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Is There Any Pennsylvanians In Elk County Here ?

king riched

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Sorry for the tangent, I hate it when that happens, but it was all Wasco's fault! :o


Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

Well, since I've actually hugged the crow and lived to tell the tail, I can guarantee you that 'she' is definitely not a gentleman...

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Sorry for the tangent, I hate it when that happens, but it was all Wasco's fault! :o


Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

Well, since I've actually hugged the crow and lived to tell the tail, I can guarantee you that 'she' is definitely not a gentleman...

<checks her tail...nope, still there>

I think you meant 'tale,' Allanon...

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

My Dear Crow, I stand corrected! "Ladies, gentlemen, and kids of all ages" My most humble and hearfelt apologies for this egregious breach of etiquette! Please, allow me to blame the early morning hour and lack of coffee for such an unpardonable occurrence!

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It's what's for breakfast!

Yes, you might think that Cheerios are "toasted" if you read their posts. Especially The Pig.


But since they also may reduce your cholesterol, and they help fight cancer, these posts are most welcome. It is like having a flock of bluebirds land on your kitchen windowsill to greet you in the morning.


I am seriously toying with the idea of driving up to Elk County today and logging into the forums from there, so that I can say "YES." But I worry that they don't have wireless internet there. In Elk County, "WAP" is nothing more than a derogatory epithet for "Wapiti."

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

My Dear Crow, I stand corrected! "Ladies, gentlemen, and kids of all ages" My most humble and hearfelt apologies for this egregious breach of etiquette! Please, allow me to blame the early morning hour and lack of coffee for such an unpardonable occurrence!

How about if we just Blame Canada instead?



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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

My Dear Crow, I stand corrected! "Ladies, gentlemen, and kids of all ages" My most humble and hearfelt apologies for this egregious breach of etiquette! Please, allow me to blame the early morning hour and lack of coffee for such an unpardonable occurrence!

How about if we just Blame Canada instead?




i'll second that! all those in favor of blaming canada, say aye.




those opposed?




the aye's have it.



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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

My Dear Crow, I stand corrected! "Ladies, gentlemen, and kids of all ages" My most humble and hearfelt apologies for this egregious breach of etiquette! Please, allow me to blame the early morning hour and lack of coffee for such an unpardonable occurrence!

How about if we just Blame Canada instead?



Snack anyone? Escargot? :o

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Gentleman! Please, let us not stray from the the OPs question! He is asking about Pennsylvanians in Elk County Here! I can safely say that there are neither Elk, nor Pennsylvanians, nor even Washingtonians 'here'.

Which (singular) one of us are you calling a 'gentleman?' I am offended by your presumption...you, who should know better.

My Dear Crow, I stand corrected! "Ladies, gentlemen, and kids of all ages" My most humble and hearfelt apologies for this egregious breach of etiquette! Please, allow me to blame the early morning hour and lack of coffee for such an unpardonable occurrence!

How about if we just Blame Canada instead?



Snack anyone? Escargot? :o








And the audacity of the Farmall! Inferring that my coffee wasn't fit to drink! <hmph>

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I am a Pennsylvanian, but I am from Jefferson County. I have been to Elk County and have seen the elk in Elk County. Even better, I have geocached while watching the eld in Elk County!! :P


So, okay my fingers were going faster than my brain. I fixed my original post. :o


But, for the original poster, I'm sure that anyone who actually LIVES in Elk County would consider themselves a Pennsylvanian. The 2004 Rand McNally atlas indicates that Elk County, PA, has 35,122 residents not including the elk.

Edited by PeachyPA
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Now I'm really confused. :laughing:


It it Elk County? Or Llama County?


And is there just one llama there? Or are there many llamas there? You see, the previous post referred to llamas with an 's', which would normally denote the plural form of the word, indicating that there are two or more of them. However, the singular verb 'is', would suggest that there might, in fact, be only a single llama.


And if there is only a single llama, then what's being done to prevent the species from dying out in Llama County, since they won't be able to reproduce? Or will they just go back to being Elk County then?


Or maybe there's some kind of clandestine llama cloning operation going on there, so they only need a single llama. And we never settled the question as to how many elk there are in Llama County -- or Elk County, for that matter.


My brain hurts. :anicute:




Send in the clones? :laughing:

Edited by WascoZooKeeper
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How many elk are there?


Compiled and condensed from various sources.


Elk once ranged across much of the eastern United States and Canada. Unregulated hunting and clearing of the elks' forest habitat drastically reduced their numbers as European-American settlement and farming spread westward from the Atlantic coast. By the mid-nineteenth century, there were few elk anywhere east of the Mississippi. In Pennsylvania, elk persisted in the forests of the Allegheny mountains until 1867, when the last reported elk was shot. The reintroduced Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) is not the same subspecies as the original Eastern Elk (Cervus elaphus canadensis), which is thought to be extinct. However, both are of the same species and share ecological niches. Since their reintroduction, the Pennsylvania elk herd has grown slowly but steadily. The current herd is believed to have descended from 24 survivors of those reintroduced herds.


Pennsylvania habitat can sustain about 1 to 1.5 elk per square mile. The primary range of the herd was about 225 square miles of Elk and Cameron counties (split about 50/50). Some animals have recently migrated south from the primary range into Clearfield County. Because the herd is stable, elk managers have been able to relocate a small herd (about 90 animals) to the 280,000-acre Sproul State Forest (the Forest is located in western Clinton and northern Centre counties). This move increased available habitat from 225 to about 835 square miles. Other participating elk reintroduction Pennsylvania counties are Potter and Tioga. It took Pennsylvania 26 years to achieve a herd size of 622 elk though natural reproduction. In 2000, the herd was an estimated 566. Pennsylvania now boasts one of the largest elk herds (and the only wild and free herd of elk) east of the Mississippi comprising between 500 and 600 animals.

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Enough already.


The fish are on the bus.

Are you saying someone is going to get trouted? :laughing:



We have more elk in Colorado than elk county has people :laughing:




There are more elk in my town than there are people.


Do you think it's a Cervus elaphus invasion?


Where's my tinfoil hat? I can't find my tinfoil hat!

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Enough already.


The fish are on the bus.

Are you saying someone is going to get trouted? :laughing:



We have more elk in Colorado than elk county has people :laughing:




There are more elk in my town than there are people.


Do you think it's a Cervus elaphus invasion?


Where's my tinfoil hat? I can't find my tinfoil hat!


It's not the elk it's the moose I worry about.




A moose once bit my sister. Mind you moose bites can be pretty nasti.

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