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Are they all on bank holiday?


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Are all the mods on bank holiday?


Just wondering as i'd submitted a new cache on Friday and still not heard anything yet. In the cache strapped North east of Scotland every one counts!! :laughing:


Are all the mods on bank holiday?


Just wondering as i'd submitted a new cache on Friday and still not heard anything yet. In the cache strapped North east of Scotland every one counts!! :P

Bank Holiday, isn't one here in Perth??

There isn't one in the whole of Scotland, but as our mods live in England, and I also think Wales, the OP's question about the bank holiday is a valid one.


Are all the mods on bank holiday?


Just wondering as i'd submitted a new cache on Friday and still not heard anything yet. In the cache strapped North east of Scotland every one counts!! :P

Bank Holiday, isn't one here in Perth??

There isn't one in the whole of Scotland, but as our mods live in England, and I also think Wales, the OP's question about the bank holiday is a valid one.

No we don't take holidays, we are here to serve 24/7/365 :)


I'm surprised it took from Friday to Monday to get noticed. Normally caches only remain in the queue for a few hours at most before one of us picks them up. I know I looked on Saturday morning (and a couple of times during the day). I also looked on and off during Sunday and there was nothing left then. Are you sure it was enabled (we don't see it until you tick the "this cache is active" box)?


Anyway all's well that ends well :)


Interestingly a whole load of caches suddenly appeared in the queue just now, only a couple of minutes after I previously checked. Maybe there was a system problem that has been causing delays.




I just logged onto the Q, about 10 minutes ago (1650hrs) and there was only 1 cache waiting that needed attention...........you must have been busy Lactodorum Sir! :P:):)


Are all the mods on bank holiday?


Just wondering as i'd submitted a new cache on Friday and still not heard anything yet. In the cache strapped North east of Scotland every one counts!! :)

Bank Holiday, isn't one here in Perth??

There isn't one in the whole of Scotland, but as our mods live in England, and I also think Wales, the OP's question about the bank holiday is a valid one.

What our friends from over the border neglect to tell us is that they had their August bank holiday 3 weeks ago when all in England & Wales were working hard! :P:):)





Posted (edited)

Hmm...it's all very confusing. I have lived in Scotland for nearly 20 years and have never heard of an early August bank holiday - and have never known anyone to be off work then. But when I googled just now I discovered that we, apparently, had a bank holiday on August 7th. Noone told me!


There are different public holidays in different parts of Scotland - the school holidays are different in each Local Authority (and are always different to those in England). Even with different parts of one region there can be different holidays. Being different is a national pasttime! :P


From the Scottish Executive - please someone tell me what it means!!


"Q. What is the difference between a bank holiday and a public or local holiday?

A. It is important to draw a distinction between bank holidays, and public or local holidays in Scotland. As the dates for bank holidays are set out in statute or are the subject of proclamation, it follows that they are the same across the whole of Scotland. On the other hand public or local holidays in Scotland are determined by local authorities, based on local tradition (not statutory authority) and after consultation with local business interests.


There is no legal or statutory definition of public holiday in the United Kingdom and it is questionable whether public holidays exist in Scotland. The term is often confused with bank holidays. In England and Wales a bank holiday tends automatically to be a public holiday, in that the majority of people have the day off and the day is generally observed as a holiday. In Scotland this is not always the case."

Edited by Firth of Forth

Hmm...it's all very confusing. I have lived in Scotland for nearly 20 years and have never heard of an early August bank holiday - and have never known anyone to be off work then. But when I googled just now I discovered that we, apparently, had a bank holiday on August 7th. Noone told me!


There are different public holidays in different parts of Scotland - the school holidays are different in each Local Authority (and are always different to those in England). Even with different parts of one region there can be different holidays. Being different is a national pasttime! :P


From the Scottish Executive - please someone tell me what it means!!


"Q. What is the difference between a bank holiday and a public or local holiday?

A. It is important to draw a distinction between bank holidays, and public or local holidays in Scotland. As the dates for bank holidays are set out in statute or are the subject of proclamation, it follows that they are the same across the whole of Scotland. On the other hand public or local holidays in Scotland are determined by local authorities, based on local tradition (not statutory authority) and after consultation with local business interests.


There is no legal or statutory definition of public holiday in the United Kingdom and it is questionable whether public holidays exist in Scotland. The term is often confused with bank holidays. In England and Wales a bank holiday tends automatically to be a public holiday, in that the majority of people have the day off and the day is generally observed as a holiday. In Scotland this is not always the case."


Unlucky! :) I only heard when a scottish lady who cleans for my incapacitated mother said she would not be paying her regular Monday visit on Aug 7th as it was a bank holiday and she would be back up north. So some of her relatives must have been off as well (she is from Dumfries area).


Do you get Easter Monday off?






This site can be great for moaners. I just logged on to congratulate them and this was topping the list.


I Submitted a new cache half an hour ago and it's been published already! Brilliant service Deceangi; you deserve a holiday.


No we don't take holidays, we are here to serve 24/7/365 :)

I am glad to hear it. No room for slackers around here!


In future I hope that if a cache is submitted on Friday you should have driven to it, checked it out and published it by lunchtime on Saturday at the latest.


:P ;-)


This is fascinating stuff. :P


According to this page (if correct) even the banks don't now observe Scottish bank holidays but follow the English ones instead (bottom paragraph)! :):)






That's a good link. It's clearly much worse and more confusing than I thought!! :)

I pity those people who live in a village in one area, whose children go to school in the nearest town in another local authority and who work in yet another local authority. :)


This is fascinating stuff. :)


According to this page (if correct) even the banks don't now observe Scottish bank holidays but follow the English ones instead (bottom paragraph)! :):P






As a Scot who worked in England (Huddersfield) for 12 years, the quirkiest Holidays were Good Friday and Easter Monday...... apparently in the era of the 6 day week, it would have caused too much trouble for the mill owners to shut the mills down on Friday just to restart on Saturday. ......


So "Good Friday" holiday was the Tuesday following Easter Monday :) and being the home of Luddites it remains that way till today.... even though the mills have all but gone.....:)


No we don't take holidays, we are here to serve 24/7/365 :anicute:



I beg to differ! You have a day off every leap year it seems! :P


No complaints about BH's though - submitted a listing Sat pm, rejected within the hour (my fault). Resubmitted Sun am, active by lunchtime. That'll do for me.


No we don't take holidays, we are here to serve 24/7/365 :P



I beg to differ! You have a day off every leap year it seems! :D


No complaints about BH's though - submitted a listing Sat pm, rejected within the hour (my fault). Resubmitted Sun am, active by lunchtime. That'll do for me.


Now I have to voice a major objection to this post :D


We do not reject caches :) . We just return them to the owner for issues to be corrected :anicute:


Hey Boss you never told me we got a day off on February the 29th :D or is it a case of the junior reviewer covers it :D


The Scottish system is total chaos. Each town setting it's own holidays makes about as much sense as each town setting it's own time and we abandooned that practice long ago.


The Scottish system is total chaos.


But profitable chaos, at least for the money grubbing wunch of bankers who know how to screw the customer.


Last Friday I was promised "same day transfer" of $38k from the US to a Scottish bank. I (mis)understood that to mean that the loot would arrive in the Scottish bank (which by coincidence just happens to own the Murricane one which did the transfer) last Friday. I even got a nice time/date stamped email confirming that the money had been wired at 12:30pm. What I did not expect was the way the system actually works. Because of the 6 hour time difference it was deemed that the Scottish bank had closed by the time the loot flopped onto their virtual doormat. I asked whether the money would appear on Monday and was told that the Scottish branch was working to Scottish Bank Holidays and not English ones, so yes, the tranaction would be completed yesterday.


Lying thieving gits!


Not only do the thieves trouser a $150 transfer fee; not only do they pay out a blatant ripoff exchange rate from Dollars to MacPoonds; but they also have the brass neck to bank the full amount on the London Money market at LIBOR rates and skim off 4 days worth of interest. It would have been cheaper and quicker to hop onto a cheapo transAtlantic flight and hand-carry the dosh in a 45cm x 35cm x 16cm bag!


Mr Forester sir - £14.57? :anicute::P


Just make sure you query your next bank charge, as a good customer they'll refund the odd one with only the slightest murmer, if you're a bad one, well there's bound to be one that's a bit unfair. :D

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