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Category Proposal: State and County Fairs

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Hey all,


I'm rather new to Waymarking, but have been caching for quite a while. I've posted a few waymarks (have yet to find any, but there's not a lot of activity in my area yet). You can all thank mtn-man for getting me interested in it, as he mentioned he was pretty involved.


One thing that jumped out at me was the Renaissance Fairs, which reminded me of the Minnesota State Fair that goes on around the same time of year.


After looking around, I hadn't seen a category that a State or County Fair would fit into, but I know a lot of areas have them, and that they occur at the same place from year to year (usually on lands designated as Fairgrounds)


I'll write up a formal category (they can still be created, right?) and post it later. Since I'm new to this idea, I'd gladly accept any help from more experienced waymarkers. Also if I read the submission faq well enough, I think I need a group to manage the category...


Hey all,


I'm rather new to Waymarking, but have been caching for quite a while. I've posted a few waymarks (have yet to find any, but there's not a lot of activity in my area yet). You can all thank mtn-man for getting me interested in it, as he mentioned he was pretty involved.


One thing that jumped out at me was the Renaissance Fairs, which reminded me of the Minnesota State Fair that goes on around the same time of year.


After looking around, I hadn't seen a category that a State or County Fair would fit into, but I know a lot of areas have them, and that they occur at the same place from year to year (usually on lands designated as Fairgrounds)


I'll write up a formal category (they can still be created, right?) and post it later. Since I'm new to this idea, I'd gladly accept any help from more experienced waymarkers. Also if I read the submission faq well enough, I think I need a group to manage the category...


Certainly! Always looking for good categories, and this is a worthy one, IMHO. One thing to keep in mind -- Waymarking is a global undertaking so in writing the category description and requirements, keep in mind what may exist in countries other than your own.


Good definitions are essential, and a clearly identifiable LOCATION for the waymark coordinates are important.


Create your group, recruit officers, create the category, and you're off and running!

Posted (edited)

Okay I started a Management Group (finally figured out where the link to create one was, heh).


As far as I know, County and State Fairs typically occur in the same locations at land set aside as County or State Fairgrounds. I know of three here in my area, the Minnesota State Fair, Ramsey County Fair and Washington County Fair, all of which have permanent locations. I'm not sure about permanent locations on other state fairs, perhaps that would just have to be a requirement though, Permanent Fairgrounds?


Trick is, where to mark a waypoint. The most likely spot would be an entrance area for the Fairgrounds.


I could see variables for what time of year the Fair occurs, maybe some history if people can look it up.


I'll do a little research on my local ones and see what I can pull up, maybe form the Category based on what I find in common with local and worldwide Fairs.

Edited by KC0GRN

Keep me on your "interested" list. I'm still a raw newbie, but I volunteer at our County Fair every year ... In fact, the fair is going on right now, and I'll be busy there for about 4 hrs/day through this weekend.


It is the Rockingham County Fair, in Virginia, off of I-81, South of exit 243, North of exit 240, it is on US-11 which is parallel with I-81, just to the West of it in this area.


One of the 10 BEST County Fairs in the USA! Dunno who said that, but somebody did.


Wait wait ... Here's my GPSr, just gotta turn it on and manually post the coords for the Main Gate:

Here goes:


Lat N 38d 23.278m

Lon W078d 55.573m


Forget how to make the degree mark, so d = degree, m= minute.


Hope to see you there. I will be a "patrol" in the Junior Home Makers exhibit (if I'm not there, ask the "patrol" on duty when I will be there .... I am not listed on the schedule, but I will be there to fill in any blank spots on the schedule Thursday or Friday. Saturday I'll be in the Fair Office handling the phone 0800-1200. Oh, I am neither a 'junior' nor a 'homemaker."


OK, it is a little far for _you_ to come on such short notice, with air travel the way it is, but I _know_ there are other geocachers in this area, far too many caches listed here for a "bare" area.


Also, the Commonwealth of Virginia has a State Fair in Richmond every year. How can a Commonwealth have a State Fair? :ph34r:

Posted (edited)


And let's not forget all the 4 legget critter 'Fairs'

..and 'Variables' for contests and judging (hogs to dogs)

.................................................................(kids to kits) :ph34r:'Kits' for Rwandan families.what's this got to do with "Fairs"? ...Nothing. FYIO.

Edited by Jake39

I guess the first thing is to define what a Fair is. Looked it up on dictionary.com and got a few definitions. There was one that summed it up best for what I'm looking at.


An exhibition, as of farm products or manufactured goods, usually accompanied by various competitions and entertainments: a state fair.


I would suggest the Category be named "Public Fairgrounds" but that's deceiving, as some fairgrounds are privately owned. For instance, the Minnesota State Fair is operated by a private company, but it's meant for the public.


Would "Fairgrounds" work as the Category name? I think it would be best to accomodate County, State, and any other type of municipal "Fair" without getting too wordy in the Category listing.

Posted (edited)

As they are mostly taking place in the fall you can name your 'Category' "Fall Fairs" and " County Fairs" or others in your "Variables"

I would be less inclined to call it "Fairgrounds"


..not to be confused with the "World's Fair" (or Expositions) ---> Wikipedia "World's Fair"

Edited by Jake39

There are also "FAIRS" that aren't called Fairs. I've been going to the National Cattle Congress in Waterloo, Iowa since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I even won 1st prize in the nail driving contest when I was 12. It's bigger than a County Fair but smaller than a State Fair, and has all the same trappings.


Check out: http://www.nationalcattlecongress.com/


Sept 14 - 17, 2006


OOPS, I now see that they have included the word "Fair" at the end of the title.


See: http://www.haverealfun.com/

8Nuts&MotherGoose Posted Yesterday, 05:23 PM

There are also "FAIRS" that aren't called Fairs. snipped It's bigger than a County Fair but smaller than a State Fair, and has all the same trappings.

.....and "Science Fairs" ? :laughing:


Would "Science Fairs" (possibly temporary locations) qualify? ... or are you just interested in "Fairgrounds" that are a permament fixture in some communities - KC0GRN ?

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