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Geocachew Nuts personal Colorado geocoin design..input?

Geocachew Nuts

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Well...lets see.

I have decided to have my own coin made.

About done and ready to mint.

Corey, (mrcogeocoin) i think was kind enough

to host my pic on his site so i could post it here.

So here it is...and i am open to any last minute ideas

on the coin, finishes, etc.

My favorite coin is the New Mexico coin that is

satin gold and sandblasted. So i think this will be similar.

I will have two holes in it (the black circles on both sides of

the coin) so you can attach a tag or i was thinking tie some

leather through the holes.

I thought that might be cool and different.

Well....thats it for now, let me know what you think!



Geocachew Nuts


P.S. I was thinking of calling it "GeezNuts" coin. ha ha ha




I like these pretty-much just as they are :laughing: Incorporating the hole into the design is a nice touch, too. About the only thing that I wonder about is if it is possible to make the central designs on each size a bit larger. The leaf, in particular, would stand out better if it were about half-again as large.


Speaking of the leaf (aspen?), is it particularly symbolic of RMNP? Never been there, so don't know. I'm just curious, but assume that it means something, else I would have expected a mountain.


Put us down for three, possibly more, depending upon cost.



thanks for the great reception i have gotten.

thanks corey for updating the "holes" in the

coin on the image.

i am going to get 100 done, sell them and then

get the other 150 done and sell most of them.

i will be willing to trade a few!

does anyone have a new mexico coin?

they are trackable (of course!) and will soon

have a custom icon....

i am sending payment so hopefully coin will

be done soon. thats it for now!

I like these pretty-much just as they are :( Incorporating the hole into the design is a nice touch, too. About the only thing that I wonder about is if it is possible to make the central designs on each size a bit larger. The leaf, in particular, would stand out better if it were about half-again as large.


Speaking of the leaf (aspen?), is it particularly symbolic of RMNP? Never been there, so don't know. I'm just curious, but assume that it means something, else I would have expected a mountain.


Put us down for three, possibly more, depending upon cost.


Like the idea about enlarging the leaf!


BTW,that is an Aspen leaf,the Quaking Aspen is the Co.State tree.


well....i mailed payment for the first batch of 100 coins.

when i sell most or all of them i will be able to get the other

batch of 150 done.

will post pics of the "sample" coins when i get them.

i will update with any new info!

thanks again, and hello to team laxson!

will try and keep track of who spoke up first as i think (hope)

these will sell quickly!

Posted (edited)


BTW,that is an Aspen leaf,the Quaking Aspen is the Co.State tree.


Not to harp on this point, but the Official (It's as Official as Official can be) Colorado Tree is actually the

Colorado Blue Spruce


But we Coloradoans unofficially adopt the Aspen as our "official" decidious tree (That Gambel Oak is more of a weed in my opinion ;-P)


Edited: Fur Spelling

Edited by MrCOgeo


these first 100 wont last long for sure!

i checked with my coin manuf. and they

said it will be "gritty" instead of "sandblasted".

and the finish will be polished gold, just like the

new mexico coin i love so much!

Posted (edited)

Just testing my avatar.

I added a pic of my coin.

Just a test.




Here is updated artwork for my coin.

I did get a very friendly reply(s) from NPS HQ on my coin design!

Coin will be "polished gold".

Let me know what you think!

Edited by Geocachew Nuts


BTW,that is an Aspen leaf,the Quaking Aspen is the Co.State tree.


Not to harp on this point, but the Official (It's as Official as Official can be) Colorado Tree is actually the

Colorado Blue Spruce


But we Coloradoans unofficially adopt the Aspen as our "official" decidious tree (That Gambel Oak is more of a weed in my opinion ;-P)


Edited: Fur Spelling


DARN!! you are correct!!Lived there 20 years,you would think I would know better!


Last address in Co. was Academy & Vicars.(Top of the hill)




R3 & BH


i am thinking of having the first set of only 100 coins made

in the "polished gold" finish.

i will ponder on the second set of 150.

still have roughly 50 out of the first 100 available.

if you want one/some...

please email me with your:


real name

geocaching name

email address

phone # for back-up (if you wish)

oh....and how many you would like to reserve!



i will be in touch.



GeoCachew Nuts



First 100 coins will be:


75 Polished Gold

10 Antique Brass

10 Antique Silver

5 Antique Copper


I will be having made 150 more coins in assorted finishes after the first 100 are here.


Does anyone have an idea of what to call my coin?

I am open to any suggestions.



The only name I could think of was "Geez-Nuts"


Cashew Nuts CO coin and you have mail, hopefully I was fast enough on the trigger! CO would be Colorado, unless you have a Cashew Nuts Coin factory sprouting up out there. In which case, shoot me some prices so we can stop sending our funds to China.... :lol: Glen



i have the first 100 coins!

i just sent an email letting everyone know.

i did get a bounce on two emails though.

let me know, i have some polished gold and some antique silver coins left.



geocachew nuts

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