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New Google Map Feature


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Posted (edited)

Two new Google Map features have been added. This is the place to discuss the new features. I'll follow up with a larger announcement in the announcements section of the forums.


Sali. i finges eh [profanity removed by moderator].... die nöie chartä si eh für nüt......

entweder mapquest oder de lasches besser la si! laschi lusche!

me seit, oder nid.....

Edited by Moun10Bike
Posted (edited)

I'm using Safari 2.0.3 and cannot view the maps either. I never had any problems with the old maps. I have no problem using Google Maps when going directly to the web site. This really put a hurtin' on the GeoMac users. :shocked:

Edited by dlar3
Posted (edited)

Two new Google Map features have been added. This is the place to discuss the new features. I'll follow up with a larger announcement in the announcements section of the forums.


Sali. i finges eh [removed].... die nöie chartä si eh für nüt......

entweder mapquest oder de lasches besser la si! laschi lusche!

me seit, oder nid.....


Ja los jitz also emal... das isch aber a sehr uhn"uanci"arti meinig, nid?

(eggsg"usi, i han ekei umlaut uf dem kompjuter)

Edited by Moun10Bike

I'm using Safari 2.0.3 and cannot view the maps either. I never had any problems with the old maps. I have no problem using Google Maps when going directly to the web site. This really put a hurtin' on the GeoMac users. :shocked:


Me too, I also tried this on Firefox for Mac OS X and it also refused to show the Google Map properly. It actually sais that the Google Map API is not supported on the browser. Maybe there should be a server side check on the client agent to provide the old style map until Google has support for out beloved OS.


I think it is a Windows thingy or something and I don't touch that stuff, might catch a virus from it ;)

Sure would be nice if TPTB would test changes on a Mac before releasing them.


I dont' have a mac to test with but I do use services provided out there that will do a screen capture of the page and send it to you as an image and for some reason it works for me. I'll look some more into it though.. What cache are you looking at?

I think your question has been answered by many folks--it affects all caches. What system configuration are these "services provided out there" using that return a complete page with the map to you? I've got several Macs with different OS's and web browsers including the latest versions of Safari, Firefox and OmniWeb and none of them will handle the Google links you are using (with the exception of a developer version of WebKit and a beta version of OmniWeb on OS X 10.4.6 only). And it is not just a blank box that is displayed; in some configurations I get various annoying error messages.


As another user mentioned, the new maps also do not work with the Treo 650's web browser which I often use in the field. So, it is not just Macs. If you have no Macs (or Treos) yourself to test, you could let beta testers try out major changes before they are put up on the main site. Even then it would be nice to give people a choice of map displays through preferences because there will always be many users with older systems.


Two new Google Map features have been added. This is the place to discuss the new features. I'll follow up with a larger announcement in the announcements section of the forums.

The new Google map (the tiny one at any GC page) do work in IE, but DON'T work in Maxthon.

Just 1 click for zoom in or out and this tiny map is empty and never shows up again.

I want to revert to the MAPQUEST maps.





I'm having the same problem and hope it will be fixed soon as it would be a really useful feature.


Mac OS X 10.4.6 with Safari 2.0.3.


They're not showing up for me in Safari, although Google Maps stuff usually does. I just see a gray box. (Version 2.0.3 on 10.4.6)

Same here - nothing but a grey box. Safari 2.0.3 on OSX 10.4.4. Google maps works other times.


I'm having the same problem and hope it will be fixed soon as it would be a really useful feature.


Mac OS X 10.4.6 with Safari 2.0.3.


They're not showing up for me in Safari, although Google Maps stuff usually does. I just see a gray box. (Version 2.0.3 on 10.4.6)

Same here - nothing but a grey box. Safari 2.0.3 on OSX 10.4.4. Google maps works other times.


So far I've read that TPTB do not have a Mac to troubleshoot this problem. Perhaps it would be a good investment to get a Mac when making changes that affect all users.

What are you doing to ensure that Mac users get the same good service that others enjoy? I find that this website has degraded rather than improved at this point.




I love this new feature. I don't do much more than try to locate clusters of caches for caching daytrips with my family. This makes it a breeze. Thanks!


I noticed that "print-friendly" retains the Mapquest map. Will that continue (I hope)?


We also hope the "print-friendly" pages continue to use MapQuest.


Also, there seems to be an empty green box between the hints and LOGGED VISITS that takes up a lot of space on the "print-friendly" page.



Posted (edited)

Overall a nice addition. However, I'm finding Google Maps to be less useful since their servers tend to be getting slower... perhaps with more site feeding off them. I frequenty get "We don't have an image for this area" images even though I know they do. I think it just times out and displays the default. Sometimes a page refresh takes care of it... sometimes two or three do it. Now the missing image/timeout is not your fault.... but as far as a cache description page goes...the missing Google map is NOT better than the previous map.


However, when its working... I like the page where you can see other caches in the map and have it update in real time as you drag and zoom. It is a very nice solution for caches-along-a-local-route.


One suggestion... when you click from the cache page to the bigger map and it gives you the "*Showing 20 Random Caches out of xxx." But it would be nice if the #1 slot for the first page was always the cache you just came from. It seems to be caught up in the randomness. Once you get to where the caches are few enough to not be random (ordered by distance I imagine) the original cache is #1. Of course all bets are off once you start dragging the map around. It seems the #1 slot is always the center which makes sense.

Edited by mini cacher
Like the maps, but a few observations:


1. Random caches when too many caches nearby is not useful. ...

I agree that "random caches nearby" is not very useful and that the "twenty caches nearest the selected cache" would by the optimal way to go. Especially when you are trying to clean up the list of caches nearest you, or plan a route.

Also I have noticed that there are slight differences between the list generated of nearest caches selected from the "show nearest caches" link on the cache page and the nearest caches shown on the google map after clicking on the red cache icon on the map from the cache page, even when there are fewer than 20 in the view. I tried in three spots near me, and each time the list was off by one or two caches.


2. Miss the "cache types" feature. Very useful when looking for specific types of nearby caches visually -- for example, don't include Multis or Events, etc.

I like the different colors for different types of caches, but would also like a way to filter for certain types of caches.


3. Missing "show archived" caches. ...

Yes, agreed. I miss that feature also. It was great for looking for places to hide caches.


Are you Mac users tried to use Opera?


I'm not a Mac user, but I get a repeatable error under Opera 8.54 and Win:

After about three clicks on the map buttons, it stops working and the cursor is not operable anymore for the map square (maybe an error with the JS programming?).






I just looked up a cache on these Google maps and if you live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and use this zip code; 80907, the interstate highway that was shown to me on the map was "85." It is actually Interstate 25 (North & South), always has been and always will be. I am sure.




I just looked up a cache on these Google maps and if you live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and use this zip code; 80907, the interstate highway that was shown to me on the map was "85." It is actually Interstate 25 (North & South), always has been and always will be. I am sure.

Why GOOGLE, I am so tied of google this and that all you get with google is what people have paid them to be seen, take it from a former google advertiser. The old maps were fine.


Yesterday I was enjoying all the coolness of this new feature, today no (as in none whatsoever) caches show up after clicking on the pushpin and going to the bigger map.

I have 'Blazer' (web browser) on my cell/PDA (Treo 600), which can't handle the Google API. It reverts to the 'old' style map. Perhaps there is a way to get that to happen on the big boxes?


Are you Mac users tried to use Opera?


Yes, we tried Opera 8.54 on our Mac 10.3.9 and it works! The version of Safari we have (1.3.2) was suppose to work according the the list of compatible browsers that was posted on this forum, and DOES work when we go to Google Maps directly and when we click on the link further down the cache page, but the new map feature showed only as a grey box.


Everything appears to work with Opera (Identifying both as itself and as Internet Explorer) and even though with each click it becomes more and more sluggish, we are very happy to be able to access the new map features which are EXACTLY the ones we thought of when we said to ourselves: ..."wouldn't it be nice if...."

Thanks for reading our minds, Groundspeak!


Fifth St. Irregulars


Are you Mac users tried to use Opera?


No, but I've tested Firefox and it works alright with that browser. BUT...I do not desire to change my choice of browser just to bring me back to a functional cache page. What would I have to do in the next "improvement"?

As noted by someone else it is possible to get the map to show in Safari by running a newer version of WebKit than is installed in OS X 10.4.6. It is updated daily for developers but one version that seems to work is Rev. 13302. This WebKit app looks just like Safari except its icon is a gold rimmed compass instead of silver.

How does it run? It opens a webpage in Safari with no obvious path to fix the Google Map problem.


Really, really nice! I can't wait to plan my next trip using this new map system.


I do have one question though. I have only a few caches of my own, and today I was setting up a new cache and haven't enabled it yet. I put in the coordinates that I thought were probably close to the correct coordinates and then "viewed" my cache page that hasn't been published yet. I could see on the new map on the cache page that the push pin was about where it was supposed to be, but it was not a close enough view to be sure. So, I clicked on the push pin, but when it took me to the larger map I was not able to see the push pin at all, just all the other live caches in the area. However, when I went back to the cache page and I clicked 4 times on the + character on the upper left hand side of the map to zoom in - there was the push pin in just the right place - I could see the park, the streets, etc. with this zoomed in view.


I haven't done very many caches of my own and the ones I did were a while ago, so I don't know if this was the way it has always been with the old maps or not. However, it would sure be nice to be able to click on the push pin on the map on my pre-published cache page to be sure that I have it correct. Thanks!




I just looked up a cache on these Google maps and if you live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and use this zip code; 80907, the interstate highway that was shown to me on the map was "85." It is actually Interstate 25 (North & South), always has been and always will be. I am sure.

I looked this up and looked at a atlas and I-25 is also US highways 85 & 87. In Indiana US 40 follows I-70 as well in places. Here in Georgia, the state (or Public Safety dept) has designated our interstates a state highway number so over the radio I-75 isn't confused with US 75 or GA 75 and google shows this instead of the Interstate number....gets confusing sometimes.

Also, if you click the pushpin and scroll the map I-25 is marked as the interstae along with US 85 & 87.

Why GOOGLE, I am so tied of google this and that all you get with google is what people have paid them to be seen, take it from a former google advertiser. The old maps were fine.


They were not in here.


Two new Google Map features have been added. This is the place to discuss the new features. I'll follow up with a larger announcement in the announcements section of the forums.

The new Google map (the tiny one at any GC page) do work in IE, but DON'T work in Maxthon.

Just 1 click for zoom in or out and this tiny map is empty and never shows up again.

I want to revert to the MAPQUEST maps.





This issue is NO issue any more :D . When I upgraded Maxthon vs. 133build50 to 152build21 the problem was history. Now I can have a real look into the new maps at the GC pages.


The flawless functioning of Maxthon's last release has been restored AFTER Microsoft issued IE update KB912812 :) .


Bye, Barjon.


Any acknolwledgement from TPTB that they're looking into solving the Safari problem?


Maybe it would be nice to at least put the old maps back for now until the problem is resolved?

I think you can if you disable Java/scripts, you get the old maps back (if I read the thread correctly - I don't use Macs/Safari)


In trying to find caches in a new area quickly, I find that I have to immediately click Mapquest. The google maps are wonderful, but you cannot tell where the cache even is. Maybe putting them on more zoomed out would help to find what you are looking for and not have to continually zoom out the google map. I do like the way google shows other caches in the area, once you spend time zooming around in it. Let's start with Mapquest.....it's fast.


In trying to find caches in a new area quickly, I find that I have to immediately click Mapquest. The google maps are wonderful, but you cannot tell where the cache even is. Maybe putting them on more zoomed out would help to find what you are looking for and not have to continually zoom out the google map. I do like the way google shows other caches in the area, once you spend time zooming around in it. Let's start with Mapquest.....it's fast.

I just noticed that the maps are now zoomed out. Great! I like it much better. I am using Maxthon and have no problem. Thanks for the change!


Any acknolwledgement from TPTB that they're looking into solving the Safari problem?


Maybe it would be nice to at least put the old maps back for now until the problem is resolved?

I think you can if you disable Java/scripts, you get the old maps back (if I read the thread correctly - I don't use Macs/Safari)

Which is not a viable solution as it will break any other site I visit that relies on Javascript.


Any acknolwledgement from TPTB that they're looking into solving the Safari problem?


Maybe it would be nice to at least put the old maps back for now until the problem is resolved?

I think you can if you disable Java/scripts, you get the old maps back (if I read the thread correctly - I don't use Macs/Safari)

Which is not a viable solution as it will break any other site I visit that relies on Javascript.

As a work-around, you can click the "make this page printer-friendly" link.


Any acknolwledgement from TPTB that they're looking into solving the Safari problem?


Maybe it would be nice to at least put the old maps back for now until the problem is resolved?

I think you can if you disable Java/scripts, you get the old maps back (if I read the thread correctly - I don't use Macs/Safari)

Which is not a viable solution as it will break any other site I visit that relies on Javascript.

I just meant as a temporary fix until they get it worked out...


I've just put out a fix, that should revert safari users back to the old maps when they visit the cache details page.


I've seen most safari users say they can see the gmnearest.aspx page just fine but not the cache_details.aspx page. If anyone who has a js debugger installed in Safari can tell me if its throwing any type of exception I'd appreciate it.


I've just put out a fix, that should revert safari users back to the old maps when they visit the cache details page.

Now I get no map at all in Safari.

Posted (edited)

Ok.. finally got access to a mac to do some testing.. if anyone with a mac can give it a look-see I'd appreciate it. I got it working on a Safari browser v.2.0(412)




for those interested, it was a css issue. "float:right" messes things up in Safari for some reason.



Edited by raine

Ok.. finally got access to a mac to do some testing.. if anyone with a mac can give it a look-see I'd appreciate it. I got it working on a Safari browser v.2.0(412)



Woo hoo, works for me!


(and it is on the left...)




for now in safari it will have to rest on the left side.. any other browser that works with float:right will be on the right.


Better then a blank square for now :laughing: but I'll keep working on it.




for now in safari it will have to rest on the left side.. any other browser that works with float:right will be on the right.


Better then a blank square for now :) but I'll keep working on it.



It's now showing up on the left in Firefox.


You might want to look at this page, which discusses the Safari/float:right problem. Maybe it'll help.


Ok.. finally got access to a mac to do some testing.. if anyone with a mac can give it a look-see I'd appreciate it. I got it working on a Safari browser v.2.0(412)




for those interested, it was a css issue. "float:right" messes things up in Safari for some reason.




Good job. I think that for the work you do, your boss can spring for a Mac for you, eh?



Posted (edited)

Firefox on the mac or win?


Checked Firefox on my Mac and it's on the left.


Firefox, PC- is also on the left- (

Edited by Pto

I'm pleased with the new Google map features on geocaching.com. But as usual, we're never satisfied with cool, new stuff. We always want more. On the gmnearest page (not the cache_details page), can you a) increase the map size to utilize more available screen space and :) add the same "Found" checkmarks (or something similar) to the cache list on the right side of the screen when users are logged in.


Keep up the good work. Thanks.


Re: Inset map on cache listing page


I have only taken a brief look at this new Google map feature, but my initial reaction is that this map is less helpful than the previous. I use the inset map as an at-a-glance guide to where the cache is located and found the previous incarnation quite useful, as it showed city names, freeways, streets, etc., and gave me an instant awareness of the general area and how I might get there. Then I would click a link to Google maps, or Mappoint to further refine my mapping needs. This new iteration not at all helpful to me in that regard as the default zoom level shows me nothing; I get a white road on a green background and have no idea where it is. Additionally, as a Mac user (the handicaps one has to struggle with) I find that it doesn't even display completely or redraw correctly on clicking.

So, although I have and do appreciate the continuing efforts to upgrade and fine tune the site, this latest development has been a step backwards for me. Anyone else have similar thoughts or experiences. Or suggestions how I can use/adapt to the new feature?


I know I am in the minority here with regards to the new google map feature in the cache page, but I have to agree with Roger above: I think this is a step backwards. I use googlemaps, but I am not at all impressed with their graphics (often too 'blocky' and cartoony appearing for my tastes), and I really find the bubble pins to be...another significant step backwards in the graphics department. I do think google maps have a lot of potential, but their graphic depiction of maps is sorely lacking in high quality. The geocaching maps have far, far better graphics (and the cache icons are far, FAR superior to the google bubble pins).


Second problem I have with google maps is that they load v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y. This now increases the load time of cache pages. This, especially unfortunately for me, is a problem.


There is a blanket saying that change is good. I disagree. Change can be good, but not all change is good. Just some food for thought.


Now I go quietly back to my corner of lurker world. I only came out to put forth a small voice in the din because of the new maps.

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