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ANN: A pinned FAQ for the group

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At the top of the group, you'll notice the new addition of a collection of FAQs for this forum. It's not final, but I decided to just toss it up and see how it goes. It is locked and pinned, so please use this thread for additions to it.


I'd like to focus first on collecting links to existing FAQ-like substances that are frequently referred to in this group. Then we can turn our collective attention to specific questions (and I sketched in a few, just to kind of prime the mental pumps) that may be worth tending to here.


Please make your contributions here.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned PDAs/PocketPCs and paperless caching here or in the other topic about the FAQ.


I found Clan_Barron's article about Cachemate to be useful when I was learning about paperless caching, even though it is a couple of years old.


There's also Geocacher University's page about going paperless with GPX Spinner and Plucker.


There are some other pages out there about going paperless, but I'll have to search for them. Maybe our FAQ could have an explanation about the bare minimum needed to go paperless and the risks and benefits of doing so. I'm not the guy to write this part because I have no experience with PocketPC and I've only been using an old Palm for about 6 months.


Reposted from another thread. Pick and chose whatever you'd like.



Here are some suggestions (although they aren't necessarily FAQ's or specific to Units and Software)


Other Garmin Units:

Garmin Quest FAQ (Ensenga Family)

Garmin Legend/Vista loose ribbon connection repair (Uncredited - sorry)



Markwell's Update to the FAQ (Markwell) (be sure to use the new link)

CYBret's Geocacher University (CYBret)

Thot's Beginner's Guide and Tutorial (Thot)

Geocachers' Creed (Kai Team and many others)


Paperless Caching:

Using GSAK and Cachemate (Clan_Barron)

Using Spinner and Plucker (CYBret)

Non-Palm PDA's?


Caches Along a Route:

Caches Along a Route (Markwell again)

Caches Along a Route (Using GSAK and MapSource, really a Garmin topic)


Getting Maps onto a Hard Drive:

MapSource using Registry Edit (NeoGeo)

Magellan Maps?



GeoLex (Prime Suspect) There are others, but none better or more comprehensive, IMHO


How to Use Map and Compass:

Backpacker's Field Manual (Rick Curtis)


Gosh. So many possibilities. I've just refreshed the above with what I *think* is most pertinent for this group. As much as I like them, I think I'd rather see Markwell's guide for PQ's in the "Geocaching.com web site" forum, and Thot's "Beginner's Guide" in "Getting Started" for example.


Sputnik's collection, in particular, is quite intriguing. Several of those links - while quite interesting - fall outside of "collections of FAQs" for now and should probably be picked up on round two.


So I'm going to try to pretty brutally focus this FAQ on solving problems for *this* group. (I could be convinced that's wrong, but solving all the geocaching education issues is a bigger problem than I'd like to solve...) If you offered a link and think that I've missed it - which can happen - or that I'm a doofus and it's clearly deserving, or that I'm delusional about the problem to be solved here, please drop me a line either here or privately.



"That's just my opinion. I could be wrong." D. Miller.


Sounds to me like your reasoning is, uh, sound. For a FAQs collection to be useful, it should not be overwhelming. So a focus on the *most* frequently asked FAQs helps ensure that people will actually consult them before turning to posting a specific question.


One can deal with "second-tier" FAQs by doing some hierarchal organization of link collections. But I think it wise to start simply and refine/embellish as one goes along.


Unless you've been in GPS'ing for a while, I know that the question(s) of what mapping software, what's the difference , which (ver & name) is compatible with what GPSr, and why...(big chunks vs small chunks) ,all of this can be very daunting and confusing.


What will autoroute and what won't , whether only on the PC but not on the GPSr, etc


I regularly see that Metroguide wont autoroute on the GPSr, but mine will because I still use an early version.


That (old Metroguide) is an inexpensive alternative to CS & CN and the owner doesn't have to worry about lock codes etc. . Of course,if you do a LOT of traveling, and NEED the absolute latest metro streets, then you'll have to go with CS or CN.


Stuff like that, if it can be compiled maybe in a flow chart style or something along those lines, might answer a whole miriad of questions.


I think it would help to clarify Sputnik57's FAQ by changing the link name to something along the lines of "Garmin 60C(S) & 76C(S) and similar models FAQ".


Thanx, Embra. Your take on this is particulary important to me since you have a very strong presence here and have for a long time.


Grasscatcher, you're right. If you can point to a post or two that concisely explains that, that would be great.


8mmag, I've applied that tweak.


Thanx, all.


Is there really information there that isn't already in the POI thread that's already referenced?


There's an opportunity to take those dozen pages and turn them into one page of actual info if anyone would like to hop on that...


Is there really information there that isn't already in the POI thread that's already referenced?


There's an opportunity to take those dozen pages and turn them into one page of actual info if anyone would like to hop on that...


Maybe a FAQ about custom map making? I think it is becoming more popular around here and easier process thanks to the hard work of many around here.

custom maps


Is there really information there that isn't already in the POI thread that's already referenced?


There's an opportunity to take those dozen pages and turn them into one page of actual info if anyone would like to hop on that...


Maybe a FAQ about custom map making? I think it is becoming more popular around here and easier process thanks to the hard work of many around here.

custom maps


If the instructions for making Custom Maps is going to be posted I have a Rev. 4 that supersedes my Rev. 3. It corrects a couple of typos and a clarification when updating an existing Mapset. The Rev. 4 should be posted and not the Rev. 3. The Rev. 4 is not online. Also, have a more detailed set of instructions clarifiying Cyphermans GenTYP file instructions that is a lot easier for 1st timers to follow. I wiill be glad to provide all the detailed instructions if it is something you think worth making a permanent page for.


There has been strong resistance from the house in splitting this forum.


As to some of the above recommendations, short and searchable web pages are *much* more useful to information seekers than 12 page forum threads. While there's surely some gold to be harvested in them, volunteers to condense them into hard hitting presentation (linking to specific posts in the various threads if you much) would be most helpful.


If you're interested in tackling one of those as a project, don't worry about hosting or formatting. If you can condense and _write_, I can help with rest.


Is there really information there that isn't already in the POI thread that's already referenced?


There's an opportunity to take those dozen pages and turn them into one page of actual info if anyone would like to hop on that...


Maybe a FAQ about custom map making? I think it is becoming more popular around here and easier process thanks to the hard work of many around here.

custom maps


If the instructions for making Custom Maps is going to be posted I have a Rev. 4 that supersedes my Rev. 3. It corrects a couple of typos and a clarification when updating an existing Mapset. The Rev. 4 should be posted and not the Rev. 3. The Rev. 4 is not online. Also, have a more detailed set of instructions clarifiying Cyphermans GenTYP file instructions that is a lot easier for 1st timers to follow. I wiill be glad to provide all the detailed instructions if it is something you think worth making a permanent page for.

Maybe eaparks can give you Rev 4 to post along with GenTYP instructions. I think that should do the trick.


This link in the FAQ appears to be dead


Sputnik57's FAQ for Garmin 60C(S) & 76C(S) Much of it applies to related Garmin handheld products like VistaC, VistaCx, LegendC, LegendCx, and the X strains of 60 and 76.


Collections of FAQs





Mac OS X


Paperless Caching

General Terminology

  • GeoLex Prime Suspect's guide to Geo-lingo

Not sure if this belongs here yet or not, but a a starting place...

FAQs of this group

Can I use rechargeable batteries? Yes.

Can I use Mapsource on more than one GPS? Yes, but it requires an additional unlock.

Can I use Mapsource on more than one computer? Yes.

What's the difference between model X and model Y? [ refer to FAQs above ]

What software is available for sending geocaches to a GPS? Lots.

Why does my GPS reception inside my car poor? Most likely you have a tinted windshield that contains metallic particles.


Tips for asking questions

  • Pick good subject lines. The odds of you quickly catching the attention of knowledgeable help go way up when you. Subjects like "Error 403 transferring waypoints on 60C under BlerfoMAP 3.34" are much more servicable than "Newbie question".
  • Punctuate the subject correctly. Interrogative sentences (questions) end in question marks.
  • Include brand and model info when you're asking about problems. If you're using a program that runs on more than one OS, include info on that, too.
  • If you're asking advice about maps, include what country/continent you're interested in.

This is a locked thread. If you see it unlocked, that means I'm editing it. Please don't follow up here, but do feel free to discuss it in the thread for that.

that answered my question-thanx


Good points. I've tried to reach Sputnik57 several times to see if he'd moved the site or otherwise had a copy that could be hosted anywhere, but I've gotten no reply. So I've dropped it. Most of the info at GPSFaqs.org applies to the models covered by his work anyway.


Embra, I've added a Delorme section with your links. Thanx.


Can a FAQ be added for Garmin on what is the difference between the T and regular models:


T stands for topo and they come with built in 100K topo maps. Certainly you can get free better topo maps on gpsfiledepot.com. However, the T models also come with 100K DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data which some features require. You can only get DEM data from a T model or Garmin 100K topo or Garmin's 24K topo (which have 24K DEM). Us map-makers have not been able to figure out how to make DEM data to load on your GPS, so you cannot get DEM data from gpsfiledepot.com.


While one may still decide the DEM data is not worth the extra money, it needs to be weighed in the decision. I thought it was worth the extra money when I bought my 550T.




To show shaded relief, the GPS requires DEM data. If you have DEM data on your GPS, it will show shaded relief on any map (including the ones from gpsfiledepot.com). However, shaded relief makes the GPS significantly harder to read. However, sometimes it can be nice when looking at a map to see if the trail goes uphill or downhill. You can turn it on if you need it. Without it, usually you can tell which way is up, but sometimes you have to click on topo lines to figure it out.


The 3d viewer requires DEM data


With DEM data, the GPS will add elevation data to a track you load and follow on track manager. This allows you to view the elevation profile of your trip. However, I use http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/elevation to obtain the elevation profile as the DEM data there is more accurate than the built in 100K. But it is nice to have it just in case.


These are the two things I like (and use) the most:


With DEM data, the GPS will add elevation data to a car route. So you can see the elevation profile of the route you are driving.


With DEM data, you can click anywhere on the map and one of the pieces of information about the site that will be provided is the elevation. While it is based on 100K DEM, it is reasonablely accurate.


Is there a Windows Phone app? Is there a "to be released 6x0" FAQ? Providing established links with high traffic and quality will more likely get attention/action than a fishing expedition.

Posted (edited)

Is there a Windows Phone app? Is there a "to be released 6x0" FAQ? Providing established links with high traffic and quality will more likely get attention/action than a fishing expedition.


I provided the requested link.


And I pointed out another link error on the same page.


The FAQ is full of wiki links, so I am very confused by your 'fishing' statement.

Edited by BMW JEDI

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