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Lordelph's Lovely Icons


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The only problem with this is that everyone seems to try and enter the cache coordinates and also create a child waypoint whenever the cache is not at the published coordinates. This puts them overlayed on one another and selecting one nearly always gets you the other. IMO, the reviewers should not approve caches with child waypoints placed at the same point as the published coordinates as it is a PITA!

Yes, I agree LG and I started a thread on this very problem when "additional" waypoints were first introduced. From the responses it seems some individuals actually like said pain :)

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Still can't get this to work. I have removed all of the icons from the PC version of MM - except the new ones. When I export details to the PDA I simply get blue dots. The only way I can get anything other than blue dots is creating an export from GSAK which uses the boat for multi, the Petrol pump for earthcaches the anchor for waypoints and the like. Is there somewhere else in MM that I have to remove the icons from? I have been using Overlay>Icons>Add and Remove. On checking this there are just Lordelph's icons listed.

Sorry to be a pain - but I would really like to use these on the PDA

Best Regards

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Still can't get this to work. I have removed all of the icons from the PC version of MM - except the new ones. When I export details to the PDA I simply get blue dots. The only way I can get anything other than blue dots is creating an export from GSAK which uses the boat for multi, the Petrol pump for earthcaches the anchor for waypoints and the like. Is there somewhere else in MM that I have to remove the icons from? I have been using Overlay>Icons>Add and Remove. On checking this there are just Lordelph's icons listed.

Sorry to be a pain - but I would really like to use these on the PDA

Best Regards


At one point, you needed to have an updated version of MM for the PPC. Which version have you got?

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Are you SURE you've removed the icons from PC MM. A couple of my beta testers for my exports have had this problem.


In PC MM, go to: Overlay -> Icons... and press 'remove' until all the icons are gone ( a quick way it to click it once then hold down the ENTER key on your keyboard). Once you've done this, go to Overlay -> Delete All... and confirm the deltion and import the icons again.


Next thing to try would be to delete the files userdata.mmo and usedata.old (sorry, this is from memory, can't remember the exact locations and the names may be slightly wrong) on the PPC.


Failing THAT, uninstall PPC MM from the PC AND the PPC and reinstall.


Failing THAT, hard reset the PPC (having backed it up) and reinstall everything from scratch.


Failing THAT, take PPC and throw it against a had brick surface.


Disclaimer: the last action may cause damage to the PPC but may restore your sanity ;-)

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I keep getting an exception error and GSAK crashes when trying to export.


I've copied all the files to the right place and tried exporting from GSAK. I'm on version 6.6.1, it only has file -> export -> Custom Export ... (i.e. without the GPSBabel as descibed in the instructions) I've enter the four lots of information.


When I click generate I get the error message below.


Can anyone help ?






Exception Log - Invalid variant type conversion.

Restart, OK, Details




Call Stack Information:


|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |


|006F1CBB|gsak.exe |fExportGpx.pas|TfmExportGpx |MakeGpx |511 |

|006F0434|gsak.exe |fExportGpx.pas|TfmExportGpx |MakeGpx |344 |

|006EF42A|gsak.exe |fExportGpx.pas|TfmExportGpx |btnGenerateClick |265 |

|0070BC51|gsak.exe |fBabel2.pas |TfmBabel2 |btnGenerateClick |99 |

|77D4BB05|USER32.dll | | |GetPropW | |

|5D095FDF|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|5D095F9E|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|77D4B966|USER32.dll | | |IsWindow | |

|77D4B8BA|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageW | |

|77F15A19|GDI32.dll | | |GdiReleaseDC | |

|77D4BFFB|USER32.dll | | |NotifyWinEvent | |

|77D4BFF3|USER32.dll | | |NotifyWinEvent | |

|77D4C660|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcW | |

|77D4BB05|USER32.dll | | |GetPropW | |

|5D095FDF|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|5D095F9E|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|77D4B8BA|USER32.dll | | |SendMessageW | |

|77D4E900|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|77D4E8EA|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|0050A8F4|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable |GetSXRecno |5197 |

|007833CF|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas |TfmOffline |Timer4Timer |10231|

|7C9010ED|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |

|00789A2E|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas |TfmOffline |appmanMessage |11485|

|77D496C2|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |

|77D496B8|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |

|00789BAF|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas |TfmOffline |GPSBabelCustomExport1Click|11506|

|77D4BD41|USER32.dll | | |PtInRect | |

|77D4C660|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcW | |

|77D4BB05|USER32.dll | | |GetPropW | |

|5D095FDF|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|5D095F9E|comctl32.dll| | |DefSubclassProc | |

|77D4E900|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|77D4E8EA|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|0060E2BA|gsak.exe |stdrop.pas |TStCustomDropFiles|TargetWndProc |243 |

|77D4E900|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|77D4E8EA|USER32.dll | | |CallWindowProcA | |

|0060E29F|gsak.exe |stdrop.pas |TStCustomDropFiles|TargetWndProc |243 |

|00789A2E|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas |TfmOffline |appmanMessage |11485|

|77D496C2|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |

|77D496B8|USER32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |

|007E0FBB|gsak.exe |gsak.dpr | |GSAK |142 |



Modules Information:


|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Path |


|00320000|oziapi.dll | | |137728 |C:\Program Files\GSAK |

|00400000|gsak.exe | | |1836544|C:\Program Files\GSAK |

|02980000|cweudf.dll | | |272896 |C:\Program Files\GSAK |

|03350000|ieframe.dll.mui|Internet Explorer Browser UI Library |7.0.5346.5 |860160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32\en-US |

|10000000|SDE60.DLL |SDE | |81920 |C:\Program Files\GSAK |

|10C00000|SDENSX60.DLL |SDENSX | |150016 |C:\Program Files\GSAK |

|46FE0000|ieframe.dll |Internet Explorer Browser UI Library |7.0.5346.5 |5104128|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|4DAE0000|midas.dll |Borland MIDAS Component Package | |111104 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library |6.0.2900.2180 |218624 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5B860000|NETAPI32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |5.1.2600.2952 |332288 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5D090000|comctl32.dll |Common Controls Library |5.82.2900.2982 |617472 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5DCA0000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |7.0.5346.5 |220160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5DFF0000|IEUI.dll |Internet Explorer UI Engine |7.0.5346.5 |193536 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll | |5.1.2600.2180 |83456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|61410000|URLMON.DLL |OLE32 Extensions for Win32 |7.0.5346.5 |772608 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|61E00000|mapi32.dll |Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |1.0.2536.0 |112128 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|63400000|MSRATING.dll |Internet Ratings and Local User Management DLL |7.0.5346.5 |176640 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|662B0000|hnetcfg.dll |Home Networking Configuration Manager |5.1.2600.2180 |344064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71660000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.0.5243.0 |20480 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71A50000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |5.1.2600.2180 |245248 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71A90000|wshtcpip.dll |Windows Sockets Helper DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |

|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |82944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |22528 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|722B0000|sensapi.dll |SENS Connectivity API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |6656 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|73000000|winspool.drv |Windows Spooler Driver |5.1.2600.2180 |146432 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|732E0000|RICHED32.DLL |Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0 |5.1.2600.0 |3584 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|746C0000|msls31.dll |Microsoft Line Services library file |3.10.349.0 |156160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|746F0000|msimtf.dll |Active IMM Server DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |159232 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |

|74720000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF Server DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |294400 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |

|74C80000|OLEACC.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component |4.2.5406.0 |163328 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74D30000|oledlg.dll |Microsoft Windows OLE 2.0 User Interface Support|5.1.2600.0 |117760 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74E30000|RICHED20.DLL |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0 | |431616 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|754D0000|CRYPTUI.dll |Microsoft Trust UI Provider |5.131.2600.2180 |512512 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|75CF0000|MLANG.dll |Multi Language Support DLL |6.0.2900.2180 |586240 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|75E90000|SXS.DLL |Fusion 2.5 |5.1.2600.2180 |713216 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76080000|MSVCP60.dll |Microsoft ® C++ Runtime Library |6.2.3104.0 |413696 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76380000|MSIMG32.dll |GDIEXT Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |4608 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76390000|IMM32.dll |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |110080 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|763B0000|comdlg32.dll |Common Dialogs DLL |6.0.2900.2180 |276992 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|769C0000|USERENV.dll |Userenv |5.1.2600.2180 |723456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76B40000|WINMM.dll |MCI API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |176128 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |23040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76C30000|WINTRUST.dll |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |5.131.2600.2180 |176640 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76C90000|IMAGEHLP.dll |Windows NT Image Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |144384 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76D60000|iphlpapi.dll |IP Helper API |5.1.2600.2912 |94720 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76E80000|rtutils.dll |Routing Utilities |5.1.2600.2180 |44032 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76E90000|rasman.dll |Remote Access Connection Manager |5.1.2600.2180 |61440 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76EB0000|TAPI32.dll |Microsoft® Windows Telephony API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |181760 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76EE0000|RASAPI32.dll |Remote Access API |5.1.2600.2180 |236544 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76F60000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |172032 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76FD0000|CLBCATQ.DLL | |2001.12.4414.308|498688 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77050000|COMRes.dll | |2001.12.4414.258|792064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77120000|oleaut32.dll | |5.1.2600.2180 |553472 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|771B0000|wininet.dll |Internet Extensions for Win32 |7.0.5346.5 |723456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|773D0000|comctl32.dll |User Experience Controls Library |6.0.2900.2982 |1054208|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03|

|774E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE for Windows |5.1.2600.2726 |1285120|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77920000|SETUPAPI.dll |Windows Setup API |5.1.2600.2180 |983552 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77A80000|CRYPT32.dll |Crypto API32 |5.131.2600.2180 |597504 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77B20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |5.1.2600.2180 |57344 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77B40000|apphelp.dll |Application Compatibility Client Library |5.1.2600.2180 |126976 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77C00000|VERSION.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |5.1.2600.2180 |18944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77C10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.2600.2180 |343040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77C70000|msv1_0.dll |Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 |5.1.2600.2180 |129536 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77D40000|USER32.dll |Windows XP USER API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2622 |577024 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77DD0000|advapi32.dll |Advanced Windows 32 Base API |5.1.2600.2180 |616960 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77E70000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime |5.1.2600.2180 |581120 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77F10000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |5.1.2600.2818 |280064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library |6.0.2900.2823 |474112 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77FE0000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |5.1.2600.2180 |55808 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C800000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2945 |984064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C900000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |708096 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C9C0000|SHELL32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll |6.0.2900.2951 |8453632|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7D4A0000|MSHTML.dll |Microsoft ® HTML Viewer |7.0.5346.5 |3347968|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |





EAX: 01377DCC EDI: 00000005

EBX: 00405525 ESI: 0012E0D8

ECX: 00000000 ESP: 0012DD98

EDX: 00405525 EIP: 00405520


Stack: Memory Dump:

------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

0012DD98: 0012DDE4 00405520: E8 EF FD FF FF 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C3 55 8B EC 51 ....._^[..].U..Q

0012DD9C: 004028CC 00405530: 53 8B D8 33 C0 89 45 FC 8B 42 08 8D 55 FC E8 19 S..3..E..B..U...

0012DDA0: 00000034 00405540: FD FF FF 8B C3 E8 DA FD FF FF 66 C7 03 00 01 8B ..........f.....

0012DDA4: 007FA244 00405550: 45 FC 89 43 08 5B 59 5D C3 8D 40 00 53 56 8B D8 E..C.[Y]..@.SV..

0012DDA8: 00000005 00405560: 8B 42 08 E8 18 FD FF FF 8B F0 8B C3 E8 B3 FD FF .B..............

0012DDAC: 0012E0D8 00405570: FF 66 C7 03 08 00 89 73 08 5E 5B C3 55 8B EC 83 .f.....s.^[.U...

0012DDB0: 006F3F9C 00405580: C4 EC 53 89 45 EC 66 8B 02 8B D9 66 3B D8 75 0D ..S.E.f....f;.u.

0012DDB4: 012DABE8 00405590: 8B 45 EC E8 D0 FD FF FF E9 CE 00 00 00 66 3D 00 .E...........f=.

0012DDB8: 004061D6 004055A0: 01 75 59 66 83 FB 08 75 0D 8B 45 EC E8 AB FF FF .uYf...u..E.....

0012DDBC: 0012DDDC 004055B0: FF E9 B5 00 00 00 66 C7 45 F0 00 00 8D 45 F0 E8 ......f.E....E..

0012DDC0: 0040566B 004055C0: 98 FF FF FF 33 C0 55 68 F5 55 40 00 64 FF 30 64 ....3.Uh.U@.d.0d

0012DDC4: 0136DBE0 004055D0: 89 20 8D 55 F0 8B 45 EC 8B CB E8 A9 FE FF FF 33 . .U..E........3

0012DDC8: 0012DDE4 004055E0: C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 6B 56 40 00 8D 45 F0 E8 .ZYYd..hkV@..E..

0012DDCC: 007FA244 004055F0: 30 FD FF FF C3 E9 7E E4 FF FF EB F0 66 81 FB 00 0.....~.....f...

0012DDD0: 0136DBE0 00405600: 01 75 5E 66 3D 01 01 74 58 66 83 F8 08 75 0A 8B .u^f=..tXf...u..

0012DDD4: 00000000 00405610: 45 EC E8 15 FF FF FF EB 52 66 C7 45 F0 00 00 8D E.......Rf.E....

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I am having the same problem as John and Carol :D


When I export to PDA all I get is blue dots :)


I have version 4.4.3 on pc and ppc

I have deleted all icons from MM then overlayed the file again


I have deleted the files mentioned by rutson which mucked something up so :)


I reinstalled MM on PPC to correct whatever I had mucked up


All I see is dots la la la la la


All I see is Dots la la la la la


All i see is Dots, Dots, Blue dots is all I see :):D


Also what do I have to do to get the icons linked to cachemate on my ppc or linked to the cache page on my pc


All help gratefully received ta :(

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Hello Fi,


The way I got the Lord Elph Icons to work was to eventually, after much hassle, Put the icon set in the GSAK folder then run the script that I put together from info and stuff downloaded from the Roolku thread (mentioned in this thread).


In GSAK I then ran the script to export a custom export file which is done in GPSBabel. This created a file called geocache.csv This I imported to Memory Map on the PC then exported from MM on PC to MM on the PPC. :D:D:D


Very complicated but it worked. On the PC when I click on an Icon it opens the Geocache website page, annoyingly though it also automatically decrypts the hint.


If I try to alter any of the above things start to go wrong and I go back to this set up. I still can't get the link to work from MM on PPC to Cachemate or GPSSonar but know this is because the files are generated via the Custom Export method rather than MM export in GSAK (which I can't figure out yet).


I there is the answer to your last question, I click on the Icon.


I'd be interested to hear how you got your setup to work so far?






quote name='The Nutters' date='Nov 5 2006, 09:54 PM' post='2554929']

After another reboot my dots have dissapeared to be replaced by lovely Icon :)


thank you everyone though I really would like to know how you link the icons to the webpage on the pc and to cachemate on the PPC PLEASE

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Just thought the following might be of interest.


I use this :- %code %name=15 %con=3 %typ=3 %last4 %bug For the Waypoint Description Format which then give a concise description of the cache in MM on both the PC and PPC


This :- %Name=15 %con=3 %typ=3 %last4 %bug Is my cache description format to make an export GPX file which I then open in Mapsource to export the caches to my Garmin 60CSx, this give a concise description (in the Note field), of the cache on the GPS






quote name='The Nutters' date='Nov 5 2006, 09:54 PM' post='2554929']

After another reboot my dots have dissapeared to be replaced by lovely Icon :D


thank you everyone though I really would like to know how you link the icons to the webpage on the pc and to cachemate on the PPC PLEASE

Edited by bcnorwich
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Has anybody been able to get more that 14 different icons displayed simultaniously when using Memory-Map (pocket navigator) on a PDA. I posted this question on the MM tech support forum and Jason replied that pocket navigator does not support the display of user defined icons (well it does but obviously in a limited way). I have no problem displaying many icons on the PC, it is only when the overlay is exported to my PDA that the problem appears.

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There is a total limit of I think it is 100 icons in the PPC version. If you have installed any icons previously, you have to delete them from both versions, reboot the PPC and then start from scratch. With icons that are built into the software IIRC it is a limit of 69 custom icons allowable which is just about enough for all the legitimate cache types assuming virtuals can't have TBs etc.

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Hey lordelph,


Any chance of adding a 'paking' icon please?


And can someone update the custom script to incude it please?




I have a paRking icon you can have, let me know your email and I'll send it over. I'm at work currently so have nowhere to host it available to me in order to share on here.... Unless anyone can help?


Changes will be required to both the "memory.txt" icon lookup file: -


Add the following line, editing to ensure the first number is unique and the path to the icon correct

1101,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Parking.bmp","Parking"


And changes to the "icon.txt" macro itself: -


Find the following code (towards the end in the Child Waypoints section)

if $d_cType = "Parking Area"
$_Symbol = "Car"

and replace "Car" with "Parking", I.E.

if $d_cType = "Parking Area"
$_Symbol = "Parking"





Edited by dakar4x4
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Hey lordelph,


Any chance of adding a 'paking' icon please?


And can someone update the custom script to incude it please?




I have a paRking icon you can have, let me know your email and I'll send it over. I'm at work currently so have nowhere to host it available to me in order to share on here.... Unless anyone can help?


Changes will be required to both the "memory.txt" icon lookup file: -


Add the following line, editing to ensure the first number is unique and the path to the icon correct

1101,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Parking.bmp","Parking"


And changes to the "icon.txt" macro itself: -


Find the following code (towards the end in the Child Waypoints section)

if $d_cType = "Parking Area"
$_Symbol = "Car"

and replace "Car" with "Parking", I.E.

if $d_cType = "Parking Area"
$_Symbol = "Parking"






Thanx Jon, but I'm still using the old 'csv.xsl' method cos I can't get the new one to work :-(


Any chance you can make the amendments to that one please?



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Thanx Jon, but I'm still using the old 'csv.xsl' method cos I can't get the new one to work :-(


Any chance you can make the amendments to that one please?




Would rather help you get the new method to work :blink:


What is the problem you are having?



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Interested in the new parking icon, so it was with some trepidation I downloaded the file and ran it on GSAK and my PDA - bearing in mind all the problems I had trying to get the basics to work... but lo and behold it worked perfectly ! So thanks for those guys!




Oh ye of little faith :P


Now how about the rest of the new child waypoint icons?



# set default for children
$_Symbol = "Tiny dot"
if $d_cType = "Parking Area"
$_Symbol = "Parking"
if $d_cType = "Stages of a Multicache"  
$_Symbol = "Stages"
if $d_cType = "Question to Answer"  
$_Symbol = "Question"
if $d_cType = "Trailhead"  
$_Symbol = "Trailhead"
if $d_cType = "Final location"  
$_Symbol = "Final"
if $d_cType = "Reference Point"
$_Symbol = "Reference"



1101,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Parking_sign.bmp","Parking"
1102,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Stages.bmp","Stages"
1103,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Final.bmp","Final"
1104,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Trailhead.bmp","Trailhead"
1105,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Question.bmp","Question"
1106,"C:\Program Files\GSAK7\userimages\Reference.bmp","Reference"


Note there are two icons for parking, parking.bmp is the offical geocaching.com one, parking_sign.bmp (in the exmaple above) is more in line with the UK roadsign, take your pick by editing the 1101 entry above.



Edited by dakar4x4
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May be this topics got a bit too long..I can't find what must surely be there.


Mr Mars Bars recently told me to have another go at GSAK so I am.


To get to the point, I have down loaded the custom MM icons, but where is custom the GASK/MM macro that various people are talking about.?


Am I missing something :P:o

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May be this topics got a bit too long..I can't find what must surely be there.


Mr Mars Bars recently told me to have another go at GSAK so I am.


To get to the point, I have down loaded the custom MM icons, but where is custom the GASK/MM macro that various people are talking about.?


Am I missing something :P:o


Things have got a bit fragmented... The macro is in this topic, or you could just go direct to it here Edgemasters MM export macro if you don't want to wade through all the messages.



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We have been using custom export to get the icons - can you get the LordElph icons using the export to memory map? We don't think you can - if we are wrong let us know how you do it

Yes, you can. I released an example script (fully working) here.


I should probably make a tidy post describing a full setup somewhere. All bugs noted in the thread have been fixed.


The readme file in the zip should give instructions.

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Hello John, Carol and Jennie,

Just wanted to add that the full Fantastic Icon set is here :- http://files.dixo.net/lordelphs_icons.zip


Also don,t forget to change the ID number in "icons.txt" to your own user ID number.

In "memory.txt", change all lines to point to where you have stored the Icons on your PC, for example in my case it's ;- C:\Program Files\GSAK\userimages


Hello Edgmaster,

It would be very useful to have this Icon business explained comprehensively somewhere. I tried write it all down but but got a bit mixed up. It would also save you from repetition of replies, don't get me wrong we are grateful for your assistance.

If you do do a user guide could you include benchmark icons, (from a reply I was given I couldn't work out where line 79 was for the insertion).




Edited by bcnorwich
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Thanks for your help, bcnorwich and edgemaster. Unfortunatly, my poor technophobic brain can't deal with this! I will watch the thread in the hope that some kind soul posts idiot proof instructions. I've downloaded, unpacked, changed what needs changing as per readme file, but I just don't know what to do to make them work. Of course, I may of done it ALL wrong from the start! It's quite a wonder that I haven't actually broken the computer/GSAK/mm or all of the above with all the novice style poking around I've been doing :blink:

I wait in hope of the idiot's guide, till then, I will get used to the standard mm flag etc icons :blink:

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I agree - I think it would be a good time to have a new clear post about MM Exports. I am quite good with PC's (I build them and write websites), but the posts about how to do the MM Export with the lordelph icons are soooo spread out its almost impossible to understand what is the current/latest macro and how to use it. It took me 4 or 5 hours last week to get everything sorted out!

Edited by rogerncook
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I agree - I think it would be a good time to have a new clear post about MM Exports. I am quite good with PC's (I build them and write websites), but the posts about how to do the MM Export with the lordelph icons are soooo spread out its almost impossible to understand what is the current/latest macro and how to use it. It took me 4 or 5 hours last week to get everything sorted out!


From the viewpoint of someone who has worked out how to do it themselves, then it maybe a good idea for yourself to put some documents together explaining how you achieved it. If you could also put them on a website that would be better still as we would have a single place of reference for them?



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Thankyou thankyou thankyou :huh::mad:;) Bcnorwich

Your nice simple instructions mean that I've now got lovely icons :rolleyes:

There just aren't enough smileys in the world to show how pleased I am.

Thanks again from possibly the most inept GSAK user in the world for "talking" through all the steps in such an easy way. If you ever visit mid Wales I'll buy you a pint :huh:

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Thankyou thankyou thankyou :):blink::( Bcnorwich

Your nice simple instructions mean that I've now got lovely icons :)

There just aren't enough smileys in the world to show how pleased I am.

Thanks again from possibly the most inept GSAK user in the world for "talking" through all the steps in such an easy way. If you ever visit mid Wales I'll buy you a pint :)


Jennie.m's sentiments echoed by me also.


Had held off making the installation for many months as the thread had got so completely convuluted.


Tried yesterday almost but not quite sucess. :):)


Your clear instructions achieved success very quickly today. :laughing::laughing:


Thanks. :laughing::P

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Note, I had updated the memory.txt file to point to the GSAK usericons folder yesterday, in preparation for a guide was writing.

The steps referencing M:\GCIcons\ can be removed.


Also, descriptionhack.txt is optional for those who want the cache description as waypoint comment. Usage is noted in the top lines of the file.

Edited by Edgemaster
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I've got that all working well now, thanks chaps: Just one question. At the moment my finds show as yellow for most of them, and red for the temp archived or gone ones: What do I need to fiddle with to make all finds show yellow regardless of status?


I could probably work it out, but I expect there's someone here who's done it already!

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I've got that all working well now, thanks chaps: Just one question. At the moment my finds show as yellow for most of them, and red for the temp archived or gone ones: What do I need to fiddle with to make all finds show yellow regardless of status?


I could probably work it out, but I expect there's someone here who's done it already!


this section of icons.txt seems to do that sort of thing:


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_Found
$pre = "Found "
If $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
$pre = "Unavailable "
if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
$pre = "Owned "


I think I would've used:


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
$pre = "Owned "
elseif $d_Found
$pre = "Found "
elseIf $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
$pre = "Unavailable "

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I've got that all working well now, thanks chaps: Just one question. At the moment my finds show as yellow for most of them, and red for the temp archived or gone ones: What do I need to fiddle with to make all finds show yellow regardless of status?


I could probably work it out, but I expect there's someone here who's done it already!


this section of icons.txt seems to do that sort of thing:


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_Found
$pre = "Found "
If $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
$pre = "Unavailable "
if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
$pre = "Owned "


I think I would've used:


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
$pre = "Owned "
elseif $d_Found
$pre = "Found "
elseIf $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
$pre = "Unavailable "


I had talked with Dakar4x4 over cache priorities. In the original code, you can reorder any of those modules as you wish, with the last taking the highest priority. We decided that most people will want to know if a cache is unavailable, if they're going to revisit it when 'in the field', we also decided that owned caches should take highest priority. The reason for not using elseifs was so the code could be easily re-prioritised if someone wanted it a different way.

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Thanks, I used the info to re-order the priority so that all my founds appear as founds whether they're archived or not...thanks for the help. Rutson's suggestion led to a Macro Error report which ran anyway, but returned all blue dots for my finds.


Probably failed because the "elseif" is not valid. If you wish to use this method, try inserting a space between "else" and "if", I think also it needs some additional endif's I.E.


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
 $pre = "Owned "
 if $d_Found
$pre = "Found "
if $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
  $pre = "Unavailable "


However, my preferences remain for a disabled or archive attribute to override all others, so would run: -


# Now, have we found it, is it unavailable?

if $d_OwnerId = $ownerid
 $pre = "Owned "
 if $d_Archived OR $d_TempDisabled
$pre = "Unavailable "
if $d_Found
  $pre = "Found "





Edited by dakar4x4
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Thanks, I used the info to re-order the priority so that all my founds appear as founds whether they're archived or not...thanks for the help. Rutson's suggestion led to a Macro Error report which ran anyway, but returned all blue dots for my finds.


Probably failed because the "elseif" is not valid. If you wish to use this method, try inserting a space between "else" and "if", I think also it needs some additional endif's I.E.




As noted, an additional layer of complexity, and makes it harder for less skilled people to edit. (I originally used elseifs as well, for a slight performance increase, but it makes the code less manageable).


Now, what was it about leaving this thread for discussion of the icons?

Edited by Edgemaster
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As noted, an additional layer of complexity, and makes it harder for less skilled people to edit. (I originally used elseifs as well, for a slight performance increase, but it makes the code less manageable).

Yup, KISS principle get's my vote every time... But then I don't have thousands of caches in GSAK so performance is not a big issue to me.


Now, what was it about leaving this thread for discussion of the icons?

Is it? In that case I'll steer it back on topic... Does anyone know the offical limit of custom icons on the PDA? I think I've reached saturation point with the icons. To add the additional waypoints icons I put together, I've had to drop some of the others (Trigs, Benchmarks and defaults with bugs) or the dreaded blue spot rear's it head when I export them to the PDA. I'm currently on 77 custom icons.



Edited by dakar4x4
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