+nielsenc Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Geocoin Fairy struck again. This time in PORTERVILLE, CALIFORNIA!!!! at GCZXNF I stumbled upon Geocoin Fairy Geocoin #008 What a Fantastic CHRISTMAS gift!!! Looks like you got beat on a FTF! Congrats! Quote
+PassingWind Posted December 23, 2006 Posted December 23, 2006 This Just In: The Geocoin Fairy visits sick farm animal by nearby cache - GCY2GX Thanks TGF ! Quote
+Cornerstone4 Posted January 4, 2007 Posted January 4, 2007 (edited) You see what happens? I don't pay any attention to this thread anymore, and the fairy hits close by! I was hoping for a visit out this way when the GeocoinFest comes to town next month, but I wasn't expecting it now! I was out grabbing a few caches on the way back to the office from a visit to a customer, and decided to detour for one last cache. The cache was exposed and very visible when I got there, so imagine how shocked I was that there was actually a Fairy coin inside! Woo Hoo! GCZV5E Edited January 4, 2007 by Cornerstone4 Quote
+Camping Mumma Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I wonder if the Geocoin Fairy will ever come to Massachusetts. Quote
+Team GCHound Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 I am still waiting on the GCF to visit the Anderson, Indiana area. Quote
+islander1988 Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 Looks like TGF has hit the west coast, prairies, and "upper" of Canada, but has yet to visit the beautiful East Coast. We like geocoins here too! Quote
+GPX Navigators Posted January 5, 2007 Posted January 5, 2007 (edited) We are amazed and astounded and we can now add our state to the Geocoin Fairy found list. By pure chance we happened upon The Geocoin Fairy coin - see what happens when you stop watching where she flies to? We had some cache errands to run today and decided just for fun, and since we were in the area, to check another area cache for interesting TBs when lo and behold what did we espy at the bottom of the cache, but the gorgeous special coin. At first we were in denial that there was no way it was possible, but sure enough we took her out of the box into the light and there in our palms lay the beautiful fairy coin. It was a good time to practice how to scream with joy quietly since we were out at a cache sight. Luckily it was a work day and the park was none too busy to see us doing the happy dance. We are so lucky and love our New Year's find. What a fantastic way to begin 2007. Thank you so much Geocoin Fairy for visiting us. We feel so blessed! What a great week this has been! And all of it coin related. Edited January 5, 2007 by GPX Navigators Quote
+CachingCoins Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 The log I posted today for Starr's Mill (GC2387) OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!! A Geocoin Fairy coin in my backyard or at least almost. There's a tornado warning in Coweta County & it is heading this way. Can I make it in time? Oh my gosh! What do I do?? What do I do?? I never thought there was any chance at all I'd ever get one of these coins. The cachers around here are crazy! Cachers in general are crazy. Climbing trees, rowing boats, scuba diving to get what? SWAG? What swag is worth that much? The Geocoin Fairy coin is worth that much!! Is it worth risking a tornado? Is it worth dodging rain coming down at 4" an hour? Is it worth slugging through ankle deep mud? YES!!! Go for it! I can't risk it. I can't risk waiting! I'm wasting time trying to decide. The tornado warning siren just went off. I can't go now. I maybe a crazy cacher, but I'm not stupid. It's just not safe. Well, I've lost it now. No way will I get there in time. Too many people around here are anxiously waiting & watching for The Geocoin Fairy. Anyone coming in from the west will be behind the weather & will beat me to it. 20 minutes go by. The sky starts to clear. The power has gone off & has come back on again. It's safe. I'll try. Can I still get to it? It's in a flood zone. We got a lot of rain in that 20 min. Will it still be there? I hold my breath as I try to drive back through the puddles. My car is covered with mud. I hold my breath as I wade through the mud & water. Is it still going to be there??? Talk about anxiety! My stomach is in a knot. Can I even get to the cache? Thank heavens I know where it is!......... It's still there! It's there!!!! I can't believe it! It's really still there!! OH NO! I can't believe this! I forgot to bring my gift to replace TGF coin. I get back in the car. (Now there is mud IN the car as well as on the outside). I drive back home. Trudge back in the house, angry with myself that I have to go through the mud again to take a coin back. I can't believe I did that! I'm so angry. I don't have time for this! I get back to the cache, still just a fusin' & a fumin'. I leave my coin, turn around to head back to the car & there is a beautiful rainbow over the lake. I am struck by the awesomeness of it all! It made everything OK. I have The Geocoin Fairy coin! I have The Geocoin Fairy coin! Who cares that I have to go home & wash the car! I'm in heaven! OUT: TGF #200 IN: The very 1st single CachingCoins personal coin released unactivated. (All coins were sold in pairs activated.) I also put in whitebear USA #1, looking for "white". The cache bucket was white once upon a time! Quote
+CachingCoins Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 (edited) Oops It logged x2. (Who cares.... I've got The Geocoin Fairy coin. ) Edited January 6, 2007 by CachingCoins Quote
+wyohunter Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 So close now! I wonder if she will get into Wyoming?! I will have to keep a very watchful eye here. You guys have got me really anxious to get one of these now! Have to be really watchful! Quote
+cainrcc Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 YES YES YES I am so excited to see that The Geocoin Fairy was in the Ohio valley and left one of her-his coins on the 4th.I have been watching this tread for a while with the hopes of getting my hands on one for my collection.I am so pleased to proudly own one now ! ! I had to leave an unactivated coin in the cache since I was soo lucky to see the coin still in the cache as I could not get to it untill close to midnight. Thankyou Geocoin Fairy for making my day ! ! HAPPY NEW YEAR Quote
+Are_we_there_yet? Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I see that the Geocoin Fairy just left a coin for Fluttershy in one of their caches! Quote
+Fluttershy Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 I got it! I got it! I got it! I'm Proudly holding #174 in my hand... and I'm so excited!!! I can't believe it! Thank you GCF... This is such a beautiful Gift. I will treasure it always! ~Fluttershy Quote
+Fluttershy Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!! Quote
+Prairiepartners Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Keeping my hopes up that TGF will visit my area and hopefully it will be on the weekend when I'm home from my route! Quote
+wyohunter Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Congrats Fluttershy! But I guess GCF went east from SD, not west. Oh well I will just keep hoping. Quote
+coreynjoey Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 It's been awhile since TGF has fluttered around. Hope everything is ok! We miss you! Quote
CinemaBoxers Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 I want TGF to visit me!!! Our home cache (GCXTHJ) is 134 ft. from our porch. Oh, please TGF, come visit me!!! Quote
+cache agent Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 If we put out a geo-post office will the fairy come to me?? Wishful thinking here in Canada. CA Quote
+wyohunter Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Maybe TGF will show up at GCF. As long as GCF stops in Wyoming first! Quote
+Anthus Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Maybe TGF will show up at GCF. As long as GCF stops in Wyoming first! And makes a (way out of the way) detour stop in PA at my Anthus Decoder Cache. I haven't gotten one yet Quote
+DresselDragons Posted February 7, 2007 Posted February 7, 2007 Maybe TGF will show up at GCF. I posted that in the GCF thread. Someone pointed out that although "she" has only visited 223 caches (or whatever the number was), compared to the 250 coins minted, she left multiple coins in some of the caches. So...I guess we're not sure how many (if any) coins she has left. Quote
+fairyhoney Posted February 8, 2007 Posted February 8, 2007 Hey, TGF , Please don't hesitate to make your way up to Tacoma, WA area or better yet, over to Port Orchard area, there's a cool cache site just waiting for it! Quote
+DeltaMikeAlpha Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I just attached mine to a TB tag so it can be shared at events. Has anyone else done the same? I was lucky enough to grab it from Posen's Park cache on 10/12/06. Geocoin Fairy Coin #156 (TBYXA5). Quote
+PengoFamily Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I agree with Cache Agent and Islander1988....we need a visit up here in Canada pretty please??? CA lives not too far from us and we both know Islander1988 too. The geocaching community is such a small world. We can only hope. Maybe one day we'll get a visit. I really like the idea of attaching a TB to it so others may discover it. Very clever. Quote
+paulandstacey Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 I agree with Team Pengo! With the cold weather up here, we could all use a litle magic to help warm us up! Lots of nice spots and caches in Canada! Quote
CinemaBoxers Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 OK... Im about ready to put out my Hummingbird Feeder filled with 'fairy juice' (Essentially Hawaiian Punch with a spoonful of sugar added) Lets see if this works! Quote
+007BigD Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 OK Ive just placed a cache for the Geocoin Fairy- Its called "THE FAIRY'S PLAYGROUND" Just Kidding- I couldnt do that. Im a little late in the Fairy's game, but better late than never- Ive been reserved till recently-That darn GSA just got me goin and figure I could partake in this thread aswell. Even though I have no Avitar yet I still like to have fun on these forums and this has sounded like fun for awhile. So just so the Fairy knows - That there coin sure would look good next to my GSA coin, I KNOW I KNOW- a little to optomistic, I havent even got a GSA coin, but a little positive thinking never hurt! However- If a Fairy cache is what it takes then So be it And if its any help or just for a good laugh- ****My Dad used to call me a Fairy- My Favorite color was Hot Pink and Turquoise-(and I was a Cali boy in Missouri) Hey, It was 1991 wasnt that everyones favorite color back then? Quote
+coreynjoey Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Is the Fairy back??!! She made a drop yesterday in Alberta, Canada! Quote
+Go JayBee Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Is the Fairy back??!! She made a drop yesterday in Alberta, Canada! Oh my..Oh my... The fairy must be back in condition for traveling...he/she has been out of touch for awhile...maybe attending those GeoCoin meetings, and such has slowed them down? You know, GeoCoin Fairy has to keep up with the latest happenings, and that can get in the way of dropping coins off into caches. Quote
+paulandstacey Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 Glad to see the Geocoin Fairy made it up to Canada! Congrats to whoever the lucky finder is! Quote
Son of Cyclops Posted March 17, 2007 Posted March 17, 2007 I wish I was on the fourms when this started. I was very sick for about a month and missed out on this and all the coins in michgian. I really would be happy if the Geocoin fairy came to michigan just one more time. Quote
+Haughton's Hunters Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Cool deal! GCF is back in action! This was quite a fun thread there for awhile, I'd love to see it picked back up and more of those coins dropped! Quote
+Team Honeybunnies Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Ahhh... . Glad to see the GCF's delicate wings are well-rested once again. She began making her rounds just as I was really getting into the coins, so I missed her first active phase. Maybe she'll feel a soft spot for a small-town Wisconsin boy . Quote
+GEO*Trailblazer 1 Posted March 21, 2007 Posted March 21, 2007 Oh my my Oh hey hey,another geocoin fairy day. So much pleasure,so much fun. Get us all out in the springtime sun. Quote
the butterfly effect Posted March 22, 2007 Posted March 22, 2007 Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase geocoin fairy sprinkle your majic dust on cache GCVW9T a little girl would love your coin for her 5th b-day!! Quote
+bone shaker Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 I was able to find coin#22 at Myrtle Beach last summer ... I didn't know what it was but I sure am glad to have it now!!! I like the idea to make it into a travel bug to be discovered at events... although, I don't think I could stand to drill a hole in it.. will come up with another way to do so. bone shaker Quote
the butterfly effect Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 HER B DAY IS APRIL 10TH PLEASE GEO FAIRY MAKE A DREAM HAPPEN!!! Quote
+SLO Trekker Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 How could the Geocoin Fairy possibly pass this up? Springtime on the Central Coast, a wonderland of wildflowers for frolicking fairies. Hope she passes by our way! Quote
+avroair Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 Is the Fairy back??!! Last Visit: Thursday, March 15, 2007 I emailed the fairy a couple of days back, and she said she was done with the project. But from the profile there is hope for next year: They are antique gold and for now I had 250 of them made. If my finances allow, I will have another 250 made for 2006. They are not dated on purpose so that the design may be reused in a different metal color next year. Can't wait! Quote
+OshnDoc Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 They are antique gold and for now I had 250 of them made. If my finances allow, I will have another 250 made for 2006. They are not dated on purpose so that the design may be reused in a different metal color next year. Those are some wonderful news Quote
+cache agent Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 Wish I may Wish I might, I wish the Fairy a safe flight..... my way across Canada.... Cache Agent Quote
Sliver & Lucy Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 Would love to see one of those coins make here to my area Quote
+PengoFamily Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 We would also love to see the Fairy fly over this way to Montreal. Quote
+Eddieandeddie Posted April 4, 2007 Posted April 4, 2007 I was able to find coin#22 at Myrtle Beach last summer ... I didn't know what it was but I sure am glad to have it now!!! I like the idea to make it into a travel bug to be discovered at events... although, I don't think I could stand to drill a hole in it.. will come up with another way to do so. bone shaker Hi bone shaker, I have a GCF coin as well, and would be interested in doing that if you figure out a way to do it w/o damaging the coin. Let me know! Eddie (Eddieandeddie) Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 I was able to find coin#22 at Myrtle Beach last summer ... I didn't know what it was but I sure am glad to have it now!!! I like the idea to make it into a travel bug to be discovered at events... although, I don't think I could stand to drill a hole in it.. will come up with another way to do so. bone shaker Hi bone shaker, I have a GCF coin as well, and would be interested in doing that if you figure out a way to do it w/o damaging the coin. Let me know! Eddie (Eddieandeddie) This coin is highly sought after so I would have a major league fear that the coin would disappear very quickly if not damaged unfortunately. And even if it were damaged, would disappear but maybe not as fast. Quote
+knoffer Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Congrats to all the recent finders and thanks GCF for keeping the sport exciting. Quote
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