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The Geocoin Fairy Geocoin?

WWC-World's Worst Cacher

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Any cachers in Arizona, keep your eyes open, from what I've seen, TGF seems to drop multiple coins at a time. Guess it'd be a waste to just drop one...long trip for one coin.


This seems to be the trend, however TGF only dropped one in Utah so far then took off to California.



Any cachers in Arizona, keep your eyes open, from what I've seen, TGF seems to drop multiple coins at a time. Guess it'd be a waste to just drop one...long trip for one coin.


This seems to be the trend, however TGF only dropped one in Utah so far then took off to California.


I just realized after looking at TGF profile he/she did drop another coin in Arizona, there was also another coin drop in Washington as well.


So for today makes two coins drops in Arizona and one more in Washington.



Does anyone think I can make it from California to Arizona on time for the 2nd coin? Would someone go get it and hold it for me till I get there, LOL. :huh::(B)


No really...... Should I drive all night? Should I try the one in Washington?


Am I insane....... Or desperate, LOL. B)


WOW, three more coins in the Portland area, (hey Jaybee step out your door and get that coin :ph34r: ) and one in the Redmond, WA area.


Stopped by PDX today and saw a log by TGF...and I was off. A quick check showed TGF also visited two other caches, one lead me to the home of a old friend (sorry I did not stop to say hi Jaybee, but I did not want to miss the change of the third one with the first two already claimed ..If I had read TGF's log, I would have known one was for you). Finally, success at the third cache as I retrieved #105.


Whoo hooo


Haven't seen any sign of her out here on the East Coast. It's been pretty rainy lately, maybe she is afraid of getting wet.



Maybe wet wings make it tough to fly B) ? Better luck when it dries out .

Posted (edited)


Any cachers in Arizona, keep your eyes open, from what I've seen, TGF seems to drop multiple coins at a time. Guess it'd be a waste to just drop one...long trip for one coin.


This seems to be the trend, however TGF only dropped one in Utah so far then took off to California.


None is South Carolina yet, but I gassed up today just incase a visit to Columbia is made. At least the gas wasn't too bad today $2.47 here :)


She DID mention going "Back to the Deep South", Does SC count?

Edited by UOTrackers

Before everybody gets mad at me..... Let me just say that I got two of these coins today, not knowing this was a bad thing. Somebody contacted me tonight and let me know it was bad. I was going to send the 2nd one to a geocoin friend..... but now, I'm not sure what to do. I feel awful! I emailed The Geocoin Fairy and asked him/her what I should do. Don't hate me. I'll make this right.....


Before everybody gets mad at me..... Let me just say that I got two of these coins today, not knowing this was a bad thing. Somebody contacted me tonight and let me know it was bad. I was going to send the 2nd one to a geocoin friend..... but now, I'm not sure what to do. I feel awful! I emailed The Geocoin Fairy and asked him/her what I should do. Don't hate me. I'll make this right.....


I dont think you wanted to do harm. If so, you wouldnt have logged it. I think you are doing the right thing by asking TGF. I personally think that since you didnt mean 'harm' it would be ok.




Well since the Geocoin Fairy is bringing back fond memories of what Santa did last year I thought I would go back and read the 10 pages from the Whose Christmas Coin Is this thread. I laughed just as hard re-reading that thread as I did when I followed the thread from the beginning. The days of inexpensive shipping and cheap buy it now haven't been seen since :) .


Rather than bumping an old christmas thread I thought I would share the link with those who choose to revisit for a good laugh or two.


Another one in Georgia and South Carolina tonight.


Go UOTrackers GO

If I had been up past midnight and seen that I would have, but the SC one is almost 3 hours away in an area I'm not all that familiar with. By the time I get there it would likely be gone. I'll keep watching. There's a small airport in Augusta GA where I'll be headed today for a massage (I'm a LMT Geocoin Fairy I could get those wings in great shape!) I'll keep watching!


Since this cache is on my way to work, I thought I'd check to see if the coin was stolen yet and not logged.


Good news, it's still there. Any other Arizona cachers in the forums? I left it in there as I already have one. I just figured it would be gone by now as it seems many are disappearing with no logs, so I had to go see.


And no, sorry, but I won't go grab it for anyone, I think that would be wrong. If the fairy means for you to have one, I'm sure it will happen.

Posted (edited)

Before everybody gets mad at me..... Let me just say that I got two of these coins today, not knowing this was a bad thing. Somebody contacted me tonight and let me know it was bad. I was going to send the 2nd one to a geocoin friend..... but now, I'm not sure what to do. I feel awful! I emailed The Geocoin Fairy and asked him/her what I should do. Don't hate me. I'll make this right.....



:D:):D:D you can send it to me............


No really, I might just try to get the one in Arizona. Now how to tell my husband I am skipping out on college and going on a road trip for a geocoin..... That may not be there..... :D


It is only SE 799.7mi from your home coordinates


edited to add milage

Edited by crazycavelover

WOW, three more coins in the Portland area, (hey Jaybee step out your door and get that coin :) ) and one in the Redmond, WA area.




Yes, I was sprinkled with pixie dust...I saw this log on my cache page, and was totally amazed to find Geocoin Fairy coin #018...



"Whew, this one took awhile. I'm sure glad I had my Weaties this morning and that I was able to complete this cache before dark. Enjoyed the tour, especially the last stage. I bet I know who lives there. I left a little something for the cache owner just next to the cache (since I am pretty sure he can access it quite easily). I thank you for a fun cache JayBee.






Thanks very much, TGF


After my little Geocoin Fairy geocoin faux pas, I emailed The Geocoin Fairy to ask how I should set this straight. I am posting his/her (anybody know?) reply with permission:


Hello again Chris


While my coins are intended to be one per geocacher and hopefully one per caching team, it was inevitable that someone got more than one eventually. I would tell you to just place it back into a cache for someone else to find, but I assume you traded items for the coins you picked up. So asking you to do that doesn't seem fair.


Just keep the coin for now. Please do not sell it or trade it for personal gain. Watch my logs for the next several weeks and if the geocacher you planned to give it to doesn't find one of my coins, then go ahead and send it to him or her. All I ask is that it's given for free. These coins are gifts from me and I wouldn't be pleased seeing someone else profit from the good will and spirit this project was designed for.


I am only getting started with my journeys and I still have many more coins to place and areas to visit!


Thank you for contacting me.




I am not interested in this coin nor do I find the placement of these coins unintentional but to keep two coins is beyond my understanding (and I understand the cacher gave permission).


I guess I wasn't clear before (sorry!!). My intention was never to keep 2. My intention wasn't to sell or trade the 2nd one. I was going to gift it to a geocoin friend in another state. I did tell that to the Geocoin Fairy. That's why she/he said to hang on to it for a couple of weeks to see if my friend is lucky enough to find one on his own. I figure if he does find one in the next 2 weeks, I'll mail the coin to my sister in New Mexico and have her let it loose in a cache down there.

Posted (edited)

If the intent of the coin was to be one per geocacher, why keep two. I think someone else should have the joy of finding the geocoin. What is the problem with people collecting three or four of them if the Geocoin Fairy allowed one person to have two, everyone should be able to have two, three or four of them.


The way I read it, Chris will only temporarily have 2 coins. Her extra will go to another cacher eventually. I don't see any reason for her to have to place it in a cache or give it to someone now :)

Edited by AtlantaGal
Posted (edited)

I like fairys and santa and the easter bunny :)


I see there were a few more visits in SC sometime today. Hope Brea is watching since it looks like the fairy showed up in aiken.

Edited by AtlantaGal

It sure would be fun if someone would do a map of the travels of this little gal?? I mean they are all over the map, but only in North America. I keep wondering if the Fairy is going to show up in Europe, but then again it is a long long way to go with wings flapping. But then again maybe he?? could catch a ride with American Airlines :)

It sure would be fun if someone would do a map of the travels of this little gal?? I mean they are all over the map, but only in North America. I keep wondering if the Fairy is going to show up in Europe, but then again it is a long long way to go with wings flapping. But then again maybe he?? could catch a ride with American Airlines :D



Hey,southbayday,what airline do YOU travel on??? :) TGF COULD be a male.... YOU travel all over.....see where this is leading???? hmmmmmmmm...... :D


Was visiting family in SC and decided to stop in and get this cache. Little did I know that there was Geocoin Fairy coin in it. It looks like I beat the UoTrackers to the coin.


Alright, alright that was mean :) . I was just joking UOTrackers, I know how bad you have been trying to get a coin in your area and it looks like the Fairy has granted you a wish. Now quite reading this and go get that coin.




I did not travel to SC and I do not have family there. It was all a joke :D .


It sure would be fun if someone would do a map of the travels of this little gal?? I mean they are all over the map, but only in North America. I keep wondering if the Fairy is going to show up in Europe, but then again it is a long long way to go with wings flapping. But then again maybe he?? could catch a ride with American Airlines :)


Damenace already did this. Somewhere in this thread you'll find link. I'm internet impaired or I would get it.


It sure would be fun if someone would do a map of the travels of this little gal?? I mean they are all over the map, but only in North America. I keep wondering if the Fairy is going to show up in Europe, but then again it is a long long way to go with wings flapping. But then again maybe he?? could catch a ride with American Airlines :)


Damenace already did this. Somewhere in this thread you'll find link. I'm internet impaired or I would get it.


Here you go :D .


Geocoin Fairy Travels

Posted (edited)

Where oh where are you tonight?


Why did you leave me here all alone


I searched the world over and


I thought I'd found your coin


But you placed another and PTHHP! you was gone!



Edited by FlyinV

:):D Argggg!!

35 miles from my front door sits the prize!!

The Deep Cut

Just placed this evening but No Night Caching Allowed. :D


Won't be able to get it tomorrow either. :D

Got to be at work as soon as I drop the daughter at school in the morning and the boss has already arranged supper tomorrow night because we know we probably aren't going to be getting off until late.


At least he's splurging for sushi!! :D

Reservations at 7:30.

Hopefully we won't have to go back to work after munching down! :D


Friday, another day of work and the daughters very first high school football game marching in the band. Can't miss that!!


With the group we have around here, I don't see it still being there come Saturday :D


Maybe TGF will make another trip to the area soon when I will be able to nab the prized geocoin.


D-man :blink:


Was visiting family in SC and decided to stop in and get this cache. Little did I know that there was Geocoin Fairy coin in it. It looks like I beat the UoTrackers to the coin.


Alright, alright that was mean :lol: . I was just joking UOTrackers, I know how bad you have been trying to get a coin in your area and it looks like the Fairy has granted you a wish. Now quite reading this and go get that coin.




I did not travel to SC and I do not have family there. It was all a joke :lol: .

I was probably out the door before you even hit "add reply". It turned into a bit of a mini event for me, here's my log:


So I was sitting at my computer, working on some design ideas and my trillian pops up a message that I have new mail. So I switch to the email tab and open the new letter. All I saw was geocoin fairy and I was up and out the door! I left so quick that I forgot to grab my trade item, so first thing in the morning (according to Bella's watch) I'll return with a bright shiny UOTrackers coin. Had I known the Fairy would be in town I woulda met her and gave her one of our Face to Face trade coins! The mystery continues however.


Shortly after retrieving my cache, which took me a good while to find! I recieved a call from a friend asking me to accompany him to another cache.


Thanks for the great gift Geocoin Fairy, it will be hard but I am giving it to my own little fairy for her collection!


The friend got me out to Lexington and grabbed a coin for himself! Oddly when we got there, there were 3 cars already there, so as any geocacher we thought "aww we've been beaten", but since I hadn't found this cache yet either we made our way out to it. We get withing about 100 feet and hear "we already found it!" *big sigh* we continue on. I already have my bright shiny coin so DD heads to the cache, again we hear something from the cars. Then he shoots up, "I have no idea what they are talking about because here it is!"


What fun we had. It was like our own little geoevent. I love this stuff it's so much fun!


Damence just now when I read your note I got as far as to this cache, clicked the link and realized it was mine. The first thought in my head, wasn't the coin, it was "Hey cool, Damanece is in town, maybe we could get together" bad tease x 2! Someday...the story continues!


Was visiting family in SC and decided to stop in and get this cache. Little did I know that there was Geocoin Fairy coin in it. It looks like I beat the UoTrackers to the coin.


Alright, alright that was mean :lol: . I was just joking UOTrackers, I know how bad you have been trying to get a coin in your area and it looks like the Fairy has granted you a wish. Now quite reading this and go get that coin.




I did not travel to SC and I do not have family there. It was all a joke :lol: .

I was probably out the door before you even hit "add reply". It turned into a bit of a mini event for me, here's my log:


So I was sitting at my computer, working on some design ideas and my trillian pops up a message that I have new mail. So I switch to the email tab and open the new letter. All I saw was geocoin fairy and I was up and out the door! I left so quick that I forgot to grab my trade item, so first thing in the morning (according to Bella's watch) I'll return with a bright shiny UOTrackers coin. Had I known the Fairy would be in town I woulda met her and gave her one of our Face to Face trade coins! The mystery continues however.


Shortly after retrieving my cache, which took me a good while to find! I recieved a call from a friend asking me to accompany him to another cache.


Thanks for the great gift Geocoin Fairy, it will be hard but I am giving it to my own little fairy for her collection!


The friend got me out to Lexington and grabbed a coin for himself! Oddly when we got there, there were 3 cars already there, so as any geocacher we thought "aww we've been beaten", but since I hadn't found this cache yet either we made our way out to it. We get withing about 100 feet and hear "we already found it!" *big sigh* we continue on. I already have my bright shiny coin so DD heads to the cache, again we hear something from the cars. Then he shoots up, "I have no idea what they are talking about because here it is!"


What fun we had. It was like our own little geoevent. I love this stuff it's so much fun!


Damence just now when I read your note I got as far as to this cache, clicked the link and realized it was mine. The first thought in my head, wasn't the coin, it was "Hey cool, Damanece is in town, maybe we could get together" bad tease x 2! Someday...the story continues!


Sorry, couldn't resist :lol: . Congrats on your new shiny coin.


The Geocoin Fairy hit Maine today. I wonder if she/he will be coming up North to Montreal or Laval, Quebec. Lots of nice places to visit around here and the food is terrific. :tired:


Well I am just in total AWE of the TGF. 17 days, 43 caches, at least 43 coins and I lost track of how many times the fairy dust has traveled back and forth across our wonderful US and Canada. So much pleasure and joy I am speechless (well not exactly :tired: )

Posted (edited)

NEWS at 11: THE GEOCOIN FAIRY HIT IDAHO TODAY and I got sprinkled with Fairy dust!! yipee!! :D




I'll see if I can enter my log HERE

Edited by LoriDarlin

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