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With the Garmin in the shop, I needed all these Magellans to get the accuracy I am used to. :ph34r:




No...no...I got it...


"Seriously...I got a great trade...this fool gave me all these Magellans for my Garmin! What a buffoon! LOL...wait...where are we?"


Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe.

The GPS is ready to go.

If it turns on, then I'll know,

This is the one I should use.




Hush, little cacher, we're set to go,

with 4 GPS's don't you know.


When that first one loses its lock,

The second one will get us past that rock.


And if the batteries should fail,

I'll leave it here in a pail.


And if the next one's screen gets a crack,

I'll let you give that one a smack.


With this one we must be kind,

Hopefully we'll get our find.


And when we drop it with a smash,

We'll leave it behind in the cache.


Our caching adventure has brought us far,

But I've no GPS to find my car.


Three GPS receivers.....................................................$780

Three Vehicle Mounting Brackets...................................$60

One Pocket PC.............................................................$200


Knowing where you are without a Garmin in sight.......Priceless


Some things money can't buy.

For everything else there's Magellan.


"No, I'm serious. I've got this friend who couldn't figure out where he is with 4 GPSr, a map, a compass, and both hands!"




"See look, I told you I could get something to match the capibility of your Garmin!"




Well for SOME people, 12 channel paralell reccieve with 4 channel WAAS is good enough... but I've got that beat by 4!




Aircraft only use double redundancy for each system. :blink:


Three GPS receivers.....................................................$780

Three Vehicle Mounting Brackets...................................$60

One Pocket PC.............................................................$200


Knowing where you are without a Garmin in sight.......Priceless


Some things money can't buy.

For everything else there's Magellan.

That.is.funny. :blink:

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