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I have been using GASK, & Cachemate on my desk top for a couple of years, so somewhat understand how to use it.


I loaded GASK & Cachemate on my lap top.


I can export info. to my Palm with GASK.



Now here is the problem:


When I export to a SD card for my Magellan every thing looks good. The widow comes up indicating the cache info. was exported to the SD card.


When I try open the cache file on the SD card using my Magellan, the cache files don't appear.



I checked the card using my desktop, it's fine.



Some how, the info. from GASK isn't getting transferred to the SD card, but it looks like it is. :(


Any ideas why ??





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I don't have a Magellan and I'm nto sure I'm following you, but it sounds like are exporting into a file format that your Magellan doesn't understand. Hence you see it on the SD card from your PC, but your Magfellan doesn't see it or understand it.


With my Garmin, I use the GSAK menu options: GPS->Send WayPoints to "export" the waypoints to my GPSr. Then I use File->Export->Cachemate PDB File to get the cache page info to Cachemate.

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If your Magellan is an Explorist, my guess is that you are looking in internal memory instead of on the card. The explorist creates the same folder tree in both places, and when you go into active setup or search for a GOTO, it is not apparent at first where you are.


When looking in the empty folder, go up one level until you can choose between SD and internal memory. Your file will probably show up.

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