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Best Way To Carryout Tb Mission


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I apologize if this has been cover before but I could not find the answer. My question is in regard to TB missions. This is best expressed by example therefore let us assume that someone has a travel bug placed in a cache in the northeast near a major city , say Boston for example, whose mission is to get to the Brazilian rain forest. If I have a trip planned to a small city in the south , Podunk LA for example, should I take the TB there to get it closer to Brazil, or should I leave it near the large city in the hope that a world traveler will pick it up. What is the most supportive action toward the TB mission?

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I say some movement is better than none. Nobody knows the path a bug will take to reach the goal.


The most supportive thing would be to take the bug on a trip, post tales of the it's travels, post pictures of places it has been, whether you've moved it 1 mile or 1000.


With TBs the journey is the fun. What's the fun of reaching the goal in one jump?

Edited by BlueDeuce
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I'd agree with Blue Deuce.


I'd rather see my bugs move - even if it's not in the direction I expected, than to see them sit - or rather, to not see them sit and to wonder if they're still there, or if they've been lost or or or or (but then again, I'm a worrier). :lol:

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