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The Coveted TallShip Geocoin


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Over nine months ago I brainstormed for a personal geocoin and here is the long awaited result.




The obverse shows a Grand Banks Schooner (well ok the Bluenose ll ) on a Starboard tack with a maple leaf on the Main. I picked this for my geocoin because I'm a tallship sailor with my best sailing experience on a Grand Banks Schooner, (Also I might just end up working on the Bluenose ll ) and the ship and leaf are both Canadian (like me).

On the reverse is my geocaching name, year, tracking number and Geocaching symbol.




The Specifications are:

50mm (2") long

3.5mm thick

Obverse in 3D +2 colours (ship)

Reverse in 2D +5 colours (flags)

Geocaching.com trackable

Custom Icon (Might be blue sails.) 227838334_1d3a6c56d0.jpg Might be blue sails.

#250 antique silver

#100 antique bronze

Total minted: 350

Produced by landsharkz(.ca)

Expected delivery Sept 18 (currently >100km away)

Price is $9.50(silver) & $9.75(bronze) CND

I except paypal (and possibly any other means)

Shipping unknown. depends on size, destination, speed $1-$5


I will be sending an email in the next few days to all those on the big list of interested.


Of the coins I am selling there are currently 118 left unclaimed. So send me a email quick!


I have not been able to establish a trade for this coin from the owner so I am looking to trade for 2 of these from anyone. I have just been buying to many coin and need to shift to trading for them.


For trade we have the following personal geocoins.


Team Sand Dollar in:

Silver, or Bronze.


Buffalo Wings V1 in:

Gold, or Silver.


Buffalo Wings V2 2006 (Trackable with icon) in:

Bronze, Antique Silver, Black Nickel(White buffalo) and Copper(Black buffalo)


Team Sand Dollar V2 2006 (numbered, NOT trackable) in:

Black Nickel, Ant Silver, Ant Copper (Available 9/8)


Also check out my trade list at http://cointracking.com/public/TeamSandDollar



Team Sand Dollar


Wow I go to sleep and next thing I know I have 30 messages (+1spam) in my inbox.

Only a 3rd though, rest will have to wait till latter today.


I might do the occasional trade if I see something I really like (like those suncacher ones)

wont take to many as it'll put me in the pit even more.


Thanks for all your nice comments.

Posted (edited)

Yes im pritty much sold out, Do have a waitlist for those not quick enough (landsharkz has a few there going to sell latter, i'll give them my list)

So, those that asked about a trade back when these were first announced are pretty much SOL?


Added on edit---

Well, it seems not. I have already recieved a trade offer.


Thanks to the cacher I'm gonna trade with.

Edited by Shop99er

Yes im pritty much sold out, Do have a waitlist for those not quick enough (landsharkz has a few there going to sell latter, i'll give them my list)

The invoices are going out soon, then? I know I sent at least one e-mail, but can't begin to remember what ai asked for :)


Yes im pritty much sold out, Do have a waitlist for those not quick enough (landsharkz has a few there going to sell latter, i'll give them my list)

So, those that asked about a trade back when these were first announced are pretty much SOL?

To those that asked, A few I said defiantly yes to have one reserved, other's whom I said I might trade will/have an email saying yay/nay.

Posted (edited)

Yes im pretty much sold out, Do have a wait list for those not quick enough (landsharkz has a few there going to sell latter, i'll give them my wait list)

Because of some doubling in my list and accommodating metal changes for early requesters, There still are a few of the silver coins. (but your crazy if you want bronze :))

Edited by QuigleyJones

Yes im pretty much sold out, Do have a wait list for those not quick enough (landsharkz has a few there going to sell latter, i'll give them my wait list)

Because of some doubling in my list and accommodating metal changes for early requesters, There still are a few of the silver coins. (but your crazy if you want bronze :D)


Email sent. :)


Hi QJ, I sent an e-mail response to your e-mail & it came back to me. :) Maybe your mailbox was full?! I don't want to miss out on getting these! I still want 2! I'd love to have 1 of each if they are available!


when will you be invoicing for these?

Began Tuesday, should be done by tomorrow(or perhaps now today) at noon.

Sorry for not being as prompt as possible.


An important note, As I was a bit anxious to make this thread, I under calculated the cost, so Ive added (respectable I'm told) 25¢ to the price (they cost me just over 9.5).


Thank you everyone... :laughing: our site is now SOLD OUT of the Quigley Jones coin!


whew!! Good thing I picked up my extra from you yesterday!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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