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Navigator V8 Obsolete

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2 major highway projects are underway in the US that I'm familiar with. The first is the Springfield Interchange (I-95/I-395/I-495) interchange. This is rapidly transforming into what will be one of the most sophisticated (and complex) interchanges in the US. In a few months Navigator V8 will be obsolete and will not reflect the new changes. Also, the Wilson Bridge project with the new bridge over the Potomac and the interchanges on either side are already obsolete.

These projects will be completed in a few years, and some poor sucker will get killed if trying to navigate through these areas with V8.

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Well...I wouldn't use the term "obsolete". Unless you drive in that part of the country, then I suppose you won't even notice, right? So it won't be "obsolete". To buy a road mapping piece of software, you just have to accept that for certain parts of the country, it is "obsolete" even before it hits the retail shelves. That is just the way it is. But, that being said, I would never want to go back to paper road maps...Now THAT is "obsolete"!

Edited by Alphawolf
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If you think about how mapping software get's updated, then you understand that no mapping software is ever perfectly up-to-date because every day somwhere a highway construction project is finished. The questions is: how lazy are the various companies. I've been pretty surprised at what is missing from City Select even as new versions were being released. I suspect that Navigator has the same issues because the same company does the updating. Since you can preview the areas where you will be using the maps, I suggest doing so and refusing to buy updates that don't update well enough to suit your needs.

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I have City Select 7, and there are roads in my area (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) that were re-routed nearly 10 years ago and have yet to be updated on CS or CN. I just find them when I drive through, map them and then submit the changes to Garmin in the hope that someday it will get updated.


I was driving through Wisconsin in March and I entered a new segment of highway. My Quest claimed I was in a field and tried routing me all over the place to non-existant roads before finally figuring out where I was. The amount of human resources it takes to keep it even remotely updated must be enormous. I give Garmin and other companies full credit for even trying.



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The following thread:


Navteq Data Reports, How Long Does It Take for New Information to Get into Garmin Maps?


may be an interesting read for some of you...

In many ways, the map product you pre=order for shipping when it's released is obsolete when you get it!


To GoidPS:

I happen to live and drive in that area. My thoughts: "Oh well..."

You've got two choices:

1. Old maps

2. No maps


"These projects will be completed in a few years, and some poor sucker will get killed if trying to navigate through these areas with V8"


I guess it might be worth the $75 to update to version 9 when it comes out! :rolleyes:

That sounds like a fair price to stay alive. Maybe version 10 will have the correct Wilson Bridge data - we may have to wait for version 15 for the "Mixing Bowl" data to get up to date. ...oh well.


What would be YOUR solution? Put in the planned completed routing data NOW and kill people trying to navigate the current routes...? :)


...and I'm just wondering how much better MAGELLAN maps are with these projects. Do they have technology that streams map data updates to their GPSrs along with the satellite almanac data or something? I seriously doubt it.


If you have a problem with the map data in your GPSr, report it to NavTeq - CLICK HERE for NAVTEQ's "Submit Map Feedback" page.

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Are we to understand that you're saying it is obsolete and will get you killed becuase it doesn't have roads that aren't built yet? Help me with the perspective here, 'coz I'm not seeing the hyperbole.


Taunt Darwin[1] in the following ways:

1) resist the urge to take exits that don't exist.

2) Read the gigantic green signs.

2a) Understand what you read.

2b) Act upon what you read.

3) Don't be a slave to the arrow.


I don't have numbers to back it up, but I don't recall any marked increase in the interstate death toll after the upgrade to CNv8.


[1] Or not.

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...and I'm just wondering how much better MAGELLAN maps are with these projects. Do they have technology that streams map data updates to their GPSrs along with the satellite almanac data or


No, the technology is similar, but Magellan's delivery is more tortured. While Garmin delivers updates just about exactly annually for almost all of their units at about the same time and at a price that's actually gone DOWN, Magellan delivers updates - derived from the same Navteq data sets - intermittently and on a completely different schedule for their handhelds (DirectRoute) and their dashtops (Roadmate).


But I have a feeling that you know that, Neo Geo, so I appreciate the humour. :-)

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Since google maps get their data from the same source as garmin(NAVTEQ) you can check google maps in a year and see if the data has been updated. I wasn't real impressed with how many road issues I have found here in WI, though they are constantly changing and adding roads.

The real problem I see is when US hwys are wrong on the Navteq maps. at least two spots here US hwys have been moved and new interchanges added.(one spot the road has moved over a 1/2 mile from the old location) these road changes have been in existance for 1-2years maybe more, yet Navteq data still shows them like they were run in the past.


I subitted a few errors to Navteq's site, hopefully others will do the same.

maybe city navigator V9 will be allot more of an upgrade. V8 seems to have data very similar to the older city select V7.



Edited by hogrod
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I was driving through Wisconsin in March and I entered a new segment of highway. My Quest claimed I was in a field and tried routing me all over the place to non-existant roads before finally figuring out where I was.



141 North of Green Bay I presume? Up until a year or so ago, it WAS a field. I was pleasantly surprised to find this section completed earlier this year when I was down that way.


This construction is a prime example of why software CAN'T be up to date, everywhere, all the time. This is a major road reconstruction, making a two-lane highway into a four-lane restricted access freeway for quite a distance. New bridges, new exits, old roads now end instead of being through roads, major reroutes around towns. Every time I travel down this way, there's more completed. It's been going on for years--at least 7 years now, and they've got a few years left to go on it. Obviously they can't put the whole project in before it starts, and every few months it changes a bit more.


BTW, great advice from robertlipe. :rolleyes:

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I guess some people won't be happy until the day comes when our GPSr's are connected 24/7 to a wireless update network for up-to-the-minute road & construction status. Don't laugh because that probably will happen & sooner than you think.


Personally I'd love it if my machine could autoroute me around an accident event that happened 15 minutes ago up the road from where I would be travelling :rolleyes:

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Personally I'd love it if my machine could autoroute me around an accident event that happened 15 minutes ago up the road from where I would be travelling :rolleyes:


I don't know about the 15 minutes part of that, but most of hte new dashtops from the last year or so already offer that as an option:






So perhaps they'll route you around all those fatal accidents that CNV8 is causing...

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