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Geocaching and Bikes.


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does anyone Ride a Bike to go out looking for Caches? if you do what do you ride? (This is ment for Motorcycles not bicycles) and do you got to Bike ralleys and go looking for Caches at the same time? (Like West Coast Choppers' "No Love Party" in Long beach) just wanted to know. :wub:

Posted (edited)

I will be taking my bike out caching (still relatively new and waiting on my GPS to arrive). I don't really do the bike ralley thing.


2005 Suzuki Boulevard C50 - Nothing too fancy...mostly use for A to B and just have always enjoyed riding.

Edited by egami

I ride a well worn Suzuki GS650 GL shaft drive cruiser. It handles gravel, snowmobile trails and other areas of dubious road very well. Now, if i had a choice it'd be a vstrom but beggers can't be choosers. (the suzuki and I are responsible for almost all of my cache count this year.)


geo caching and riding are the perfect combination. Caches take me down roads I would not normally travel and the bike allows me to enjoy the experience of getting there a little bit more.


We- well.. I shouldn't say we- I'm the passenger he is the driver, have a Ducati 748 S (hence the Ducati ball as the avatar) for street rides. However do very little caching since we are usually two up, and no place to put the GPSR. If we do Cache we only do one or two on a ride. We wear full leathers- so it is hard to be stealth -like when caching. :(


We do have dirt bikes that we plan on doing caches at OHV parks this winter.


No bike rallies for us. :D

(This is meant for Motorcycles not bicycles)


Let me guess. you ride a bicycle? check out http://www.myspace.com/b1rdbrain you can see photo's of me with Jesse James and Mondo. Two of the worlds best Bike Builders. (PLEASE DO NOT SAY OCC IS THE BEST CUZ THEY ARE NOT) Paul Jr. would be sitting in a dead end job if it wasn't for Vinny. Vinny does all the work.

Jr. just acts like an A55! But Mickey is funny at times, but as dumb as a bag of hammers. :D


does anyone Ride a Bike to go out looking for Caches?



if you do what do you ride? (This is ment for Motorcycles not bicycles)



do you got to Bike ralleys and go looking for Caches at the same time? (Like West Coast Choppers' "No Love Party" in Long beach) just wanted to know. :laughing:

Depends. Found quite a few while in NH during Laconia bike week. Like the cool one on Mount Washington.



Charity rides, like the one we'll be doing with several other cachers (and 2500 other bikers)Sunday don't usually allow us time to cache during the event, but that doesn't mean we can't hit some after. :laughing:

(This is meant for Motorcycles not bicycles)


Let me guess. you ride a bicycle?

When I saw "bikes" I assumed bicycles. I cache by bicycle whenever possible.


BTW -- ever wonder why a motorcycle rider is called a 'biker,' but a bicycle rider is called a 'cyclist?' :laughing:

Posted (edited)



No to rallies.


We lived in Daytona Beach for 5 years, though. What a great time. Haven't been back there for a rally, only caching.


Been trying to work another dual sport into the family so Sissy won't have to try to keep up on her "Hello-Kitty-mobile."

Edited by CoyoteRed

ever wonder why a motorcycle rider is called a 'biker,' but a bicycle rider is called a 'cyclist?' :laughing:

Nope. i just know that a Cyclist wears skin tight shorts and alot are from West Hollywood, if you know what i mean. and Real Bikers are not to be messed with. (like H.A.'s or 81's you know 1%ers)


Yeah. They wield their bellies as weapons.

I can wield my belly as a weapon? but i just posted i don't carry any weapons when i go out caching. thanks alot. now i have to go find that post and update it. thanks man. :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I've got both varieties of "bikes". A Kawasaki KLR-650:


and the pedal powered kind:


Both have carried me to many a cache.


Edit to add: I'm 20 minutes from Daytona and I've never been, nor do I have any intention of going, to Bike Week. I see enough drunken retards on the job.

Edited by Clan Riffster
Posted (edited)

BTW -- ever wonder why a motorcycle rider is called a 'biker,' but a bicycle rider is called a 'cyclist?' :P


Motorcycle riders are called motorcyclists. Bikers are too busy hanging out in bars to actually ride much. :)


I sometimes ride my Kawasaki ZRX1200 or my BMW R1150RT to the trailhead (if it's off a paved road), but neither bike is well suited for dirt roads.



Edited by Glenn W
Posted (edited)

BTW -- ever wonder why a motorcycle rider is called a 'biker,' but a bicycle rider is called a 'cyclist?' :P


Motorcycle riders are called motorcyclists. Bikers are too busy hanging out in bars to actually ride much. :)


I sometimes ride my Kawasaki ZRX1200 or my BMW R1150RT to the trailhead (if it's off a paved road), but neither bike is well suited for dirt roads.



so in realy you are just a Cyclist. i mean a BIKER wouldn't be seen on you're scooter right? BMW HAHAHA get a real bike. BMW makes cars for complete <edit by moderator> not Bikes for real Bikers by the way what credit card did you use for that bike????????? (Please don't post anything back about me making fun of a Credit card biker. i only made fun of him cuz of the BMW bike)

Edited by Quiggle

does anyone Ride a Bike to go out looking for Caches? if you do what do you ride? (This is ment for Motorcycles not bicycles) and do you got to Bike ralleys and go looking for Caches at the same time? (Like West Coast Choppers' "No Love Party" in Long beach) just wanted to know. :P


Okay, we've given up what we ride, what about you?


My friend and I go out caching on mnt. bikes and do about 25 miles at least. Its pretty fun. Were planning a 50 miler. I was just wondering if anybody else are like us with no car cause your only 13. Ok, you can be older than 13, but do you ride a bike to caches?


I will use a Bike to find a cache. I have a Mountain bike (Older Univega)and a street bike(New Marin Mill Valley). Which bike I use depends on the type of Terrain I am going to be on.

Posted (edited)

does anyone Ride a Bike to go out looking for Caches? if you do what do you ride? (This is ment for Motorcycles not bicycles) and do you got to Bike ralleys and go looking for Caches at the same time? (Like West Coast Choppers' "No Love Party" in Long beach) just wanted to know. :anicute:


Okay, we've given up what we ride, what about you?

i got rid of my 92 fatboy and now building my own bike i have a rolling chassey from AZ Bikes it looks ridged but it's air ride i have an S&S 118 coming a 280 rear tire fenderless drop seat i have $15,000.00 into it and i am still making it up and looking for a good painter. i'm thinking of a Dukes of Hazard thyme. so i should be riding again in Jan. just got the 6 speed trans in and as soon as the motor comes in i'll get them together getting Jesse James Crack Pipes and Big Bear controles with a exile clutch controle. So to put it short I"M MAKING MY BIKE it's been a 4 year dream and it's only a few more months that it will be done. it's all American All My Own and i didn't use 1 credit card to buy any parts. so take you're little hondas and you're BMW's and go fly a kite. i'm the only one here that seems to be a real "Biker" and with that said Moderator, Please close this thread.

Edited by b1rdbrain
Posted (edited)

I keep meaning to. There are so many bike trails and parks in Ottawa, and such a high cache density, that I could probably bring my bike to any one park and nab 4-5 caches in a few hours.


My bike doesn't fit very well into my current vehicle, though, so I need to get a bike rack or something going.


(Edit: this message was originally posted to the other thread about bicycling)

Edited by GreyingJay

Yeah, now that we've established that you're better than the rest of us, we can definitely close this thread. :anicute:

You building a bike? you bust up you're hands building you're dream? i asked a simple question and my riding abelity was Questioned. i dreamed of building a bike and i had to sell my H.D. to do it. so are you building a bike? or better yet do you ride American? you own American Made? At least i'm supporting American small buisnesses. what are you doing other then posting on a game forume?


so in realy you are just a Cyclist. i mean a BIKER wouldn't be seen on you're scooter right? BMW HAHAHA get a real bike. BMW makes cars for complete <edit by moderator> not Bikes for real Bikers by the way what credit card did you use for that bike????????? (Please don't post anything back about me making fun of a Credit card biker. i only made fun of him cuz of the BMW bike)


FYI BMW makes one of the best touring bikes there is and will last much longer and ride much better then anything you can come up with. I'm guessing that you dont have a bike, never had a bike and you do not have the smarts to build your own bike. Your reference to OCC and WCC kind of proves that...


what are you doing other then posting on a game forume?


Keeping my game life and my real life nicely separated, apparently :anicute:


By the way, I didn't see anyone's riding ability or bike preferences get questioned... until you posted that smack against BMW.

You building a bike?


Well, technically, you're not building your bike either--you're assembling parts.


You're also paying way too much for the end result. Much like buying a Hummer, there's not that much technology or metal that goes into it for the price. I mean, H1 Hummers have more into them than sleeper-cab semi trucks? I think not. Not by a long shot. It's simply a supply and demand situation where folks will pay top dollar for the ability to pose. What is it that Thomas Tusser said? But if you've got the money and don't mind spending it, I'm sure you can find someone to take it.


Both the wife and I ride. One thing I noticed about those who ride "garage art" is they are always posing with their "I'm badder than everyone else" scowl and will never, in a million years, acknowledge another rider unless they're on like garage art. Harley guys, full dressers, touring bikers, street fighters, stunt guys, you name it, they all will acknowledge you, but I've yet to have someone on garage art do the same.


Are those who ride garage art a special group? I'd say so.


Having lived in Daytona Beach for 5 years, having seen my share of garage art, and being artistically minded, I have a deep appreciation for that genre of ride. But to call those who would rather dream about riding than actually ride the "real biker" is a stretch in the extreme. I think it's those who actually get out there and enjoy the open road the way only a motorcycle can are the real bikers. Dreamers need not apply. I've seen plenty of those in Daytona, too.

FYI BMW makes one of the best touring bikes there is...


GS1200R ~wipes drool off chin ~ But too rich for my blood. I gotta stick with a KLR at a third of the price.

Posted (edited)



I don't care what they say, you come see me and we will ride that bad boy on some of my favourite gravel roads and not quite roads.




edited to add - aw heck, I ride with anybody who goes my speed.

Edited by bwmick

"garage art"

I'm Not building Art i am makeing a "BAR Hopper" and you said I'm not building? i am just assembling? dude you have alot to learn about "Bike Building" when you take catalog parts and make them One Off's then you are building but if you are takeing catalog parts and putting them together then ya you are assambling but i didn't go to school to learn how to work with metal to assemble anything. i am building. you can't take a custem frame and just stick a motor in it. you have to fab up some parts to make it work. then you take the mounts to get them powder coated or chromed then there is the tank and mounting it. and when you fab up all this stuff you have a ton of work to mok it up and thats what i'm in the middle of doing is mok up. i'm still waiting on parts and after paint and everything is done i would have paid as much at a nice Fatboy and not much more but it will be at least a $40,000.00 Bike if i sold it when done. and as for BMW tour bikes they suck. hate to break it to you, but they suck. now write me back when you man up and sell everything to build you're dream. cuz thats what i did. i sold everything but my Bird and my GPS to build my dream and no one will rain on my parade. and when it's all done I'll post all the photos on the build on myspace. kinda a how to build you're own so you don't have to pay people like OCC $100,000.00 for a bike that really should cost $35,000.00 and only pay out $20,000.00 - $25,000.00


What does dissing BMW motorcycles have to do with geocaching? Perhaps you could open a thread in the Off Topic forum for your rants.

it started as a geocaching thread and i asked the moderators to close it then some one said someithing about bmw and questioned my riding then some one dissed me about my building a bike and this is where it ended up. this is why as the people that do post should be allowed to close the thread at there will. i would have closed this thread like over 10 post ago. but they took that away from all of us. remember?


1) There is very little discussion about geocaching.

2) lots of angst

3) OP requested it to be closed (or one of them)

4) I might as well try to set a record for number of threads closed in a day. Which one is next? :P


Thread closed. Feel free to try again in a few days after the dust settles.


I suggest you search your winter jacket pockets for some geo-gas money and go caching. :anicute:

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