+Morgan's Marauders Posted March 5, 2007 Posted March 5, 2007 I will do Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I think I volunteered on like day two of all this - but someone else beat me to it. Just let me know if it's still open!)
WhatUpDog Posted March 6, 2007 Posted March 6, 2007 *Bump* Do we have a leader board? Do we have the last four states?
+Blue Power Ranger Posted March 6, 2007 Author Posted March 6, 2007 **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** According to the emails we recieved from the hiders both New Jersey and Virginia were being hidden on Sunday. We were out of town until late last night so haven't been able to verify that yet. Montana's cache will be hidden in the next few weeks. We have been in contact with the hider and they have a great place in mind - they are just waiting for a little bit of the snow to melt away. The only hider I haven't heard back from is Idaho. Is there anyone from Idaho that wants to take this on?? Right now Idaho is the only state still needing a hider - if you are wanting to do it, contact us via email. The final is also being worked on too. This is going to get finished very quickly. Thanks for all of everyone's patience in it. Blue Power Ranger
+OldGimmer Posted March 6, 2007 Posted March 6, 2007 Hi from the UK I have just discovered this thread and spent the last hour or so reading most of it. Its a great idea and as a frequent visitor to the USA (32 states visited so far, with cache finds in several) I do hope your venture is very sucessful. If you require a cache for the unofficial 51st state i.e the UK I would be glad to arrange something Good look to everyone involved
+treasure_hunter Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 The VIRGINIA cache has been placed and is now under review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (GC11A1X) Sorry for the delay!!!!!!!
+Blue Power Ranger Posted March 7, 2007 Author Posted March 7, 2007 (edited) The VIRGINIA cache has been placed and is now under review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (GC11A1X) Sorry for the delay!!!!!!! This cache is now up and running and has already been found. Cache Across America - Virginia Thanks to treasure_hunter for getting it hidden! 3 left - Montana (waiting for spring) New Jersey (being placed tomorrow) Idaho (haven't heard back - may need new hider, email me if interested....) Thanks for getting this placed. Edited March 7, 2007 by Blue Power Ranger
+Morgan's Marauders Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** UPDATE **** According to the emails we recieved from the hiders both New Jersey and Virginia were being hidden on Sunday. We were out of town until late last night so haven't been able to verify that yet. Montana's cache will be hidden in the next few weeks. We have been in contact with the hider and they have a great place in mind - they are just waiting for a little bit of the snow to melt away. The only hider I haven't heard back from is Idaho. Is there anyone from Idaho that wants to take this on?? Right now Idaho is the only state still needing a hider - if you are wanting to do it, contact us via email. The final is also being worked on too. This is going to get finished very quickly. Thanks for all of everyone's patience in it. Blue Power Ranger Welllllllll, I guess I could move to Idaho...
+Morgan's Marauders Posted March 7, 2007 Posted March 7, 2007 (edited) Welllllllll, I guess I could move to Idaho... twice... Edited March 7, 2007 by Morgan's Marauders
+SharpShin' Posted March 8, 2007 Posted March 8, 2007 I will do Virginia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( I think I volunteered on like day two of all this - but someone else beat me to it. Just let me know if it's still open!) Well - I'll give you credit for stepping forward............
+MissJenn Posted March 9, 2007 Posted March 9, 2007 I would do Washington State. Found it! Now, only 49 more to go.
+Totem Clan Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 I found North Dakota. I'm on my way only 49 to go. Thanks for doing this folks. I can't wait to do more and to hear who completes it first. Any word on Idaho?
+wesleykey Posted March 12, 2007 Posted March 12, 2007 *Bump* Do we have a leader board? Do we have the last four states? *Bump* Do we have a leader board? Do we have the last four three states?
CacheNCarryMA Posted March 13, 2007 Posted March 13, 2007 I can cover Massachusets. Right next door. There is already a cache in Massachusetts.
+jahoadi and john Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 *Bump* Do we have a leader board? Do we have the last four states? *Bump* Do we have a leader board? Do we have the last four three states? *Bump Bump* Yes again, how do you look at who has found how many? Three states are still not placed. This is volunteer and a great idea but maybe it really is time for three others who are motivated to place caches in those three states?
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 27, 2007 Posted March 27, 2007 There are still, some states without a CAA? WOW! I for one am honored to have our CAA in place...great to have that in my profile!! I would think others would feel the same! I've had many visitors from out of town! I've also sent out a pair of coins to race each other to all those CAAs...TB1A7KG and TB1A7H8. One has been to Hawaii and parts west, the other went east!! Such fun! I myself may not get the chance to finish this multi until I retire, but I want to try!
+Blue Power Ranger Posted March 27, 2007 Author Posted March 27, 2007 Here is an update on this - we have had a few emails asking about it. New Jersey was placed yesterday by fishingdude. Look for it to be published any day now. Montana will be placed very soon. We have been in contact with the hider and they have been waiting for quite awhile for some snow to melt. Can't help that much..... Idaho - We just talked to a new hider this morning. They are scouting out a couple locations in the next week or so.... FINAL - Still being worked on - no worries. I know if someone was even remotely close, that final would be hidden ASAP. Thanks for all your support of this project. It has been very fun. We have had fun looking for them as we are traveling. Blue Power Ranger
BRTango Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Will there be a progress list kept on the final? I've seen several of the Delorme Challenge caches that show a progress list and a completed list... thought it might be fun to do for this series as well.
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Was the coin idea nixed or will we be seeing those some time in the future? Would be great!
+Blue Power Ranger Posted March 28, 2007 Author Posted March 28, 2007 Was the coin idea nixed or will we be seeing those some time in the future? Would be great! A coin idea would still be great....just so much going on and we need more than 24 hrs in a day.... wanna take it on???
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 Sure!! I can get right to it! Let me know what you'd like to do and I can work out the rest!
+archi77 Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I just spent my entire lunch hour (well, more than an hour...shhh...) reading this thread. Wow. I've only been caching for about a month now, got a few finds under my belt, and now, thanks to all of you wonderful folk, I have a REAL goal! My question: is there a way to do a PQ for JUST the 50 state caches? If so, how? Remember, new to the whole searching process... Thanks!
+BlueDeuce Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I just spent my entire lunch hour (well, more than an hour...shhh...) reading this thread. Wow. I've only been caching for about a month now, got a few finds under my belt, and now, thanks to all of you wonderful folk, I have a REAL goal! My question: is there a way to do a PQ for JUST the 50 state caches? If so, how? Remember, new to the whole searching process... Thanks! You can PQ this Bookmark.
+archi77 Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 You can PQ this Bookmark. Thanks! Didn't know you could PQ a bookmark list...good to know!
+Ambrosia Posted March 28, 2007 Posted March 28, 2007 I know that it's been mentioned before. But I wish that the caches were located in a more logical way, in a major town or on a normal route for road trips. I understand that it was hard enough to get all the states covered, so it wouldn't have worked to have the caches in better spots. Not that I would've ever had a chance to complete this cache, but I definately won't if I have to go all over to get each cache. *sigh* Oh, well. I'm glad that some people will have fun with this one.
+ZSteve Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 My First Post - YaHoo! Thanks to Blue Power Ranger and all of the hiders for getting this series put together. And a big thanks to those hiders who have provided life-lines on the cache page. There's nothing like being thousands of miles away from home and being worried about not being able to find the cache. It was very sad to see Spaceteacher travel all the way from Alabama to South Dakota only to have to DNF Hopperz (she's 10) and I have been having a lot of fun with these. We even went out on a limb and planned our trip to DC What motivation! - Now we just need to figure how to get to all of these wonderful places. We're really enjoying seeing this great country of ours and some of the fun places in each state. Sadly, it looks like we may have to cancel a trip we have planned across part of the Northern US as 6 of the 10 caches we were hoping to visit are either not yet placed or are disabled. I'm still holding out hope that things get resolved very soon, but must admit I'm starting to lose some of my optimism Still having fun though - Thanks again for a great idea and series!......Now if I can just remember where I put that list of codes
+AKStafford Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Thanks to Blue Power Ranger and all of the hiders for getting this series put together. And a big thanks to those hiders who have provided life-lines on the cache page. There's nothing like being thousands of miles away from home and being worried about not being able to find the cache. It was very sad to see Spaceteacher travel all the way from Alabama to South Dakota only to have to DNF Hmm.... Not a bad idea to include a life-line number. The Alaska Cache is a pretty basic cache; but still, I'd hate for someone to come all the way to Alaska and not find it. I have included my cell number in the hints.
+webscouter. Posted April 5, 2007 Posted April 5, 2007 Still having fun though - Thanks again for a great idea and series!......Now if I can just remember where I put that list of codes I created a hidden non-shared bookmark list for the caches I have found with the codes in it. This is in addition to the list I keep at home.
+DaisyChain Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 So what is the plan for temporarily archived caches? I hadn't thought about it until I realized I could hit one on an upcoming trip and it's out of commission. Wasn't part of the agreement to hide an agreement to be diligent on the upkeep?
+Haffy Posted April 8, 2007 Posted April 8, 2007 (edited) It's too bad that cachers who have hidden the Cache Across America caches can't be a little more diligent in maintaining their caches. I see there are quite a few that haven't been maintained in the proper way that they should be. A good cache hider should at least make an attempt within a week to check on their caches and if a week isn't long enough then they shouldn't have hidden them to begin with. A lot of people are traveling great distances to find these caches and they should at least show some respect to those who are seeking them. I have also seen a couple of instances where the caches that are hidden are being hidden in a 4 or 5 difficulty area which I thought was against the originators intent. I was under the understanding that they were to be made available to most everyone. Just my 2 cents. Edited April 8, 2007 by haffy
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Yes...these should be a 1.5/1.5 cache that everyone can fairly easily get to...and all should be maintained well! As one of the cache owners (MI), I am HONORED to have mine! if anyone should plan to come out after our hide, give me a yell and I'll be happy to meet you there if possible!! Anyone with questions as to whether a cache is available should write the owner and verify condition just in case!! Some cachers were more than happy to be a part of the hoopla, but have dropped the ball as far as keeping up with their end of the bargain!
+Firefighter's Wife Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Anyone with questions as to whether a cache is available should write the owner and verify condition just in case!! Some cachers were more than happy to be a part of the hoopla, but have dropped the ball as far as keeping up with their end of the bargain! Good thought. Unfortunately, not everyone answers their email, apparently. Just went on a roadtrip with the hope of adding another 7 CAA finds. Turns out we only got 3. One of them went AWOL while we were on the road apparently (he didn't respond right away, but the problem is....). The other was questionable, and I wrote to check out the situation. No response either by email or on the page, even though there was obviously a problem. We decided to just try that one on another occasion (which eliminated another CAA find on this trip), and turns out that was probably a good thing cause what was a questionable situation turned into a missing. *sigh*
+DaisyChain Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 I don't run out for most of my caches immediately when I get a DNF. I do regular maintenance so I usually know the condition of my caches. But the CAA cache is different. I would go asap. I know what's it's like to travel a distance for a cache and would not want anyone to DNF it. I even got a sitter for when I'm out of town. And I agree, I would meet someone out at the site if they emailed me ahead of time. I am not obsessed.
+Rebel Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 But the CAA cache is different. I would go asap. I know what's it's like to travel a distance for a cache and would not want anyone to DNF it. I agree. I consider my CAA cache as special. In fact, I had a DNF recently and ran right out to check it. Before I could get back to the computer to post a maintenance log the cacher who DNFd it had returned and logged a find (we had to have passed each other on the road). I'm quite aware that folks may travel a great distance to snag that one cache so I'm extra attentive to it. This does cause me to think about what to do if it does get muggled when I'm not in a position to respond quickly. Hmmmmm . . .
Neos2 Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 I loooved the idea of the 50 state multi, but I recently realized that my husband and I will probably never get it done. Hopefully we'll get a few in sometime, though. We took a 9 state road trip over spring break KY-TN-AL-MS-LA-TX-OK-AR-MO and I thought for sure I could manage to route us past at least a few of the caches. Every single one of the caches was at least a 50 mile round trip detour off the "big road" (the main interstates through the nation, especially I-20), except KY, and we can get that one any time. Now I understand why there was the big campaign to plan out a route to drive the nation, and look for volunteers to place caches along the route. Anyone who does manage to get all 50 states will really be accomplishing a monumental task and deserves big kudos!
+usyoopers Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 I loooved the idea of the 50 state multi, but I recently realized that my husband and I will probably never get it done. Hopefully we'll get a few in sometime, though. We took a 9 state road trip over spring break KY-TN-AL-MS-LA-TX-OK-AR-MO and I thought for sure I could manage to route us past at least a few of the caches. Every single one of the caches was at least a 50 mile round trip detour off the "big road" (the main interstates through the nation, especially I-20), except KY, and we can get that one any time. Now I understand why there was the big campaign to plan out a route to drive the nation, and look for volunteers to place caches along the route. Anyone who does manage to get all 50 states will really be accomplishing a monumental task and deserves big kudos! We also just took a long road trip. We had 4 CAA finds before the trip, I planned on bagging 2 more on this trip. We went over 200 miles out of our way for the Nebraska cache...it was missing. We took about a 4 hour break for the Colorado cache, this one seems to be available for only a couple months of the year. We will not be persuing any more CAA caches. I feel that to be a CAA cache it should be available to all, all the time. Perhaps a group should take care of the cache instead of relying on 1 person. We will be out to get a cache in every state, just not 1 paticular cache.
tanbev94 Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 yo i could do Georgia state!! (augusta ga) that sounds cool!!
+cameltrekor Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 (edited) We also just took a long road trip. We had 4 CAA finds before the trip, I planned on bagging 2 more on this trip. We went over 200 miles out of our way for the Nebraska cache...it was missing. We took about a 4 hour break for the Colorado cache, this one seems to be available for only a couple months of the year. We will not be persuing any more CAA caches. I feel that to be a CAA cache it should be available to all, all the time. Perhaps a group should take care of the cache instead of relying on 1 person. We will be out to get a cache in every state, just not 1 paticular cache. Since I am the current owner of the CAA-CO cache, I felt the need to respond to this. It's too bad you did not find the cache, in my email reply to you (before you tried) I stated that it was covered with 2 ft of snow and ice. You attempted anyway and failed. The spot I picked is accessable year round, but it turns out the cache location appears to be covered with snow for the winter season. A move of about 200 ft would provide year round availability and I am considering a move. Now, this series is rated 2.5/2.5 max and that is different than being available to all. I recently rated mine higher and now will have to move the cache to meet this and that is my error . I've had other conscientious people contact me to express their desires on this cache, thanks but no thanks . So... keep up the complaining, its easy. Edited April 9, 2007 by cameltrekor
+usyoopers Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 We also just took a long road trip. We had 4 CAA finds before the trip, I planned on bagging 2 more on this trip. We went over 200 miles out of our way for the Nebraska cache...it was missing. We took about a 4 hour break for the Colorado cache, this one seems to be available for only a couple months of the year. We will not be persuing any more CAA caches. I feel that to be a CAA cache it should be available to all, all the time. Perhaps a group should take care of the cache instead of relying on 1 person. We will be out to get a cache in every state, just not 1 paticular cache. Since I am the current owner of the CAA-CO cache, I felt the need to respond to this. It's too bad you did not find the cache, in my email reply to you (before you tried) I stated that it was covered with 2 ft of snow and ice. You attempted anyway and failed. The spot I picked is accessable year round, but it turns out the cache location appears to be covered with snow for the winter season. A move of about 200 ft would provide year round availability and I am considering a move. Now, this series is rated 2.5/2.5 max and that is different than being available to all. I recently rated mine higher and now will have to move the cache to meet this and that is my error . I've had other conscientious people contact me to express their desires on this cache, thanks but no thanks . So... keep up the complaining, its easy. No need to roll your eyes at me, I am only expressing our opinion of the 2 CAA caches we went for lately. Yes, we did contact you first and yes you did say we shouldn't try for this cache...which I might add hasn't been able to be found for 5-6 months?? Our believe is that these caches should be accesible 12 months of the year by anyone. We went after this cache because we happened to be in the area...don't know when or if we ever will be again, I'm sure we aren't the only people to go after a CAA that doesn't plan on returning to the area...these caches need to be available.
+DaisyChain Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 Well, I can agree that it would be nice to have the caches available (ie maintained). But how can the hider protect against natural elements? We don't want a bunch of light pole caches. Remember YOU choose what you hunt for. It's rare for snow in my part of MD, but if you go to western MD, it's almost a sure thing in the winter months.
+mtn-man Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 yo i could do Georgia state!! (augusta ga)that sounds cool!! Just three posts above you, Rebel (from GA) is talking about his that he has already hidden in GA.
+ZSteve Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 I loooved the idea of the 50 state multi, but I recently realized that my husband and I will probably never get it done. Hopefully we'll get a few in sometime, though. We took a 9 state road trip over spring break KY-TN-AL-MS-LA-TX-OK-AR-MO and I thought for sure I could manage to route us past at least a few of the caches. Every single one of the caches was at least a 50 mile round trip detour off the "big road" (the main interstates through the nation, especially I-20), except KY, and we can get that one any time. Now I understand why there was the big campaign to plan out a route to drive the nation, and look for volunteers to place caches along the route. Anyone who does manage to get all 50 states will really be accomplishing a monumental task and deserves big kudos! We also just took a long road trip. We had 4 CAA finds before the trip, I planned on bagging 2 more on this trip. We went over 200 miles out of our way for the Nebraska cache...it was missing. We took about a 4 hour break for the Colorado cache, this one seems to be available for only a couple months of the year. We will not be persuing any more CAA caches. I feel that to be a CAA cache it should be available to all, all the time. Perhaps a group should take care of the cache instead of relying on 1 person. We will be out to get a cache in every state, just not 1 paticular cache. For what it's worth, of the CAA caches that I've done, I've really enjoyed those that have shown me a bit of the state. If I'm traveling many miles to a new state, I enjoy seeing a little something special about the area even though this sometimes takes more time than just pulling off of the Interstate. I appreciate that the hiders have thought about what makes their state special and have placed their cache in a location that allows someone from out of the area to experience a little bit of it.
+Teewinot Posted April 9, 2007 Posted April 9, 2007 (edited) hello my name is teewinot, I was thinking about the 50 states cache and posted it as a topic, then someone sent me here, I am glad there are others out there with this idea. My thoughts were to have this as traditional caches placed in each states capitol. I was hoping Groundspeak would get involved and make a special icon for finding that state cache, but others said that Groundspeak has been staying away from that idea so far. so how about this, what if each state had a geocoin placed inside the cache that people could discover. it would be fastened or welded or whatever so it could not be taken. the coin could be an original idea or fashoned after the state quarter but since all of those have not been displayed yet that would hinder the process. anyway, I see that someone has pledged for oregon but I would pledge as well since I live in the capitol. I agree with someones posting that a prize of some sort would be awesome. I think making a puzzle out of this would be a little over the top, just to find all 50 would be more than enough I think. To spread this idea I would be willing to try and contact geo groups in each state, they are not hard to find and get the idea moving. ps, I am new to the forums and did not realize there were alot more pages to read on this topic, as I can see some ideas have already been put in motion, so basically my post is useless, but I will read the rest of the threads now. thanks Edited April 9, 2007 by Teewinot
+wesleykey Posted April 10, 2007 Posted April 10, 2007 I'd still like to see the leader board and know about the placements on the last couple of states. It looks as if this one will never be a findable series...... My Cache Across America: Alabama has had 43 logged visits. Congrats to those who can make any progress at all in this endeavour.
+Blue Power Ranger Posted April 10, 2007 Author Posted April 10, 2007 I'd still like to see the leader board and know about the placements on the last couple of states. It looks as if this one will never be a findable series...... My Cache Across America: Alabama has had 43 logged visits. Congrats to those who can make any progress at all in this endeavour. Wesleykey - I'll respectfully disagree that this will never be a findable series. Findable - Yes , Easily Findable - Certainly not for many of the reasons listed above. I am confident that at some point, somebody will have found the 51 caches required to complete this. I'll confess that progress has been brutally slow getting the remaining states going... but we are sticking with it and as promised way back when, will see this through until the whole thing is up. I really wish I could just hide them all myself but I can't unfortunately. NJ - will need to rethink the hider, ID - we have a new hider and it should be up soon. MT - Still in deep freeze. I, along with everyone else, am at the mercy of those who have been kind enough to volunteer to hide. Regarding a leaderboard, I keep one near the bottom of my profile page but it hasn't been updated in a few months. Kablooey wrote a program a while back that allowed him to run the leaders list. I'll see if I can get him to run it again. I would love to get that updated. Never, never, never, never give up - Winston Churchill
+Rebel Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 I COULD DO GA It's already out there. Georgia In fact, it was the first one placed. We appreciate the offer of course.
tanbev94 Posted April 11, 2007 Posted April 11, 2007 can you post a post that shows all the caches and there links
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