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Vanity Licence Plates

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Where I live, we are allowed 8 characters on our Vanity Plates. The good ones are already taken (GEOCACHE, CACHER, etc) but I am looking for other ideas besides TNLN, FTF, DNF, etc.


Ideas, anyone?

Posted (edited)

the waypoint for your favorite cache?


The waypoint for your house, assuming you have a cache in your yard.

Doesn't everyone?


OR, buy a TB tag and put the number on your tag!

Edited by ZSandmann
Posted (edited)

We just got our new geocaching mobile and we are going to use our name on the plates "TEAMCOZ" in Jersey you are allowed 7


What about ZULUCCHR

Edited by Teamcoz

I hate taking a quiz in 8 letters, 7 here in Pennsylvania.


This intolerance of mine started when I saw the license plate TNKRBL, and gamely guessed "Tank Rubble? What's a Tank Rubble?" to the guy with me. He corrected me, saying it was obviously Tinkerbell. Once we got alongside the car, a 1980s Firebird btw, and saw the 300 pound darling in the driver's seat, I was convinced my guess was closer to the mark, based both on the car and the driver.


Since that time I have wondered ceaselessy, much to the chagrine of my family members, what would cause people to get these plates unless the following two were true:

1) the word(s)/phrase/sentence is immediately clear to anyone, and

2) the MEANING is immediately clear to anyone.


This means that plates such as CAVEAT and BACKOFF are well received by me, but HSY BEAR (even though I know the owner and know that he is a Hershey Bear hockey fan, not a "Hizzy Bear" fan) or 2ONES (again, someone I know--and I am still not totally sure of the meaning) are not, since I have to either spend too much precious brain power trying to figure out what it says, or if I have figured it out, I wonder what it means. And your initials on a tag just get me to make up names for you based on those initials.


So if your tag says ILKCACHE I will wonder what Ilk Cache is, if it is TNLN I may not be in on the joke and will spend time wondering what "Tin Lin" means.


Just my little take on vanity plates. If it made you laugh or think a bit, that is great.


I hate taking a quiz in 8 letters, 7 here in Pennsylvania.


This intolerance of mine started when I saw the license plate TNKRBL, and gamely guessed "Tank Rubble? What's a Tank Rubble?" to the guy with me. He corrected me, saying it was obviously Tinkerbell. Once we got alongside the car, a 1980s Firebird btw, and saw the 300 pound darling in the driver's seat, I was convinced my guess was closer to the mark, based both on the car and the driver.


Since that time I have wondered ceaselessy, much to the chagrine of my family members, what would cause people to get these plates unless the following two were true:

1) the word(s)/phrase/sentence is immediately clear to anyone, and

2) the MEANING is immediately clear to anyone.


This means that plates such as CAVEAT and BACKOFF are well received by me, but HSY BEAR (even though I know the owner and know that he is a Hershey Bear hockey fan, not a "Hizzy Bear" fan) or 2ONES (again, someone I know--and I am still not totally sure of the meaning) are not, since I have to either spend too much precious brain power trying to figure out what it says, or if I have figured it out, I wonder what it means. And your initials on a tag just get me to make up names for you based on those initials.


So if your tag says ILKCACHE I will wonder what Ilk Cache is, if it is TNLN I may not be in on the joke and will spend time wondering what "Tin Lin" means.


Just my little take on vanity plates. If it made you laugh or think a bit, that is great.

One of the reasons that I felt comfortable using TFTH, was that it was pointed out that it was very easily googleable. If the person remembers and punches it in, the meaning pops up right away.


OR, buy a TB tag and put the number on your tag!


I haven't quite decided on the tracking number or the reference number.


TBxxxx might be more recognizable, than 123456


I guess maybe part of the mystique for some is that the meaning may only be recognizable to a few who are "in the know".


I have Amateur (HAM) Radio plates on my cars, and for the most part, I'm sure only other fellow Hams pick up any meaning from them. The general public has no clue what VE2CZ might mean.


I tend to keep my caching addiction quiet, and I don't mind if what's on my plate is obscure to others!










CharlieZulu, I have seen Ham tags and recognize them, or at least I think I recognize them--they are getting more and more rare. You may be surprised but they fall into my category of "understandable" vanity tags in that they have value beyond pure vanity. Putting your call sign on your tag gives another Ham enough information to talk to you later if he or she desires.

Posted (edited)


I tend to keep my caching addiction quiet, and I don't mind if what's on my plate is obscure to others!


... (snip) ...


... (snip) ...


You might want to think twice before getting a vanity plate that says "LOOKING". :laughing: Could find yourself the receipient of some unwelcome attention ... from either gender!! B):D




I like this thread though. Some really great ideas for plates! B)




Western Mass Clan (Dad)

Edited by Western_Mass_Clan

Don't know about where you live, but I recently found out Missouri will allow special plates made for as few as 25 people. Make a special plate design for your local Geo Org.


How about the following for those of us who routinely get within 500 feet of a cache in the woods only to have our GPS take a nap on us? :laughing:











~~ Western Mass Clan (Dad)




how about:




Here in Georgia we're only allowed 7 and I've been thinking about getting UBRNERD or UBERNRD


All I ask is you don't get IGJOE


I think I made an operator error...I replied once already, but I can't find it!


I like the idea of a TB number on the plate. Buy an actual TB tag, and activate it. Put that number on your plate, and then a cacher that sees you can "Discover" you. It would be kind of fun to see if anyone notices. Of course, at events you will be fair game!


As an alternative, you could buy a trackable coin from your state and put that number on the plates.

One of the reasons that I felt comfortable using TFTH, was that it was pointed out that it was very easily googleable. If the person remembers and punches it in, the meaning pops up right away.


Thanks for the Hash ??? :unsure:


A friend of mine has his geocaching name as his license plate "number" and has a TB tag bolted to his plate.


I would like to get one, but not sure how I could make my name recognizable.....too long :unsure: But I am getting some ideas from this thread! LOL


I too am a Ham Radio Operator

So naturally my licence plate reads


VO = Newfoundland

2 = Labrador

WW = Gordon Parsons

which was my original name on here

and is my actual name from when I was

Labrador West's lone Geocacher


Mine will be one of these 3 following






But I don't really see anyone but that other cacher called 5cent caring about this. :unsure:


My other other obsession got dibs on my Jeep




Yay, another kite fanatic!


I've only ever flown the dual-lines, but would love to try a Rev or one of those radical quads sometime.



One of the reasons that I felt comfortable using TFTH, was that it was pointed out that it was very easily googleable. If the person remembers and punches it in, the meaning pops up right away.


Thanks for the Hash ??? :laughing:

:laughing: You need help. :laughing:


I think it would be cool to come up with a word that used only symetrical letters, A H I M O T U V W X Y, and then spell it backwards so that people looking in their rearview mirror can read your front liscense plate! You could also use "3" for "E." "4" for "P," "Z" for "S," etc.

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