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Most Interesting Tb Missions Completed..

team lagonda

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If it's true what they say - that it's all about the journey, and not the destination, then this TB has had a fairly interesting mission. Demokrit hasn't completed it's journey, but it's well on it's way.




Demokrit's goal is to travel to all 7 continents. It's gone about 50,000 miles so far, and has been in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America. So, while it might not get that 7th continent, it has a good chance of the other 2. :( Ironically, it's owner has only this TB, and has only found 24 caches, but he logs in a lot to see how the TB is doing I guess. (It probably helps that the TB is very small, so it fits into most non-micro caches.)


(I know not one of my TB's, but none of mine have gone anywhere interesting or completed any cool missions).

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Well... My sister from Maine ws visiting my brother in Seattle, and one of his stuffed birds fell asleep in her luggage, and woke up in Maine. She mailed it to me, and I attached a dogtag, and sent Lost Bird/Furby For a Change back to him. Lost Bird arrived back in Seattle in three or four months! My brother put the dogtag on a Furby Travel Purse, and dropped it in the Czech Republik, with the objective of travelling to visit my sister in Maine. So far, it has made it to the Netherlands! And logged over 9000 miles.

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I was able to help this TB on part of its goal. One goal was to visit Hollywood.

Oxnard Hamster Travel Bug



TB goes Hollywood




TB on "Friends" Central Perk couch




TB where the Spiderman upside down kissing scene was filmed




It feels pretty good when you can help a TB on a goal rather than just moving it from cache to cache.

Edited by R.O.B
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QUOTE(R.O.B @ Jun 25 2006, 11:00 AM) 2302763[/snapback]

I was able to help this TB on part of its goal. One goal was to visit Hollywood.

Oxnard Hamster Travel Bug


It feels pretty good when you can help a TB on a goal rather than just moving it from cache to cache.


Oxnard belongs to one of our local cacher's daughter. Thanks for helping him with his mission! :rolleyes:

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our most interesting one now is a secrete agent tb who after getting overseas his real mission was posted..his new mission , to find bin,ladin..he is now leving germany and is headed for greese/turkey on its way to pakistan where it will hook up hopefully with some spy or soldgier to help find bin,laden..hopefully when i see this tb again will be on CNN..

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I was the person that sucessfully completed this travel bugs mission (TB4830). Sorry don't know how to do the linky thing.


It went to 9 states, Germany and travelled 12,300 miles in about 3 years.


Copy the link, inside your post on the tool bar is an icon of the world and a chain link/paper clip, click that, paster in the link, click OK, go copy the name and paste it in or type in name, click OK.


Tim's Lion


That's it.

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