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How Many People

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I wonder how many people are waiting for 10.29pm tomorrow to log their visit and 'visitor number' while guessing the same figure as the number of overall visitors? Now I thought of it I wish I'd done it :lol:


At the risk of sounding really really stupid.....(no comments please)


Where does it tell you the amount of visitors?


Or has Mandy been on here 24/7 counting names???



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Erm... that's why you are asked to add one to the previous visitors number when you post... I.E. As of 7:03pm today, there have been 84 visitors, and Chipstix is expecting a further rush of 118 to reach their estimated target of 202.



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Erm... that's why you are asked to add one to the previous visitors number when you post... I.E. As of 7:03pm today, there have been 84 visitors, and Chipstix is expecting a further rush of 118 to reach their estimated target of 202.




LOL! But don't forget those lurkers ... <_<

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