straps Bracelet around my backpack strap

1 Water bladder (its a camelbak, so it has a 3 liter water bladder)

1 Black and Decker waterproof shockproof flashlight that takes AA batteries like my:

1 GPSr (Garmin GPSMAP 62s)

1 Battery charger for my batteries for my GPSr and my flashlight

1 Fiber optic LED keychain light

1 waterproof, crank, solar radio/weather radio/flashlight/usb charger

1 small bottle of alcohol based hand sanitizer


1 telescoping ballpoint pen

2 Geocoins

1 Travelbug

1 Felt tip pen

10 Geocaching information sheets

1 Moleskine notebook for notes (and possibly letterboxes)


I still would like to get some replacement logsheets for micros and nanos and whatnot. Plus I would like to get some nano containers incase I see a good plant spot. Also, I want to get a good stamp for letterboxes.


Hmm let me see... I just recently transferred all my stuff into my backpack, so it's not that messy yet...


Outermost pocket:



Next largest pocket:



Next largest pocket:

1) A solid metal LED flashlight

2) 2 pens

3) A black Sharpy marker

4) A pencil

5) A sharpener


Next largest pocket:

1) My fujifilm waterproof camera in it's case

2) My geomate jr GPS

3) A couple cache page printouts


Main pocket:

1) My cache rpair kit that contains:

[1] Replacement micro logs

[2] Duct tape and electrical tape on a pen

[3] Replacement logs of various sizes

[4] Various zip-lock baggies

[5] 3 small pencils

2) Box of SWAG

3) 12 replacement AAA batteries for the geomate jr

Posted (edited)

Well I thought I posted this already but I will gladly post again.


NASA space pen(for wet logs) :)

Surefire flashlight

3 smaller led flashlights for the kiddos)

3-4 carabiners

Small stretch of multi purpose rope

Extra zip lock bags (for re-bagging in caches)

3-4 pocket knives

Leatherman wave multi-tool

Swiss tech mini tool

First aid kit

Fire starter kit

Beef jerky (everyone loves it and it lasts a good long time)

Extra batteries for all gadgets

Cell phone

Extra gps

Topo maps of unfamiliar territory (in waterproof map bag)

Glow sticks

Any travelers that I'm moving

Lots of swag (still looking for a nice container for my swag other than a ziplock bag)

Portable weather radio

Bug spray

Anti itch pen


All tucked inside a Camelbak H.A.W.G hydration pack.


That's just for now :) I'm adding to it all the time. My mist have items (whn I can afford them) will be a couple of the survival bracelets, a signal mirror, and a bigger first aid kit.


Edited to add what I packed it all in.

Edited by Hilbilly_Ern

2 Birding identification books

1 Insect identification book

1 Ziplock back full of swag + 2 small ziplock bags for replacement in other caches

any trackables/geocoins that I am moving

2 Binoculars

2-4 pens

2 flashlights

1 gps + car charger cords

1 cellphone + car charger cords

1 pocket knife

1 clip board

1 journal

1 pair of gardening gloves

5-10 micro logs and geocaching rules

1 micro cache ready to be placed with log and rules

many paper cranes

1 packet of tissues

1 pair of tweezers

1 stamp and ink pad

1 chapstick

1 umbrella

1 nalgene bottle


Now that I am thinking about it, I need to update my bag and put bug repellents and moisty naps in there for the summer months.


Hmm I have recently added more stuff to my bag... So let's see...


Outermost pocket:

Still empty


Next largest pocket:

1) CITO bag

2) A mini solar panel to charge my camera out in the bush

3) Empty film canister (Hmm that shouldn't be in there...)

4) Spoon?

5) Mini stuffed bear (That should be in my SWAG box)


Next largest pocket:

1) A solid metal LED flashlight

2) 2 pens

3) A black Sharpy marker

4) A pencil

5) A sharpener

6) Pen with tape on it (Should be in cache repair kit)

7) Empty pill bottle (For micro caches)

8) A LOT of AAA batteries...


Next largest pocket:

1) A couple cache page printouts


Main pocket:

1) My cache repair kit that contains:

[1] Replacement micro logs

[2] (Pen with tape is in other pocket)

[3] Replacement logs of various sizes

[4] Various zip-lock baggies

[5] 3 small pencils

2) Box of SWAG

3) 12 MORE AAA batteries

4) Peanut butter jar (For caches)

5) Another spoon?

6) Roll of paper towels

7) Roll of clear packing tape

8) Another CITO bag

9) A pair of scissors


Mine's more of my jean pocket and since I just started out it's:


My phone








Pocket Knife


and Military Challenge Coin I got at my Dad's funeral.(Good luck charm)


-GPS, PN-40

-Plastic Bag full of Swag. Mostly little trinkets from imported Tomica vending machines like this http://img.search.com/thumb/2/23/Tomica_71_1.jpg/180px-Tomica_71_1.jpg

-cell phone


-Eye protection, one time while lowering a geocach on a rope from a tree, some debris got into my eye and I had to stragger o agas station 4 blocks away to rinse it out.



I don't need much but I'm always armed when I am out


I always wear long cargo pants and have a jacket with me. Being in eastern ND there really no place to go far away from the cities. so most caches I have picked up have been in town or while on Vacation. though my cache count is low I have found many more with a friend


A suggested minimum standard news advisory for all backcountry travelers!


We would like to take this opportunity to ask our visitors to the backcountry of Oregon to plan for the unexpected. Each person should dress for the forecast weather and take minimum extra clothing protection from a drop in temperature and possible rain or snow storm or an unexpected cold wet night out, insulation from the wet ground or snow, high carbohydrate snacks, two quarts of water or Gatorade, a map and compass and optional inexpensive GPS and the skills to use them, and a charged cell phone from a Provider that has the best coverage of the area and possibly, a SPOT-2 GPS Satellite Communicator. Each person should carry the traditional personal "Ten Essentials Systems" in a day pack sized for the individual, the trip, the season and the forecast weather.


Visitors are reminded to tell a Responsible Person where they are going, where they plan to park, when they will be back and to make sure that person understands that they are relied upon to call 911 at a certain time if the backcountry traveler has not returned. If you become lost or stranded, mark your location and stay still or move around your marked location to stay warm. Do not try to find your way until you are exhausted, or worse yet - wet. Wait for rescuers.

--Baron Max and Mrs Max, from the earliest days of Geocaching

Posted (edited)

Right now im using my sons old transformers book bag and have gloves, swag, 2 geocoins, pens, sandwich size ziplock bags and gallon size ziplock bags, bug spray, extra batteries and some dirt and sand at the bottom.

Edited by cizzors

When I started out I kept stuffing gear into my bag, then I realized it was a pain to carry all that stuff through the brush. My essentials now are a map in a waterproof sleeve, a compass, and a pen. If it is a high terrain or a long walk I'll add a walking stick and maybe a bottle of water and a granola bar if i'm likely to be out a few hours.


My Geocaching bag has...


- My cell phone

- 8 trackables

- 3 radios

- a point and shoot camera

- Garmin Orgon 450

- Garmin E-Trex Vista HC

- 2 flashlights

- 1 geocache repair kit including...

- 5 small baggies

- Endless amounts of logs

- small pencil

- Sharpie

- pencil sharpener

- eletrical tape

- nano cache

- a pair of gloves

- a huge box of swag

- a geocaching book

- a large logbook

- a collapseable baton

- a first aid kit/survival kit

- a rain poncho

- a compas

- extra batteries

- a multi-tool

- a water bottle

- geocaching lanyard

- geocaching pen

- extra pen

- swiss army knife

- suntan lotion

- geocaching log stamp (small)

- geocaching log stamp (medium)

- geocaching log stamp (large)

- small flashlight

- notebook

- geocaching trail cards

- tweezers

- i pad

- i pod

- gps usb cord

- geocaching patch

- XD memory card



thats everything

Posted (edited)

My cache bag contains the following:


  • A camelbak (3 litres)
  • A flashlight
  • Pair of tweezers
  • Assortment of throw-away gloves
  • Handkerchiefs
  • Zip ties
  • Two knives
  • Some small papers
  • Alphabet decoding papers (a=1, b=2, c=3 and a=26, b=25, c=24, ...)
  • Pens
  • Sometimes some snacks
  • Extra pair of batteries
  • Travel bugs
  • Swag to trade


That's about it, of course I always carry my smartphone, my GPS, my keys and my wallet with me.

Edited by Raider0fTheLostCache

- A warm knit hat [for when it's cold and to put my hair under so it doesn't get tangled in the brush]

- An index card

- Half of another index card

- A pen with no cap

- A pair of good gloves

- A pair of sunglasses that actually fits over my real glasses

- Two peace sign necklaces from GW9

- Program of events from GW9

- Get to Know Your Cachers from GW9

- Program from Armstrong County Geoevent in June

- My GPS

- Twenty of my new signature pieces


Plus my name tag from ACG is on the outside of the bag.


I think it needs cleaned


I use a camelbak (I have a bigger one and a smaller one). I always try to have my pocket knife or a good multi-tool, extra batteries for the GPS, my inhaler (it's one for exercise-induced asthma, so just if I'm planning to do something difficult), a small first aid kit, some pens, and a bag with my stuff for trade. I also have some maps, some little guide books, a poncho, some two-way radios, and sometimes a camera. I wear hat whenever I go out and about and sunglasses, and keep my cell phone with all the time. I also have my wallet. Sometimes I put it in my backpack. If I know I'm going somewhere with a creek or snow or mud, then I have some gaiters. I also have yaktrax, but I've not been much impressed with them. And my GPS. :D


Wow a lot of swag, knives, cache containers, to many pens pencils and markers, a bunch of old coordinates, you know i just realized I have everything a terrorist might have .... Because they carry swag .... :\


heres mine gc_kit.jpg


the smartphone has changed to a samsung galexy s2 and i have an etrex too, but other than that its practically the same.


depending on the nature of the hike to which if any of the knives I might have with me.... if I cant justify an immidiate use for it to the local LEO then the bottom one is illegal to carry and the middle one is if the lock ring is fitted (which is why its normally removed even tho that makes the knife less safe to use)


FAK is now also in a XXS exped drybag

Posted (edited)

just a pen and a bunch of nice swag to put into caches.


I do like chillypenguins idea of a mirror though, would be alot easier to look under low structures/benches and such when searching for small caches.

Edited by fj cacher

I've added a large pill bottle with some garbage bags in it and one half as big with a few zip locks.


I think I'll add a small flashlight too, for looking in bushes.

Reading the last couple of posts made me chuckle... Don't get me wrong though, mirrors and flashlights are good ideas!


The humourous part was thinking about the number of times I've seen people wishing they had a flashlight to investigate deeply shadowed areas and forgetting that mirrors make great flashlights on a bright day... even a cloudy one sometimes. Just have to raise the light level a bit above the total dark. I even forgot that on several occasions... plus the fact that my compass had a nice mirror for times I forgot the pocket one. I'm still experimenting with a method for doing night caches with a mirror in day time.

Just have to raise the intensity of light falling on the 'firetacks' above the ambient levels, and the sun can sure do that well.

Problem is how to project a wider reflection area, I'm thinking parabolic these days... On the other hand I like doing them at night!

Just playing around with one that I never get near very often in the dark to try!. My test reflectors have worked well, and it doesn't take much sunlight to make them jump out at you.


Doug 7rxc


I didn't take time this morning for a current inventory of my caching pack(s)that contain most of the stuff that other folks take along but a couple of the most important items (certainly the most used except for pens) would be my supply of BLANK LOG STRIPS and EXTRA PLASTIC BAGGIES (small, medium and sandwich.) Those allow me to take care of simple cache maintenance needs (full log, wet log,) make life a little better for the cachers who follow me and save the cache owner a trip to his/her cache.




My caching mirror was used at four caches today. Great for looking under things, with kneeling in the mud.


Now there's a good idea!!!


Lets see, in my camelbak,

3 lieter water bladder

extra aaa and aa batteries


on the side mesh bag i keep my little tripod rei stool.

cito bags

katadyn micro filter bottle (survival)

emergency shelter solar blanket (survival)

eno hammock

eno hammock stap kit

rain pants

rain poncho

change of socks

flint and magneseum bar (survival)

first aid kit with the usual goodies, tick removal kit

usually try to have a backup gps unit


trail food (trail mix, jerkey, etc. anything i can keep in there that last a long time)


cache repair kit (various things)

multi-tool (they say the number 1 above all other things you need for survival is a knife)


Mainly the things i carry are for the unexpected, i am always ading to it and the azing thing is it stays relatively light. the camelbak is a wonderful day back and even a good overnight back with the very basic shelter items (you can add a hammock rain fly to it). WIth everything I mention, adding hammock rian fly and 3 or 4 MRE's to this is entirely possible for an overnight trip - with the various loops on the outside you could add a sleep roll to it (sleeping bag, sleep pad for hammock).

Posted (edited)

I did my first geocache this morning - I had my carkeys in one pocket, my phone in the other, and in my right hand I had my daughters left hand! And that's it!

Some great ideas here though - will be putting together a backpack now - I especially like the mirror idea.

Edited by mustangwidow

I did my first geocache this morning - I had my carkeys in one pocket, my phone in the other, and in my right hand I had my daughters left hand! And that's it!

Some great ideas here though - will be putting together a backpack now - I especially like the mirror idea.


Your geocaching equipment sounds much like mine except, instead of the daughter, I have a pen.


However, now that I've actually hidden my own cache I'll probably throw some things in the car so I can make up a cache if I spot a likely hiding place on my travels.


GEOvloger Facebook


GEOvloger tumbler


My caching bag is a mixture of cache swag and small pieces of gear. As you can see from the image below I have the following items currently*

various pens and pencils - (one of witch is actually a pen/flashlight/laserpointer <---- I love that thing

Honduras currency

2 blue glow sticks

2 hockey pucks

2 flashlights

IR flashlight

plastic poker chip

hot wheels dump truck

plastic cricket

McDonalds toy

baby toy

plastic lantern

temperature sensing rubber duck


You can see where i got the dump truck if you watch the below episode from my geocaching youtube channel - GEOvloger


Visit the link below for more geocaching videos by GEOvloger

GEOvloger - YouTube Channel - subscribe for content updates!



Posted (edited)

What's in my geobag? Everything. And which one?


I have 2 geobags. I started with a backpack, but found that was a bit much for light, urban geocaching, and really got the attention of muggles, so I got another. Tuesday Afternoon stores had a great bag - lots of inside and outside pockets, and you wear it over one shoulder and across your body so it's not much of a strain on your back and shoulders. And not expensive, either. And when wearing it, some muggles have asked if we are students doing a science project, so it's a bit of a disguise.


Right now, my urban has: Swag to leave

swag I picked up - should clean this out while I'm here

mesh bag with my lip balm, allergy eye drops, powder, and tweezers (i.e. log and tick extraction tool that doubles as a cosmetic tool)- I switch this back and forth between my geobags and purse

small wrist purse with spots for cell phone, paper money, coins, keys, and credit cards - again, to switch between my geobags and purse;

about 10 pens and pencils, including gel pens for wet logs - I think they reproduce in my bag

cache repair kit - small scissors, camo paper for replacing logs, baggies in nano, micro and regular size,

small magnets and adhesive dots for temporary fixes of magnetics

first aid - bandaids, anti-itch cream, matchbook (OK- this was from when I thought you should use a match to get rid of ticks - bad idea!)

small notebook and geocachers journal



16 batteries and 2 rechargable batteries

printed maps showing the geocaches in the area - old school - still like to see them all on paper

alcohol wipes - for when your enthusiasm makes you forget the gloves, and you put your hand into something nasty, like cobwebs so thick they feel like cotton balls (ick!)

Deep Woods Off - we are near the Ohio River

travel size sunscreen - for those long geocaching days


In my backpack, I also have:

rope (yep, someday I'm going to use it!)

a hat with mosquito netting (I am arachnophobic, and after walking directly into two webs with spiders in them, I started wearing this. YES I AM A GEEK! but I find I'm a geek who wants the cache more than she wants to avoid the spiders!)

a personal locator beacon - this we keep for geocaching and bicycling in areas where cell phones don't work. If activated, it sends search and rescue a signal so they can find you fast. Hope we never have to activate - this is more for my husband, who goes off alone on a bicycle into remote areas, but may as well carry it when we are deep in the woods, too!


I was a Girl Scout. Be prepared!

Edited by debbidoesgeo

Considering that I'm a geocaching newbie, I still have a lot of stuff.


1. GPS

2. Books

3. Swag

4. Mini Swag

5. Chalk?

6. Log Sheets

7. Plastic Bags

8. Pencil Sharpener

9. Geocaching Brochures for Muggles

10. Notebook(Paper)

11. Pens

12. Pencils

13. Flashlight

14. Pocket Knife

15. Tweezers

16. Scissors

17. Spare Batteries

18. Eraser

Posted (edited)

I Just started caching about 1 month ago, so now i don't feel so bad about how much stuff i have in my bag


2 Gallon Ziplock Bags

4 Sandwich Ziplock Bags

4 Snack Ziplock Bags

10 Tissues

4 Travel Bugs

1 Johnson & Johnson 140 piece First Aid Kit :sunsure:

So Many Pens & Pencils i cant count all of them

Spare Keys and ID

Bug Spray


Extra Logs

2 Magnets

2 Geocaches- Ready-To-Place

1 Eddie Bauer Lantern/ Flashlight

1 Swiss Army Knife

1 Petzl Head Lamp

1 Glowstick


if anyone has some recommendations, please reply <_<


(Just Found Some Camo Duct Tape Too

Edited by geocacher52803

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