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whats in your geocaching bag ?

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:lol: Good grief, I cannot believe what I am reading!

No wonder my wife thinks Geocaching is for geeks!

Baden powell had an old addage about load carrying based on his experience during the Boer wars.

He would prior to an expedition sort his gear into 3 piles relating to the likely hood of it's use. He would then discard the 2 piles that were less essential.

Excess weight carried is a major factor in expedition failure.

Also kind of looks odd on grown up men [women too]

Always something strange about people carryind around large knives if you ask me! :)


Wow, that is a lot of information! But it's great information. The last point made is one I find most important: "Visitors are reminded to tell a Responsible Person where they are going, where they plan to park, when they will be back and to make sure that person understands that they are relied upon to call 911 at a certain time if the backcountry traveler has not returned."


Geocaching can take you to many places. So, with cell phones so prevalent, why not call someone when you travel to a new area or send and SMS message that includes the geocode?


And I agree, make your own travel kits. Most people will have everything in their home already. If your kids are in a Scouting-type program, they teach these skills, let your kids put the kit together.


Then lay everything out on the floor and make sure that you know how to use it. A map and compass is useless unless you can use them. Here's a site where you can learn how to use a map and compass: http://www.learn-orienteering.org/old/


Also, mark your starting point on the GPS!


Holy cow guys...looks like I need to go out to get a cache pack huh. I have just a fraction of what most of you have and I thought I traveled a little heavy!



Camera for the finds

Extra Batts

Notebook to keep track of finds

TB's to drop off


misc trinkits


The bare essentials I guess! :lol:

Posted (edited)



Snacks (sometimes)


This is prety much all I need, don't have a cell phone, don't have a GPS, the people I cache with have all that. Usually all I bring is trinkets.

Edited by golder98

Here's what a GeoNinja brings on the hunt.



CamelBak filled with water

Flashlight w/ extra batts

Heahlamp w/ extra batts

GPSr (Garmin Legend)

Backup GPSr / PDA (Garmin iQue M5 - also used when in a vehicle to get as close as possible on roads)

Swag for trades

First Aid (including Liquid Bandages)

Waterproof shoes

Extra Socks

Deep water waders


Gloves (Mechanix gloves are the best, light weight and tough)

Cellphone (Also used to access geocaching.com after receiving new publication notices for the FTFs)

Camping Saw (great for clearing trails after a storm)

Pocket Knife (Just incase)


Trail Maps

Digital Camera


Extra Log books

Extra plastic baggies

an empty "Lock'n'Lock" for field maintenance




This list is constantly changing depending on where we're hunting and at what time of the day.


Everybody has different needs. I think we can all agree on that!

My particular situation is...I'm a new cacher, heavy, with heart and diabetes problems.


GPSR with 4 extra AA's

Small notebook for notes, travel bug info, comments to be posted at home, and individual pages that make

handy logs for micros.

Travel bugs/coins

Small swag

A compass (for when all else fails-where was north again?) :anitongue:

A Ham Radio HT with speaker mike that also acts as a general coverage (police/fire/weather) reciever.

A whistle (for when everything electronic fails!)

Work Gloves (you're going to put your hands in where?) :laughing:

Pens, pens, pens, and oh yes, a black permanrnt marker.

Plier tool

Small LED (bright!) flashlight.

Trail mix

Cell phone with Bluetooth


All stuffed in my "Camelback" which cariries lots of cold water (when prepared with ice cubes)

This leaves my hands free to carry my walking pole (artritus in knee) and my GPSR that I remove from Camelback and wear on lanyard arround neck.


Tailor what you carry to YOUR needs!


"Zag" Dad


Alright, here we go,


GPS unit (eXplorist 400)

Small notebook - this is where I keep cache notes





Tecnu Extreme (this stuff is amazing!!!) http://www.tecnuextreme.com/

Heavy duty Duct Tape





Bug repellant

Pocket knife

Various drinks

Rice Krispie treats

Garbage bag

Gardening type gloves


In the car,

Spare socks and shoes

A very good first aid kit - Field Surgeons kit (just in case)







"We would like to take this opportunity to ask our visitors to the backcountry of Deschutes County to plan for the unexpected. Each person should dress for the forecast weather and take minimum extra clothing protection from a drop in temperature and possible rain or snow storm or an unexpected cold wet night out, insulation from the wet ground or snow, high carbohydrate snacks, two quarts of water, a map and compass and optional inexpensive GPS and the skills to use them, and a charged cell phone and inexpensive walkie-talkie radios. Carry the traditional personal "Ten Essentials" in a day-pack, sized for the season and the forecast weather.


Visitors are reminded to tell a Responsible Person where they are going, where they plan to park, when they will be back and to make sure that person understands that they are relied upon to call 911 at a certain time if the backcountry traveler has not returned."



Do not buy or assemble an "Emergency Kit" - carry the personal "Ten Essential Systems" in a day pack!"


The Mountaineers was organized as a Club in Seattle in 1906 to meet the needs of men and women in the Pacific Northwest who hiked and climbed in the North Cascades. Their standard text for these activities is Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, now in its 7th edition. The Mountaineers became active in introducing people to the Wilderness and they began offering their annual Climbing Courses in the 1930s. It was soon determined that each participant in their activities must have certain essential equipment. This equipment became known as The Ten Essentials. It is now known as THE TEN ESSENTIAL SYSTEMS.


As a teaching aid in Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills the traditional Ten Essentials were listed as follows:

1. Maps of the area; 2. Declination adjusted compass; 3. Flashlight, extra batteries/bulb; 4. Extra food and water; 5. Extra clothing; 6. Sunglasses and sun screen; 7. First aid kit; 8. Pocket knife; 9. Waterproof matches; 10. Fire starter. Across the nation, over the years, hikers, backpackers, climbing club and outdoor program participants, by the countless thousands have memorized this list. The traditional Ten Essentials have been listed and discussed in countless books and magazine articles.


What it all comes down to is that all members of an outing’s group must be individually prepared for the inevitable unexpected situations. The pooling of this individual equipment such as a foot square insulating "shorty pad" or extra sweaters may help save the life of a member of the group.




from Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills, 7th edition, © 2003 by The Mountaineers:


1. Navigation

Added to the essential map of the area and the compass must be the ability to use them. This requires training, study, and practice. Navigating with a map alone is also a necessary skill. Attach a whistle to your compass lanyard. Serious navigators will add an optional GPS receiver.


2. Sun Protection

Sun glasses and a sunscreen are an obvious addition to a pack. Sun protection should come from SPF 35 sun screen lotion, dark glasses approved for altitude and reflective snow fields, and long sleeves and hat rated for strong sun. Have a sun skirt on the hat or wear a bandana under the hat and over your neck and ears.


3. Insulation (extra clothing)

This brings us to extra clothing - the most essential of the list. In Central Oregon, the weather can change in a very short time, leaving people shivering in shorts and vulnerable to rain, sweat and wind induced hypothermia. Hiking fast may keep your body heat up, until you "bonk" or "run out of gas" (glycogen), or have to hike slow with others, go slow to find your way or have to stop and tend an injured companion.


Cotton clothing, soaked in sweat, rain or melted snow, has caused the death of too many people. Layers of polypropylene, pile and Gortex are the equivalent to the wool underwear, pants, shirts, sweaters and coated closely woven jackets of the 70s and before. Polypro, pile, softshells and Gortex had not been invented when Everest was first summited. However, they all used layers to 1. wick body moisture, 2. to insulate and 3. to cut off wind and rain. Remember, layers must be “pealed” to avoid sweat soaked clothes! All of this essential seasonal personal clothing and equipment must be accommodated in a sturdy day/summit pack large enough to hold it. Garments or equipment tied to the outside are likely to catch on something or get wet/lost.


A larger day/summit pack is needed for the light but bulky pile or wool insulation layers in the winter.


4. Illumination

A small flashlight can assist in finding a lost or injured person. Also, many hiking groups have returned to the trailhead after dark. Headlamps now weigh in at 3 oz.!


5. First-Aid Supplies

A first aid kit sized to the trip is a must. First aid supplies can fit in a Ziploc baggie and should deal with cuts and scrapes with small and large Band-Aids, Neosporin and mole skin. In June and July, add mosquito repellent for the woods.


6. Fire

Waterproof matches and a fire starter can be combined in an adjustable propane pocket lighter. Remember, when you most need a fire, it will be windy, wet and cold. Do not depend on being able to start a fire. Learn how to stay warm without a fire. Don't try to be a survivalist.


7. Repair Kit and Tools

A small knife should be light and sharp - a tool kit knife is heavy and of little use. I carry the smallest Swiss Army knife and six feet of duct tape.


8. Nutrition (extra food)

Extra food should be in the form of easily digested quick acting fat-free fig newtons, jelly filled breakfast bars or ClifBars which have a bit of protean to aid utilization. Glycogen (sugar or starch) is the one essential fuel that must be replaced during a hard hike or climb or an unexpected cold wet night under a tree - most people have ample stores of the other essential fuel: fat. A small package of ten ClifBars contains 2,300 calories, with only 300 calories of (unneeded) fat and a small amount of protein.


9. Hydration (extra water)

Add extra water or the equipment to obtain it (stove for snow or a filter for summer), to your list. In the summer you may need to drink a gallon or more. In the winter you may be able to get by with three quarts if you are careful not to sweat. Use electrolyte replacement powder such as Gookinaid or Gatorade. Remember that only two quarts of water weigh almost four pounds plus 12 oz. for the two Nalgene bottles! Use Nalgene or Platypus plastic bags that weigh one ounce per quart. I am not a fan of bladders, but they are popular at this time. (The body purges liters of fluid from the blood in the early stages of hypothermia; if this occurs it is necessary to aggressively hydrate with electrolytes.)


10. Emergency Shelter

Emergency shelter can range from a 9oz. Emergency Bivy Sack sold by Adventure Medical Kits for about $30. to a four season Gore-Tex $200. bivy bag, an ensolite pad and 20 degree sleeping bag. You can not shelter on snow without an insulating pad such as the Cascade Designs RidgeRest three-quarter length, 9 ounce ensolite foam pad, strapped to the side of your day or summit pack.


Bring your cell phone turned off in your pack but available in an emergency! Consider the possible agonizing alternative. Do not overlook the very inexpensive handie talkie citizens band radios. Let your Responsible Person know your chosen band (#9?) and schedule.

--On Belay! Bob Speik

Copyright© 1995-2007 by Robert Speik. All rights reserved.




www.TraditionalMountaineering.org ™ and also www.AlpineMountaineering.org ™


Contributed by Baron Max and Mrs. Max


Let's see....



A Small first aid kit

Power bars, old but not moldy

MRE (spaggetti w/meat sauce)


Camelbak bladder(72oz)

AA batteries

Waterproof Matches


mp3 player

parachute cord

duct tape


and finally a mini mag and sometimes my cell phone but not always.


My Geocache bag is a very well used Deuter backpack. It's contents are as follows:


- 1 x Engineering Compass

- 1 x Mil-spek notepad case (black)

- 1 x 4 by 6 inch writing pad

- 1 x List of local emergency contact numbers for the area I'm caching in

- 3 x Retractable Pen (black)

- 2 x Mechanical Pencil

- 10 x Mechanical Pencil Graphite

- 1 x Safety vest (red) for those caches in hunting areas (doubles as visual signalling device)

- 2 x Spare paracord lanyard

- 1 x PDA, containing all geocaches for the area I'm in

- 1 x Cellular Phone with full battery

- 1 x Gerber Multitool

- 1 x 3L water bladder with hydration hose

- 1 x 1L water bottle

- 1 x spare socks

- 1 x mini mag-light

- 1 x vehicle rearview mirror (the easier to see under or over obstacles)

- 4 x spare rechargable AA batteries

- 4 x Alkaline AA batteries

- 1 x Digital Camera

- 1 x Magellan Meridian Gold GPSr

- 1 x large black trash bag, for areas in need of a little CITO

- Randomly sized Geo-Swag

- Photo ID and Health Card


One thing I added recently to my bag is an automotive inspection mirror. Found at Sears in tool department, mirror is about 3 inches in diameter, with a telescopic handle - out to about 36 inches.


Very useful for inspecting those hides in holes and crevices where you might not want to stick your hand......


I keep two different bags, one for all day deals and one for easy caching.


Easy bag: a digital camera case (simple black cordura, about as big as a coffee mug) with a mini pen, GPSr (eXplorist), and whatever coins I have at the time.


All day bag: multitool (SwissArmy tool); tool kit with an extendable magnetic probe, picks, and a mirror with an extendable handle; water, USGS maps and 1:24,000 protractor for plotting, my old army lensatic compass, a pace counter cord, snacks, wipes, leather work gloves, swag items, a notebook, pens, blaze orange hat in the fall to keep from getting shot as a deer, 550 cord, SwissArmy knife.


Should have a first aid kit, but I know enough first aid to improvise supplies if necessary. The Ivyblock is a great idea. I will never carry a weapon (gun, etc.). If caching is so dangerous to require protection like that, caching ain't worth doing.


I also wear a Tilley hat with a sewn in pocket in the crown where I keep $20 in small bills (last I checked it had 20 Euros and a 20 British pound note from my last trip overseas) and a spare car key. I always carry a cell phone dummy corded to a pants belt loop.


Unless I geocache in town I have a light-weight collection of the usual 10 essentials for day hiking to put in my small daypack. Glad to see a few people mentioned whistles and space blankets--the things most commonly left off of peoples lists. My nephew who's in the military gave me a great tip for fire material. That hand sanitizer in your bag makes a great fire starter--just throw in some waterproof matches. Thanks for the idea to take some baggies. I could start replacing the ones needed instead of just wishing I could.


Heres the way I see it. Unless youre going to be at it all day, just take along a good pen, a few geo-swag items, your GPS, and the cache info- everything should fit in a cargo pocket or two. I like to travel light- especially if Im taking the mountain bike along. Now if Im benchmarking, thats a whole different story.


Let's see....





-Plastic bags for CITO

-A folder with a few Geocaching procures and Faqs

-Swag and travel bugs if any

-A large pile of extra batteries

-Pens and paper for those puzzles


And sometimes for benchmarks


-Measuring Tape

-Water bottle

-Paper towels to dry and clean it.


All in a small backpack that I used in 1st through 3rd grade :o

That's pretty light and wouldn't be good for any long hikes but in most cases it's more then enough.

Posted (edited)

and i thought i had lots!

i have two pockets and a pouch

gps goes in the pouch on the strap

large pocket-swag i wish to trade, 1 TB, camera, phone, mittens, granola bars, extra batteries

small pocket-swag i find that im probably going to keep

(if im no im doing a quick micro, the pack usually stays in the car and i take the gps, pen and camera)


thats all i carry, usually i right out all the specs of the caches i wish to complete that day on a sheet of paper, unless im with mTn_biKer65 who has them all paperlessly so i dont need to bother. maybe i should consider adding some more things, all these lists seem pretty similar. The cache repair items seem like a good idea, I hate getting to those that need it and don't have anything to help with!


thanks for the ideas,

I will be rethinking my pack soon,


Edited by mm_dancer
Posted (edited)

This is too funny.


I just found my 4 year old in my pack, what's in yours?


Anyway, that's it for now, nothing else, as he had already removed the entire contents and was munching on the Bag of Beef Jerky I just loaded in it earlier this evening.


Kidz - gotta luv 'em.

Edited by Jhawk0769

Ummm... Let's see. I bought a standard school-type backpack a few months ago.


On the outside:

2 carabiners, both with blue penlights built in.

2 pens

collapsible walking stick


In pouch #1:

Three travel bugs that need to be moved different places.

Legend GPS

Palm Pilot

Extendable magnetic 'grabber' tool for retrieving nanos, bisons, etc, that are out of reach (I'm short!)


In pouch #2:

2 mini maglites with fresh batteries

1 Nebraska national guard penlight

headlamp for night caching that needs batteries (!! I forgot I had this!)

2 unopened 2-packs of Duracell AA batteries


In pouch #3:

Multi-tool in case

Serrated folding knife


In the main compartment:

1 roll of camo duct tape

One bright orange cap (it's hunting season, after all)

One pair of binoculars

A plastic bag full of small swag and/or small cache-making materials

A plastic bag with multiple geocoins. Most of them are mine

A spool containing 1200 yds of transparent fishing line

A can of deep woods Off

Standard first aid kit


I was wondering why the thing was getting so heavy. :) I usually offload a lot from it unless I'm doing a major hike, but it's one way to keep organized!


Backpack? I have one. It stays in the back seat. I tend to travel very light.


I carry just my GPS, a pen (always, unless I forget) and (usually, when I'm very prepared) a piece of paper with the cache names, waypoints, size and diff/terrain ratings handwritten on it. Maybe a flashlight if its close to sunset or after dark.


Oh yeah... and then there's my Swiss Army knife, in case I need to use the scissors or the tweezers. But that's it except for the moleskin (in case I get blisters).


Oh yeah... the beef jerky and trail mix. Must-have. And a can of beans just in case I become lost. And if I need to warm those beans, I find there is no fire-starter quite like a propane torch.


I did mention the pen, right? Well, to be honest, several. Gotta have spares. They do run out of ink, and to be honest, not all will write upside down or at 40 below. So at least one has to be a Space Pen.


Extra shoes. And socks. They get wet. They wear out during long hikes. They get gravel in them. The laces become untied. Yeah... you CAN re-tie them, but I prefer to don a new pair rather than risking bad laces. But that's just me.


And underwear. You never know. Oh... a roll or two of toilet paper, for the same reason.


Snow shoes. Yeah, it can snow here, even in July. A moose rifle and plenty of ammo (this IS Minnesota, even if there isn't a moose for 200 miles. Hey... it COULD happen, OK?)


What is a "geocaching bag"?


My car keys are (hopefully!) in one pocket. My billfold is (hopefully) in another pocket. If I am prepared, I do have a pen or pencil somewhere on my person. And if I don't have my GPS in my hand, something is seriously wrong.


Only partially kidding. I don't carry one. I do have one in the car. It is stocked with a little bit of swag and a few cache repair items, but frankly, it has been in the back of the car for a long time.

Posted (edited)

This is whats in my bag (all compartments)


a couple of micro cache containers

my calling card

1 tissue(all thats left)

2 log books(note book size)

1 letherman

1 surefire torch

2 caribiener led lights(small flash light)

1 tire pressure gauge

1 cell phone charm

1 pen knife

1 hand made ground speak picture painted on a piece of cloth

sawag items

1 pair binoculars

asorted zip lock bags

1 hat

the pouch for my digital camera



tire pressure gauge??


Edited by ChiefWings

I dont bring as much as some but i still bring enough.

my pack holds:

cheap folding knife (kept razor sharp)

leatherman wave

batteryless flashlight (the kind you shake)

LED flashlight

swiss army knife

cooking kit (alchohol stove, pot, foil, disnatured alchohol, fork potstand)


modified bottle of swag

sig items

extra zip locks

extra normal logs

extra micro log books

micro container

many times i strap a larger or more custom cache to the outside of the pack!

Keep On Cachin.


Let's see.

I have a notebook

a rubber stamp

a stamp pad

my GPS

rubber bands

a scrunchie

chap stick



pocket knife

emergency poncho


sun block

bug repellent

itch cream

garbage bag

pen and pencil

water bottle


digital camera


flashlight extra batteries

cell phone



travel bug


pack of gum


a sticky candycane

assorted swag items

and a can of mace in case I meet a bear or a wacko in the woods.

Posted (edited)

Wow...some of you carry a lot of stuff! :anibad: Our pack typically carries:


Our two GPSr's


pencil sharpener


individual wet wipes

various swag items

PDA (love that paperless caching!)

pad of paper

extra blinkie logs in case they are full when we get there

TB's if we have any

snacks for the kids

water (if we are in for a long hike)

small first aid items



With that said, we have only been caching since 11/2/07 and in SD it's cold.


I would imagine that we will start carrying bug spray, etc. as the temeratures rise.

Edited by 5-4-Fun



I carry


a note pad

printouts of the caches

a pen

the gps

cell phone

and the prizes when I can


I'll be getting a bag soon. Good idea on the first aid kits and extra zippys.

Posted (edited)


Here's what i carry, same pic from a previous post.

Cache on!!



P.S. as for the gun, this is the only reason.






Looks like a Raven or Jennings. A pointed stick might be more deadly to a coyote than a .25 auto -- and more reliable.


I was glad I stole some ideas off this list for some cache repair items. I found one the other day with a wet log and a rusty pen. Someone had placed a second dry log, but the bag was leaky. I hooked them up with a new bag and a fresh pen.

Edited by qlenfg



seams most cachers carry the same things Alaska cacher's do things a little different I guess


I can add to this list


hand wand metal detector ( people put nano's in spruce tree's )


telescoping magnetic retriever ( people want you to crawl under bridges )


and a .454 casull ( actually the most common caliber I know three cachers that carry this same pistol )


reason for pistol




Recently had a snowstorm here and yet I still tried for some caches. Did get some and no luck on others. The good note on this is a realization of things I still need.


A small shovel (tiny hand shovel no more then a foot long)


Extra pair of socks and possibly shoes




Spray de icer


couple plastic bags (from stores) to cover shoes



Snow, when 1.5s turn into 4.0s

Posted (edited)

Let's see.....



numerous old printouts

folded water bowl for my dog

1/2 roll of TP

1 water bottle

2 pens

#9 pool ball, picked up at a cache a while ago

a piece of bark..no clue where that came from

2 quarters


2 AA batteries

digital camera

state park map

.40 cal. glock


That's it

Edited by keri

Golly, I can't believe I am the only one here who carries a small mirror with handle!!!


I just snap a picture in the hole with my digital camera (with flash on) then look at the display to see if there is anything in the hole. ....and I hope nothing in the hole will be angered by the flash :laughing:

Posted (edited)

i was looking for a geocoin in our geo back pack and couldn't belive the mound of stuff that i pulled out !


sunblock, bug spray, bandaids, chapstick, an ace-wrap and kleenex

zip-ties, duct tape, and ziplock bags

4 space blankets, 4 hats, 4 pairs of gloves and 4 disposable rain poncho's

3 bottles of water and a box of chewy granola bars.

a camera, my gps, spare cell phone and a pack of 16 AA's

a big bag of trade items, a geocoin and a travel bug.

a tube of 15 glowsticks and $20 and a bunch of quarters (for emergencys)

5 pencils, pencil shapener, sharpie, and couple of pens

several pine cones, acorns and hickory nuts (i think the little bunnys were collecting)


seems like stuff keeps getting added but never taken out :P


whats in your backpack ?


edited to add : i just found 2 pairs of sunglasses in a side pocket too


:) I had to laugh when I read your post. I know darn well that my pack is getting heavier so just out of morbid curiosity and your post...I decided to dump the thing out to take a look.


Let's see.....


[rummaging around main compartment]


ziplock bags-4 large and 4 small.

2 kitchen garbage bags

an extra log book for cache maintenence

an extra micro log sheet

a shirt

pair of socks

a fully stocked first aid kit. (I'm not known as being graceful on or off the trail)

my letterboxing journal

my signature rubber stamp for letterboxing

orange safety vest

where did this photo album come from??

5 toe warmers and 1 body warmer

4 mosquito badges (they don't work trust me)

2 rain ponchos

5 pages of old coordinates for caches that I've already done and two that I haven't..so the whole lot stays.

1 bag of stale combos ...the deer dont' eat them. They look at you like you're nuts.

2 bottles of very warm water. YUM!

1 unsharpened pencil


Top section


1 skateboard TB

1 whistle

3 geocaching patches

1 small bottle of hand sanitizer

1 cemetary ediquette card

3 mini markers

1 mini highlighter

1 "princess lisa" wooden nickle

1 Polynesian Franc?

How did those nail clippers get in there?

4 extra batteries

1 digital camera

1 GPS'r

(oh..that's where I left that receipt)

4 sticks of gum

and a partridge in a pear tree.


Map pocket holds no map...but I finally found my work gloves.


The very bottom compartment contains SWAG items.

Looks like I need to get to the clearance aisle...I'm down to...


3 pencils

2 mini sharpies

1 mini highlighter

1 mini pen

where did that cookie cutter come from?

and who put the fly strip in here?

the air freshener was supposed to go in my car...but I like the smell of old McDonalds burgers and spilled beer. :laughing:


:):) I can't believe all the stuff that was in there. It's really not a lot but when you itemize it, it appears that I'm carrying 50 lbs. I guess I could finish eating the Combos and lose about 4 ounces. :)


1 cemetary ediquette card ?? :)

Edited by keri

2 small ziploc bags

2 large ziploc bags

5 rubber duckies

2 super balls

2 clif bars

1 squashed bag of mini fig newtons

2 bottles of water

1 pack of gum

1 large folder of cache paperwork (still haven't figured out how to go paperless)

2 pairs of socks

2 pairs of gloves

1 spare log book

3 pencils

2 pens

2 pencil sharpeners

19 AAA batteries

1 disposable camera

1 digital camera

1 can pepper spray

1 utility knife

1 large bag of swag

1 whistle

my spare stethoscope I've been looking for for a month



small trade items

2-3 travel bugs

new logs micros & nanos

two new log pads

many small zip log bags

write wet pen


pencil & sharpener

2 camaras one color one black & white

nano caches



mini mag

2- 3 personal logs

art supplys ( pastels and art pad)

6 batterys (AA)

water bottle

field guides ( usually bird, trees, & wildflowers)


fire starter


needle & thread

hand warmers (instant)

first aid & survival guides

one time use poncho


& of course a gps

Posted (edited)

I'm curious to know what type of bag people use as well. I'm currently using a slung-over-the-shoulder field medic bag (vintage replica) that I've framed with pins and buttons I find...but am thinking of upgrading to a sling over backpack.


Bag of sig items/swag

Separate bag of TBs/coins

Werthers Originals


Mini leatherman

Small flathead screwdriver

LED flashlight

GPS (naturally)

First Aid kit

Water bottle

At least three pens


Cell phone

Extra AA batteries

Plastic bags, multiple sizes, all rolled up together



I occasionally have:

iPod Touch (when I'm in a WiFi area, I can use it to access geocaching.com)

Digital camera w/ lens cleaner cloth


I don't go up into the mountains/off-the-beaten path areas too much (no need to in my neck of the woods, plenty of caches in parks, etc) and I never go alone - smallest group is two, largest is about six. Due to weather, I usually keep a rainjacket on me at all times (and sweatshirt - layers are my friend). I need to dig out my sunglasses next...forgot what this sun thing is like. :huh:


ID in pocket at all times, just in case.


When I'm doing a grab-and-go, I ditch the bag and just stuff my pockets - GPS and pen. And a Werther, naturally. :)

Edited by Sembei
Posted (edited)

GPS (!)


Spare Batteries

Cache Details

Bottle of drink


Mini torch

Pocket Stamp for log book


First Aid Kit

Wallet (Money,Driving Licsence etc)

Mobile Phone

Digital Camera



I also take:


Walking Boots

Waterproof Coat

Waterproof overtrousers





CAR! (!) - But clearly not in my backpack....


This is for a few hours caching. Its seemed to work out so far!! Travel light!

Edited by KernewesLaura


...and a .454 casull ( actually the most common caliber I know three cachers that carry this same pistol )


reason for pistol


<bear photo>



Some of the urban caches we have around here are in less savory areas where a stray pit bull or 2-legged vermin might want to ruin your day. Doubtful anything chambered for a cartridge that large (other than the Bond Arms derringer) would be easy to conceal -- but we make due.


I was, until recently, carrying all my gear in my 3 day patrol pack by Blackhawk. However, I found, like I usually do, that, true to science, nature abhors a vacuum, as do I. So, I would end up cramming the pack with everything I could! My daypack weighed as much as a weekend pack. BUT, I was recently turned on to maxpeditions shoulder bags...and have trimmed down my gear alot! I essentially carry everything I'd need for an unplanned overnight stay, plus additional items for caching. All this fits into a small bag, with room left over.


oh my.......


I just carry my foretrex plus whatever's in my handbag (which always has my caching stickers and a few of my signature silver charms)


Most of my caching is urban (London) or safe suburban parks though, so it's easy to travel light.


A few co-ordinates and hints scribbled on a piece of paper and I'm good to go.


After donating quite a bit of blood to snag a cache in a local park full of briars, I decided I had better add some leather work gloves and a pair of pruning shears to my bag of tricks. I had just recently added a telescoping inspection mirror to the kit, and I'm thinking a very long pair of hemostats might be useful as well.


in my caching backpack:


Spare batteries (6)

LED Flashlight (2)

SOG multi tool

Knife (2)

small can operner

waterproof matches

TP in ziploc

glowy sticks (4)

Bandana's (2)

folding dog bowl (our dogs picky ,but will drink when she's tristy)



munchies (granloa bars,candy,fruit snacks,fruit by the foot,etc...)

spare sweatshirt

first-aid kit (tweezers,bandaids,etc...)


Off wipes (they do work)





glow in the dark star map

various state park, city park maps



nothing worse than being out on a hot july day with no water,no hat and a crabby kid and dog,makes for a long day of caching. Won't do that again , so pack is always ready


Things carried for caching:

Laptop (and wireless card if we find a wifi spot)


random swag

notebook paper with cache info

logbook paper

pens (lots of em since I recently hosted a party that required all 30-40 attendies to have a pen)


pill fobs

black tape

camo tape

clear tape

sandwich bags

small "jewlrey/beading" bags



I also tend to keep a frisbe and a card game in there, can be useful for looking "innocent" and/or a good excuse to hang out and enjoy the area more. If I had a good cane I'd add that in to since my knees are bad.


Things that stay in my car or purse that come in handy for caching also:

two flashlights

toilet paper

paper towels

clorox wipes


blanket and pillow



granola bars


And of course we never leave home without cell phones, ID and keys (and on the keys is a pill fob holding ibuprofen, beyer, charcol (for upset stomaches) and cyanne pepper pills (works for asthma attacks), hubby's pill fob holds kelp which helps him with dizziness brought on by thyroid acting up)

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