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What happened to all the ticks?


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So it's been about two months since I've found a tick on me? And I routinely check myself like a madman.


What's the deal?


I did pick up a nice pack of chiggers in early September, but I haven't seen a tick on me for a while.


I really thought about this when I read a log form a nearby cache stating that the ticks where out in full force. Of course, I was at that cache site several months earlier ... I don't recall picking up ticks there either. But that was the hottest day of the year, and I usually don't collect ticks on very hot days.


Anyone else notice this?

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So it's been about two months since I've found a tick on me? And I routinely check myself like a madman.


What's the deal?


I did pick up a nice pack of chiggers in early September, but I haven't seen a tick on me for a while.


I really thought about this when I read a log form a nearby cache stating that the ticks where out in full force. Of course, I was at that cache site several months earlier ... I don't recall picking up ticks there either. But that was the hottest day of the year, and I usually don't collect ticks on very hot days.


Anyone else notice this?


I had one on me from Harriman last weekend. Maybe the small rodent population has declined?

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I think they are all on us! :laughing:


I pulled more than 20 off the dog last Saturday, so many that I brought her to the vet as her skin was coming up with them. They were in clusters all over her. The vet pulled off another 10+ in the office. I've never seen it so bad on her.


At the Pirates event, the kids and I were covered at the first stage. Got as many off as possible (while sitting at the traffic accident) but still found a few crawling around the roof of my car yesterday morning. YUCK!

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The many "babies" around earlier in the season are gone. The only ones left at this time of the year are the fewer adults who made it this far and are ready to propogate by hitching a ride on you and meeting their soul mate there after having lunch on you. :laughing:


Isn't that a pleasant thought? :wub:

Edited by Alan2
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I found one on the back of my neck while in the Harrisburg Pa area. It didn't look like the usual variety I see here in NJ...sort of more oval or egg-shaped. I released it kindly back into the wild :P


My chigger encounter this year was much more horrifying than any tick encounter I have ever had (except maybe the Lyme Disesase)

Edited by trowel32
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Have we accounted for all the ticks yet?


I spotted two the other day singing Karaoke at the bar downtown. Of course, it was pretty smokey and dark, and I was pretty drunk, so they have been ants and not ticks.


Actually I haven't seen any ticks for a couple months. I think the last one I had on me was back in July.

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So it's been about two months since I've found a tick on me? And I routinely check myself like a madman.


What's the deal?


I did pick up a nice pack of chiggers in early September, but I haven't seen a tick on me for a while.


I really thought about this when I read a log form a nearby cache stating that the ticks where out in full force. Of course, I was at that cache site several months earlier ... I don't recall picking up ticks there either. But that was the hottest day of the year, and I usually don't collect ticks on very hot days.


Anyone else notice this?


Maybe it's the garlic bread, shrimp scampi, and garlic spring rolls?

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Actually, you haven't seen many because I have secretly been hoarding all of the ticks in aquariums in my house. My wife isn't too happy about it, but I have reassured her that it will be hilarious when I unleash my millions of minions on unsuspecting cachers in the spring.


I have been debating whether to load them up into ammo cans and place them in new caches throughout the state, or just sprinkle them crop-duster style on the trails. The former option is of course cheaper, and would be much funnier when the cacher opens the ammo box, is attacked by a cloud of thousands of ticks, and starts screaming "GET 'EM OFF ME" while writhing around on the ground. But I am not sure how long ticks can survive in ammo cans. I guess I have all winter to run some experiments.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go practice my maniacle "evil villain" laughter while looking in the mirror. I want it to be perfect by April so I don't look foolish.

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Actually, you haven't seen many because I have secretly been hoarding all of the ticks in aquariums in my house. My wife isn't too happy about it, but I have reassured her that it will be hilarious when I unleash my millions of minions on unsuspecting cachers in the spring.


I have been debating whether to load them up into ammo cans and place them in new caches throughout the state, or just sprinkle them crop-duster style on the trails. The former option is of course cheaper, and would be much funnier when the cacher opens the ammo box, is attacked by a cloud of thousands of ticks, and starts screaming "GET 'EM OFF ME" while writhing around on the ground. But I am not sure how long ticks can survive in ammo cans. I guess I have all winter to run some experiments.


Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go practice my maniacle "evil villain" laughter while looking in the mirror. I want it to be perfect by April so I don't look foolish.


Remind me not to do anymore caches by ThePropers :P:(

Edited by trowel32
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They are out there for sure even in the cold weather, Klizich and I were in Sparta WMA 10/25/06, hiking around Rykers lake, at one point we had 11 ticks on us at one time, there was no tall grass just the typical woodland trails. I ended up with another 2 hitch hickers later bringing my total to 8, 13 for the day between us, these were the little deer ticks, so keep checking.

Edited by Old Navy
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As Old Navy already posted, we picked up an "eerie" amount (13) for the Halloween season the other day at Ryker Lake. This didn't help the paranoia from a bite last week ;) ...fortunately that was quickly remedied and the little @#$%^* tortured and killed slowly! :ph34r: ...as they say, "Payback...."! B)

Apparently, this is NOT the only area of prevalence - I received an e-mail from a friend looking for one of my caches (within a mile or so of where I live) who found 15 after searching...the sad part is, there is less than 100' of very light bushwack involved (trails go almost to the cache)...during which he contracted his 'souvenirs'! :ph34r:

According to information received (from doctor & veterinarian), just because a tick is not a deer tick, does not mean one cannot get Lyme...there are several tick species carrying the disease. :D

Maybe we can host a seasonal Tick Roundup Event :ph34r: cache where everyone can bring theirs...and give them a sacrificial and painful sendoff :ph34r: to the Tick Netherworld! :blink: Heck, we could call on our creative cache developers to use their talent in developing exotic 'TT' (Tick Torture) devices ;) , prizes to be awarded, of course, after the show! :ph34r:

...just a thought! As Bill Cosby once reflected in a sketch from the 60's - "Noah, how long can YOU tread water????" :D

What do you think, "NNJC First Annual Tick Roast & Barbecue" ????????

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My dog Buddy just came off 4 months of two types of antibiotics. They couldn't identify what he had for sure but believe it was tick borne. He was really sick with a very low red blood cell count, lethargis as heck (although his appetitie didn't suffer too much), had leg problems, on and on. Can't stand ticks!

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Tiffany's Slaves had not encountered any tickes for a couple of months until last week - the day after a visit to Weldon Brook WMA, the Head Slave found one embedded in his neck and also dfound one embedded on Tiffany herself. Then, visited the same area today and on the way back tot he car, the Chief Assiatant and Head Slave took off a total of 8 ticks from the clothes. Considreing that we didn't llok very hard and the ticks were blending in well with the boots amd trousers, we estimate that we had twice as many as we found so the total was 16, 3 more then Klizich and Old Navy.

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Mac and I probably pulled at least a dozen a piece at Sparta Glen today. Awesome day to hit that place, except of course for the ticks.

Thanks for taking them all - I was partially following your footsteps today and stayed tick free (not counting the 5-10 that I brushed off my pant legs throughout the day). Tick check at home revealed tick free all around :D ... Somehow that DEET is working...

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I'm hardly a stranger to the outdoors. Most of that time is usually mountain biking, so I am not used to ticks.


Picked up one at Boxborough Hills Cache yesterday. I found it at 4am burrowed in. I plucked it and put it in a jar for later identification. Once I finally woke up, I found some pics on google. It is definitely a female deer tick. UGH.


Me, and the tick I plucked out are taking a little trip to the Dr tomorrow.


So, please..... tell me that some you guys have gottten that little bulls eye ring aound the bite and it wasn't Lyme disease.

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I believe (and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong) that if you get the bullseye you get the lymes. Sorry.


In all of my scouring, I have found postings on the different sites that did say that a bullseye does not 100% guarantee Lyme. I'm just curious as to how how that percentage is.


bullseye=lyme 99% of the time= :)

Bullseye= lyme 5% of the time= :)


Regardless, I'm stopping by to see the Dr today

Edited by sevnsola
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I believe (and I am sure I will be corrected if I am wrong) that if you get the bullseye you get the lymes. Sorry.


In all of my scouring, I have found postings on the different sites that did say that a bullseye does not 100% guarantee Lyme. I'm just curious as to how how that percentage is.



Bullseye = 100% Lymes


However, not all infections are indicated by a bulls-eye. Also, don't confuse a irritation or allergic reaction to the tick's bite are being a bulls-eye rash.


Don't listen to some crack-pot on Geocities. Speak with your doctor, or better yet look up a specialist in your area. Personally, I believe the CDC is a good source for the facts.

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Trust me, in the 24 hours from the time I found the tick until the time I went to the Dr, I think I hit every site on the entire internet containing the word "lyme" Including the CDC.


Finally I was able to get in to see my Dr. I did have the start of a bulls eye, but according to him, it only indicates lyme when the bulls eye continues to grow. Mine was only 1/4-1/2 inch.


They took blood for a test and put me on Antibiotics as a precaution. I have another test in a month to make sure.


edit: i figured that the ring or bullseye might be subjective. One page I found, I think it was a hospital's page, said that it must be >2". That's part of the reason I asked if anyone personally experienced it.

How did you know it was a female tick... nevermind I don't wanna know...


I'm sure that was a joke, but I forgive me for being literal. Here's a pic of the various stages of deer ticks.


Edited by sevnsola
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