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How To Print A Mapsource Map

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Is there a possibility to print a larger area with all details from mapsourse.

Or does there exist any tools to do so.


The default print option shows only a small area with high details.


This option would be nice as an additional information on navigating.


Not that I'm aware of. I use USAPhotoMaps for doing this. It's a free program (that I happily made a donation to Doug) that will grab USGS topo or aerial mapping. You can create a big map area by following steps in the Help section.


If you can get it to display what you want then there is always the print screen button.

Thanks, i know this funktion, but i want to plot an area of 50x50 miles with all details on an A0-Plotter


If you can get it to display what you want then there is always the print screen button.

Thanks, i know this funktion, but i want to plot an area of 50x50 miles with all details on an A0-Plotter


It looks like GlobalMapper (www.globalmapper.com) might be able to print such a map. However right now getting the .img data into GlobalMapper might pose a problem. At some point I'll have a program that will be able to convert a .img file into a format GlobalMapper can read.


It would really be nice if the companies stopped deliberately crippling the printed output from their mapping programs. All of them seem to do it. DeLorme lets you print big with the Plus version of Street Atlas, but you don't have the option of a Plus version of Topo USA. To print big, you more or less are stuck with using high-end GIS programs like ESRI.


It would really be nice if the companies stopped deliberately crippling the printed output from their mapping programs. All of them seem to do it. DeLorme lets you print big with the Plus version of Street Atlas, but you don't have the option of a Plus version of Topo USA. To print big, you more or less are stuck with using high-end GIS programs like ESRI.


That is because the people making the mapping programs also sell ways of viewing those maps (printed atlases or GPSrs). They aren't going to provide their customers with a way to avoid buying more of their products. :)

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