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Removing Review Variables from Waymarks

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Recently I've noticed that people are adding a rating to the actual waymark itself.


IMO this doesn't make sense, since the value of the review will vary based on the tastes of the original poster. Since visits already allow for reviews it makes sense to me that you would want to keep them off the variables for the Waymark. Instead, ratings should work for something that is measurable, like difficulty, terrain, price, etc.



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Waymark category creators are adding a rating to the list of variables for a waymark.


So when you enter a new waymark it has a rating like "service" for the waymark.


I don't have any issues with waymark creators to rate their listing - I would just rather see it in the visit log.

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i am not sure what you are getting at either J.


are you trying to say that the 'resturant category' group has added a rating to the variable set in addition to the already present rating option in the logging section?


i do feel weird when i create a mark, and assign a ranking to it--often i did not go in, or did not have enough of a visit to ascertain the status of the 'service'. then in my log, again......sometimes i say 'none selected'.


i think that the ranking system can be examined.


as you implied waymarks should not have rankings assigned to them during creation, but should have a ranking tabulated from the logs.


i have a problem with the 5 point scale. but the ranking option in the variables is 10 point, is it not? why not remove rankings as a variable option and change the log scale to 10, in 1/2 increments.


this could then be associated with the 'rankings' (popularity) of wamarking contents. if each mark has a rank, these can be arranged to give you an 'overall' ranking for the category itself. then each of the subcategories (Georgia, Montana, Pennsylvania, Texas, etc) in a category (Historical Plaques) can determine its ranking.


there are severe fallicies with this operating proceedure:

-not all 'subCs' participate in rankings--they have not 'checked that box' in the category settings.


-not all users can rank; is it not a PM function?


-if this stat is to be used in a broad application as stated above, it must become mandatory as an option and available to everyone.



i feel that ranking as a PM function is not as appealing as creating/managing/officering your own category is much more of a lure to upgrade your membership. or is the site always to be a siamese of GC.com? when i paid my dues it stated i could 'lock' my rate, but what is the rate increase history? will there be a future hike?

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What Jeremy is referring to is when submitting a waymark some categories have a rating as part of the submittal. The only categories I can think of right off that have it are "Country Churches" and "This Old Church", though I am sure there are more. I asked the group leader of one of the categories why I would want to rate what I am submitting. To me if my feeling it is a 1 star rating then I would question why I am submitting it at all. The other aspect is that the submittal is supposed to be about the "facts" about the location and log is about the feelings. The rating is appropriate in the log as that is the feeling about the location.

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I think I have an answer.


This is my thinking:

In my new Category for Anamorohosis srteet Art for example I placed a rate variable. What I was going for is that someone may know where one of these exists and then go get all the particulars.;but after viewing it in person they might not enjoy that particular street art, ), but they still choose to create the Category as they went to the trouble to go and view it get coords etc, but once there it only midly touched their soul for a rateing of say 3 instead of a 5 star. If you guys think this is not what it is meant for then I need to rethink most of the Categories that I lead. I have the same for My lighthouse B& B. Lets say someone loves lighthouses found one that is a b&B and went their cause they were going to be in the area any way and specifically decided to use the B&B as they could use it to create a waymark ( As they love Waymarking ). But once there they felt it did not come up to their expectations of a 5 star place but they liked it enoguh to let others know it was a 3 star for them. And they did go to the trouble to create photos etc (I have though made these particular variables optional).


So what does everyone else think.


After some serious discussions in emails , I am now tending to think that this variable should be in the visit and not the waymark

Edited by chstress53
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I started a topic on this in July here, in which I was saying that waymark establishments being required to rate the item is a bad idea. It isn't fair to the item waymarked, and it isn't fair to the rating opinions of subsequent loggers.


This is especially true for a commercial establishment such as a restaurant. No amount of logs can rectify a bad (or good) rating right on the waymark's front page.


I would even go so far as to advocate Groundspeak taking such variables off of all categories' waymark requirements (and existing waymarks as well) as a matter of policy. This is not to say that I think it's a terrible thing that some categories have that in them now, I think it's just an early misapprehension of what should and should not be done with waymark creation and taking them off is just a part of the evolution of Waymarking. I think the issue is quite subtle yet really important.

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I would even go so far as to advocate Groundspeak taking such variables off of all categories' waymark requirements (and existing waymarks as well) as a matter of policy. This is not to say that I think it's a terrible thing that some categories have that in them now, I think it's just an early misapprehension of what should and should not be done with waymark creation and taking them off is just a part of the evolution of Waymarking. I think the issue is quite subtle yet really important.

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