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The Geocoin Fairy Geocoin?

WWC-World's Worst Cacher

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Looks like more UT and now IN.


I was reading the logs to see if any still remained in caches. I loved the log from the cacher from Huntsville, AL who drove 3 hours to GA to get the coin in The Deep Cut.


3 Hours is NOTHING compared to this one!


Did that person specifically travel to AZ for the coin or were they in town for something else?




Fairy in area!!




Hi folks! R3 just got a hit on one of our caches,& barely told me what was going on,LOL!


He just ran out the door in quite a lather!


Hope he does not pass any police!LOL


We will return as soon as he gets back.




Greetings from Manchester U.K.


Just want to tell you folks this......


that fairy has just visited two of my caches here in the United Kingdom..


I hope she/he made it back to you safe and sound for her/his next hit..


Thank you geo-fairy for your kindness..





Looks like more UT and now IN.


I was reading the logs to see if any still remained in caches. I loved the log from the cacher from Huntsville, AL who drove 3 hours to GA to get the coin in The Deep Cut.


3 Hours is NOTHING compared to this one!


Did that person specifically travel to AZ for the coin or were they in town for something else?


She came for the coin specifically. Though she did make the trip to ASU to get some sweaters and other college related items, those were incidentals on the trip. The trip was for the coin specifically. I'm really really suprised the coin was there 2 days after it was placed (guess AZ coiners are more icon hounds than coiners). Last time a coin was put in that cache, it was picked up by a previous finder for the icon in less than 24 hours.


I met her and talked with her about her trip and her trials getting here (nice DUI checkpoing stop on the way), 15 hours in her vehicle with her dog. Even attempted another cache while she was here (DNF). Quite a trip but she swears it was worth it for the coin.


Personally, I think she's extremely lucky that no one picked the coin up before she got here. I wouldn't have taken that chance myself. Especially with the price of gas these days.


Was going through our E-Mails,and saw a log on one of our caches from you know who!


Up I jumped,grabbed my keys,Posted to the forums (Delayed),and off I went!


BetterHalf stayed behind to do a little research in case we missed.


I FLEW to our cache(Good thing the cops were busy!LOL!)


I RAN to the cache area,opened the container,and BEHOLD!


A Magical thing!




You MADE our day!!


PS,Left a coin for a consolation prize.


Neat aside here,after rushing to our cache that is about 11 miles away,we got the prize,came home,


and logged our good fortune.


Then we do a little research and find out one was only about a mile away!LOL!


Good thing we did not waste time,come to find out,the coin had been found!


Thanks again TGF!! you are the best!


Good Ol AtlantaGal let me in on this coin being in Indiana... And 12 miles from my house... Ran to grab it, only to find out the World Geocoin Trader Bluegillfisherman beat me to another one.... It is a good cache though, it was where I found my first Shadow Geocoin...

Watch your back BGF.... :blink:



Good Ol AtlantaGal let me in on this coin being in Indiana... And 12 miles from my house... Ran to grab it, only to find out the World Geocoin Trader Bluegillfisherman beat me to another one.... It is a good cache though, it was where I found my first Shadow Geocoin...

Watch your back BGF.... B)



This has been one of the most fun threads I've seen in awhile. I love It!


Mark..... :blink:B)


My log from GCRG75.


September 4 by bluegillfisherman (1016 found)

I've been following the travels of The Geocoin Fairy for two weeks now. I could only dream the travels would reach Indiana. Yeah, sure. Fairys don't exist, right?


I fell very ill last night and spent the whole evening & night dragging around. So sometime in the middle, I checked out The Geocoin Fairys travels.

Oooooo....a stop in Indiana, only a couple hundred miles away! Mind you, I've driven 700+ for a M10B coin, so a couple hundred would be a piece of cake......except, I should've been in the ER instead. :D

Anyway, around dawn I started feeling good enough to finally fall asleep. I slept most of the day away, then got up and had another looksee to see if anyone had picked up The Geocoin Fairy's coin. Sure enough, they did, and seeing who it was, I know it will be well appreciated.


But....how in the world did I not see the OTHER cache log, only 7 miles away? Here! In a stupor? Bleary eyes maybe? A quick ten minute drive and it's mine, except...will it still be there? Is it for real? After all, there are others nearby looking for one too. Off I go...


Arriving at the cache, I didn't see any fresh footprints in the tall grass, knowing full well that any Fairy wouldn't leave any. (but cachers would) So my hopes jumped again. Could there really be a Geocoin Fairy?


I grabbed the cache, and as I opened it, I dropped the whole thing. It couldn't have been anticipation, just a slippery container.

All the contents spilled out, and the first thing I saw was this geocoin with a Fairy on it. WooHoo! Mine! Mine! All Mine!


I vaguely recall signing the log and leaving a new Geocache Earth coin in exchange. I don't remember much about the drive home, as I was too busy looking at the coin, still in disbelief.


Thanks to The Geocoin Fairy for a great coin! And I also must add, I BELIEVE! I BELIEVE! B):D:D




Since the big storm last week, we've been slowly checking all of our caches, (had 106 mph winds tear through our town last week), some area's have been drasticly changed due to downed trees and flooding.


We ended up checking our Memorial Park cache (GCP6R6) only to find the Geocoin Fairy had been there!


What a great surprise it was to see :D


Thanks TGF! :blink: We never thought we would ever own one of these!


If, by chance, someone gets geocoin fairy #058, and by chance we actually find one of these ourselves, we would love to trade for it. :blink: Has anyone already got #058?



Posted (edited)

Finally awake enough to write and post this: :blink:


Yes, I drove from Honeydew, California to Phoenix, Arizona for the Geocoin Fairy geocoin. It was 2017.8 miles round trip. When the coin sat in the Arizona cache for about 24 hours, I started in on my husband. He about flipped when I told him where it was. Hidegoseek had about the same reaction. After about another 24 hours of begging my husband, Roxy the Geodog and I were off.


The trip was going well until I hit the San Bernardino area. I ended up going through a DUI check point. I had nothing to worry about I told myself and drove up to the officers. Everything was fine until one of the officers noticed live ammo in my Escalade. They immediately had Roxy and I exit the vehicle. They actually thought I had a weapon with me. I explained that it was hunting season where I lived and that the ammo was left over from camping the weekend before (target practice for me, I don't hunt). They didn't believe me. I then gave my permission for them to search. Here is the funny part. They then put me in the back of a cop car because they thought that I may make a run for it! Woot! First time ever in the back of a cop car! Then, they found my camo duct tape and a few 50 caliber ammo cans in the back of the caddy. The cans were loaded with geoswag. I then had to explain Geocaching to the cops. After a complete search and finding no weapons, they finally let me go. There goes 70 minutes of my precious time!


I finally pulled over at 4 am. After two hours of sleep, we were back on the road. We were about 4 hours away from the Geocoin treasure we were seeking. After traveling this far, Roxy and I did not want to lose this coin. What made it worse was that it was a holiday weekend. I knew I would be pretty luck to get the coin.


OK. Now we were within 20 miles of the cache. However, we were now in bumper to bumper traffic. Traffic is a really good reason to live in the country. It took forever to finally reach the area of the first stage of the multi cache. And on to another reason I live in the country, urban caches. I felt like everyone was watching me. Turns out, someone was.


I was thrilled to meet TeamAirik at stage three. After all, they placed this clever cache. What an awesome group of cachers. I explained who I was, where I was from, and why I was there. I truely think they were shocked to hear that I have traveled so far for the Geocoin Fairy geocoin. After telling my story, Team Airik wished me luck. I made plans to meet later with Haughton's Hunters (one-third of TeamAirik) for another cache, and was off to finish the multi. Success! My very own Geocoin Fairy geocoin #147!


After a quick trip to ASU to buy sweatshirts for the family, GO DEVILS, I meet back up with Haughton's Hunters. I followed him to stage one were we were very stumped. I didn't want to give up but it was 110 degrees and we were looking while under a metal roofed shade area. I felt close to a heat stroke. Roxy was none too happy in the heat herself. Prior to departing ways, I showed Haughton's Hunters my geocoins and showed him a MotoGrrl Memorial Geocoin that I brought with to Phoenix to log some miles with it. I got the impression that he was glad to be able to discover it. I hear these wonderful cachers in Arizona are icon hounds. Glad to be of service in the icon department. Then, to my delight, he gave me one of his personal Haughton's Hunters geocoins #206. Thank you so very much Haughton's Hunters. You and the rest of your team really helped make my adventure a wonderful experience.


The trip back was mostly uneventful. I was planning to cache all the way home. However, I forgot my power cord to my laptop. The battery was too low to be able to down load any coordinates. Such a bummer! Also, I got lost in Oakland, California. Thank goodness for Onstar!


Thanks TeamAirik for your hospitality. Thanks again Haughton's Hunters for your wonderful geocoin and one of my most memorable DNF. And last but not least, thank you very much Geocoin Fairy. I will truely cherish this coin and the nice cachers I met along the way to acquire it.

Sincerely, Crazycavelover.


Edited for spelling

Edited by crazycavelover

WHOOOO HOOOOO got ours and the post is listed below. When we arrived back home we were muddy and soaked but we both had a smile on our faces. TGF #243 :o:huh::angry::ph34r:




Ok, so here I am sitting at the computer after a rainy labor day and I check the forums at 8:30 P.M. and don't see an update to "The Geocoin Fairy". Check some things, post some things in the forums. My wife starts her workout. Around 9:30 P.M. I recheck for updates and low and behold there it is! TGF has visited the State of Wisconsin, on a rainy, cold day. As I'm starting to get my shoes on I check the rechargeable flashlight, dead battery. Check the second flashlight and it works. We leave the house, my wife still sweaty from her workout and we begin to drive the twenty some miles to the cache. We arrive under cloudy skies and begin the trek down the bike path (this is our first ever night time cache). So with me leading the bushwacking, I of course take us in the wrong direction (as usual). Once I (we) got our bearings we were within one foot of the cache. With one flashlight between us we took turns searching and found nothing. So here we are in the middle of bushes and trees, damp from the rains and naturally the flashlight begins to die. Now the search is a quick flash of the light on and quickly off to save as much battery power as we could. With me on the path, my wife searching the bushes and trees and the flashlight almost dead she says the three most beautiful words in geocaching....I found it (at 10:10 P.M.). We open the cache and there it was -- TGF geocoin. The trek back to the bike path had to be done in complete darkness due to the fact the flashlight was now dead. Left an unactivated Contry Guy geocoin for the next finder.


WOW!! There is STILL one in a cache in our area! (if someone hasn't taken it and not logged it yet)


This is the cache: VA CHB 1st Multi (GCKJ15). Anyone feel like a road trip? A coin and a FUN 4 stage multi....LOL!!! We got a coin, but may be tempted to sit by the cache to see who finds it! LOL!! Maybe even LOOK at it a couple of times!! LOL!! :angry:


Hey, thats ony 1000 mile from me and I am off tomorrow :ph34r:

At least they have been closer to me, one was put only 313 miles. But the upper midwest must be to cold for the fairy to visit. :angry:

Posted (edited)

Lori Darlin Quoted


NEWS at 11: THE GEOCOIN FAIRY HIT IDAHO TODAY and I got sprinkled with Fairy dust!! yipee!!




I'll see if I can enter my log HERE


This post has been edited by LoriDarlin: Aug 31 2006, 02:58 PM




WOW...that is too werid, toooooo werid.....I got one also. Here is the Treasure Valley Area of Idaho. She must have thought we could use a little extra boost.


This is so great ..... where do I go to find out more about this cool Fairy. I


Got the HO HO HO coin from Santa last year and now this.


I don't know how I could be so lucky TWICE in one Year.

Edited by Morigue

I don't claim to know fairy magics, but I am convinced that she was looking out for us. If we had not been delayed leaving for MI Friday night (partially because I went out to snag her coin), we would've been in trouble during our trip. About half-way there, our check engine light came on (no, it wasn't the gas cap). We ended up sitting in a Chevy dealership Saturday morning while it was repaired (good thing there was a cache nearby!). If we had left the night before, we would've been stranded somewhere along the way in the middle of the night. Thanks TGF for watching over us!


I don't claim to know fairy magics, but I am convinced that she was looking out for us. If we had not been delayed leaving for MI Friday night (partially because I went out to snag her coin), we would've been in trouble during our trip. About half-way there, our check engine light came on (no, it wasn't the gas cap). We ended up sitting in a Chevy dealership Saturday morning while it was repaired (good thing there was a cache nearby!). If we had left the night before, we would've been stranded somewhere along the way in the middle of the night. Thanks TGF for watching over us!


Glad to know ya'll are ok and hopefully it wasn't too bad or expensive and the trip went ok after that. TGFF and Chevy Dealerships (for us it was a Toyota Dealership last week).




Glad to know ya'll are ok and hopefully it wasn't too bad or expensive and the trip went ok after that. TGFF and Chevy Dealerships (for us it was a Toyota Dealership last week).



Of course it was expensive...isn't it always! LOL! My husband is still complaining about the $$. It was a good trip afterwards...even dragged the in-laws and my sister-in-law's family caching (every day of our visit).

Finally awake enough to write and post this: :P


Yes, I drove from Honeydew, California to Phoenix, Arizona for the Geocoin Fairy geocoin.


I had to open google maps to see where Honeydew, California was. Pretty cool looking area. That sounds like quite an adventure, glad you ended up with the coin!

Finally awake enough to write and post this: :P


Yes, I drove from Honeydew, California to Phoenix, Arizona for the Geocoin Fairy geocoin.


I had to open google maps to see where Honeydew, California was. Pretty cool looking area. That sounds like quite an adventure, glad you ended up with the coin!


I opened up MSN Live Maps :P to figure out how far it was. Too bad you didnt stop by the South Bay to do some caching. Nice that you shared the motogrrl coin with other cachers in the area.


Maybe the thread should be, 'What would you do to get a TGF Geocoin?'.



Finally awake enough to write and post this: :P


Yes, I drove from Honeydew, California to Phoenix, Arizona for the Geocoin Fairy geocoin.


I had to open google maps to see where Honeydew, California was. Pretty cool looking area. That sounds like quite an adventure, glad you ended up with the coin!


I opened up MSN Live Maps :angry: to figure out how far it was. Too bad you didnt stop by the South Bay to do some caching. Nice that you shared the motogrrl coin with other cachers in the area.


Maybe the thread should be, 'What would you do to get a TGF Geocoin?'.




Thanks everyone! Honeydew is a beautiful part of California. Love these giant Redwoods!

The geocoin was well worth the trip. :P


I would really like to say that all my fellow cachers make Geocaching an awesome hobby!!! Thanks again to you all.


OMG! She's hit Dallas!!!!!!!!!! I'm out of here!




You know those cameras they put in cars around the rear view mirror? Where you can see the driver and the road? Two different views? Ever wonder what it would look like in someone's car AFTER they found out TGF was in town. I'd buy the DVD :)

Posted (edited)

OMG! She's hit Dallas!!!!!!!!!! I'm out of here!




You know those cameras they put in cars around the rear view mirror? Where you can see the driver and the road? Two different views? Ever wonder what it would look like in someone's car AFTER they found out TGF was in town. I'd buy the DVD :)


The real entertainment was me on the way over there! That was funny! But I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Thank you Geocoin Fairy!

Edited by MustangJoni

Hey Geocoin Fairy.....We just got a brand new Tank hounds coin that we would love to trade in a cache for a Geocoin fairy coin! :) We even have our own little cache that you can put it in in Colorado Springs (ok, actually Fountain, but that is similar)...but there are also some around our airport as well....

I'd love to trade our basset hound coin for the geocoin fairy coin! :D



The 3rd Dallas coin has been claimed! It was a long lunch and a tough cache to find, but well worth it.


Thanks Mr. or Mrs. Geocoin Fairy! :)

WOW!! There is STILL one in a cache in our area! (if someone hasn't taken it and not logged it yet)


This is the cache: VA CHB 1st Multi (GCKJ15). Anyone feel like a road trip? A coin and a FUN 4 stage multi....LOL!!! We got a coin, but may be tempted to sit by the cache to see who finds it! LOL!! Maybe even LOOK at it a couple of times!! LOL!! :)


Could not resist! had to have a look!


It is STILL there! AMAZING!!!(It took a min.to find it,it is cleverly hidden in the cache)




I walked in after a miserable day at work, but managed to get this accomplished:


The Best Mini ever!


I'm still sweating. I think I soiled myself. :)





I was wondering if you'd get one of the NW OH ones, since I know that is you neck of the woods...also where our car broke down last weekend.


I did DD, I managed to grab one. I also just got a report that the second NWO one has been claimed. I'll let the owner of that coin tell the story. I'm a little calmer now, and in fresh clothes. This is a pretty rockin' coin.


Has anyone met the Geocoin Ferie or are they as elusive as the Team ? They sure seem to get around as much as the Team ....hmmmm! No wonder there is no gas money for Zoom Zoom. (insider joke VIGPS)


I wonder how she likes all this attention. I am here because we found one of these the other day in VA. According to what I read on her site you are welcome to keep them as long as you trade fair. They are not trackable, which we didn't realize at first. Just as well!


I've been watching the Geocoin Fairy stories and accounts from the beginning just hoping for a chance to see one drop close enough for me to get there first. Today, I received a package of special coins through the mail. A complete set of MIGO 2005 seasonals :P , so I'm drooling and examining these like a kid who has just been taken through a candy store. B)


I was just about to write down what I had just received in the mail today, when I noticed a message concerning one of my caches. I couldn't believe my eyes :unsure: , The Geocoin Fairy had just hit one of my caches. Perry Island GCP2P8.


I dropped what I was doing, hid the coins in the drawer, grabbed my keys and got in the pick'em up truck. I try to get there as quickly as I can safely drive. The cache is on an island in a park less than 7 Km from my house. It's the longest run you can think of when there is traffic. I'm just hoping I'm the first one there.


Finally, I park the truck and start walking fast to get to the cache. There are people playing around near the spot. I can hardly control myself. I sneak in and hit the cache :blink: . Yes! The coin is sitting on the bottom of the container...


At this point, my heart is pounding so much, I'm scaring off the squirrels. I had to sit down on the log for a while till I calmed down. All the while I'm thanking the little Fairy for the kindness he/she has shown to all the people.


This coin will always have a special meaning for me and will be cherished alongside my Christmas 2005 coin. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :blink:B)B)


Now, If I can just get all the Fairy dust off my clothes, it's falling all over the floor and getting on the furniture. :P


I had to go into Montreal today for repairs on my truck and decided to do a nearby cache (gcwg6p) on my way back home and there it was #218 :unsure::blink:B)

According to the log I must have missed meeting the fairy by not much. It said she had left Texas early in the morning. She travels fast :P:blink:

I'v been reading this thread since the beginning but I never thought i'd have this beautiful coin in my hands one day.

Thank you very very much Coin Fairy you'v made my day B):P


ALMOST FORGOT: It's not for sale, it's not for trade and it wont travel anymore except to different cache events where I can flash it around and brag about it.

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