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The Geocaching Zone - a four piece set


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I submitted this idea to Oakcoins (nielsenc) and this is what he has come up with so far. He is doing the coin, just asking me for ideas. I did think that Arizona and Indiana should be different colors, being that they either have a non changing time zone or a mix of time zones in the state.

He also asked about Alaska and Hawaii.

I liked how the "United We Cache" coin got both states on the back. But I don't see how that could be done on this design.

Well, they could be incorporated on the back also with the states in a different color and a clock at the top like the front.

Christian says there will be 250 - 300 sets made.

They should be GC.com trackable, but unknown on the icon.

I don't know what metal or finish they will be done in.

Submit ideas here!






I think those states are fine. They are only affected by daylight savings time. They are always in the timezones listed. Making them different colors would distract from the overall theme of the coins.


I think these are going to be really pretty coins.


I'm in for some!




Well, Alaska has several time zones to itself... quoth a google search result:


Most of Alaska is in the

Alaskan Time Zone

A portion of the Aleutian Islands & St. Lawrence Island are in the Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Zone


Go here for a good picture:



And what about US Territories?

Sounds like you could have another 2 coins for Alaska & HI at the very least.


I think that these states are really not defined seperatly in any other capacity and therefore they really dont need to stand out in this case either. Doing so may take away from the coin.....I would not change the front or the back.....

Those of us who are from these places knows what time zone is in effect and if people dont know then they probably have not cached there..... :laughing:

Leave it the way it is.......It looks good! :rolleyes:


I want it I want it I want it! :rolleyes:


I would leave the colors the same. Don't change the colors of Indiana and Arizona. Also, leave out Alaska and Hawaii (the freak states :laughing: ). They don't fit into the theme. You can't make a Hawaii-shaped coin.


Neat, how about incorporating Hawaii and Alaska on the back. There is one time zone you missing:

Avroairian Time --- chronically late (even for his own events :laughing: )

Posted (edited)

Sigh...first excluded from Jeep TBs, now coins... :laughing:.


BTW, Arizona and Indiana are in the same time zone as their bretheren during October through April, so I agree they don't need to be a different color.


Neat concept!

Edited by Ladybug Kids

I think that it is fine as it is, as someone stated "they are always in the same time zone" DST or not


I would definitely like a set, they look great!

Posted (edited)

Christian just e-mailed me to maybe add a fifth coin. An AK/HI combo coin.

Whaddya think?


Definitely would want some form of AK/HI coin, even if it was just one coin.

Edited by ~tasia~
Posted (edited)

Here is a map from the link above:


Now all you Guamanians, Palauian, Puerto Ricoians and Virgin Islanders - stay out of this! :rolleyes:

As noted in previous thread, part of Alaska is in the Hawaii time zone.

And even in this picture, not all of Arizona is the same zone.


Edited by nscaler

So are the backsides going to be trackable (CZxxxx) *and* individually sequence numbered (069) ? Would that mean that a complete set would be all the same sequence number on the backside, but 4 different tracking numbers?


Someone came up with the idea to make a map of the United States that was pieceable. Each state would have been it's own piece. But with Texas and California so big and Rhode Island so small, it just was not going to work out.

Then I came up with the time zone idea. Large pieces and only four. Great.

This is what I submitted to Oakcoins.


Now the idea of adding the other two zones has come up. And gotten away from the original idea.


There is no way to incorporate these two zones (states) and look nice.



Unless someone can show me otherwise :laughing:


Someone came up with the idea to make a map of the United States that was pieceable. Each state would have been it's own piece. But with Texas and California so big and Rhode Island so small, it just was not going to work out.

Then I came up with the time zone idea. Large pieces and only four. Great.

This is what I submitted to Oakcoins.


Now the idea of adding the other two zones has come up. And gotten away from the original idea.


There is no way to incorporate these two zones (states) and look nice.



Unless someone can show me otherwise :laughing:


Put a little blue ocean around the Hawaii Islands, then butt it up to California, somebody else jump in with Alaska..... Maybe some ocean and some snow, so it sits on topof the US


any idea on what the price would be for the set????

Still only in the design phase by Oakcoins. Just getting input.

Look at other four piece sets for an idea? :laughing:


Put a little blue ocean around the Hawaii Islands, then butt it up to California, somebody else jump in with Alaska..... Maybe some ocean and some snow, so it sits on topof the US


And both of those new 'zones' could be hanging off the side & top of the Pacific zone.


Well, now I agree that it would be hard to make it look "nice".


Have you considered maybe finding out what the very first geocache was that was placed in each of these 'zones' and marking it with a dot on the each map section?



Have you considered maybe finding out what the very first geocache was that was placed in each of these 'zones' and marking it with a dot on the each map section?

I think that's a GREAT idea!


You can't make everyone happy.

Trust me...this thread is putting a lot of bemused smiles on the faces of Alaskan and Hawaiian cachers :laughing:.


I suggest the below depiction with tongue firmly placed in cheek:



Of course, Alaska and Hawaii could always be depicted in their traditional locations:


and then none of us noncontinguous residents would need to explain to our youngsters why the contiguouscentric depiction of their homes changed.


Okay...you were looking for useful feedback...I can't come up with any...go with the design and I'll buy at least two sets at 96% the posted price :unsure:.


You can't make everyone happy.

Trust me...this thread is putting a lot of bemused smiles on the faces of Alaskan and Hawaiian cachers :laughing:.


Of course, Alaska and Hawaii could always be depicted in their traditional locations:


and then none of us noncontinguous residents would need to explain to our youngsters why the contiguouscentric depiction of their homes changed.


Okay...you were looking for useful feedback...I can't come up with any...go with the design and I'll buy at least two sets at 96% the posted price :unsure:.

  • My reactions - written before the first cup of coffee, at 6am Alaska time:
  • The Ladybug Kids have done a very nice (and polite) job of pointing out the representative scale of Alaska to the contiguous 48 mini-states;
  • Beyond paying taxes, voting, and sending ourselves & our sons & daughters off to fight this country's wars, we do really like to be remembered as a part of the nation (and not 'freak states' as mentioned elsewhere in this thread);
  • "Useful suggestion": hang a fifth coin off the 'left' coast with a representation of Alaska and Hawaii on it - since we're used to being 'altered' in most map views for convenience, a size alteration would be fine...;
  • If you don't want to be inclusive of all the states, don't dare call it something that implies it represents all of the United States! Not spoken in jest, but in fairness - what if we left off Florida to keep the 'right coast' clean-looking?;
  • Yeah, it may sound like whining (unless you teach geography, are interested in factually-made maps, or happen to live in Alaska or Hawaii), but the geo-reality is there's more coastline in Alaska than the rest of the contiguous 48 combined, and as the previously-posted graphic ably demonstrated Alaska alone stretches as far east to west as the contiguous 48 states do...;
  • All that being said, the existing design of the contiguous time zones is an excellent one - it just needs to not be represented as all of the United States unless it really is all of the United States.

And no, I don't consider this a rant - more like an encounter with reality. As for being left out of the Jeep thing - well, I flew to Nevada, rented a Jeep, looked for one of those green icons online, and went out & hunted down one of those little guys in the wild. It's in Alaska now - where no one's eligible for the contest - but so what? Same with this coin - I'll buy it no matter what states are on it because it's a neat idea - but it would be nice to be included...


I would put both Alaska and Hawaii on a coin that fit as Ladybug Kids displayed - but make the top section to fit up against the southern border and all Pacific time color. I know it's not precise, but I think it will look okay.


This is really a great idea,,

be interestin to also attempt an "Each" state effort..

wih the exception of small states..

of course , the more I think about it.. the logistics could be beyond belief...


maybe I am just rambling..


but... I like the zone.. and am in for at least 2 sets


I would put both Alaska and Hawaii on a coin that fit as Ladybug Kids displayed - but make the top section to fit up against the southern border and all Pacific time color. I know it's not precise, but I think it will look okay.


Excellent idea... and since Alaska and Hawaii are such water-blessed states keeping them Geo-Blue would be grand! I like it! :laughing:



Trust me...this thread is putting a lot of bemused smiles on the faces of Alaskan and Hawaiian cachers :D.


Of course, Alaska and Hawaii could always be depicted in their traditional locations:


and then none of us noncontinguous residents would need to explain to our youngsters why the contiguouscentric depiction of their homes changed.


Okay...you were looking for useful feedback...I can't come up with any...go with the design and I'll buy at least two sets at 96% the posted price :D.


96% :D

  • "Useful suggestion": hang a fifth coin off the 'left' coast with a representation of Alaska and Hawaii on it - since we're used to being 'altered' in most map views for convenience, a size alteration would be fine...;
  • If you don't want to be inclusive of all the states, don't dare call it something that implies it represents all of the United States! Not spoken in jest, but in fairness - what if we left off Florida to keep the 'right coast' clean-looking?;
  • All that being said, the existing design of the contiguous time zones is an excellent one - it just needs to not be represented as all of the United States unless it really is all of the United States.

I agree with the "hanging" idea. AK and HI should be included.


Never has been a reference to representing all of the United States, just *most* of the time zones.


United We Cache coin delegated AK and HI to the back. It kept the design clean. Would it hurt to put AK and HI on the back?


As in Ladybug kids put Alaska all the way across the U.S. could we put that same graphic on the back of the coins? Just the outline of the two states with the clocks on the top of each zone?


What do you think gang?


Keeps the outside shape the same but gets the idea of how big Alaska really is on the back?


I had not seen that represented before and am suitably impressed!


Someone came up with the idea to make a map of the United States that was pieceable. Each state would have been it's own piece. But with Texas and California so big and Rhode Island so small, it just was not going to work out.

You could almost do this with Canadian provinces, if any Canadians are reading down this far.. You'd have to group a bunch of the maritimes together.. But that would be cool.

Posted (edited)

I agree with the "hanging" idea. AK and HI should be included.


Never has been a reference to representing all of the United States, just *most* of the time zones.


United We Cache coin delegated AK and HI to the back. It kept the design clean. Would it hurt to put AK and HI on the back?


As in Ladybug kids put Alaska all the way across the U.S. could we put that same graphic on the back of the coins? Just the outline of the two states with the clocks on the top of each zone?


What do you think gang?


Keeps the outside shape the same but gets the idea of how big Alaska really is on the back?


I had not seen that represented before and am suitably impressed!

I don't see a problem with just representing the lower 48, but to be inclusive, I think a fifth coin with AK/HI that's hanging or just separate would be fine. Not on the back. The graphic with Alaska on the US is cool but it's got nothing to do with the time zone theme, so I would not use it in this coin set. This set is not about Alaska; it's just one of the states. Definitely in a separate coin.

Edited by pfalstad

How about this for an idea.

Not a very clean example and Hawaii would be on the left in the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone. But it gets the idea across.


I kind of like it.



You can't make everyone happy.

Trust me...this thread is putting a lot of bemused smiles on the faces of Alaskan and Hawaiian cachers :D.


I suggest the below depiction with tongue firmly placed in cheek:


Of course, Alaska and Hawaii could always be depicted in their traditional locations:

and then none of us noncontinguous residents would need to explain to our youngsters why the contiguouscentric depiction of their homes changed.


Okay...you were looking for useful feedback...I can't come up with any...go with the design and I'll buy at least two sets at 96% the posted price :D.


As a native Texan, I still hold to the idea that Alaska is merely an urban legend and therefore is NOT the largest state in the union.


Now, back to "useful", I agree it's a great coin set and I'd also vote for the 5th coin idea. Definitely recognize the other 2 states, but probably easier that way than trying to cram them in elsewhere.

Posted (edited)

How about this for an idea.

Not a very clean example and Hawaii would be on the left in the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone. But it gets the idea across.


You could call it "Caching Through the Zones, and Also, Look How Big Alaska Is". :D

Edited by pfalstad
United We Cache coin delegated AK and HI to the back. It kept the design clean. Would it hurt to put AK and HI on the back?


As in Ladybug kids put Alaska all the way across the U.S. could we put that same graphic on the back of the coins? Just the outline of the two states with the clocks on the top of each zone?


What do you think gang?


Keeps the outside shape the same but gets the idea of how big Alaska really is on the back?


I had not seen that represented before and am suitably impressed!


Wouldn't hurt a thing to have Alaska & Hawaii on the backside, spread or not spread across the four-coin split, with or without a timezone clock... keeping the design clean, and keeping the price point of the set down to four coins (a noble effort, and one not to be ignored in this discussion).


Besides, most Alaskans & Hawaiians agree - travel from the Last Frontier & the Aloha state to the contiguous 48 is somewhat akin to traveling to the 'backside of beyond'!! :D


I had not thought of the cost of the "fifth" coin either. Thank you.

And I have some friends who live on Whidbey Island (Washington State) and they make trips to the "mainland" all the time. :D


As a native Texan, I still hold to the idea that Alaska is merely an urban legend and therefore is NOT the largest state in the union.

[propaganda]We could always split Alaska in two and relegate Texas to status as the 3rd largest state in the Union. :D[/propaganda]


I suggest the below depiction with tongue firmly placed in cheek:


There's a coin idea... :D

With Alaska/Hawaii on the back - another coin not needed.

And we don't need another coin :D:D


As a native Texan, I still hold to the idea that Alaska is merely an urban legend and therefore is NOT the largest state in the union.

[propaganda]We could always split Alaska in two and relegate Texas to status as the 3rd largest state in the Union. :D[/propaganda]

Ok. No picking on each others states.

I was born in Texas, but have lived in California since I was five.

So y'all be nice now y'hear? :D .

Posted (edited)
United We Cache coin delegated AK and HI to the back. It kept the design clean. Would it hurt to put AK and HI on the back?
I think putting AK and HI on the "front" of the coin is a wonderful idea...keeps the left to right reading idea straight...start in HI, read right to AK, flip coin set, pick up at left again with CA, WA, and OR :D. Depending on one's feelings about contiguouscentricity, one could make up their own mind about which is the front and which is the back.


Besides, most Alaskans & Hawaiians agree - travel from the Last Frontier & the Aloha state to the contiguous 48 is somewhat akin to traveling to the 'backside of beyond'!! :D

Is that better than traveling to the armpit of the universe :D?


Seriously, in keeping with the theme of the coin, I think adding a fifth coin off the SW corner of CA or making the lefthand coast coin big enough to include AK, HI, and two more clocks would be a neat way to depict the US's major six time zones.


Edit...didn't nest the quotes right...darn it...better go work for a living...

Edited by Ladybug Kids

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