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Can I Change The Cache Coords?


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I placed a cache on may 1st and it had 3 DNF's so today I went to the cache site and found that I posted the wrong coords is there any way to change the coords? I see that it says that I can change it in the logs but is that the only way, that will mess people up that are downloading the coords.

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I placed a cache on may 1st and it had 3 DNF's so today I went to the cache site and found that I posted the wrong coords is there any way to change the coords? I see that it says that I can change it in the logs but is that the only way, that will mess people up that are downloading the coords.

if you are only changing it slightly, you can change it when you click "edit listing". Just remember to re-check the boxes at the bottom that you have read the guidelines for listing a cache. I think if you are changing them substantially, that it won't let you - but in that case you can always email the reviewer that published the cache, explain the situation and give them the new coords, and they can update the listing for you if it's still more than .1 mi from other caches, and not at a school and and etc etc.

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You can move it yourself by up to 0.1 mile on your own by logging it using an "Update Coordinates" log-type. If the coordinates you used are further away fromt he actual coordinates than that, then you will have to email your local approver.


Jamie - NFA

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The correct location is 190 ft away, so I email my local reviewer, thanks


You can make that change yourself by editing the cache page. You'll see a link to change the coordinates there. Anything over 528' you will need your reviewer, less you can do it yourself.

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