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Encripting cache information

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Some cachers seem to have problems getting between two clues on one of my multi stage caches. I would like to add additional help for them but not spoil it for others. Therefore I would like to add an encrypted paragraph in my listing. I prefer not to add it to the Additional Hints at the foot of the page as I have tried to keep this short with advice on where the clues are hidden, not on getting between them.


Can I add encrypted text into the main cacne page, and if so how do I do it please? The page is in HTML.


The problem of adding encrypted text to the body of the cache page is there's no easy way of decoding it. So unless it's just a short sentence, it's going to cause more problems than it solves. The easy way to get some encoded text on the page is to put it in the additional clues box, let the cache page encode it for you, cut and paste it into the main text box and then change the clue text to whatever you want it to be.


Have you considered putting two clues in the clue box? The first one could be simply encoded, and the second one double-encoded, so that after decrypting it you still have to move the letters on one or two. Just an idea.


You could add an encrypted log (as a note), and in the main body of the cache page say something like "... for further help on getting from A to B, see my log of 27th August..."

Unfortunately not a good idea. Those cachers using gpx files resulting from PQ searches would soon be unable to see the note due to only the five most recent log entries being reported.


The problem of adding encrypted text to the body of the cache page is there's no easy way of decoding it. So unless it's just a short sentence, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.


There is an easy way: just paste the text to be encrypted/decrypted into Rot13.com


Because of the self-inverse nature of the Caesar-cypher, the procedure for decryption is identical to that for encryption.


The problem of adding encrypted text to the body of the cache page is there's no easy way of decoding it. So unless it's just a short sentence, it's going to cause more problems than it solves.


There is an easy way: just paste the text to be encrypted/decrypted into Rot13.com


Because of the self-inverse nature of the Caesar-cypher, the procedure for decryption is identical to that for encryption.


Nice one Mr F! :P





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