+AtlantaGal Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 (edited) Anthus, the Geocoin Store videoed the poker event and will be uploading streams to Utube at some point next week. Congrats to SBD, Prntr1 and Trippy for being the top 3 in the tourney. Special thanks to SBD for sharing his winnings with everyone. I made it to the final table, being the first knocked out. Finishing 8th in my first in-person poker game is something I am thrilled about. I've only ever played online poker before tonight. Edited February 18, 2007 by AtlantaGal Quote
+Anthus Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 Anthus, the Geocoin Store videoed the poker event and will be uploading streams to Utube at some point next week. Cool, I cannot wait to watch! Congrats SBD! Quote
+DresselDragons Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 Anthus, the Geocoin Store videoed the poker event and will be uploading streams to Utube at some point next week. Cool! Sonny and Sandy were there too, so we'll have audio to look forward to. In the end, it was a good thing that we were unable to go...Heather has been sick the past few days. She even missed her Valentines' Day party at school. She keeps asking when she will have her party, and it is not sinking in that she missed it. Congrats to SBD for winning the poker tourney, and everyone else who won something! Quote
+Eartha Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 I hope everyone makes it home safely, and if you're flying that airline that was in the news this morning, I hope you can make it home soon. They are canceling 100 more flights today due to weather! Quote
+AtlantaGal Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 I hope everyone makes it home safely, and if you're flying that airline that was in the news this morning, I hope you can make it home soon. They are canceling 100 more flights today due to weather! What airline and where's the bad weather? Remember, some of us don't get to see much news Quote
+The Moops Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 Jet Blue is the airline that is having trouble today. Quote
+avroair Posted February 18, 2007 Posted February 18, 2007 I hope everyone makes it home safely, and if you're flying that airline that was in the news this morning, I hope you can make it home soon. They are canceling 100 more flights today due to weather! On the bright side, they will at least be stuck in 80 degree weather. Safe trip home everyone and really enjoyed the "hello avroair" phone hello you gave me. Sounds like the event was a blast! Can't wait to read the logs and see the photos. Congrats to SBD too Quote
+Damenace Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Been reading everyones post and looking through the photo gallery on the cache page. Looks like it was a good time had by all. I still wish I could have made it, maybe next time. Quote
+MustangJoni Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 I just got home from my whirlwind trip to CA! What a great job everybody did organizing this event. I'm all in for next year! Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Well now that I have had a day to recover from the Fest I have seen all the great coin, pathtags, pins and other goodies we got! We did really good in the raffle.....we got a........LACKEY coin! WOOT! I really appreciate all the people that traded with our girls, they got lots & lots of great stuff. Thanks so much for making them have a great event. Also I have to thank Summer & Nana for making the girls beautiful little gift full of wonderful things. That was the sweetest thing ever! Other highlights are we got our Top 40 record coins and they are beautiful. We were able to trade for several other Top 40's. We got the chance to buy some 2-Tone Compass Roses. We got some really neat handmade sig items. A great and fun time. We even brought along our in-laws and they had a wonderful time. Looking forward to next years event. Quote
+Webfoot Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 We had a great time! Thanks for the perfect event. Congrats to SBD for winning the poker. We did good earlier in the winning a couple of raffle items and even getting a buy in on the LE Compass Roses. It was so great to meet everyone and put faces with the names. I am really looking forward to the event tomorrow. It was fun running into you yesterday. I saw one of your daughters and said to myself, "Self, I think I've seen that girl someplace else." Your avatar does real justice to all three of them. Quote
+Snowwolf75 Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 The coinfest was a great event and I traded a bunch of stuff (27 new trackables and 7 non-trackable personals). I, too, got the records, so I'll have trading stock for a while yet. The Temecula event on Sunday wasn't nearly as energized, just bigger (and a MEGA). All in all, I think it is worth the money needed to get myself down and back.... now about the bill I have to pay... Quote
+Marky Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Joani and I had a total blast at geocoinfest! Everything went very smoothly (at least, from our perspective) and it was all due to the hard work put in by the organizers and the volunteers. AtlantaGal, MustangJoni and Pepper were manning the entrance table most of the event and I they did an awesome job. It was fun meeting everyone in person after having only traded emails and geocoins and forum posts in the past. It was neat browsing the coin manufacturer tables. I had no idea there were so many pathtags now. The Geopoker event was WAY too much fun. I got knocked out relatively early as I went in all in on 3 tens on the flop and SBD gets a straight flush on the river! I mean, if you are going to get knocked out, there is no shame in being knocked out by a straight flush. I'm glad my chips helped carry him through to the winners table. It was very gracious of him to share one of those cool chips with all involved (and to share more with the people at the final table). The final table was very enjoyable to watch and the final table was a nail biter! SBD forced Trippy and prntr1 to go all in on the flop and when everyone turned their cards over, prntr1 had the high two pair! The turn gave SBD an ace to match his pocket ace giving him the high two pair. Now prntr1 needed to match up on his pocket pair to give him a boat, and the river card was no help to prntr1 or Trippy. Having three players in the final hand was awesome. The chip coins were awesome, and although they didn't stack so well, I thought that added to the over excitement because as the stacks got bigger, it became impossible to keep them in neat stacks and the final players just had a big pile of chip coins in front of them that they had to just pull into a big pile. Thanks so much to everyone who made the Geopoker event possible. The buffet dinner was awesome and everyone there had a great time. Thanks to everyone I traded with! I wasn't really planning on doing a lot of trading, but ended up with a bunch of trades! My favorite trade(s) were with SAM of ParentsOfSAM. The girls were so cute and their geocoins almost as cute. Saturday evening after the Geopoker event, we went back to the hotel and dumped all the geocoin trades on the table. We opened a bottle of wine and then opened each new coin one by one. It's fun actually handling them and seeing the coin detail without the plastic flips getting in the way. We got to bed sometime after midnight. Way too much fun. We're looking forward to next year's event! --Marky Quote
+rivercity Posted February 19, 2007 Posted February 19, 2007 Rivercity and Team Moagy want to add our thanks to Cornerstone4, AtlantaGal, and Avroair for planning such a wonderful event. It was great to meet so many cachers that we only knew by name. Thanks to the vendors for being gracious and generous, and to Christian for getting the Top 40 coins to the event. It was fun to trade those beautiful little records. The poker game was so exciting, and congratulations to SBD on his win, and thanks for letting me trade for one of those beautiful chips! The raffle had so many wonderful coins that it was hard to choose. I was right behind Stephanie, and when she showed me the coin that she had picked up I reached in and got one, too. Thanks to the Groundspeak "Lackey" for those generous donations! Thanks to Marky and Joani for the rock cache. Thanks to the Temecula Valley cachers for all of the caches around town. We met groups of cachers at every stop. We were glad to find out that LadeBear68 wasn't arrested at the San Diego Zoo, but she did get to see the pandas ten times! It was so cute watching the SAM girls look through our traders for some coins to add to their collection. Their micro coins are darling! I got to see a Phantom coin but not the Phantom! I met Dancingfool and found out he really is a dancing fool! I could go on and on . . . We missed meeting Avroair and hope the phone call helped brighten his day. Thanks for making us feel so welcome. It was an awesome event! Quote
+wavector Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 The Geopoker event was WAY too much fun. I got knocked out relatively early as I went in all in on 3 tens on the flop and SBD gets a straight flush on the river! I mean, if you are going to get knocked out, there is no shame in being knocked out by a straight flush. I'm glad my chips helped carry him through to the winners table. It was very gracious of him to share one of those cool chips with all involved (and to share more with the people at the final table). The final table was very enjoyable to watch and the final table was a nail biter! SBD forced Trippy and prntr1 to go all in on the flop and when everyone turned their cards over, prntr1 had the high two pair! The turn gave SBD an ace to match his pocket ace giving him the high two pair. Now prntr1 needed to match up on his pocket pair to give him a boat, and the river card was no help to prntr1 or Trippy. The geocoin poker challenge was a lot of fun and the video will tell the tale, sbd was very lucky as your post indicates. I placed 4th overall and Marky gave me a beautiful consolation prize consisting of two San Jose pins and a San Jose geocoin, thanks Marky. I knew Steve was bluffing on the hand that knocked me out, I had two overcards (AJ) and I think he had a 4,7 (i am not sure about the 7, watch the video). The flop paired his 4's and the turn gave him another 4, I got no help. Steve was the perfect winner, his generosity was remarkable and I was happy to be knocked out by a gentleman player. His poker skill is also evident as he was at the final table and luck doesn't suffice to get that far. In the final showdown hand he was again, very lucky, so the poker gods certainly favoured his playing that day. Steve gave all the final table players 5 (that is right, 5!) of the Poker Challenge geocoins (I have already given away one and I have a second one ready to give away) and he then went on to give every player a Poker Challenge Geocoin, thank you so much Steve. Next year.... Quote
+AtlantaGal Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Now that I am home and got a good nap on the plane, I wanted to say thanks to all those that came to this first event. I'm glad to read the logs and know that it was enjoyed by those who attended. At least all the sleepless nights and work was worth it knowing that you all enjoyed the event I didn't get very much time to mingle as I would have if I was just a regular attendee. So from that standpoint, I really am looking forward to whatever folks plan to pitch the current committee and take it on for 2008. That way I can be just an attendee I really enjoyed meeting so many of the people I have traded coins with over the last 2+ years. My only regret is that due to being SO busy working the event, I didn't get to really talk to so many of you and what conversations I did have were marred with my physical and mental exhaustion. Believe me, I would have liked to have been able to have relaxed and really gotten to talk to more of you. So to Marky & Joani, Wavevector, Nicolo, Summerandnana, Rivercity, Frivlas, Dorkfish, Dancingfool, Kablooey, Team Oliomi, Allinfun, Nielsenc, Trippy, Nero, Team Leggoes, Oshndoc, gojaybee, chrisgun, TMOCM, Whitebear, and many, many, many more whose nicks escape me at the moment, next time, I hope! At least most of the folks also staying at the Comfort Inn I did have the opportunity to really talk with, usually while enjoying those yummy waffles at breakfast. Was wonderful meeting Dhobby1, The Cache-U-Nuts and Lucy & Ricky, as well as seeing old friends like Pepper, Mustang Joni, Mama Cache, Southbayday, The Moop Along, Alabama Rambler, Tenn Jed & Fluffy, Lade(panda)bear, dhenninger, et all. POS girls were simply too adorable with wanting to make trades with their micro coins, and all 3 ventured up to the registration desk to trade with me. Just precious! From the dark crumbs on her face, it seems little Maddy had gotten her fair share of Oreo cookies. Too cute!!! I loved the poker game too. That was the best and the highlight of the event for me because I actually got to play and at least interact a little with the others at my table and those that came to watch. Plus making my goal to get to the final table was accomplished. I feel great about that since this is the first non-computer poker I have ever played. Yeah, SBD knocked me out too, lol. Thanks again Steve for sharing your winnings with us. Those chip coins are real treasures. Also big thanks to Mike & Ben for all that you did for us. Mike, you are truely a great guy and it was nice to finally interact with you in person rather than just by phone and email. I'm going to do my darnest to get to MWGB in July. Finally, I was and am still really bummed about Avroair not making it to this event. It was his brainchild and somehow it was just not fair that he wasn't there to see what all the emails and phonecalls amounted to in the end. You were greatly missed buddy. Quote
+0R0B0RUS Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 I can't believe it's over! There just was not enough time to meet and talk and trade and cache with everyone. It was just plain fun. Congrats to the event committee for organizing such a wonderful experience. This was my first event ever and it was really a thrill to finally match up real people to the infamous geonicks of forum members. Nicolo, Nero, Whitebear, Nscaler (showed me his geofairy), The Moop Along, Jake, Raine (thanks for the personal), POS, MustangJoni, and The MooseMob (my secret cupid!) just to name a few. Thanks for the chilis georeynozos. And thanks to all the vendors that sponsored all of the nifty swag. Then, the icing on the cake, geopoker! Great fun was had by all. We started out way to serious at table #1. (thanks to TMOCM for posting a picture of the table seating chart - elsewise I'd never of known with whom I had played against) We all played very conservative and table talk was kept to a minimum. With winning hands few and far between, I was pretty much blinded off the table soon after the first break. Yes, that was me sitting next to you Atlantagal; I never got to say a word to Dorkfish, though you kept your eyes hidden under that baseball cap most of the time, you got the nod as the real player at the table; and if I'd known that I was sitting next to Crazycavelover, I would have asked you to give my regards to Fluttershy and please thank her for my bee. BUT, the real kicker is that my wife Camilla made the final table and ultimately landed sixth place! (thanks to TMOCM again for the event pics of her sitting next to AG at the final table) Congrats and thanks to SouthBayDay for winning and for his generosity. Camilla adds an extra thanks! Quote
+Cach-U-Nuts Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Yes, a great big thank you to all those involved in setting up this fabulous event. Here are a couple of short video clips we took of the event and of the poker game. Quote
+MustangJoni Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Wow! I'm a star on YouTube now! Thanks Craig and Georgia for preserving some great memories! Quote
ATMouse Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 I can't believe it's over! There just was not enough time to meet and talk and trade and cache with everyone. It was just plain fun. Congrats to the event committee for organizing such a wonderful experience. This was my first event ever and it was really a thrill to finally match up real people to the infamous geonicks of forum members. Nicolo, Nero, Whitebear, Nscaler (showed me his geofairy), The Moop Along, Jake, Raine (thanks for the personal), POS, MustangJoni, and The MooseMob (my secret cupid!) just to name a few. Thanks for the chilis georeynozos. And thanks to all the vendors that sponsored all of the nifty swag. Then, the icing on the cake, geopoker! Great fun was had by all. We started out way to serious at table #1. (thanks to TMOCM for posting a picture of the table seating chart - elsewise I'd never of known with whom I had played against) We all played very conservative and table talk was kept to a minimum. With winning hands few and far between, I was pretty much blinded off the table soon after the first break. Yes, that was me sitting next to you Atlantagal; I never got to say a word to Dorkfish, though you kept your eyes hidden under that baseball cap most of the time, you got the nod as the real player at the table; and if I'd known that I was sitting next to Crazycavelover, I would have asked you to give my regards to Fluttershy and please thank her for my bee. BUT, the real kicker is that my wife Camilla made the final table and ultimately landed sixth place! (thanks to TMOCM again for the event pics of her sitting next to AG at the final table) Congrats and thanks to SouthBayDay for winning and for his generosity. Camilla adds an extra thanks! <envy> Quote
+fox-and-the-hound Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Yes, a great big thank you to all those involved in setting up this fabulous event. Here are a couple of short video clips we took of the event and of the poker game. All I can say is WOW! I was more than a bit intimidated being asked to design those chips, but seeing them in action on the table is amazing. I hope they were as much fun to use in play as we hoped they would be. I get a big lump in my throat just watching. I just hope I get to make it to next year's event. Quote
+prntr1 Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Thanks for the video. I felt sure that I had SBD on the final hand, with a pair in the hole and a pair showing, when The Moop threw out that ace, to give SBD aces and 10's over my 5's and 10's it was all over, one more card, a 10 or 5 would have done it but it was not to be. This was my first live tourney and it was a blast, I did not expect to last that long, and sure did not expect to be the second place winner. Thanks Steve for your generosity with all the players and especially the final table players. Several people indicated they did not want to see a vendor win, but I think Steve's generosity has negated that view, I am sure that Mike would have done the same if the cards would have fallen a little different. The winners pot was a smorgasbord of great coins, and my second place haul came to about 50 coins, as well as the chips Steve gave me extra as the second runner up. I greatly enjoyed the game, the events and the people. Thanks to all who were involved. Quote
+avroair Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Wow! Great videos... envious all over again. Sounds like a wonderful event. Georeynozos won the coin jar = guessing 129 (actually there were 133 coins) Despite failing to make it last minute, I just wanted to thanks a couple people for their months, weeks and hours of work to put on this event, endless emails, phonecalls and postings: • AtlantaGal for spearheading the whole shabang, being the vendor laison, financial officer and working the registration all day in my absence • CornerStone4 for being the on-site point man (lots of coordination) • 9key for t-shirts and the GeocoinFest website • Moop Along for running the geocoin poker • Dhenninger for stepping into my post at the coin jar • All the day-of volunteers for helping set up and clean up So many people stepped up to help! And especially: to all the vendors for making the event possible and to all the attendees for making the event a fabulous success Hope I can attend next time! Quote
+Mama Cache Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 I knew this was going to be a fantastic weekend, when I stepped of the plane to 76 degree weather! Then off to meet so many wonderful people! I enjoyed everyone I met and wished I had met more. It seemed like the time just flew by. The event went so smoothly. The commitee did a absolutley wonderful job with every aspect of the event. I am looking forward to next year already! Congratulations Southbay on a very lucky event! First he lucks out and wins Peppers beautiful quilt, then he goes and wins the poker tourney. What fun that was to watch! What a heavy case of coins that was. I think I am officially hooked on national events! I hope to see you all at Geowoodstock 5 and I gonna start working on a way to get to the MWGB! It may not be easy, but, I am VERY motivated! Quote
+Damenace Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Yes, a great big thank you to all those involved in setting up this fabulous event. Here are a couple of short video clips we took of the event and of the poker game. Thank you for allowing me to attend the event through the eyes of your camera , great videos!! Quote
+summerandnana Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Those videos were fun, thank you Craig and Georgia. It was certainly fun meeting some of you. I figure the only way I would have been able to meet and greet all, would have been at a 3 or 4 day event Hope to be able to see some of you at Geowoodstock, I will be in Charlotte at the time. Quote
+Moose Mob Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 I just want to say thanks to Cornerstone4 for getting this event off the ground and making it happen. Quote
+WWC-World's Worst Cacher Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 (edited) What an amazing event! It was a very lucky time for me. First I won that amazing quilt that Peper made, complete with little pepper geocoins. Then to win the poker game. . . I tossed in my 3 coins figuring I would be out of it in the hour. But I had an amazing string of lucky cards. The first hand was a full house, then not to much later a straight flush. At some point I realized I had a shot at the final table, but figured I could never make it all the way. Then as I was heading toward the final table, I was warned about the huge stack of coins that prntr1 had. I tried to negotiate up front with the other players that they would give everyone at the final table one of the poker coins. I just hoped I could get one. The cards just plain stayed lucky with me. It was a great pleasure to be able to share those amazing coins that the geocoin store provided with all of my fellow players. I only wish I could have spent more time talking with each of you that have traded coins with me or purchased coins from me. I have given away or traded away a little less than half of the poker coins. At this point I am not sure I see myself selling any, but I am open to making trades for them. I especially want to add my thanks to: ATLANTAGAL: Without her pushing and prodding this event just plain would have never happened. CORNERSTONE4: He was the hands and feet of every aspect of the event. AVROAIR: He did so much work to make this happen. He then sat for hours at the airport only to be finally told he was not going to make this inaugural event. 9KEY: He did so much work and couldn’t make it to the event. MOOP ALONG: The way the poker game was run was a professional as one could ever ask. He handled every little problem and never lost his cool. He dealt the final table which made things so much easier for those of us who were playing. DHENNIGER: He made the coins in the jar guessing game happen. It was also great to meet the friendly folks from Oak Coins; The Caching Place and the Geocoin Store. Edited February 21, 2007 by southbayday Quote
+DresselDragons Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 Yes, a great big thank you to all those involved in setting up this fabulous event. Here are a couple of short video clips we took of the event and of the poker game. Thanks for posting these! It's just like being there, but without the warm weather. Okay...not really, but we really appreciate this glipmse into all of the fun. Quote
+Raine Posted February 20, 2007 Posted February 20, 2007 It was great being able to meet so many people that I've only read/talked to on the forums. Can't wait for the next big event! -Raine Quote
+nscaler Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 Best geocoinfest I've ever been to! (First one in fact) Best Mega Event the next day too! (See above) Quote
+Rubiconlwb Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 I really enjoyed the video, didn't recognize a single person but that's just because I haven't met any of them. Looked like a great time and we will definitely try to make the next one. I'm not a poker player but it looked to me like they had a good time. So many coins, so little time! Quote
+dorkfish Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 (edited) I had such a great time at Geocoinfest. It was so much fun meeting people I'd talked/traded with online. I arrived late so I didn't get to meet as many people as I'd have liked to. Everyone was so incredibly nice, it was great! I did not plan ahead too well. I wish I would've brought more coins to trade. I had to turn so many people away. I'm really sorry about that. Please email me if we weren't able to trade in person. I have coins here to trade, I just didn't bring them with me. There are so many people I didn't get a chance to meet or talk to. I'm so bummed about that. I feel so lucky to have had the chance to talk to some of the most incredible people. I am really looking forward to the next Geocoinfest, I wish it was this year, lol. Everyone did such a great job organizing this event. The goodie bags were wonderful, filled with so many great items. Unfortunately I didn't win the chance to purchase one of the two tone compass rose coins, I was really looking forward to buying one. I did win a really cool gc.com tshirt though. The poker game was alot of fun, I got kicked out in 9th place. Congrats Steve on your win! Thank you so much for the poker chip coin, that was so incredibly thoughtful of you. I had a wonderful time at both events. Thanks everyone for all your hard work!!!! edited to say that I just want to thank everyone again who traded with me and who gave me free coins. What a great group of people! And I got to trade Moun10bike for one of his coins & pins!!!!! Definately the highlight of my trip!!!!! Edited February 21, 2007 by dorkfish Quote
+ronbo Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 The winners pot was a smorgasbord of great coins, and my second place haul came to about 50 coins, as well as the chips Steve gave me extra as the second runner up. I greatly enjoyed the game, the events and the people. Thanks to all who were involved. All I want is the MerMissie coin that was in the haul. Congratulations on 2nd place. Now come home and share the bounty. Quote
+Marky Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 The only negative thing the whole weekend was somehow missing meeting Moun10bike in person. Joani and I were looking forward to that. --Marky Quote
+Moose Mob Posted February 21, 2007 Posted February 21, 2007 The only negative thing the whole weekend was somehow missing meeting Moun10bike in person. Joani and I were looking forward to that. --Marky I wish I would have known. I was chatting with Jon and you were less than 10 feet away. (for some reason I don't think that makes you feel better) Quote
+Pepper Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 I'm home! I have lots say (ALL POSITIVE), but it'll have to wait till I can actually think. Just one quick thing THIS COMMUNITY ROCKS...more tomorrow morning, i'm plum wore out. Pepper Quote
+WhirledCache Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 I had a great time and met a lot of nice people - Hey, let's do this again sometime! Thanks to everyone who put in a lot of work to make it happen! Quote
+AtlantaGal Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 I'm home! I have lots say (ALL POSITIVE), but it'll have to wait till I can actually think. Just one quick thing THIS COMMUNITY ROCKS...more tomorrow morning, i'm plum wore out. Pepper Welcome home Pepper! I saw your call come in tonight, but I was on the phone with mom. I figured you'd be about ready to hit the sack Quote
+Go JayBee Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 Go JayBee & LitLens finally made it back to Oregon last night at 9:30pm PST after a grueling 12 hour drive from Sacremento. Just now getting caught up with emails and such. Our GeoCat: "Muggles" was very happy to see us too. Just wanted to say it was really great meeting all that attended...even though I did not get to chat with each and every one of you. There were a bunch o' folks there at both events. And I want to give a big "shout out" to those that stayed in the Poker Challenge to the last table....that is one tough game! Also want to give a big hand to C4....you are an incredible organizer. And, an excellent deligator...you just let all the other folks helping, do their thing....it was great. Looking forward to next year... Quote
+cainrcc Posted February 22, 2007 Posted February 22, 2007 Yes, a great big thank you to all those involved in setting up this fabulous event. Here are a couple of short video clips we took of the event and of the poker game. I enjoyed watching the video clips of the event wish I could have been there. Looks like everyone had a great time Quote
ParentsofSAM Posted February 24, 2007 Posted February 24, 2007 We are home!!! :rolleyes: Gas for 4688 miles: $564.58 Food & Hotels for 5 days on the road: $473.89 Getting to meet everyone I see on the boards and email and trade with: PRICELESS! Quote
+nicolo Posted February 25, 2007 Posted February 25, 2007 I have written some scipts ( awk, grep, sed ... ahhh, Unix ) that does some slicing and dicing of a cache page for "finds" that I use for a local ( Calgary ) cache that people are allowed to post multiple finds. The scripts keep track of who has found how many caches. I did a quick mod to it account for events and have the results for GeocoinFest 2007 here. People are still posting attends to the above page is only current to this morning ( Feb. 25 ). It has an interesting side effect in that it "catches" multiple "attended" logs, <ahem>. Quote
-mike- Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Put a writeup and some pics from our experience at the 'Fest on our website blog: http://www.geocoinclub.com Quote
+Nero Posted February 26, 2007 Posted February 26, 2007 Put a writeup and some pics from our experience at the 'Fest on our website blog: http://www.geocoinclub.com Oh yea, get me walking through with my gps going out back to grab the final location to get my coupon for the other half of the puzzle coin. Quote
+Cornerstone4 Posted February 28, 2007 Author Posted February 28, 2007 I have written some scipts ( awk, grep, sed ... ahhh, Unix ) that does some slicing and dicing of a cache page for "finds" that I use for a local ( Calgary ) cache that people are allowed to post multiple finds. The scripts keep track of who has found how many caches. I did a quick mod to it account for events and have the results for GeocoinFest 2007 here. People are still posting attends to the above page is only current to this morning ( Feb. 25 ). It has an interesting side effect in that it "catches" multiple "attended" logs, <ahem>. Could you run your script for me one more time? I'm curious to see if anything changes. There were 4 or 5 names that are not on the list, but that have logged the cache. Since they are back dating their logs to reflect the event day, they appear to have been "missed", but I know that isn't the case. I copied the names off your list and put them in a spread sheet. There are many teams on there that I know, and I have adjusted the total attended for their party accordingly. I will be sending out an email to those cachers I don't know personally asking for the total number in their party. I'd like to try and figure out a total attended number if possible. Thanks, Dave (P.S. If you only have one caching name, but there are more than one person that attended with you, please drop me a note. Some folks listed everyone in their party when they logged, others didn't.) Quote
+Cornerstone4 Posted February 28, 2007 Author Posted February 28, 2007 Yikes, I better log the event. LOL I knew you were there...so I already added you to my list! Quote
+AtlantaGal Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 Weird, I can't http://yurasis.freeshell.org/files/GeocoinFest2007.html to load. Always 404. Wonder why that is. Quote
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