+geohiker55 Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Any acknolwledgement from TPTB that they're looking into solving the Safari problem? Maybe it would be nice to at least put the old maps back for now until the problem is resolved? I think you can if you disable Java/scripts, you get the old maps back (if I read the thread correctly - I don't use Macs/Safari) I turned off java scripts and I got the old maps back in Safari, so that works. I end up with a second blank box on the left side of the screen but the map works
+ThePropers Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 I love this feature. Thanks to TPTB. Is there any way we could get the "download GPX" link on the map page though? When I'm scrolling around the enlarged map, I still have to click on the cache name, and then bring up the cache page in a new window, and download from there. I'm talking about this screen: Hmmm...oddly enough I can't do a Prt Scr from the page. But I'm sure you know which one I mean.
+frelancr Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 joy and happiness in Mac-land with both Safari & Firefox....whatever you did, it works...thanks!
+firefighterjake Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Just to chime in here . . . chaulk me up to one of those folks who doesn't particuarly like the google maps. Where I am located the maps do not give me a very good idea of the location of the cache in terms of the town or towns it is near. If I zoom out the area is too big and only larger cities are included on the map . . . zooming in gives good detail, but too much to be able to tell at a glance in which town the cache is located. Bodies of water tended to be well marked, but the towns containing the bodies of water (i.e. large lakes) were not marked. I liked the old maps better, but realize that there may be some positives to this change so as long as I can rely on the good ol' Mapquest maps when I go to the "printer friendly" format I'll survive the change.
+Hoppingcrow Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 So far, I am not liking the Google maps. Many of the caches in my area come up displayed on a perfectly roadless field despite being located near paved, named roads (never mind the ones up logging roads!). In fact, I recently checked the Google map for a cache that is at a five-way intersection. The map doesn't show a single road! The feature may be fine for urban cachers, but those of us who live and work in the woods will do better to stick with MapQuest to get us close, and TopoZone to fine-tune it.
+Hynr Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I wonder if it might be worth considering a few additions to the maps for the cachepages: Give the cache owner the choice as to which of the maps comes up as default. Maybe even with a specific zoom level. Add a selection on our user profile that allows us to select which map style we like to see as default. Then if the owner has not selected a particuar map, then the user's choice would prevail. If no choice has been excercised by the owner or user, then Groundspeaks primary choice (Google?) would prevail. Add an icon next to the map to click to cycle through the available maps for that cachepage Add an icon to size the map to be 50% wider. (and have it be sticky) Add an icon next to the map to do what is currently done by clicking on the google pushpin. This would work even if the Mapquest map were visible instead of the Google map. I do like the new maps, but I know that for some situations the old ones are better. And the cache owner would probably know which one is most accurate. Why not have the best of both worlds?
piOver2 Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I haven't seen this one yet. I think it may have started on Sun May 8th (US) Using Opera 8.54 on Linux. I get the old mapquest map, but then approx 12 Google map images load up next to each other covering up most of the mapquest image and causing the browser window to be about 37 feet wide. OK not really 37 feet, but it is so wide as to be difficult to use. If I disable Javascript the problem seems to go away. I suspect it's because the Google Maps images won't load without JavaScript.
+Raine Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 I love this feature. Thanks to TPTB. Is there any way we could get the "download GPX" link on the map page though? When I'm scrolling around the enlarged map, I still have to click on the cache name, and then bring up the cache page in a new window, and download from there. I'm talking about this screen: Hmmm...oddly enough I can't do a Prt Scr from the page. But I'm sure you know which one I mean. If you are a premium member, you can create a bookmark list and just click on an icon next to the cache listing on the right hand side to quickly add caches. From the bookmark list you can create a pocket query which would have your GPX. -Raine
AZcachemeister Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 OK, the new (smaller map, on the cache page) works fine for me (WIN, Firefox, but the larger one (post map click) shows no caches whatsoever. Using IE it works fine, so it's not a bandwidth issue or the like. It worked fine a couple of days ago, when first released, so I assume some of the tweaks applied to fix it for other OS/browser combinations have affected my results. I would also prefer if the cache page map were right-clickable, so I could open it in a new window or tab, and not navigate away from the cache page. Thanks for the new feature! I will be having fun with it once the kinks are ironed out!
+Raine Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Nothing was changed on that page. Do you see any type of javascript errors? Have you cleared your cache and restarted your PC by chance?
+Lignumaqua Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 OK, the new (smaller map, on the cache page) works fine for me (WIN, Firefox, but the larger one (post map click) shows no caches whatsoever. If you use either the Adblock or Adblock Plus extensions in Firefox check that geocaching.com is in your white list. Adblock stops this page working if not (I had the same problem and this fixed it) Mike
+colin&daddy Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Well done on the fix for us Mac/Safari users. It actually doesn't bother me on the left side of the page. Thanks for your prompt attention to the difficulty we were experiencing. Interestingly, I noticed yesterday while playing around, that while the gray box displayed on opening the cache page, if I printed the page, even if only to Preview, the inset map would then load on the cache page and be usable. I'm not a Java or even html maven, so I cannot explain why. But it happened consistently. In any case, the inset map now displays correctly, and I find the zoom level just as useful as before for giving me a general idea of the location. But now, how about the usability? If I now click on the inset, I get a larger map at the same zoom level with 20 random caches which might be 20 miles apart. And the cache for the page I clicked on is usually not even listed. I would suggest that on clicking the inset map, the zoom level then auto-magnifies to show the closest 20 caches, with the current cache listing as #1, is that possible/feasible? Was it doing that previously? I cannot comment on relative accuracy as I haven't compared the various systems extensively in that regard. I can say, with all enthusiasm, that I LOVE having multiple caches display on one map with color coded types and a listing of those caches on the right, even if it does load slowly. So, thanks again for your continuing refinements. I am hopeful that when the bugsget ironed out and I adapt to new potential it'll be a great time-saver. Actually it'll just make it easier for me to waste MORE time planning caching outings and dreamiing of where I'll go next. My wife thanks you!
+colin&daddy Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Here's another two cents, actually a couple of farthings worth: Excluding or denoting found caches somehow would be great. For us older geezers, it's getting harder to remember from the name if we found a cache already. And would there be a way to keep the same random listing when returning to a given map page? If I click on a listing at the right then go to that page, if I back click I'll get a different 20 caches when I might want the same ones. I think that might have been mentioned. Thanks, keep up the good work!
+Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Ok, I must be just plain stupid. I cant figure out, even with the explanations in this thread, how to use the map. The map on the cache page is essentially useless to me. I have no streets named so really have no idea where a cache is located. I end up clicking on mapquest to figure it out that way. Is there a "google maps for dummies" version of instructions on how to use the new map?
+edscott Posted May 9, 2006 Posted May 9, 2006 Have been away for a couple days and saw the new maps at work today (PC). Great improvement and really critical for me and my caching method. Now I am home and get a blank area where I assume the map is supposed to be. Prior to that I get this warning message" "The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/." What does this mean and can I get around the problem? Mac OS X and safari 1.2.4 (v125.12)
+mrducky Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 I keep getting this error: when the address seems to be: http://www.geocaching.com//seek/cache_details.aspx... (<-Notice the two // slashes between .com and seek) when looking at cache pages. Just me? Windows XP Pro-Firefox enabled Same thing happens to me. The extra slash shows up in this scenario: - I click on a link to a cache page that is in an email notification - the browser opens to the cache page, but I'm not logged in yet - I click on the login link, log in, and it takes me back to the cache page automatically - the cache page url now has the extra slash in it and the google map does not work
+Markwell Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/.
AZcachemeister Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 OK, the new (smaller map, on the cache page) works fine for me (WIN, Firefox, but the larger one (post map click) shows no caches whatsoever. If you use either the Adblock or Adblock Plus extensions in Firefox check that geocaching.com is in your white list. Adblock stops this page working if not (I had the same problem and this fixed it) Mike That was it! I whitelisted the site, and now life is good!
+ThePropers Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 If you are a premium member, you can create a bookmark list and just click on an icon next to the cache listing on the right hand side to quickly add caches. From the bookmark list you can create a pocket query which would have your GPX. -Raine Yes, that would work fine, but seems like a lot of work if I only want to grab 3 or 4 caches. Of course, I guess it's not that much work to just open up each cache page and download from there, but would be much quicker if the download link was added to the screen I was talking about. No biggie...just a suggestion.
+Raine Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. Generally, that's a sign that either Javascript is turned off, or something is happening in the browser that is causing the javascript to fail. -Raine
+Prime Suspect Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. Generally, that's a sign that either Javascript is turned off, or something is happening in the browser that is causing the javascript to fail. -Raine It can also happen if the site is being grabbed and displayed from another domain. For example, if you use language translator site against a cache page, you'll probably get this error.
+IntotheWoods Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Love the Google maps--well done! My only request is: will found/owned caches eventually have checkboxes/their own color/any distinguishing characteristics? For me, that's the only thing keeping them from perfection!
+Raine Posted May 10, 2006 Posted May 10, 2006 Just so I can clear some questions up.. Yes, I'll will add the feature to filter your finds on the maps.. just give me some time! -Raine
+Torgut Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 Re: Inset map on cache listing page I have only taken a brief look at this new Google map feature, but my initial reaction is that this map is less helpful than the previous. I use the inset map as an at-a-glance guide to where the cache is located and found the previous incarnation quite useful, as it showed city names, freeways, streets, etc., and gave me an instant awareness of the general area and how I might get there. Then I would click a link to Google maps, or Mappoint to further refine my mapping needs. This new iteration not at all helpful to me in that regard as the default zoom level shows me nothing; I get a white road on a green background and have no idea where it is. Additionally, as a Mac user (the handicaps one has to struggle with) I find that it doesn't even display completely or redraw correctly on clicking. So, although I have and do appreciate the continuing efforts to upgrade and fine tune the site, this latest development has been a step backwards for me. Anyone else have similar thoughts or experiences. Or suggestions how I can use/adapt to the new feature? I know I am in the minority here with regards to the new google map feature in the cache page, but I have to agree with Roger above: I think this is a step backwards. I use googlemaps, but I am not at all impressed with their graphics (often too 'blocky' and cartoony appearing for my tastes), and I really find the bubble pins to be...another significant step backwards in the graphics department. I do think google maps have a lot of potential, but their graphic depiction of maps is sorely lacking in high quality. The geocaching maps have far, far better graphics (and the cache icons are far, FAR superior to the google bubble pins). Second problem I have with google maps is that they load v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. This now increases the load time of cache pages. This, especially unfortunately for me, is a problem. There is a blanket saying that change is good. I disagree. Change can be good, but not all change is good. Just some food for thought. Now I go quietly back to my corner of lurker world. I only came out to put forth a small voice in the din because of the new maps. Sorry for the long quote but it would be stupid to try to find words to express what has been said. I second this guy and his whole idea.
+Shilo Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 Just so I can clear some questions up.. Yes, I'll will add the feature to filter your finds on the maps.. just give me some time! -Raine Thanks Raine for listening to all of our comments (good and bad). I will wait patiently for this feature
+Markwell Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. Generally, that's a sign that either Javascript is turned off, or something is happening in the browser that is causing the javascript to fail. -Raine Interesting that this has worked since minute one for me, and then stopped working on the 9th, and then started working again.
+edscott Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. Generally, that's a sign that either Javascript is turned off, or something is happening in the browser that is causing the javascript to fail. -Raine Interesting that this has worked since minute one for me, and then stopped working on the 9th, and then started working again. Still doesn't work for me in Safari or IE. At work I am OK on a PC but the MAC OS X here at home doesn't understand it. Java is enabled and unrestricted. ...but at work after I customize the map to my needs it reverts back to the original stock version when I go to the printer.. what am I doing wrong there???
+Caveboy_ken Posted May 11, 2006 Posted May 11, 2006 (edited) ARGH, I'm too am having trouble with the new maps. I get a pop up window with the following error when I access any cache page on geocaching.com. "The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps." I did see in an eariler post to this forum this: http://www.geocaching.com//seek/cache_details.aspx... (<-Notice the two // slashes between .com and seek) Looking at the address of the cache pages I'm trying to view they all have this double slash. When one of them is removed the page and the maps load properly without the error. Is it something I'm doing wrong on my end that causes this? Ken Edited May 12, 2006 by Caveboy_ken
+DangerousDale Posted May 12, 2006 Posted May 12, 2006 First off GREAT JOB on the google maps so far!!!! And I know that he is working on removing the Not Found caches, but could you add to that the caches that I have in my ignore list? I go geocaching as a team and I put the ones I find in my team in my ignore list and it would help if I could add that checkbox along with the found caches to not show on the maps. Giving me more room and easier to pinpoint the ones that I haven't found yet? I have this set up in my pocket queries already, but it would nice to have this on the maps for a quick check of the area! Keep up the good work! Dale
+edscott Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 Well I hoped the double slash thing would help.. but I don't get the double slash.. or a map either.. just blank space. If I go to the maps menu on the cache page and go to the Google maps from there the maps come up so why won't it open on the page?
kablooey Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 (edited) Just a note, these are the only browsers that will support the Google Map functionality. Which web browsers does Google Maps support? Google Maps currently supports the following web browsers: * IE 6.0+ * Firefox 0.8+ * Safari 1.2.4+ * Netscape 7.1+ * Mozilla 1.4+ * Opera 8.02+ Any chance you could test whether those browsers are in use and if not, don't bother including the Google Maps JavaScript? Right now, the Google Maps code just runs my device out of memory (and unfortunately purges all my email in the process) just to fail with an error message, leaving the old map showing (thanks for leaving the old map!). So, I've resorted to disabling JavaScript to save myself the hassle. This is also affecting many of the local cachers in my area (Marky, Nazgul, frivlas, kusanagi, Beckerbuns). On a PC, the maps are awesome. I used them last weekend to do a route to Yosemite and back. That's something that has been painful since Buxley's went away. Now, it's actually fun (and it'll be more fun when Found caches can be ignored)! Thanks for the improvement. I think this is the best change I've seen on the site in five years. Edited May 13, 2006 by kablooey
+MrCOgeo Posted May 13, 2006 Posted May 13, 2006 Happening here too. The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. ARGH, I'm too am having trouble with the new maps. I get a pop up window with the following error when I access any cache page on geocaching.com. "The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps." I did see in an eariler post to this forum this: http://www.geocaching.com//seek/cache_details.aspx... (<-Notice the two // slashes between .com and seek) Looking at the address of the cache pages I'm trying to view they all have this double slash. When one of them is removed the page and the maps load properly without the error. Is it something I'm doing wrong on my end that causes this? Ken ----------------- Error Window: The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You ca generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. ----------------- Still hapenning here. Especially annoying on the weekend. I am pretty sure it's the two slashes in the address (i.e. http://www.geocaching.com//seek/cache_details.aspx..) It does happen automatically when browsing caches. (Some sort of load balancing?) Firefox 8.54-Windows XP-Javascript ENABLED: NOT behind any type of proxy, redirector...etc.)
+edscott Posted May 15, 2006 Posted May 15, 2006 Is anyone working on the ... 'Error Window: The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/. ... problem? Seems like there are more than a few people experiencing problems yet no concrete data on how to fix it. If the new maps can not be made compatable with safari and OSX could we have an option in our account preverences to return to the old maps?
+Frank and Peggy Posted May 16, 2006 Posted May 16, 2006 What's with the green box between the "additional hints" and the "logged visits" on the print friendly page. It showed up when the Google maps were announced and sucks up about a quarter of a page.
+Frank22 Posted May 16, 2006 Posted May 16, 2006 Two new Google Map features have been added. This is the place to discuss the new features. I'll follow up with a larger announcement in the announcements section of the forums. I find the features really nice. They make it easier to zero in on an area. Will it be able to ignore the ones already found and not list them similar to the geocache map option? Is there a way to zoom in on the map for the first page of a multi page listing and them zoom out on subsequent pages without changing the list of waypoints?
+JC_Geo Posted May 18, 2006 Posted May 18, 2006 I am now getting the google map error. "The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/." I never got it before. It just started. I am using IE 6.0+ If I take the extra "/" slash out of the URL it works fine.
RKidsRK9 Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 Add me to the growing list of people getting the "Goole Maps API registered for another site" error. Using 2 different PCs, and two different browsers (IE6, Firefox Hopefully a fix is in the works.
+StarBrand Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 FYI: I just looked up a cache on these Google maps and if you live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and use this zip code; 80907, the interstate highway that was shown to me on the map was "85." It is actually Interstate 25 (North & South), always has been and always will be. I am sure. I25 through much of Colorado is also known as US route 85.....same road - 2 names
+fizzymagic Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 (edited) I know this has been asked before, but I couldn't find a definitive answer: Are you planning to change over from showing random caches to showing the ones closest to the center? It's pretty disconcerting to click on the map from a cache page and then not have the cache you clicked from even show up on the map! I would strongly recommend always showing the cache that is nearest to the center of the map. In addition, I would also recommend showing the n caches closest to the center, but if you really want to show random caches, then perhaps could you do a weighted random distribution centered on the center of the map? Me, I think I would choose a radial Gaussian distribution. If you'd like, I will show you the algorithm for choosing a specified number of points from such a distribution. For those who care, the problem is related to the so-called "curse of dimensionality." Choosing a uniform distribution over two dimensions means that the probability of showing the caches near the center is actually less than you would think because the area available for caches grows as the square of the distance from the center. Thus, on average, you will be showing mostly caches far from the center, which are the ones you are least likely to be interested in. Edited May 19, 2006 by fizzymagic
+PDOP's Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 ... It's pretty disconcerting to click on the map from a cache page and then not have the cache you clicked from even show up on the map! I would strongly recommend always showing the cache that is nearest to the center of the map. I agree with this.
+Raine Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 can anyone pinpoint where they are coming into the google maps from that might be adding the extra /?
+MrCOgeo Posted May 19, 2006 Posted May 19, 2006 can anyone pinpoint where they are coming into the google maps from that might be adding the extra /? Honestly, I am not trying to be facitious but...kind of close to everywhere:My Account Details > Search Options > Search for nearest caches from your home coordinates (filter out finds) [GEO] Notify email > Link to cache page (Even shows one slash but with no notice "redirects" to end up with a URL with two slashes) My Account Details > List Newest in (State) It happens very sporadically, sometimes a browing session is free of the error, usually more on the weekends though. Windows XP Pro-Firefox enabled-No proxy/redirectors
+Team Neos Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I just posted a note over in the 'negative' thread, but wanted to be sure to put one here, too. I see that the maps have been changed so the nearest caches to the selected one show up. That is so much better!
+beejay&esskay Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I just posted a note over in the 'negative' thread, but wanted to be sure to put one here, too. I see that the maps have been changed so the nearest caches to the selected one show up. That is so much better! If I understand what you are saying, I'm not seeing that behavior. Showing 20 Random Caches out of 150.
+Team Neos Posted May 21, 2006 Posted May 21, 2006 I just posted a note over in the 'negative' thread, but wanted to be sure to put one here, too. I see that the maps have been changed so the nearest caches to the selected one show up. That is so much better! If I understand what you are saying, I'm not seeing that behavior. Showing 20 Random Caches out of 150. Hmmm, I'm not seeing it now either. I tried a couple of different spots last night before I posted, too, just to make sure it wasn't some fluke. I guess I should have tried a few more cache areas. Oh well, I guess I have to take back all the nice things I said. Too bad. I hope that change is in the works.
+Hynr Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 We seem to still be loading for Tiger maps even if we never get to see them (especially when creating new cache pages). How about giving us a choice as to which map to see. If we can't see the Tiger maps, then at least disable the link so we don't have to wait for something we don't get to see.
+Rhinopkc Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 (edited) I've got a question, when will they edit the map to show paved city streets that have been in existence for over ten years? Edited May 22, 2006 by Rhinopkc
+geohiker55 Posted May 22, 2006 Posted May 22, 2006 I've got a question, when will they edit the map to show paved city streets that have been in existence for over ten years? Google maps are extremely outdated, everyone seems to think that they are updated daily, I have heard about companies painting their companies name on the roof so it will show up in google maps. I am not sure why Groundspeak decided to use them. One sort of nice feature is being able to pick caches along a route and bookmark them. But I still get 20 random caches when I click on the maps instead of a showing of the caches in the area of the cache I am searching. I would like to see a list of all the closest caches from the one I pick Joe
+geognerd Posted May 23, 2006 Posted May 23, 2006 can anyone pinpoint where they are coming into the google maps from that might be adding the extra /? Raine, I just got the Google Maps key error message when I tried to view GCW4ZM. This is a new cache, and I clicked the link in the e-mail I received notifying me of the cache's publication. The URL had // after www.geocaching.com, as described by other people who had this problem. I clicked OK (or whatever the choice was to continue) and the page loaded without the Google Map. When I opened the link in the e-mail in a new tab again, I didn't get the key error message and the URL didn't have the two slashes. The page also had the Google Map this time. Using Yahoo Mail and Firefox v1.5.0.3.
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