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Transferring Routes To Gpsr

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It's probably simple, I've tried some settings, but...


I've created some turn-by-turn routes in MapSource, sent them to my device (GPSMAP 60Csx) and when I retrieve them... Menu, Tracks, Saved Routes, Map (not Navigate), they show up as a direct route, not Turn-by-Turn. WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG? :anitongue:


In MapSource, go to Edit/Preferences/and under the Routing Tab and the Route Style, select/Use Auto-routing. In this menu you can also change other preferences for routing. Once this is set up and you create a new route and you upload it, it will do as you wish. Happy routing!


In MapSource, go to Edit/Preferences/and under the Routing Tab and the Route Style, select/Use Auto-routing. In this menu you can also change other preferences for routing. Once this is set up and you create a new route and you upload it, it will do as you wish. Happy routing!


I did that. I deleted all routes on GPSr, reloaded them from MapSource (v 6.10.2) and it's still the same - when I select "Map" from the "Route" screen, it shows my route as a straight line. And if I select "Navigate" on the "Route" page, it navigates from my present position to the end of that Route, i.e., it doesn't show my selected route (which starts elsewhere than my present position).


In the "Routing Setup" page, I have selected: "Follow Road" for Guidance Method, "Faster Time" for Follow Road Method, "Car/Motorcycle" for Calculate Routes for, and everything else appears normal.


I think that's all correct.




Like White Crow asked...... What Mapsource?


If it is MapSource Topo, it will not do turn by turn routing.....

If it is MetroGuide, it WILL do T byT, as will CS and CN


I have MapSource software 6.10.2, with MapSource City Navigator North America v8.


The software does turn-by-turn and I get a nice route on my PC. I've even changed my settings (faster time, prefer highways @ different levels) and it gave me a different route. But when I send those routes to my Garmin 60Csx, they don't follow the same route, they show a straight line!? Is there something wrong with my GPSr? Should I call Garmin? It sure seems like I should be able to transfer my auto-routed map to my handheld just like it is on my PC software!!! Isn't that why I spent ALL THIS MONEY?


on 60csx go to route page...then click on your route's name then enter then click navigate...and then choose follow road option...it will show auto route


on 60csx go to route page...then click on your route's name then enter then click navigate...and then choose follow road option...it will show auto route


I've done that too.


Maybe I'm asking too much of my GPS (sigh). And I hope I'm explaining myself rightly. What I want is this: I want to SEE, on the GPSr, the route (which, btw, does not start at my present position) that I created on my PC, turn-by-turn. I don't want to navigate it (yet), but I feel that I should be able to SEE the route (by selecting "Map), on the Map, as I created it, NOT as a straight line. I'm not flying it, I'm driving it!


Is that too much to ask? Or doesn't my $500 worth of maps and electronics do that?


BTW, when I select "Navigate", it navigates me from my present position to the start of the route I created to the end of that route. I don't want that either, but it seems to make sense for the GPSr to do it that way.


I made a route with City Select 7, started 20 miles from my house. Transfered it to my 60Cx.

When i go to routes on the 60Cx & then select that route & map, it shows the route.


I have MapSource software 6.10.2, with MapSource City Navigator North America v8.

Please pardon a silly question, but you have uploaded your City Navigator North America v8 mapping into your Map60Cx, correct? The routable mapping has to be in the GPSr to autoroute.


I have MapSource software 6.10.2, with MapSource City Navigator North America v8.

Please pardon a silly question, but you have uploaded your City Navigator North America v8 mapping into your Map60Cx, correct? The routable mapping has to be in the GPSr to autoroute.


Yes... you mean "Maps", as in abt 3.00 to 6.5 MB each, to the card in the 60Csx, right? Yes, I have selected 7 "chunks" of them, surrounding my area, and the routes I created are well within that area. Aside from selecting the areas that I need/want with the "Map Tool" and then "Send to Device", there isn't any other settings, for the maps, is there? And in Edit > Preferences > Routing, I have "Use Auto-Routing" selected.


I really hope that I've simply missed something, because it seems that the 60CSx should be doing what I think (see earlier post) it should be doing (sigh, again).




Hi Couch Eagle. I think you're doing everything correct, but I think I found why this is happening for you.


I was able to reproduce (I think) what you're seeing. I'm running my Map60Cx with firmware v3.0, software v.2.70, a 256MB card, and City Select v.7, and have MapSource v.6.11.1 on my desktop. I created a route in MapSource first by picking (clicking on) my start point, then only selecting my destination. In MapSource it drew a route following the streets and it looked good. But when I uploaded this route, it drew straight lines as viewed on the Map screen.


Now, if I created the route by selecting (clicking on) several intersections (or key points like bends in the road) along my test route and uploaded it, it drew my route right on each street section as viewed in MapSource, and correctly on my Map screen. Maybe you need to create your routes by this method by introducing so-called "via points", then uploading the route. I normally create a route this way before uploading to my 60Cx so I never saw this "straight line" before. Hope this helps ease your concerns.

Posted (edited)

I really hope that I've simply missed something, because it seems that the 60CSx should be doing what I think (see earlier post) it should be doing (sigh, again).



you are not missing anything --- It's broken.


I'm as disappointed as you (although in many other ways, it's a great unit).


I had a Quest before - and you could download the rout you'd designed in Mapsource perfectly.

Folks who've never used a proper road-oriented GPS don't seem to get the problem!


IMHO, working round this by putting in via/way points is OK. But it is a work round.


I've emailed Garmin ... no answer.

Edited by kyot

That is the way the 60 series works. It is NOT broken, that is how it is programmed. I have a 60cs and have dealt with routing this way since it was new. The routes are straight line routes until you navigate them. When you select a route, and tell the unit to navigate, then, and only then will it calculate a road route. It may be considered a flaw by some, but that is how it was designed to work. Another user on here was have a similar problem because the elevation profiles of the route would not show up properly. I am not saying it is the best way to operate, but it is working as designed.


Hi Couch Eagle. I think you're doing everything correct, but I think I found why this is happening for you.


I was able to reproduce (I think) what you're seeing.




Hope this helps ease your concerns.


Timpat, and others...


Just got back from an afternoon of kayaking and swimming, and it's off to a BBQ, so I'll try this "workaround" later. I have sent off an e-mail to Garmin too and will wait for their answer.


Thanks to all for your input :):(


That is the way the 60 series works. It is NOT broken, that is how it is programmed. I have a 60cs and have dealt with routing this way since it was new. The routes are straight line routes until you navigate them. When you select a route, and tell the unit to navigate, then, and only then will it calculate a road route.


I agree with CenTexDodger exactly. I just duplicated the "problem" and until you tell the unit to navigate it will just show a straight line. The only other thing I could possibly think of is maybe a failure to make the check mark for "Include Map Caculation Data" at the bottom of the Maps Tab in Mapsource prior to loading a map set.

That is the way the 60 series works. It is NOT broken, that is how it is programmed. I have a 60cs and have dealt with routing this way since it was new. The routes are straight line routes until you navigate them. When you select a route, and tell the unit to navigate, then, and only then will it calculate a road route. It may be considered a flaw by some, but that is how it was designed to work. Another user on here was have a similar problem because the elevation profiles of the route would not show up properly. I am not saying it is the best way to operate, but it is working as designed.

So several folks have said.

But the manual (P.31) says you can create more complex routes in MapSource. i.e. more complex that can be created using autoroute and waypoints. e.g. using avoidances, the routing tool etc.

And that's how the Quest works - and it's dead useful; and there's no good reason not to expect the 60CSx to do it.... so, IMHO, it's broken (by design, if you like)

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