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Who Is Responsible For The Ocw

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Inquisitive minds want to know, who opened the OCW (Original Can of Worms) here in the Groundspeak forums. Sure, we all know about Dave Ulmer and the OCB, but we should make an effort to retain a valuable artifact of Forum history, where is the OCW?




Inquisitive minds want to know, who opened the OCW (Original Can of Worms) here in the Groundspeak forums. Sure, we all know about Dave Ulmer and the OCB, but we should make an effort to retain a valuable artifact of Forum history, where is the OCW?




I believe THIS is the OCW: (and so it begins)




BTW- TheAlabamaRambler has one on his personal coin. Maybe HE knows for sure.


I'll take "who was the first banned member for 25 please".


Dave Ulmer is actually one of the first to open a can of worms, but maybe there is another. Buxley's Maps came out of a can of worms and so did Navicache. Also on GPSgames.org it looks like Jeremy also stirred the pot on what was then the main geocaching forum/newsgroup or whatever it was. This forum came out of that spot of trouble.

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