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What Would You Ask Garmin

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Posted (edited)

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It's been over a year since the last posting.


Here's your chance to ask a question or make a (polite) statement to Garmin concerning their service and products.


Note: Chances are pretty good you won't get a response from them here.

Edited by BlueDeuce
Posted (edited)

It would be nice to be able to switch maps easier, with topo and city select loaded you cant see topo without hiding the city select. it takes 4+ button presses and menu navigating to hide city select.


wouldn't it be nice if from the map screen you could bring up one menu and have a switching maps option?

Edited by hogrod

If Lowrance had accepted Garmin's offer for the company, would Garmin have continued producing Lowrance units, and continue the company further, or would they have shut it down, eliminating their competitor and laying off all Lowrance employees?


Maybe fix the lock up bug with the text to Speech on the C340 ..


Bug is if you use the text to speech files (ie turn left in 500m into The High Street) the unit locks up every 10 mins or so. The only way to use it is the traditional Garmin speech files (ie turn left in 500m)


Last release for what is a pretty brand new one of their top of the range units was Dec 06, 2005 ...


Maybe it would be nice if when using the "Mark" feature to enter a set of coordinates, you could then have a "GoTo" button to allow you to navigate to that set of coordinates (instead of having to hit "OK" and then go an "Find" the waypoint you just set).


How about addressing the Lithium battery problem(s)?


There is an Alkaline setting and a Ni-MH setting on my Vista Cx, but no Lithium battery setting. When I contacted Garmin Tech Support about this, the answer was something along the lines of "You can use the Alkaline setting, but the battery usage will not be correct until the battery is near dead. Until then, the battery meter will show more life than is really there."


If they know about this, why can't it be fixed? Other people have reported other problems with Lithium batteries and their specific models.


I'd like units that record the time/date that I record the waypoint. Of course, I'm using the GPS units for research pruposes, but it seems to me to be a useful piece of information, and such a simple data element shouldn't be so much trouble to record, should it?


If I'm gonna wish, wish big (ripped from my previous post)


1. Geocaching information. It would be AWESOME if the units with expandable memory

had enhancements to allow much more information to be uploaded to the device via gpx

files. The premium membership at geocaching.com allows the entire cache page to be

downloaded (including cache info, hints difficulty, and the last 5 comments from cachers). it would be very cool if I didn't have to use my ipaq to show this information, so I could just use my gpsr.


2. A system similer to the magellans for waypoint management (similer to the

POIloader in some ways, but more flexible). On the magellans, you can have multiple

files, and use directories to organize waypoints (again, sorta like the POIloader).

It would be nice for these to be read/write on the gpsr (mark cache as found,

delete/add on the gpsr).


3 I have a 60cx, with cityselect v7. When I select Find->Fuel Service (and I

expect other finds are similer) it does show gas sites that are in order of

closest to furthest. Problem I noticed is that the closest may be a gas

station I just passed, and doing a U turn is disbled in my routing. Is it

possible to have it show me the closest POI that is based off of my travel

direction? answer no.


I'd like to see a feature (on the 60CSx/60Cx in my case) where you can use the "Follow Road" function to drive to near a cache, and then be able to more easily switch to the "Off Road" function to get the compass/arrow display without having to recalculate and choose the "Off Road" option.


I know it's not a big deal, but since this IS a "things I'd like to see" wish page...


If Lowrance had accepted Garmin's offer for the company, would Garmin have continued producing Lowrance units, and continue the company further, or would they have shut it down, eliminating their competitor and laying off all Lowrance employees?


Ironic (and probably moot), because if you look at:




it appears that Lowrance would've never sold to Garmin because of anti-trust issues.


How about adding a "soft key"?


Many devices using a GUI allow the user to assign a function to an icon. Think of a feature you use and would like a shortcut to. Someone earlier suggestde making it easier to swtich between Topo and CityNav. With a soft key, you could assign the shorcut to that menu to the soft key icon. One click and you can cut through three layers of menu selections.


My cell phone offers something like this. It should be possible to incororate this into a future OS enhancement.


If I'm gonna wish, wish big (ripped from my previous post)


1. Geocaching information. It would be AWESOME if the units with expandable memory

had enhancements to allow much more information to be uploaded to the device via gpx

files. The premium membership at geocaching.com allows the entire cache page to be

downloaded (including cache info, hints difficulty, and the last 5 comments from cachers). it would be very cool if I didn't have to use my ipaq to show this information, so I could just use my gpsr.


2. A system similer to the magellans for waypoint management (similer to the

POIloader in some ways, but more flexible). On the magellans, you can have multiple

files, and use directories to organize waypoints (again, sorta like the POIloader).

It would be nice for these to be read/write on the gpsr (mark cache as found,

delete/add on the gpsr).


3 I have a 60cx, with cityselect v7. When I select Find->Fuel Service (and I

expect other finds are similer) it does show gas sites that are in order of

closest to furthest. Problem I noticed is that the closest may be a gas

station I just passed, and doing a U turn is disbled in my routing. Is it

possible to have it show me the closest POI that is based off of my travel

direction? answer no.


Heh - my cheap magellan explorist 210 has geocaching information (enough that you don't need the pocket pc). Maybe that'll convince garmin to do it :-)



I'd like to see a feature (on the 60CSx/60Cx in my case) where you can use the "Follow Road" function to drive to near a cache, and then be able to more easily switch to the "Off Road" function to get the compass/arrow display without having to recalculate and choose the "Off Road" option.


I know it's not a big deal, but since this IS a "things I'd like to see" wish page...

I second this request. It takes way too much button pushing to toggle between fo;;owing the road option to get close to a cache and then having to punch through 3-4 screens to get to the off-road screen.


I have to chuckle at RK's post. He keeps looking longingly at my 60CS and thinking how cool it would be to have a 60CSX. Then he looks at his GPS V and wonders how nice it would be if all the features of the 60CSX were incorporated into a new version of his V. Then he just sighs and waits for the GPS that will never be. I notice though that lately he has been accidentally leaving his GPS on the top of his vehicle and driving away. It has survived each time so far, but I think secretely he is hoping that it will die so he will have to make a decision.... :rolleyes:<_<:unsure:


Why does the eTrex Venture Cx not access the sd card for routes and tracks? It seems as though a product originally designed for outdoor handheld travel has become something other than that.


Maybe fix the lock up bug with the text to Speech on the C340 ..


Bug is if you use the text to speech files (ie turn left in 500m into The High Street) the unit locks up every 10 mins or so. The only way to use it is the traditional Garmin speech files (ie turn left in 500m)


Last release for what is a pretty brand new one of their top of the range units was Dec 06, 2005 ...


FWIW - Garmin fif fix this :) The Speech Files have had an Upgrade .. So to get TTS working on a C340 UG the unit to 3.2 and grab the latest speech files .. Ie British Emily is Rev 1.3


I thrid the notion of a soft button to switch from city select to topo. That would be a very nice feacture. I also love the idea of a way of switching from autorouting to offroad. I tend to autoroute everything and then hope for the best that it leads me close enough that i can find the cache. The other thing i would wish for is the unit to be more stable when caching. When im following the little arrow of where to go, my unit always tells me to hold the thing still. Hiking on rocky trails in utah I tend to find that is almost impossable. I always have to stop and let the the unit stabilize. It's really frustrating cause half the time i find i am going the wrong way! :( The geek in me also wants a cool garmin case that i can specifically attach to my camelbak. holding a gps for a mile hike sucks. I want something that attaches to my camelbak so i can have both hands yet keep a good satelite lock for when i get close. I dont know about anyone else but i always keep my gps on and going so i can see exactly how many miles i went and the change in elevation. I own a 60cs if that matters.



Posted (edited)

I want one or two more "map" screens that can be configured with different display options so I can quickly switch between them.


One with no info boxes, another with one set of the info boxes I want and maybe even a third with another configuration.

Edited by kb9nvh

One question. W'hat happened to the D's on the satellite signal bars to indicate a WAAS signal is being received? I liked it in my etrek Legeon but my 60 SCX don't do that. boo hoo


One question. W'hat happened to the D's on the satellite signal bars to indicate a WAAS signal is being received? I liked it in my etrek Legeon but my 60 SCX don't do that. boo hoo


IF you were receiving WAAS birds it would show 'D's. At least mine does. Right now I can't get 35 (being moved) but 33, yeah I know, EGNOS will give 'D's when seen, even though corrections aren't applicable here stateside.


I have a 60csx


I would like the navigation text and the fields on the map page to be sized by the user.

Right now with two field boxes open and the navigation text open while navigating, it takes up around 40% of the screen. The text could easily be half the size and allow more map screen to be shown!


I would like a menu to allow you to see what percentage of your memory card is full.


I also agree with previous notes to see .gpx file description, hints and logs for geocaches on the gps.


I also agree with previous notes that it would be nice to switch from "follow road" to "off road" in the map page in way less key strokes.


I like the idea of multiple custom map pages. Like set up one with follow roads on and fields and navigation text on while traveling, and another with "off road", distance to destination and bearing when you are not on roads.


I wish the compass would stop getting stuck in one direction. (fixed by recalibrating)

I would like a menu to allow you to see what percentage of your memory card is full.

Install the 2.71 beta firmware. Then in the tracks log go to setup, datacard area and it will show you how much of the card has been used.


I've got a base model GPS 60. Works great for me. I'd like Garmin to put an ENTER button in the middle of the rocker, so it would be quicker to enter data. Now you have to "rock" to what you want, then hit a seperate ENTER button.


I would like to see the Garmin talking to gc.com.. If it could upload found waypoints to my profile it would save me some time. This is especially needed for those days when you find numerous caches


Here are two things I would like to see in a future 60CSX software version.


1. Either adjust the turn warning lead times to that of the 60CS or make them user configurable. This is very irritating to me and I don't understand why they mucked it up.


2. Put a Detour feature in that even the legendary GPS V had. I asked Garmin to incorporate this feature when the new 60CS came out, so I doubt they will incorporate it in the 60CSX, but here's hoping.


add NMEA over usb to the 60cx like they just added to the gps60's (basic yellow) last firmware update. I dont have a serial connection on my laptop and don't want to buy franson gpsgate software. I was suprised to see the cheap model have a better feature than the new and improved.


NMEA over usb please!


If you are going to build units with special geocaching features, then please allow us to do two things:


1) hide our hundreds of geocache waypoints that clutter the map when we are not geocaching


2) increase the number of characters in the comments/notes field for waypoints so that we can download the complete hints. Considering that we now have basically unlimited storage capacity with the new x units, this should not be a big deal at all to do.


3) and I'd just like to thank you for making the best gps units out there!

Posted (edited)

What Yucca Patrol said, AND the ability to take a snapshot of our GPSr screen while in the field, save it to our micro sd card and then down load it to the pc when we get home so we can show folks what we're talking about or see out there. Someone suggested it could be as simple as pressing a combo of buttons. Oh, and keep up the good work! :grin:

Edited by Onit

60CSx could use a louder speaker with adjustable volume similiar to those used in most cell phones on the market today (i.e. off-the-shelf-technology).


And more tone selections (even custom ones) I'm old and can't hear most of the high pitched tones very well. (Rock music will do that to ya. :grin: )

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