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How do I give a track log to someone?


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Hi gang,


I couldn't find this by searching, and maybe I'm having a brain cramp :laughing: but here it goes.


How do I take a track log that I have saved and dumped into mapsource and export it as a file so that I can email it to a friend so that they can download it into their gps and use it so that they can follow the path I took on a hiking excursion?


I really believe I'm missing something simple here...

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Hi Moonpup. Quite simple really. In Mapsource just save your tracklog as a .gpx file if you are sharing it with a non-Garmin user, or just send Garmin users the Garmin .gdb file. Either file is fine. The user then opens it in Mapsource, and send it off to their GPSr.


I can always count on you Timpat :laughing: but I still am confused...


This tracklog is in a gdb file with all the maps, waypoints etc. How do you just save the tracklog? I don't know why I am having such a problem with this LOL. Also, how would I save it in gpx format?

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Hi Moonpup. Quite simple really. In Mapsource just save your tracklog as a .gpx file if you are sharing it with a non-Garmin user, or just send Garmin users the Garmin .gdb file. Either file is fine. The user then opens it in Mapsource, and send it off to their GPSr.


I can always count on you Timpat :laughing: but I still am confused...


This tracklog is in a gdb file with all the maps, waypoints etc. How do you just save the tracklog? I don't know why I am having such a problem with this LOL. Also, how would I save it in gpx format?


There is more than one way to do what you want.


one way you can pull just the tracks out of that file, send them to your gps reciever, then close mapsource. open mapsource and just import the tracks off the unit, not the maps and waypoints.


whats cool mapsource lets you have open more than one instance of the program, so you can open the gdb file in mapsource, then open mapsource again. now goto the tracks tab on left in the mapsource you have the GDB file open in, and right click & copy the track you want to share. now go back to the other mapsource you have open and on the tracks tab rightclick and paste.


now to save as a GPX: go file, save as, in the bottom of the box below where you select name you can choose the file type you are saving it as(choose GPX).

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Thanks for the clarification...I guess I was just hoping I could do a simple export of only the track log from within Mapsource. Obvisously this is not possible, oh well.


No way to export any parts of any file, without having multiple sessions of mapsource open.


If you have Mapsource in your Quick Launch Bar, double click the icon, and you have 2 Mapsource sessions going. Just copy and paste from one mapsourse with the file to a blank mapsource, and then give that the name of the trail and *.GPX.

Edited by GOT GPS?
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Thanks for the clarification...I guess I was just hoping I could do a simple export of only the track log from within Mapsource. Obvisously this is not possible, oh well.


No way to export any parts of any file, without having multiple sessions of mapsource open.


If you have Mapsource in your Quick Launch Bar, double click the icon, and you have 2 Mapsource sessions going. Just copy and paste from one mapsourse with the file to a blank mapsource, and then give that the name of the trail and *.GPX.

You can use one instance of Mapsource if you do the copy and then File | New and paste into the new file. But of course, that closes the previous file so it's really the same idea.

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Don't make it any harder than you need to. Open the file that has the track in it. Delete everything you do not want to send (select it and then select delete). Then on the file menus select send mail


Thanks for the clarification...I guess I was just hoping I could do a simple export of only the track log from within Mapsource. Obvisously this is not possible, oh well.

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