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The Geocoin Fairy Geocoin?

WWC-World's Worst Cacher

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Woot! :blink:


I finally learnt my lesson about keeping daily track of logs... after someone had placed the traveling cache Driving Miss D... in my front yard and dhenninger found it before me :blink: (took me 3 days to notice it on my closest to home list). :huh:


Went out early before work to check on this cache since I recieved a note that a woodland pixie had visited during the early morning hours. Milestone Log


I wonder what Milestone the Geocoin Fairy was logging? <_<:laughing:


Thank you very much, TGF






80 Found so far! The Geocoin Fairy must be pretty busy after going back to Europe and then the states. Still waiting to have a chance to find one in the Bay Area!




Well if you weren't traveling so much you might find one! :D

Posted (edited)

We had quite an adventure this morning.... :D

Got a Geocoin Fairy coin from this cache GCGHDZ.

The maples in the canyon are turning bright red and orange already. Awesome sight :D

Edited by GBOTS

Well a couple made it to Michigan but there on the other side of the state and by the time I get off from work they sure to be gone. so I'll just have to hope some get to my side.


Team Sand Dollar


The one we found had been in the cache for 5 days, since Sept. 3rd :D


I was excited to see that The Geocoin Fairy had made it to California again.... but, apparently TGF's flight path doesn't extend to Sacramento :ph34r: Makes me wish (okay, almost wish) that we still lived within 95118. Would have been SO close.


Congrats to all you South Bay folks lucky enough to pick up that very special coin!


Gah. Here I was feeding the little one as my wife went to go to the gym (yea she is better than me!). I log on and see that the Geocoin fairy is back in town yet I need to finish dinner and get them in the bath.


By the time my wife returned, it looks like I am too late!


Next time.




Yep, even Lodi would be nice... but just think how nice a trip to the CA gold/wine country foothills would be! We just don't have much more than a dirt strip for an airport :ph34r: Lots of great wine tasting and small historic towns. Sadly, probably no Geocoin Fairy visits.... just have to keep living vicariously (sp?) through the great finds of others!


I was way across town when I got a call saying that a two Geocoin Fairy coins were sitting in one of my caches. We buzzed across town crossing our fingers and got to the cache only to find that both coins were gone! Not only that, but apparently they were gone before the Fairy find log was posted. Oh well, that's what you get for having a popular cache. :ph34r: There was another cache but it was back the way we came. In fact, we drove within 500 feet of it on our way to our cache! We almost didn't go for it, but we decided that we had to give it a try. The cache had changed size and location from when we first found it, which made finding it again more of a challenge. Eventually, I spotted the cache and openned it. Could it be? Yep, the Geocoin Fairy coin was still resting next to the logbook! So now we have to figure out who it was who got #058, which the Geocoin Fairy had left in our cache for us, so we can see if we can trade for it. :ph34r:




Yep, even Lodi would be nice... but just think how nice a trip to the CA gold/wine country foothills would be! We just don't have much more than a dirt strip for an airport :ph34r: Lots of great wine tasting and small historic towns. Sadly, probably no Geocoin Fairy visits.... just have to keep living vicariously (sp?) through the great finds of others!


OOHH, OOHH, OOHH, I just love the Napa Valley, Yountville and St. Helena. I guess I am just a littel partial to that area. That was the area I was born and most of my family still resides. My Grandma lives just off the St. Helena HWY. (Solano Ave.) on Newells Cir.


Alright, back to the normally scheduled program :ph34r: .


Looks like the fairy was busy today... California, New Jersey and New York. Wow!


I was shocked that the Fairy made it to Allegany County in NYS. What the heck!! Of all the places to choose. Not that I'm complaining, I have a Geocoin Fairy coin on my shelf right now.




But my eyeballs about fell out...and I must have just missed her...er..him...er...ummm




Thank you for the coin, Fairy!!!! :ph34r:


Yep, even Lodi would be nice... but just think how nice a trip to the CA gold/wine country foothills would be! We just don't have much more than a dirt strip for an airport :D Lots of great wine tasting and small historic towns. Sadly, probably no Geocoin Fairy visits.... just have to keep living vicariously (sp?) through the great finds of others!


OOHH, OOHH, OOHH, I just love the Napa Valley, Yountville and St. Helena. I guess I am just a littel partial to that area. That was the area I was born and most of my family still resides. My Grandma lives just off the St. Helena HWY. (Solano Ave.) on Newells Cir.


Alright, back to the normally scheduled program :D .


Damenace, the areas you referred to are where I learned to love wine... I've stayed up in that area many times. We're a bit further south, in the Fair Play area (outside Placerville). Probably about 25 wineries within a 10 - 20 minute drive from us. Possibly what Napa was like when it was "younger"?


So can anybody translate the Dutch logs? :D


Log Team Myth - De Oorsprong (GCH07E)

"Even langsgewipt om de munt van de goede fee op te pikken. Had even geen gelijkwaardig ruilmateriaal bij me, maar dat maak ik een dezer dagen meer dan goed. That's a promise!


Hou deze cache dus nog maar even in de gaten..."


[translation] Just paid a quick visit to pick up the coin left by the good fairy. Didn't have any trading material of equal value with me, but I will make that up (more than that) in the next days. That's a promise!


So, keep this cache on your watchlist for a while..."[end of translation]


Log Vinkepinken - Mazzel (GCVGJV)

"Deze cache moest in de buurt liggen van mijn dagelijkse fietstocht naar het werk. Kostte me 2 lunchpauzes om tot wat coordinaten te komen. Zonder GPS maar met de hulp van MapSource en de hint dacht ik de cache gevonden te hebben. Maar na 2x graven leek dit toch niet de juiste locatie.

Toen de GPS maar meegenomen en na wat zompen en zoeken de cache gevonden. Zat een voor mijn volledig onbekende munt in die ik maar meegenomen heb. Zoek binnenkort wel uit wat ik er mee aanmoet.

Al met al een zeer interessante cache. Bedankt."


[translation]This cache looked like it was on the way to my office. It took me two lunch breaks to figure out the coordinates. Without my GPSr but with the help of MapSource and the hint, I thought I had found the cache. But after two digging attempts, I appeared to be the wrong location.

When I took the GPSr and after some mudwalking and searching I found the cache. There was a totally unknown coin in it, that I took with me. I will try to find out what to do with it.

A very interesting cache. Thanks. [end of translation]


The coin in Otz Chiim (GCQ7TB) appears to still be in the cache, although Thex might have taken it. His log is unclear on this point.


Thanks Myth. Those online translators don't usually work very well much of the time :D


Congrats on getting a coin!


Thank you, I'm very happy with it. Wish I knew who to thank and how to do it...


Most of the time those Babelfish translations are hardly understandable, but on the other hand they can be very, very funny! :D

Posted (edited)

i have a one of these coins from a cache that i own called multi at simpsonwood (gcxf4v0) i got the coin and am in dc right now and i will place it up here if i get a chance dawgs by the way i will trade this with someone

Edited by dawgs

i have a one of these coins from a cache that i own called multi at simpsonwood (gcxf4v0) i got the coin and am in dc right now and i will place it up here if i get a chance dawgs by the way i will trade this with someone


Would have been nice if you posted a note to your own cache page saying you took it and what you left for it in trade :D


Thanks Myth. Those online translators don't usually work very well much of the time :D


Congrats on getting a coin!


Thank you, I'm very happy with it. Wish I knew who to thank and how to do it...


Most of the time those Babelfish translations are hardly understandable, but on the other hand they can be very, very funny! :D


Not sure if this helps or not, but the Geocoin Fairy has an emal address in her profile. I sent her an ecard to thank her, only thing I could think of since my rainbow maker isn't hooked up (hose).


Thanks Myth. Those online translators don't usually work very well much of the time :D


Congrats on getting a coin!


Thank you, I'm very happy with it. Wish I knew who to thank and how to do it...


Most of the time those Babelfish translations are hardly understandable, but on the other hand they can be very, very funny! :D


Not sure if this helps or not, but the Geocoin Fairy has an emal address in her profile. I sent her an ecard to thank her, only thing I could think of since my rainbow maker isn't hooked up (hose).


That's a nice thought. Didn't think of that. :D



I found one.




WOW me of all people got one of my caches visited by TGF.

I just got back from that heck of a climb out of the Ozark Canyon where the tunnel is.


I do not have a big story to tell about getting there things went very smoothy.

Like I was being guided buy the good spirits.


The hike out was a great twilight stroll,the weather is finally cooling off and the chiggers and ticks are almost gone.The colors have not started changing yet,but it seems like I seen a Rainbow all the way out.


Made for one of the greatest evenings I have had while geocaching in a long time.


What is it?

The Magic?

The Mystery?

The Unknown?

The Quest?

The Find?


Maybe it is all.................


Thank you TGF for keeping this spirit alive.


So sad! Knew we'd miss TGF coming to NJ while we were in KS.



Congrats Mark! Who got the second one?


I saw one in a nearby cache while I was at the central NJ event. I refrained from taking it cause I was already blessed with finding one. When I was leaving the cache another group of cachers were making their way to it so I am guessing one of them found it.




Where's the GF? I've been watching the page with baited breath...I have it up on my computer all day at work (which is a no-no...oh well) and nothing for the last day...

Still hoping that the GF makes it to Colorado....

I now have TWO caches for the GF to consider....one is a fun multi!! GCY7JW


Hope the GF isn't done......


I finally got around to sending our thanks to TGF...at the end of her reply was this:


"I'm hoping to have more placements here shortly. Still a lot more to come."


Thought you guys should know...to keep your morale up!

Posted (edited)

That little Fairy has been doing an awful lot of flying. Those little wings are probably a bit tired, and the Fairy also has to reload with Fairy dust once in a while................ :):D:D:D

Edited by Big JohnP

The Fairy left one in a cache of mine that has been sitting there for 6 days!!!




So I moved it to a kid's cache not far from it. Hope TGF doesn't mind....I'm dying for someone to find it!!!

DresselDragons Posted Today, 08:10 PM

She's on the move again...NJ...her post said that she had a sprained wing...that's why she hasn't been flying!



This offer still stands !! Looks like she could use a break some R&R is in order. Maybe she only flys south for the winter :laughing: This have been a great thread to read the kids photos the wonderfull stories, I watch her logs daily 5:30am with my morning coffee waiting for to come down south for a visit, :unsure::unsure:


Wonder if The Fairy ever lands in Ft Lauderdale , To rest her wings at the beach :laughing:


I work so much I rarely get out geocaching anymore.

I had heard about this geocoin and thread and did not think that The Geocoin Fairy would ever make it here.


When I read that the Fairy had been through Missouri and Arkansas I started looking around and low and behold I found 3 logs.


I went for the harder one thinking that it would be the last on anybodies list,I was wrong.

GEO*TRAILBLAZER 1 had already been there.


So I headed on north to the next one on the list.

As I approached the area it seemed like it started glowing I knew I had a chance.

I opened the geocache and there it was a very very nice Geocoin Fairy coin just a sparkling in the Sun.


This sure brings back childhood memories of dancing fairy's,magic treasures,unicorns and good luck.


Thank you TGF for spreading your good spirit around the world.

I hope your wing is healed so you can continue to keep the good going.




She's on the move again...NJ...her post said that she had a sprained wing...that's why she hasn't been flying!


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Korey has the GPS and cachin' in South Korea. Anyone have a GPS I can borrow?



She's on the move again...NJ...her post said that she had a sprained wing...that's why she hasn't been flying!


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Korey has the GPS and cachin' in South Korea. Anyone have a GPS I can borrow?


Sure swing on into Phoenix and you can borrow one of mine. Hey, it's closer than Korea!

Posted (edited)

Calling TGF, calling TGF, good fairy ... we have a problem.


My little guy who is 7 came up to me the other night and told me the next tooth he loses he's asking the tooth fairy for one of her GEOCOINs. Having no clue what he was talking about I asked a few more questions. How did he know about a Fairy geocoin? He told me this big guy at the Arizona geocaching event at Someburro's we went to the other night had one. (My little one is a young pirate and will seek out anyone who has tokens and coins -- of which our fellow cacher had a book full he's collected.) My little one now thinks all he has to do is ask and the fairy will bring him one instead of a dollar! Of course I get on the net hoping they were being sold somewhere. Then my geocacher friend informed me the real truth about the GEOCOIN Fairy, to which I then went to this forum to find more out. Sounds like getting a winning lottery ticket has a better chance. But...


Maybe, if the good fairy is reading the forums, she'll notice this plea and the next time she's in Arizona, she might fly by our cache and let us know she's been there ..... it is a place she might be enticed to .... it is called "Where Dragonflies and Fairies Dance." I'm reminded nearly daily a tooth is real loose and I'm working hard to come up with some 'xplainin' for this tooth fairy request. Happy Caching to all!

Edited by X_MarksTheSpot

Calling TGF, calling TGF, good fairy ... we have a problem.


My little guy who is 7 came up to me the other night and told me the next tooth he loses he's asking the tooth fairy for one of her GEOCOINs. Having no clue what he was talking about I asked a few more questions. How did he know about a Fairy geocoin? He told me this big guy at the Arizona geocaching event at Someburro's we went to the other night had one. (My little one is a young pirate and will seek out anyone who has tokens and coins -- of which our fellow cacher had a book full he's collected.) My little one now thinks all he has to do is ask and the fairy will bring him one instead of a dollar! Of course I get on the net hoping they were being sold somewhere. Then my geocacher friend informed me the real truth about the GEOCOIN Fairy, to which I then went to this forum to find more out. Sounds like getting a winning lottery ticket has a better chance. But...


Maybe, if the good fairy is reading the forums, she'll notice this plea and the next time she's in Arizona, she might fly by our cache and let us know she's been there ..... it is a place she might be enticed to .... it is called "Where Dragonflies and Fairies Dance." I'm reminded nearly daily a tooth is real loose and I'm working hard to come up with some 'xplainin' for this tooth fairy request. Happy Caching to all!


Alright, alright, alright you hit me where it counts by trying to fulfill a childs dream of recieving a Geocoin Fairy coin in exchange for the tooth.


People are going to call me crazy, but if indeed this is not a hoax you send me your address via my profile and I will send you my personal Geocoin Fairy coin from my collection so you child can wake up with a giant smile on his face. After all it is just a coin <_< .


This is albout the kids right?


Calling TGF, calling TGF, good fairy ... we have a problem.


My little guy who is 7 came up to me the other night and told me the next tooth he loses he's asking the tooth fairy for one of her GEOCOINs. Having no clue what he was talking about I asked a few more questions. How did he know about a Fairy geocoin? He told me this big guy at the Arizona geocaching event at Someburro's we went to the other night had one. (My little one is a young pirate and will seek out anyone who has tokens and coins -- of which our fellow cacher had a book full he's collected.) My little one now thinks all he has to do is ask and the fairy will bring him one instead of a dollar! Of course I get on the net hoping they were being sold somewhere. Then my geocacher friend informed me the real truth about the GEOCOIN Fairy, to which I then went to this forum to find more out. Sounds like getting a winning lottery ticket has a better chance. But...


Maybe, if the good fairy is reading the forums, she'll notice this plea and the next time she's in Arizona, she might fly by our cache and let us know she's been there ..... it is a place she might be enticed to .... it is called "Where Dragonflies and Fairies Dance." I'm reminded nearly daily a tooth is real loose and I'm working hard to come up with some 'xplainin' for this tooth fairy request. Happy Caching to all!


Alright, alright, alright you hit me where it counts by trying to fulfill a childs dream of recieving a Geocoin Fairy coin in exchange for the tooth.


People are going to call me crazy, but if indeed this is not a hoax you send me your address via my profile and I will send you my personal Geocoin Fairy coin from my collection so you child can wake up with a giant smile on his face. After all it is just a coin <_< .


This is albout the kids right?


Oh yeah, you can keep the tooth <_< .


Calling TGF, calling TGF, good fairy ... we have a problem.


My little guy who is 7 came up to me the other night and told me the next tooth he loses he's asking the tooth fairy for one of her GEOCOINs. Having no clue what he was talking about I asked a few more questions. How did he know about a Fairy geocoin? He told me this big guy at the Arizona geocaching event at Someburro's we went to the other night had one. (My little one is a young pirate and will seek out anyone who has tokens and coins -- of which our fellow cacher had a book full he's collected.) My little one now thinks all he has to do is ask and the fairy will bring him one instead of a dollar! Of course I get on the net hoping they were being sold somewhere. Then my geocacher friend informed me the real truth about the GEOCOIN Fairy, to which I then went to this forum to find more out. Sounds like getting a winning lottery ticket has a better chance. But...


Maybe, if the good fairy is reading the forums, she'll notice this plea and the next time she's in Arizona, she might fly by our cache and let us know she's been there ..... it is a place she might be enticed to .... it is called "Where Dragonflies and Fairies Dance." I'm reminded nearly daily a tooth is real loose and I'm working hard to come up with some 'xplainin' for this tooth fairy request. Happy Caching to all!


Alright, alright, alright you hit me where it counts by trying to fulfill a childs dream of recieving a Geocoin Fairy coin in exchange for the tooth.


People are going to call me crazy, but if indeed this is not a hoax you send me your address via my profile and I will send you my personal Geocoin Fairy coin from my collection so you child can wake up with a giant smile on his face. After all it is just a coin <_< .


This is albout the kids right?


Psss, I have this bridge ...


Calling TGF, calling TGF, good fairy ... we have a problem.


My little guy who is 7 came up to me the other night and told me the next tooth he loses he's asking the tooth fairy for one of her GEOCOINs. Having no clue what he was talking about I asked a few more questions. How did he know about a Fairy geocoin? He told me this big guy at the Arizona geocaching event at Someburro's we went to the other night had one. (My little one is a young pirate and will seek out anyone who has tokens and coins -- of which our fellow cacher had a book full he's collected.) My little one now thinks all he has to do is ask and the fairy will bring him one instead of a dollar! Of course I get on the net hoping they were being sold somewhere. Then my geocacher friend informed me the real truth about the GEOCOIN Fairy, to which I then went to this forum to find more out. Sounds like getting a winning lottery ticket has a better chance. But...


Maybe, if the good fairy is reading the forums, she'll notice this plea and the next time she's in Arizona, she might fly by our cache and let us know she's been there ..... it is a place she might be enticed to .... it is called "Where Dragonflies and Fairies Dance." I'm reminded nearly daily a tooth is real loose and I'm working hard to come up with some 'xplainin' for this tooth fairy request. Happy Caching to all!


Well, your 7 year old is in luck, he doesn't have to wait for The Geocoin Fairy because it sounds like the Sylvan Seekers Fairy Coin will be coming around soon!


Lucky boy, I'm sure that his dad will BUY one for him.


BTW, The Geocoin Fairy has a profile where you can e-mail him/her directly.

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