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Need Help With Cache Camo


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I have used that foam spray on my cache to make it look like a rock. It came out really nice. I used spray paint on it that is designed to look like a rock...problem is - the paint is cracking, revealing the foam color underneath. What can I use to coat the paint to minimize or completely stop the cracking from occuring. Thanks


I usually disguise my plain sight micros in an authentic dog turd. I have seen fake feces, but real live poop is the way to go. You don't have any problems with cracking...


I have used that foam spray on my cache to make it look like a rock. It came out really nice. I used spray paint on it that is designed to look like a rock...problem is - the paint is cracking, revealing the foam color underneath. What can I use to coat the paint to minimize or completely stop the cracking from occuring. Thanks


This is the downside of spray foam insulation. I have a dozen caches with spray foam, and they all crack, revealing the foam color. You consider working with colored cement, or bondo, and crushed up rock from the area you wish to place the cache.


I have used that foam spray on my cache to make it look like a rock. It came out really nice. I used spray paint on it that is designed to look like a rock...problem is - the paint is cracking, revealing the foam color underneath. What can I use to coat the paint to minimize or completely stop the cracking from occuring. Thanks


We actually used a real rock, chiseled out a spot for a tupperware container, and then placed the rock (tupperware down) in a pile of rocks.


The polyurethane foams - most of the insulating foams - are just plain fragile, they crack, birds peck on them and make holes and if thick they sometimes bleed days later. First use Goop glue to prepare the surface, let it dry, than an all-purpose joint plaster sticks very well. The stone sprays are supposed to be covered by a polyurethane clear coat- than they rarely crack - than a bit more stone spray to dull it. You might want to wrap the plastered or foamed container in a plastic bag with strapping tape to get a smoother but creased surface - more like a rock. You can mix up the stone sprays to get a more realistic rock. Than you have a :huh: cache.


I've seen a micro that was hidden in a real rock. It looked like they used a drill and a masonary bit to make the hole.


With enough time and a cold-chisel you could put a regular sized cache inside a boulder, but it'd be a real B1^@h the carry to a cache site more than a few feet from your vehicle.


Thank you rjosprey, just the info I am looking for. There is a good sized ammo can hidden in this rock, so it is pretty big. The foam turned out great. I used a couple of cans to make the blob and then used a knife to cut in some sharp angles to make it look like the rocks I will be placing it nearIm sure glad I got busy and left this out and learned about the cracking so I could deal with it before placing it.


Use Zinnser 1-2-3 acrylic primer on the foam BEFORE the stone spray.... allow the foam to cure for a couple of days first, apply 1-2-3, allow it to cure for a couple of days, apply stone spray.


cracking problem gone

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