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garmin 60csx

steve 69

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Several GPS units, and especially the 60CSx, will shut off intermittently from high vibration. This is because the battery looses contact very briefly when it's bounced. Even a momentary loss of power will cause the GPS to turn off. The problem is called "battery bounce". It can be improved or fixed by:

1. Use of name brand batterries that fit better in the compartment (do not use discount or store batteries)

2. Put extra paper behind the cover so it fits very tight.

3. Place flexible foam behind the electrical contacts so they have more pressure on the battery.


It's also possible that some internal connection went bad and causing intermittent connection. If the above doesn't work, contact Garmin for repair.

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I remain very skeptical about the battery contact explanation for the 60CSx shutting down. If it was vibration causing momentary power loss, then why would the unit shut down when held still in my hand? Likewise, when autorouting (attached to the windscreen) the unit shuts down when the road is quite smooth, but doesn't shut down when the road surface is rough.


I have started wondering if the shut down problem is more to do with processor overload. Here's an interesting observation: I use the unit to autoroute the same journey, about 30 miles. It shuts down in the SAME PLACE on the journey each time. I switch back on whilst driving, and it takes 6 attempts, shutting down immediately, before the unit will stay on.


When I get home, I look at my Mapsource on the computer and find that the location where the unit keeps shutting down is RIGHT ONTOP of a join in the map tiles! Could it be that the processor is throwing a wobbly in some locations when it tries to deal with moving from one map tile to another?


Please let me know your thoughts!



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Mine has shut off before during time of autocalculation....the screen fades away and then its off. I turn it back on and all is OK again.


Its a bug of some kind but hard to reproduce. I do think it only happens during times of maximum processor overload.


I've heard of this happening before, where the unit always shuts off in the same place. Maybe it was from you in the forums. If not, then others have had this happen too.

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Yes, proccessor overload often causes the unit to shut down to avoid overheating and damaging itself. Also, on a magellan unit I have, every time I went to jackson, montana, the units software went haywire. I have heard that some garmin units will also do this. However, a fix for this problem could be just to download the latest firmware. If you already have that, continue bombarding garmin with emails.

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i foud out why its turning off its not the gps its the topo softwar. my 60csx and my frends where turning off at the same time and if we turned the topo off it worked fine so if you are in the bush i sugest turning the topo off so you dont loose track of where you were because your gps just turns off. i,ve had troubles in a number of spots

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Was reading this post and was already thinking what it was when I saw steve69 post. Mine does the same thing, so far i have two locations where i can reproduce this problem with topocanada. Once I get pass these certain positions all is fine untill I turn around and come back by these points. The screen fades and the unit shuts off. Since I got the metroguide, I usually have it on when on the highway and the unit does not shut off at one spot. I thought it was fixed with the latest software release(Garmin) but the other day I passed this spot and topo was on and it turned off. So I conclude it is something with the topo software

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Yes, proccessor overload often causes the unit to shut down to avoid overheating and damaging itself. Also, on a magellan unit I have, every time I went to jackson, montana, the units software went haywire. I have heard that some garmin units will also do this. However, a fix for this problem could be just to download the latest firmware. If you already have that, continue bombarding garmin with emails.


Thanks, ossumguywill, for the suggestion. I checked Garmin's website and yes, there was a software update for Topo GB, specifically to fix the problem. Since updating, the unit has stayed on.


The subsequent posts describing unit shut-down in specific locations suggests that there is a general Topo software problem affecting US and Canadian versions that has not had a fix sorted out for it yet.

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Thanks, ossumguywill, for the suggestion. I checked Garmin's website and yes, there was a software update for Topo GB, specifically to fix the problem. Since updating, the unit has stayed on.


The subsequent posts describing unit shut-down in specific locations suggests that there is a general Topo software problem affecting US and Canadian versions that has not had a fix sorted out for it yet.


Mine is shuting off (well on at least 3 occasions) as well.


Once while on my belt in a cell phone pouch while out hiking. That really freaks me out because I was in a new for me area and somewhat rely on the thing to get me back and multiple attempts to restart it resulted in it shutting back down after about 10 sec. I thought maybe weak battries but it took SEVERAL attempts even after getting back top the car, changing the batttries and plugging it into the car adpater to get it working.


Another occasion it shut off while riding in the car and plugged into the adpter. I think one restart did it that time. The battries were good also.


One time it shut off in the middle of searching for a POI. This time three or 4 attempts to restart were required. It also plugged in at the time.


It's not the battery problem if it's on the car adpter is it??? And I have TOPO but did not have any TOPO maps loaded on the unit on any of the occasions it quit.


I did just now update the firmware via the updater....

Man... I hope that helps.



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I found also to get the GPS to behave a little bit better is to turn off WAAS, the Garmin Serial Interface to OFF, and the Tracklog set to NORMAL, instead of a higher rate, and it is behaving better for me, also before I made these changes, the Map60Cx would loose satellite lock every once in awhile, but now it is working. Also with these changes I made, I am getting much more out of the batteries, before they deplete.

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Red - I believe this also. Mine runs fine, never ever turns off when plugged in. Take the USB/car power off and I have to *squeeze* the right side of my unit to keep it on. As soon as I let go - poof.


I checked mine out with the battery compartment off as I felt originally it was an issue with the contacts being bent in there from using larger rechargeables. However, I think something inside has come loose.

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i emailed garmin and this is what they said>

Thanks for contacting Garmin International. I will be happy to help you

with this. This is the first that I have heard about this problem. I will

pass this on to my supervisor to further review this issue. Thank you for

sending in the information. so we should flood them with emails so thell fix the problem

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The problem with the 60CSx is not the batteries or any contacts. That would not cause the display to fade the ay it does. I became rather expert with the Garmin Etrex series connection faults (I have a fix if anyone’s interested) and this is definitely different. It happened with me today on several occasions and external power didn’t help. I was using Topo2 so could it be a bug? Quite irritating, isn’t it? :blink:

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I've heard of this happening on new units and old software near map tile connections. I had an issue with old software (different issue with entering addresses) and i called and the guy i got was good and he got a 60CSx on his end and loaded v4 onto it and saw it had the problem and he sent me city navigator 8 for free!


Only problem for you is he can't simply test it there without going out and driving so it'd take more research on Garmin's side. If you can get a hold of garmin, just keep calling until they help you. I had to call twice to get a good person, the first one just said sorry there is nothing we can do.


Good luck!

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Vibration shut down yuck... Tried foam/ paper/ tissue in battrey compartment... no help.. took apart and found 2 small tabs from battery source to pads on pc board.. THIS is where I suspect contact is broken for a nano second from vibration... Carfully bent tabs to make firmer contact with pads, reassembled making certain rubber seal is perfectly in place. Tightened all 6 screws evenley and tight... Test rode on an intense vibrating machine KTM 640 Adventure...Handlebars... So far no shut down...

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... Carfully bent tabs to make firmer contact with pads, reassembled making certain rubber seal is perfectly in place. Tightened all 6 screws evenley and tight...

- my friend bends these tabs towards the contacts like you. AND "reinforce" them with a small piece of high density rubber behind the tabs giving them more spring load force and at the same time, making sure they don't return back to the "bounce" position. No more power off. I'll do the same thing.

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