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The Legal Blood Caffeine Level

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I love a good cup of coffee. Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a coffee snob, I just like a good cup when I can find one. A nice cup before a morning cache run is a great to start the day, but some cachers seem to NEED their pick me up to fuel the hunt.


How ‘bout you? What do think the legal blood caffeine level should be? If coffee isn’t your poison of choice, how do you fuel up for that big hunt?

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I'm a tea drinker, so morning hunts are fuled with a couple of cups of tea and some OJ. Coffee gives me the shakes for some reason. I drink about 6 cups of coffe a year and all 6 come while driving back to NJ after skiing in Vt.


In the afternoon its usually just water, and occassionally iced tea or lemonade.

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I'm a tea drinker, so morning hunts are fuled with a couple of cups of tea and some OJ. Coffee gives me the shakes for some reason. I drink about 6 cups of coffe a year and all 6 come while driving back to NJ after skiing in Vt.


In the afternoon its usually just water, and occassionally iced tea or lemonade.


Is there even life before coffee?

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Mt. Dew!

Start the day off with a 1 Ltr bottle. Lunch time- get another one.

Sometimes If Im out and about after work, I'll have a 3rd.

I average 2Ltrs per day, as mauch as 4.


Im hopelessly addicted to caffine - and need to look into hypnotism :laughing:

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During the winter I like coffee in the morning...one or two cups. Then I move to Diet Coke.

During the summer I usually skip the coffe and go straight to the DC.

I probably drink 3-4 20oz bottles a day...way less than the 8-10 cans I used to drink.

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i don't drink coffee, or soda's with caffeine in them. I drink about 2 to 3 glasses of tea in the afternoon/evening. I get headaches if ingest cafeine in large doses. I have never cared for the taste of coffee or that fact any drink you drink while its hot.

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Two big mugs of strong coffee with breakfast are the equivalent of the defibrillator paddles for me. Clear! WHUMP! After that, nada. I've experimented with 100mg caffeine pills as a pre-workout stimulant, but couldn't really tell whether they did any good. No adverse effects, but if there's a benefit, it's pretty subtle.

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Strong, black, and often. Twice brewed, cooked all day, or even warmed over 2nd day coffee is some of the best. Of course I learned this in the military. Nothing like staying up for days to learn the proper ways to abuse caffeine and your body.


After a few cups of joe in the morning, I stick to the water in my camelbak for my caching. Although if I'm feeling a little run down, I'll stop for a DMD or DC. (Diet Mountain Dew/Coke)

Edited by Jhwk
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You are all going to kill yourselves!! :laughing:

I don't like tea or coffee that much. I use honey! Yes I said I use honey as a in between meal energy boost! It will bring you up but you won't spike and crash because honey helps to regulate your blood sugar. Honey also is the only food that never spoils!


I must admit though I do enjoy a monster now and then! Those really get me going! B) But I always crash and get a headache later. :ph34r:

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Strong, black, and often. Twice brewed, cooked all day, or even warmed over 2nd day coffee is some of the best. Of course I learned this in the military. Nothing like staying up for days to learn the proper ways to abuse caffeine and your body.



Been there done that. God's bless the Darby Queen, the goshdarned fickle bitc@! That's why, now that humpin' days are over, I stick to GOOD coffee.

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Those who know me know about my love for coffee. It's beyond addiction. I think the bigger concern is how much blood is there in my caffeine system.


The stronger the better and NO flavored coffees. I want it to bite, I want to feel it. Decaffeinated coffee is just useless brown water.


There's a coffee company out of Vermont called "Speeder and Earl's." Get some "Speeder's Blend." It'll keep you alive...or kill you...your mileage may vary. Other than that my usual poison is Kenya AA or a local blend called "Dancing Goats Blend." Yeah, strange name...but it's good.


In the summer I do iced coffee some. I keep a pitcher in the fridge. It's quick and easier than brewing a pot. I also tend to drink a lot more of it since it goes down quicker.


Those who have cached with me know me by my travel mug. I've had it for several years. It seldom leaves my side. It's black....well...it's black now.


Usually in the middle of a cache run there'll be a coffee break somewhere. I like places that have free wifi to check email and check in on the site.


Other than that, for quick energy I keep Clif Bars on hand. Some of them have caffeine in them too.



Edited by CYBret
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Other than that, for quick energy I keep Clif Bars on hand. Some of them have caffeine in them too.


I can't find the caffeinated Clif bars anymore :laughing: (what were they called..."Ice" or something like that?)


I think the only ones with caffeine in them (at least that I can find) are the green tea and/or chocolate ones. And thats only a couple mgs...

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Other than that, for quick energy I keep Clif Bars on hand. Some of them have caffeine in them too.


I'm getting away from the power bar/Gatorade fueling scheme. I had some unpleasant sugar crashes during strenuous hikes/climbs and decided to try something different. Current favorites are "Oh Yeah" bars (more fat/protein, less sugar) for fuel and regular V8 for sodium/potassium replacement. I do not wash down the bars with the V8--that'd make a billygoat puke!


Anybody else trying to cut back sugar? The reward is more even energy levels.

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mmmmmmm coffee. I have my favorite perfect cup. It took many years but I have finally got it. Hot and black, none of that sissy crapichino for me. I'll take a triple shot of straight up espresso (when I'm feeling fancy), otherwise it's double strength instant.


Now how many sissies wash your cups when finished with that hot steaming cup of brown love??????


Almost as good as pork bellies – mmmmmmmm pork mmmmmmmmm


As for cola - try some GeoCola, this was perfect until the original container grew legs and walked away. (The original container)

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Coffee seems to be the big winner so far. How 'bout those "power drinks", Red bull, Rock Star... ect. Anybody doing that?


Tried a Red Bull once, but couldn't get past the taste. Ditto for that healthy green-tea drink with the fancy glass bottle (Sobe?). Yech. And probably a half-pound of sugar to the bottle. V8 and cold water are the ticket for desert hiking.

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Strong, black, and often. Twice brewed, cooked all day, or even warmed over 2nd day coffee is some of the best. Of course I learned this in the military. Nothing like staying up for days to learn the proper ways to abuse caffeine and your body.



Been there done that. God's bless the Darby Queen, the goshdarned fickle bitc@! That's why, now that humpin' days are over, I stick to GOOD coffee.


dadgum rights!!! i got a little trick where i brew ground up dark roast coffee in a percolater, then remove the grounds, add a fresh batch of grounds and re brew. two or three pots of those and im ready to go. zero shakes. i can drink it and fall asleep , it does;'nt affect that way...



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I personally need at least two cups a day. And, I have it with nothing in it. I have to have it piping hot too...everyone at work laughs cuz I literally heat my coffee up every 5 mins or so. Nothing ruins the day like cold, black coffee.


EDIT: Wow the Darby Queen...I havent her her name in a LONG time...thanks for bringing back those memories. I hate splinters...

Edited by oldsoldier
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I started drinking coffee in the Navy. Back then I'd drink it all day long. My right hand nearly became permanantly hooked from holding my mug.


These days I drink a pot in the morning and switch to water/juice or soda in the afternoons. When I'm caching it's plain water all day (after my morning pot of coffee).

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Drives the wife nuts when I drink a poy of coffee then go to bed.

I sent one of the kids at work on a coffee run yesterday, he came back with hazelnut. I let him live but he won't do that again.

I have cut back though, only three pots a day. Never could drink it with cream or sugar.

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i don't drink coffee, or soda's with caffeine in them. I drink about 2 to 3 glasses of tea in the afternoon/evening. I get headaches if ingest cafeine in large doses. I have never cared for the taste of coffee or that fact any drink you drink while its hot.

I get headaches if I don't ingest cafeine in regular doses.

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You are all going to kill yourselves!! :laughing:

I don't like tea or coffee that much. I use honey! Yes I said I use honey as a in between meal energy boost! It will bring you up but you won't spike and crash because honey helps to regulate your blood sugar. Honey also is the only food that never spoils!


I must admit though I do enjoy a monster now and then! Those really get me going! :ph34r: But I always crash and get a headache later. :laughing:

Yeah but how would gag it down?


Oh I know in a large cup of black coffee. :laughing:

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Coffee seems to be the big winner so far. How 'bout those "power drinks", Red bull, Rock Star... ect. Anybody doing that?


I was doing Red Bull in work. They would break out a cooler full around 2:00, just when I'd go through my afternoon doldrums. It would perk me up. Gotta drink it real cold tho, otherwise it tastes horrible.


I don't get how people actually go out and mix that stuff with vodka.

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Coffee seems to be the big winner so far. How 'bout those "power drinks", Red bull, Rock Star... ect. Anybody doing that?


I was doing Red Bull in work. They would break out a cooler full around 2:00, just when I'd go through my afternoon doldrums. It would perk me up. Gotta drink it real cold tho, otherwise it tastes horrible.


I don't get how people actually go out and mix that stuff with vodka.


mixing it with Jägermeister seems to be the big thing around here. icon8.gif

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Wow, after reading these posts I don't feel so bad about my big mug o' joe 3 times a day.


I think everyone posting to this list would enjoy this website I happened upon a while back.




When you visit, click on "the caffeine database" to see how much caffeine is in most drinks. (Also the "Death by Penguin Mints" is kinda fun)


By the by....I use to be a regular Mtn Dew drinker till Vault came out.

12 oz can of Mtn Dew = 55 mg caff.

12 oz can of Vault = 70 mg caff.


Vault, it's the new Surge!

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I usually brew up some good, freshly ground bean (currently drinking a batch of Ethiopian Moka Harrar) and fill my travel mug. The cup actually holds about 20 oz. I'll occassionally drink coffee later in the day, but not often. Just really need my morning fix to get going. :blink:


And yes, I am a self-admitted coffee snob. I started on good, I guess you might call it gourmet, coffee in college and just haven't found anything that comes close since. I order my beans from a roaster, grind them in a burr mill grinder, brew them with a gold filter.

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Hound - "Raven's Brew Coffee...The Last Legal High!" :ph34r:


They have become my roaster of choice these days. "Dead Man's Reach" is my big favorite of theirs. :blink:


Just got in a batch of beans from them last week. Dead Mean's Reach, Espresso Chocolon, and Ethiopian Moka Harrar. Nothing makes my day quite like seeing, and smelling that box in my doorway as I come home from work. :P

Edited by wandererrob
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I think everyone posting to this list would enjoy this website I happened upon a while back.




When you visit, click on "the caffeine database" to see how much caffeine is in most drinks.

I just looked at it -- they have Jolt gum??! (45 mg.) Has anyone ever seen it?


I've seen the "BuzzWater" (caffeinated water, 200 mg), but have never tried it, although I have heard of people that use it to make their coffee. :blink:


By the by....I use to be a regular Mtn Dew drinker till Vault came out.

12 oz can of Mtn Dew = 55 mg caff.

12 oz can of Vault = 70 mg caff.


Vault, it's the new Surge!

I tried the Vault Zero... tasted like Fresca. It won't lure me away from my diet mtn dew. :P

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I usually brew up some good, freshly ground bean (currently drinking a batch of Ethiopian Moka Harrar) and fill my travel mug. The cup actually holds about 20 oz. I'll occassionally drink coffee later in the day, but not often. Just really need my morning fix to get going. :blink:


And yes, I am a self-admitted coffee snob. I started on good, I guess you might call it gourmet, coffee in college and just haven't found anything that comes close since. I order my beans from a roaster, grind them in a burr mill grinder, brew them with a gold filter.


I thought I was bad because I buy high quality whole bean coffee and grind it myself one pot at a time. Of course compared to what I learned to drink in the Army, that would make me a coffee snob.

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